*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Casper on December 26, 2003, 04:53:46 am

Title: is special forces still around?
Post by: Casper on December 26, 2003, 04:53:46 am
well is it cause that is some crazy conspericy shit where all the kool kids get to laugh and talk about the uncool noobs :P

not that i really care all that much but im just trying to catch up so i can make my re-entry to mac gaming... thats still just getting 3 year old games HAHA!


Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on December 26, 2003, 08:06:37 am
     Nope, it's not. Please ignore my tag, nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 26, 2003, 08:14:23 am
He is simply in the "special" class... if you catch my drift.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Cossack on December 26, 2003, 05:07:17 pm
Loth, to make them shut up we need to put on our black cloaks and sacrafice a virgin (shouldnt be too hard to find) noob on the altar of leetness.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: tasty on December 26, 2003, 08:49:22 pm
Hey you guys post in my new black ops thread about casper. It's hilarious.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Kuza-lazy on December 27, 2003, 01:53:57 am
o God just wait until Ghost sniper sees this post...

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Casper on December 27, 2003, 02:59:39 am
Hey you guys post in my new black ops thread about casper. It's hilarious.
ahhh i wana see it :(

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: the oNe on December 27, 2003, 04:16:59 am
It takes 100 forum regulars to take down 1 special forces user. Die!!1

the 99 unlucky regulars:  :P    the special guy  ::)

the lucky regular:(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/uzi.gif) unlucky  :-[

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 27, 2003, 06:39:05 am
I'm poster #21 (See top 30 posters in member's list).
If you only count the people that post regularly in the General Gossip, I'm poster #16.
The only people within those top 16 that do not have some title (DAMN Staff, BL Staff, Special Forces, Resident Ass (Ace..heheh), etc.) are me, kami, and bronto.

I propose that we (Me, Kami, and Bronto) get titled "Useless Post-Count Whores"

...with access to the Black Ops section, obviously.  :)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: bronto on December 27, 2003, 07:36:40 am
yes, i do second that, yes i am drunk. yes.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Casper on December 27, 2003, 07:40:31 am
hey i post reguarly and im in the top 17 of ur list then :D

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on December 27, 2003, 05:44:05 pm
Those who pride themselves on posts are obviously lacking any true meaning in their life.

Now flame away homoposters 8)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 27, 2003, 07:38:18 pm
Those who pride themselves on posts are obviously lacking any true meaning in their life.

Now flame away homoposters 8)

But we all know that the more posts you have, the longer your penis is.   ;)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on December 27, 2003, 08:40:11 pm
Well, I don't post as much as some of the other guys, but i do kiss Mauti's ass pretty well. Same with Evill's. I think I kiss everyone's ass actually. Maybe I can me the official ass-kisser. ...With access to the Black Ops section.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Brain on December 27, 2003, 10:48:20 pm
sorry, ass kissing skills will not get you accesss to the shrine of letness known as the black ops section. ass kicking (of the forum kind)skills work better

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on December 28, 2003, 05:05:32 am
Aw. :( Well, I can kick some ass, too. You've seen it, I've seen it. The American people have seen it.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 28, 2003, 06:38:12 am
I remember asking Snake (don't ask who he is if you don't know already) on the night he left if I could have his account/pass so I could sneak a peek in the Black Ops section. The bastard said no.  :D Speaking of Snake... anyone hear anything about him? Has he gotten his ass shot again? (quite literally)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: BFG on December 30, 2003, 11:48:21 am
Just regarding the topic i'd love to add my thoughts... lol  ;D

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 30, 2003, 06:08:17 pm
Just regarding the topic i'd love to add my thoughts... lol  ;D

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 30, 2003, 08:57:51 pm
I think you have to be a moderator or something to get in or just an active poster on serious topics *glares at snipe* I got access to it when I became a moderator of the RS section.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: BFG on January 03, 2004, 08:11:27 pm
Im just constantly amazed by some of the topics that are started on the forums... heh

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 03, 2004, 10:05:59 pm
...or just an active poster on serious topics *glares at snipe*

At least I'm not an active poster on the Spam Dropbox *glares at haz*


Page 3: Haz: 5 posts, one of them was a smiley face, another was "Get borrrreeeeeeed"
Page 12: Haz: 4 posts, two of them being "\\'oot"

Didn't even bother looking in the middle, just wanted to get some info from the beginning and end of the drop box, but suppose that averages to 4.5 posts per page, 14 pages.

Wow... that's about 63 posts just from the SPAM DROP BOX #3!
multiply that by 3 to include the other 2.

Eep! Almost 200 posts in the spam drop boxes.

Now what were you saying about posting in serious topics only?

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: KoS Ultimo on January 04, 2004, 12:04:02 am
I do believe Snipe just owned you Haz.....  ;)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: BFG on January 05, 2004, 07:16:21 pm
it would appear so ;)
Agent SNiPE    1
Hazz                0

Do i hear the bell?

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Jeb on January 05, 2004, 07:29:41 pm
snipe, can i have your autograph

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 05, 2004, 11:16:47 pm
Only if you buy me a G5, Jeb.

...and on another note...

I GOT A CUSTOM TITLE!!! "USELESS POST-COUNT WHORE!!!" Also... I'd like to thank my partner in post count whoring, Bronto.

Secondly, congrats to Mellow's new title.  :)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on January 05, 2004, 11:22:31 pm
Those who pride themselves on posts are obviously lacking any true meaning in their life.

Now flame away homoposters 8)

But we all know that the more posts you have, the longer your penis is.   ;)

Just regarding the topic i'd love to add my thoughts... lol  ;D

That's what the spam box is meant for, not what this thread is meant for. 2 posts in a serious thread one being a very sad post about penis size which obviously shows Snipe's post compensates for something :o . And the other just a smiley. I guess it counts where you post your spam. (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/hm.gif)

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: bronto on January 06, 2004, 01:05:49 am
ty ty ty.

Title: Re:is special forces still around?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 06, 2004, 01:33:04 am
Uh oh... Haz needs a hug. Come here haz...

*** Snipe switches himself with Rapid as Haz approaches him, blinded by his own tears.


I <3 you haz.