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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: alaric on December 22, 2003, 08:23:06 am

Title: The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: alaric on December 22, 2003, 08:23:06 am
Here are two very interesting articles that claim that Kurdish forces (PUK) are the ones who found and captured Saddam. The articles go on to state that Saddam was drugged and left for US forces to pick up.

http://www.smh.com.au/cgi-bin/common/popupPrintArticle.pl?path=/articles/2003/12/21/1071941612613.html (http://www.smh.com.au/cgi-bin/common/popupPrintArticle.pl?path=/articles/2003/12/21/1071941612613.html)

http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=1514&u=/afp/iraq_saddam_britain&printer=1 (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=1514&u=/afp/iraq_saddam_britain&printer=1)

Title: Re:The Kruds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: tasty on December 22, 2003, 09:25:28 am
Shocking *rolls eyes*. This won't make any difference in terms of what happens with Iraq or anything important, but I think that it could have a large effect on the Bush spin machine. News shows have been lauding this all week as a personal victory for Bush? perhaps it still is, but this will definitely be a chink in his armor.

Title: Re:The Kruds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: BFG on December 22, 2003, 10:54:56 am
Awsome... typical.... amazing. well i hope this sticks in Bush's throat and chokes him, not that it will im sure. Just shows how you never really know that what your beiing fed by the Americans has any thread of truth in it... or rather just the selective bits of infromation they would like you to know!

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on December 22, 2003, 01:41:15 pm
It's always been the "Selective bits" they want us to know. We Amerians have mastered the art of mis-information and propaganda. But as stated in 'A few good men' You can't handle the truth. ( "You" as in most people, not all ). There is so much shady shit that goes on it would make most of us sick, all that really matters is the final outcome, Saddams gone, period. I don't give a shit how they found him or who really found him first.

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 22, 2003, 03:35:16 pm
And how do we know that these reports aren't some sort of made-up stories to make Bush look bad?  Wouldn't suprise me a bit if Tom Daschle didn't dress up as a Kurd and feed those stories to the press in Baghdad.......


Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: C-Tollins on December 22, 2003, 05:15:32 pm
Does anyone else think that Hussein, when captured, looked like Jerry Garcia?

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: tasty on December 22, 2003, 06:52:04 pm
And how do we know that these reports aren't some sort of made-up stories to make Bush look bad?  Wouldn't suprise me a bit if Tom Daschle didn't dress up as a Kurd and feed those stories to the press in Baghdad.......

Please tell me this is a joke.


go visit freerepublic.com, it will make you feel better about yourself  >:(

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 22, 2003, 07:21:08 pm
And how do we know that these reports aren't some sort of made-up stories to make Bush look bad?  Wouldn't suprise me a bit if Tom Daschle didn't dress up as a Kurd and feed those stories to the press in Baghdad.......

Please tell me this is a joke.


go visit freerepublic.com, it will make you feel better about yourself  >:(

Cool....thanks for the site tip!  I like it!  I don't generally frequent politically motivated sites (as one side generally tries to spin news to fit their own beliefs), but I will definitely bookmark this one.  That really is true though--always be careful where the information is comming from....always try to get it from a neutral non-biased 3rd party (which doesn't exist....lol).

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: Cutter on December 22, 2003, 07:36:20 pm
i seriously doubt that if the kurds had caught him first that we would've seen images of him getting a medical exam. it'd be more of a coroners exam. "the kurds drugged him and abandoned him for the americans to pick up". yeah ok. i'd believe that they played a mojor role in intell, and accompanied the american troops, but to believe they caught him and just handed him over without a scratch? hell no the kurds want him dragged through the streets more than any group.
and if it were true (and it's not) the method doesn't really matter. before usama was the most wanted man in the world there was a guy named Ilich Ramirez Sanchez. better known as "carlos the jackal" an international terrorist for hire. he got old and retired in sudan, then a safe haven for terrorists. the sudanese in an attempt to better international relations turned him into the french government. he was drugged, blindfolded, gagged, put in a potato sack and thrown in the bottom of a cargo plane until he landed in france where he sits in jail for life.
in the 90's after usama had been kicked out of saudi arabia, he went to sudan, where after a short time the sudanese offered the same deal to president clinton to hand over usama. clinton choose not to...because "it would look bad". there are some people that really deserve to be brought to justice, in some cases (like these mentioned) how they were captured isn't as important as the fact that they were captured. but still if the kurds got him first....he'd be dead right now.

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on December 22, 2003, 08:53:34 pm
Cutter is correct.
If the kurds actually caught sadam he would of been found in pieces and just plain dead.  There is no chance they would keep his ass alive.  It would be most glorious to them and their effort for a kurdish country to achieve such a thing.
It would be like saying an American Militia or the KKK found Osama and only gave him a shot so the cops could come get him.  The idea is nuts.

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: seth on December 22, 2003, 09:54:13 pm
One thing is sure though, its not the US intelligence that caught him. If this story spreads out, its bad news for Bush, and good news for us in october next year

ps: How about the Kurds turned Saddam to the US in exchange of something, like a country where they could live happily ?

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: Jeb on December 23, 2003, 02:12:40 am
Its bad news for bush, because we all know that everything that is posted on the internet is TRUE.</sarcasm>
note any names in that article? I'll believe it when i see it in the real news.

I remember reading about how we used tactical nuclear weapons in Iraq, silly internet.

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: c| Hathcock on December 23, 2003, 07:14:41 pm
In order for that story to be true than the Bush administration would have had to somehow dupe the 600 American troops that were in the area looking for Saddam into thinking that they actually found him.  And I have heard nothing of him appearing drugged, he gave up of his own accord and was fully aware.  Some of the very men that were there at Saddam's capture have been interviewed of the events and not a hint was mentioned of some Pre-Capture. Those soldiers would have been pissed as hell if they thought they were part of some damn scheme when there lives are on the line.

Title: Re:The Kurds (Not the US) Caught Saddam
Post by: bronto on December 23, 2003, 11:17:40 pm
actually when they first caught him, they said he appeared delerious and confused, and wouldnt speak. only later did he start speaking. now im not agreeing with anything, but i usually look like saddam when im blazed. (bad joke)