Title: Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on December 23, 2003, 12:21:01 am Now that RvS is out and a ladder is hopefully coming soon, I am starting this thread so we can talk aout it and and things that you see in the game (i.e. glitches, bugs, things to look out for, sugestions on how it should be hosted). Just leave comments about it. ANY OFF TOPIC POST WILL BE DELETED.
Split topic for rule suggestions to be separate from bug and glitch reports -Haz Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: Jeb on December 23, 2003, 02:16:35 am Anyone figure out how to change maps when hosting without crashing the server or using the console?
Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: kos.viper on December 23, 2003, 03:14:48 pm All the console commands for RvS are listed here.
http://www.agr-s.com/html_reports/fieldreport0123.htm#2 Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: crypt on December 24, 2003, 02:25:10 am Bugs that I've found:
1. A rare but annoying as hell bug that causes the game not to end when all objectives or opponents are eliminated. 2. When you go to "Quit Raven Shield" from the escape key menu while in game, the game freezes. More later....... Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 24, 2003, 05:12:59 am God bless Force Quit.
I have noticed way too many crash-on-quit bugs in RvS. That and the slow as hell multiplayer menu are the only things that "bug" me. Snipe, its probably do to the fact that your operating under the minimum requirments - voods Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: Typhy on December 26, 2003, 09:32:47 pm Noto, back when RS was active, it took about 40 CBs to win a season.
Don't give me this shit about how people didn't camp at RS because there weren't many CBs. Ult is 100% right. People didn't camp because of respect, and they'd get tons of shit if they did. If all you care about is winning, then you'll find a way to win; if there's no respect, there's nothing, just a bunch of newbie campers. Title: Re:RvS.... Post by: Noto on December 29, 2003, 03:54:40 am If all you care about is winning, then you'll find a way to win; if there's no respect, there's nothing, just a bunch of newbie campers. I hope you didn't mean "you" as in me. I couldn't care less about winning. If I did, I wouldn't have founded The .::|N|etwork. I would have stayed where I was. And by the way, I can give you all the shit I want to. .::|N| Noto Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: Typhy on December 29, 2003, 04:20:58 am No, that wasn't directed at you.
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: BFG on December 29, 2003, 02:22:03 pm Um guys is this not slightly shifting away from the topic in hand?
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: kos.viper on December 29, 2003, 02:57:43 pm Try playing the Meat Packing Plant. Go outside and look out towards the trees and watch your FPS drop to almost 5 from 40. I've also noticed quite a few clipping incidences so far, but there is nothing you can really do about that.
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: KoS.Rebel on January 01, 2004, 06:41:08 am LoL i agree with Typhy about the fact of not camping in RS. I just wasnt done. Basically because if u camped....u were considered noobs and no one bothered warring you. We will most likely do the same with RvS. If you camp u will carry the rep of being a camping clan making it nearly impossible for u to win the BL due to no one warring you. So its basically u war the right way, meaning u dont camp unless its forced opon u ie. u hear some1 and u stop to wait for them. This isnt GhR where u go prone for 30 min to get one kill, this is RvS where u run and die. [edited for flaming, watch what you post here. -Haz]
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: crypt on January 01, 2004, 07:44:14 pm Most of you guys never played a GhR cb, that bs is just what you assume. I'm not trying to argue here, it's just that you guys are posting bs about GhR when you never cb'ed (or maybe even played) in the game. You just go along with what others say and don't play the game for yourself.
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: .vooDoo. on January 04, 2004, 07:27:17 am off topic and no one providing anything new about problems within the game.
Title: Re:Rainbow Six 3 :: Raven Shield Bugs and Glitches Post by: BFG on January 05, 2004, 07:01:57 pm Oi! I didn't post the warning about this topic being of the subject in hand for the fun of it. Either get back to the topic or all posts will be deleted. Im getting sick of the stupid bitching that is going on. If you have something usefull to say regarding Bugs or Glitches within the game please do, if your going to complain about camping or how one game is supior to the other then get your posts deleted.
Can we please get back to the Topic! ps. KoS rebel i do not recall seeing you in many GhR games so i find it a little curiouse how you seem to believe you are in a possition to make such a statment! Even after hazards edit the post seems nothing but a seach for an argument. please dont! thanks |