*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: KoS.Rebel on December 24, 2003, 07:59:20 pm

Title: Something to think about
Post by: KoS.Rebel on December 24, 2003, 07:59:20 pm
First off i hope this doesnt get removed but here goes nothing.

The post about GR rumors was obvisouly removed, but i still have something to say about it. Us non premium users feel degraded that we keep losing privilages, but to those with premium allready it doesnt matter and they side with Evill completely. Now lemme ask you something, lets say Evill announces that all non premium users will be limited to games and the Main Lobby only. This would scare us all into buying premium. Now whats to stop Evill from doing this and then getting a BOAT LOAD of money from everyone rushing to buy GR premium, and then he ends Gameranger permenantly? Imean no more GR. He has just gained 50 dollars from about 500 people. Thats 25 grand ladies and gents. The man could make us pay, and then scam us. Does anyone else not see this coming? We dont know him, no one does. Whats to stop it from happening? I think this whole thing comin up is a scam and there is nothing any of us can do about it. We dont know his name, for all we know his name could not be Scott Kevill, we dont know where he lives, we dont know WHO he is. All we know is his name is Evill. Its a scary world and im, not about to trust this guy. He has provided a great service to the mac community for the past few years but whats to stop a possible scam? I dunno what yall think but this is my view. I know he needs money, and i know GR rules, but im just laying out the truth. I hope that my point gets made to those who read this before it is removed because no one likes a guy who sees through a scam. Oh well.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Civrock on December 24, 2003, 08:28:33 pm
omg omg! santa stole my cookies! :o >:(

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: crypt on December 24, 2003, 08:37:09 pm
lol rebs, I highly doubt that would happen, if so he would have a giant lawsuit up his ass, which i guarantee he wouldn't want.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Toxic::Joka on December 24, 2003, 10:30:15 pm
lol, yea your right! we could never track down the owner of Gameranger technologies? registred company, ok sry - couldnt resist it  ;D

Those who don't get premium and defend it with "im only here for the games", don't really need all the extra stuff as clan chat room, voice apps and such - If they truly only are on GR for the games. Obviously if they want to socialize in B&G, spend more time on GR than just the games.

Maybe he has earned more than the server cost, maybe he hasent - But you gotta admit Gameranger is a awesome invention. I think he deserves to drive a mercedes, Ohwait 25k dosent get you a mercedes...Pay pay pay!!!

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 24, 2003, 11:03:49 pm
Why in the hell would you think it's a scam since he's been letting us leech it for years now?

Think about it.

And even if he did, it's not like I haven't gotten $50 worth of use out of GR for the past 18 months.  

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Mr.Mellow on December 25, 2003, 01:41:44 am
He's also stated a few times that he'd reimburse new premium users if he shutdown GR. Wouldn't worry about it too much.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: crypt on December 25, 2003, 01:50:05 am
I see it as a good idea to start taking away non-premium features slowly while adding premium features slowly. If GR started as a pay-only service, would you be bitching about it now? I don't think so.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Typhy on December 25, 2003, 02:49:16 am
 Scott Kevill's future, wether in GameRanger or not, is in the software deveolpment industry. Don't you think that he'd want to protect his reputation?  

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Mr. Paper on December 25, 2003, 05:39:02 am
He's also stated a few times that he'd reimburse new premium users if he shutdown GR. Wouldn't worry about it too much.

I also heard that, and Buc is right about how he has already supplied us with gameranger for so many years already.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Jeb on December 25, 2003, 06:32:16 am
i just got an email from scott@gameranger.com that talked about how i inherited 3million dollars from an african prince.
Perhaps this humble noob speaks the truth (rebel).

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: kos.viper on December 25, 2003, 06:56:58 am
I'd think more people would be buying premium if it was say $30 or $40 instead of $50 a year.  And before someone attacks me with the bullshit of how $50 is not a lot of money for a year, stop to think about the average age of the GR user.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 25, 2003, 07:19:36 am
We dont know his name, for all we know his name could not be Scott Kevill, we dont know where he lives, we dont know WHO he is.

Well, unless he went to Macworld NY 2002 after having learned a fake Australian accent, then lied about his name for his MWNY nametag, and then got plastic surgery to make him look like the guy on PlanetGameRanger, I would have to say that he is who he says he is.

Shoulda asked for his autograph.  ;)

Anyway don't worry reb, the chances of any of that happening are quite slim, IMHO. Sure, let him improve premium as much as he wants, and turn non-premium to crap. It's his business. But if he turns non-premium to crap, then less people will use gameranger. If less people use gameranger, advertisers won't support him, and game developers will not see a need to have GameRanger implemented into the multiplayer functions. It's all a big vicious cycle.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: kami on December 25, 2003, 01:01:48 pm
Haha Jeb, you have to post that mail on here, I love those things.

Title: Re:Something to think about
Post by: spike on December 26, 2003, 03:49:46 am
vipers got a point. i just turned 18, and my parents dont pay for much(i pay for my cell phone service, games, clothes) and fifty bucks isnt something to throw away lightly. but then again it is an amazing service that scott has slaved over. its more like a luxery, if i have some extra cash, ill buy it.