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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Cossack in Washington DC on December 13, 2003, 10:33:02 pm

Title: Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Cossack in Washington DC on December 13, 2003, 10:33:02 pm
Well I was sent up to the federal capitol this week to do some lobbying and attend some politica workshops and confrences in my own russian way (KGB style). So far I have met with the Russian Ambassador and the Lithuanian Ambassador. I have also overseen James Carvill debate with Richard Novak at George Washington University (a school I am to go to next year) this week. I hob nobed with the most powerful people of this nation and some of my homecountry. A delegation from the Russian Federation came through and I accompanied them to the White House.

So far it is very interesting and it is remarkable how I bullshitted my way into such an opportunity. Well there are some hot chicks on this trip and there will be plenty pictures of nice women and powerful people.

So until I get back to Austin I will bid y'all a dasvadanya and a further debreifing of my trip.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Jeb on December 13, 2003, 10:54:19 pm
Does the CIA know that your traveling about the country?

oh wait, nevermind i see they just upgraded the Terror alert level to red...

have a nice vacation cossack, drink a few dozen for me.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Mr.Mellow on December 14, 2003, 04:26:45 am
Haha, nicely done, Coss. Nicely done. ;D

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 14, 2003, 04:45:11 am
Do they allow prisoners at Leavenworth to use Macs?  What about Guantanamo Bay?  =D

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 14, 2003, 07:33:25 am
Do they allow prisoners at Leavenworth to use Macs?  What about Guantanamo Bay?  =D

No, Bucc, Fort Leavenworth is a bit like Hell will be.....everyone is forced to use PC's 24 hours a day!

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Typhy on December 14, 2003, 08:51:26 am
No, Bucc, Fort Leavenworth is a bit like Hell will be.....everyone is forced to use PC's 24 hours a day!

That should be a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 14, 2003, 10:40:36 am
No, Bucc, Fort Leavenworth is a bit like Hell will be.....everyone is forced to use PC's 24 hours a day!

That should be a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Yeah, but I didn't tell you the worse part yet.  The guy running the evil place with the PC's......you know, SATAN......it's BILL GATES!

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Cossack on December 15, 2003, 04:41:18 am
Well I am back in my shack in the middle of Cousin Fuck, Texas. All I can say is Washington DC is a very nice city and the buildings are so elegant. It feels like you are in the middle of an empire. You can feel the amount of power radiating from this city. The city really does feel like Rome did back in the days of Octavian.

Well I went up to the federal city in a college confrence. I met democrats and republicans, uggos and horney interns. The first order of buisness was to debate the issues in a forum among my peers from across the nation. The debate was mostly centered around the patriot act. Next I came to the Russian Embassy on 20th and L street. Over there I met the staff of the ambassador and helped many of them do their office work and prepare for the meeting with staff of Colin Powell's at the State Department. I took no part in the discussion, but I listened to oil proposals, and trade rights proposals in a post war Iraq.
Politics got boring and I soon found that I had a good amount of respect for Republicans. Respect came in the form of a blonde Oregonian. I think anyone can come to a conclusion what happened after that (nothing like being a handsome Russian).
Then I traveled to the National Press Club (it was 5 am and I was half asleep) when I heard that Sadaam was captured. Everyone in the room was jubilantly shocked. We made a toast to the Iraqi people and continued to eat the food that rich people eat.
FYI it has been the first time I have seen snow since I left Russia. All Austin gets is sleet every few years.
I can safely say I had the most exciting week out of all of you. I was lobbying, escorting high profile people, obtaining new found respect for republicans, and seeing the sights and sound of that great city.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: alaric on December 15, 2003, 05:53:29 am
The city really does feel like Rome did back in the days of Octavian.

God damn, you really area an old fuck aren't you coss. But I get your tounge-in-cheek reference. I fear it shall not be long now...

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: cO.Kuza on December 15, 2003, 06:26:13 am
I'm going to DC for X-mas, have done this for 4 years. I think this city is extremly boring and these hot chicks you speak of i never see. Everything is grey and dull. but yes there are some nice buildings.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: Cossack on December 15, 2003, 06:30:39 am
Well we imported the chicks from Universities all around the nation, and DC was enjoyable for me because I was in the presence with all these powerful people. It is not really a good place to go on vacation unless you had the contacts that I had.

Title: Re:Yo, its me just after a full day of DC
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 15, 2003, 08:14:12 am
Isnt DC the murder capitol of the country?

anyways, good to hear from my russian comrade. Sounds like you had a great time and did a little pimping on the side. cOOt!
