*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Mr. Paper on December 27, 2003, 08:18:05 pm

Title: Apple vs PC
Post by: Mr. Paper on December 27, 2003, 08:18:05 pm
I am having an argument with a friend about which is the superiour computer.  Of course, I already know that the macintosh is but I need some good arguments to persuade him.  Please give me some good points.....

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 27, 2003, 08:22:38 pm
Compare his crashlog to yours thats what I did to my friend.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 27, 2003, 08:45:39 pm
Tell him you are sticking with the company that INVENTED the Personal Computer.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on December 27, 2003, 08:48:43 pm
Read this page: http://www.xvsxp.com/ (http://www.xvsxp.com/)

A quite nice, fair comparision between OS X and WinXP.


Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: Mr. Lothario on December 27, 2003, 08:57:32 pm
     In all honesty, Mac vs. PC pissing contests are a complete waste of time. The Mac does some things better, the PC does some things better. If a person is solely interested in how much they pay up-front and out of pocket to get a computer, they're going to go PC, every time. If a person is solely interested in playing the newest games, they're going to go PC (or XBox). If a person is interested in using a computer that has a long service life and pretty much works all the time every time, they're going to choose Apple. If a person wants a solid and well thought out UI, they're going to choose Apple.

     Most people only care about the bottom line, so most people use PCs. The minority who care about a polished and generally trouble-free user experience use Macs. Changing the mind of either sort of person is a Sisyphean struggle. It's just not worth the time. I'd rather use my Mac. : D

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: Ssickboy on December 27, 2003, 10:29:47 pm
nicely put.  that viewpoint definately put some things at ease.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: Rock019 on December 28, 2003, 07:00:30 am
(http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/appleadnoprogramstocrash.jpg) (http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/appleadobsoleteshit.jpg)(http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/appleadtwoandtwo.jpg)(http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/appleadpornstar-FatBurger.jpg)(http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/appleadpaythreetimes.jpg)

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: Rock019 on December 28, 2003, 07:02:57 am
tell your friend to get a pc.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: alaric on December 28, 2003, 07:44:36 am
wow, you're dumb.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: bronto on December 28, 2003, 10:36:45 am
it's funny, because here i am rockin a pc and a mac, and i experience less problems on my shitty g3 then my pc. and i payed less for the g3! so go ahead and delete your posts there slick dick because im proving them wrong with real evidence right now.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: BFG on December 30, 2003, 11:44:40 am
Im sorry Rock... did you have somthing intellegent to say?

there are no programs for it to crash? Well the mac im writing from now has not crashed and had to be rebooted for over 4months now i believe - and the last occasion it did crash was becasue i was hammering the hell out of it and doing things i expect would knock your your average Bill gates box out with.

The funny thing is that if apple is absolute shit... then the rest must be the biggest pile of crap on earth. Considering apple created the Personal Computer.... and that it has been and will remain the key inovator in the computing industry means that well how every low you rate apple... the competition will always be rated just that chunk lower!

Like the others said... if all you want to do is play the lastest games you'll buy a PC... if you have a degree in computing and mathmatics all the better as you'll be able to try to solve all the crashes and bugs you'll get. IF your more interested in doing the work you have to do and not worry about your work being errased, your hardrive being home to a few thousand virus's and a user interfact that is less user friendly than a very angry hippo.

God its time like this im so tempted to abuse my moderator rights and delete the shit out of you ;) xxx

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: |MP|Nomad on December 30, 2003, 02:34:45 pm
Im sorry Rock... did you have somthing intellegent to say?

there are no programs for it to crash? Well the mac im writing from now has not crashed and had to be rebooted for over 4months now i believe - and the last occasion it did crash was becasue i was hammering the hell out of it and doing things i expect would knock your your average Bill gates box out with.

The funny thing is that if apple is absolute shit... then the rest must be the biggest pile of crap on earth. Considering apple created the Personal Computer.... and that it has been and will remain the key inovator in the computing industry means that well how every low you rate apple... the competition will always be rated just that chunk lower!

Like the others said... if all you want to do is play the lastest games you'll buy a PC... if you have a degree in computing and mathmatics all the better as you'll be able to try to solve all the crashes and bugs you'll get. IF your more interested in doing the work you have to do and not worry about your work being errased, your hardrive being home to a few thousand virus's and a user interfact that is less user friendly than a very angry hippo.

God its time like this im so tempted to abuse my moderator rights and delete the shit out of you ;) xxx

Here here!!

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: |K^C|Scrach on December 31, 2003, 02:01:31 am
PCs are only good if your only goal in life is to play games.  And if that is the only goal it is still a pain in the ass to fulfill it.  PCs have the majority of the viruses written for them and they are full of flaws and shit like that.  It comes down to this if you wan't a disposable computer that you can play games on choose a pc if you wan't a computer that will last forever and you can still play games on choose a mac.  

{Bill Gates is an a-hole}

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: crypt on December 31, 2003, 02:22:48 am
Well, Windoze XP in general has a lot of open back doors.

Title: Re:Apple vs PC
Post by: BFG on January 02, 2004, 11:49:46 am
Here's a little comparison for ya... Last week i was fine cutting an edit for a film which was to be authored for DVD. Now as some of you will no the final process before starting the DVD authoring is to export your footage as mpg2 . So. On your left is bfg, he has a mac duel G4 1Ghz mac running 10.3 . On  your right is bfg's mate who is running a 2.8Ghz Windows XP machine.

BFG use's FCP 4 to edit his footage and DVD Studio pro for the authoring. Rather than working in Uni and having to struggle to book equipment bfg works at home. BFG's mate also wants to work at home. But he can't use FCP becasue it dosn't exist for the PC... He can't get access to an Avid machine as well they are booked up for a year or four. So he gets a copy of Premier and sits at home. 4 Days later he has managed to patch his computer, update the dowloaded update patching errror removing updater which removes the damaged patch file updater which F*cked his computer up. Finally he gets premier working.
He then tries to inport his footage. In the space of ONE day his XP machine proceeds to crash a total of 11 times. Thats ELEVEN times.

For the record my computer shockingly fell asleep a total of one time... becasue it finnished its work and got bored waiting for me to come back from drinking coffee.... the dvd was burn't hand finnished in about 2 days. Im still waiting to hear whether my mate has managed to find a mac to run DVD Studio Pro on so he can author his......

I won't go on... i think you probably get the general gist of things ;)