*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: e?e G??nk on December 11, 2003, 08:25:14 pm

Title: e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 11, 2003, 08:25:14 pm
After reading what Ace, moderator of this forum, and also lots of US guys have to say about French people, I decided to retire my clan from the battle league.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 11, 2003, 08:43:00 pm
As much as Bob has said about Americans, long before the French bashing started, I don't think you really have the moral high-ground here.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: alaric on December 11, 2003, 08:45:34 pm
Guys guys guys! I just figured it out! All this time we were holding Bondo to American standards when he was French all along! Man, we really owe him an apology, it wasn't fair to judge him by another culture like that....

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: seth on December 11, 2003, 09:48:14 pm
Hum Bucc,

Quote only ONE of my posts bashing americans, i will give you an apology for the following:
"remove the shit thats in your eyes"

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 11, 2003, 10:13:45 pm
Hum Bucc,

Quote only ONE of my posts bashing americans, i will give you an apology for the following:
"remove the shit thats in your eyes"

"doesn't make you any less stupid. At least americans have an excuse..."

That's one, didn't have to go far to find it.  And I wasn't actually referring to the forums, but more a discussion we had on GR, where you did much bashing.

So now, get that cock out of your mouth and start apologizing.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: seth on December 11, 2003, 10:22:21 pm
Its not bashing americans, i was talking about the Irak war: the americans dont like the french since that time, and they have an "excuse" to bash them.

And how amusing is that, you were talking about the discussions we had on GR. How convenient !!

You're pathetic.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 11, 2003, 10:30:55 pm
No Bob, I'm not the one running away like a little girlscout, that would be the pathetic part.

And I have news for you, the way you posted it, it was bashing Americans.  But I forgot, you are the one too stupid to read Brains post and never actually figured out why you got kicked from our server.

And I'm glad you find it amusing that I remember our conversations from GR.  What, you don't think I should let that color my reactions or feelings about you?  Get a clue.  Or, better yet, just fuck off.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: seth on December 11, 2003, 10:37:23 pm
Feel free to read my signature...

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e GiaN on December 11, 2003, 10:55:00 pm
As much as Bob has said about Americans, long before the French bashing started, I don't think you really have the moral high-ground here.
Odd, I suddenly have the feeling that CB is going to stand for Continent Battle.... :)

I can hardly imagine Bob bashing, he is one of the more relaxed members of my clan. Well I was not personally there, so I cant judge the situation as posted. Maybe it was a bit unrelaxed that day.

Hey Bob I don't know what words you have used in the game room... Maybe they seemed more like bashing to people who are born in the USA. My point is you are a Frenchman in the west coast time zone. You will be playing against more Americans than I do lately, you gotta understand that it can become different after we have gone to bed in Europe. I am sure you know what I mean here...

I must say that I played a lot of GhR (clanless ) this summer while I was staying in the US. I can confirm that the style of hosted games with mainly American players is really different than what I find after returning to my home town (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). I must add that I joined e?e because of the large variety in member nationalities and matureness of prime members. Hence I am amazed more about the point in this topic. I find that it helps building basic human respect to confront yourself more with other nationalities and language areas. I learned that members of the same clan can even have misunderstandings or misinterpretations on simple issues. Imagine one also learns pretty quick to always realize things might not be as bad, as loud, or as mean as they sound.

A general note to people who host games: Stop the bashing using words first if bad behavior shows in your room, or try at least some words before clicking the eject button. Do not kick a player immediately even if you are in a bad mood yourself. A host or admin should be the first to try to understand that some people can have a bad mood and feel 180 degree different the next day. Also some people are born as assholes and still can play well. Does in that case a light slip of temper make them unwelcome forever? If you have the power to kick players that annoy you, try to suppress the first urge, 50% of the irritation can be your own state of mind. Once you see that, 10 seconds later, you might not press the button anymore and just continue playing.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 11, 2003, 11:16:05 pm

While your post is nice and respectful, I'll point out that Goonk's and Bob's haven't always been.

As for why we kicked (we didn't ban, we kicked) Bob it's because he was flaming us, not talking to us, not listening to us.  Brain explained it pretty well in his post back on that issue, which Bob completely ignored, then he and Goonk accused us of locking it (when we didn't).  Bob decided to have a big mouth, and was rude, so one of us kicked him.  He could have learned his lesson and come back, but he didn't.  

Got to love statements like "After reading this topic link, and ackowledging that most moderators were MPs, I strongly believe MPs are assholes." - Goonk

You see, Bob and Goonk have had words with us, and that's ok, they have a right to say what they want, even if I think it's ignorant trash.  However, they don' t have a right to insult any of us on our own server (which is what Bob did).  You see, if someone said to you that Bob was glitching, and you were dead and observed that Bob was kneeling, not even on a slope, and couldn't be glitching, you'd say so.  And if I called you a liar and said you poor baby eoe can't stand to lose so you have to cheat, you'd say it again, and when I continued calling you poor sports and cheaters that have to glitch to win, I expect you'd kick me.  If not, you have a world more patience than I do, and I wasn't even the one that kicked Bob at that point (someone else beat me to it).  I was the dead one that observed that it wasn't a glitch.

But all this doesn't matter.  Hope you find another clan if you still want to CB Gian.  If not, that's your choice.  But it's not like I'll miss having assholes like Bob around.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 11, 2003, 11:33:23 pm
I agree I wasn't really nice with MPs. And I don't remember why ahahah.
Guess it was for nothing again. G??nk is known for insulting easily. That's the bad side of G??nk.
On the other side, when G??nk insults, then he doesn't care much and just ignore people and he doesn't think that the people of the whole country of the guy are assholes and deserve to be bashed.

G??nk knows how to insult one guy, or one clan (yes, I did that and got banned of e?e for several weeks, many times! if it makes you happy - and i deserved it...) but G??nk never insults a hole country...

So now you speak about the little argument we had hum Buccaner. I don't even remember you. Did you change your name? Were you MP? Anyway, please acknowledge that I never insult a guy more than 2 days. Then I just don't remember and I move on. But you are off topic here. Read my first post at the top of this topic. I don't care if you kick or ban Bob or even myself. If you do it I even agree because I don't fucking care. but when you insult a country I just find it's not very nice for other people of that country. You are lucky because most of the french that play CBs are not reading the BL forum. Most of the kids don't speak english...

And now you can wonder why less and less clan are doing CBs because your small little world of CBs is fucking boring. Little Battle League, "You should read battle league every day" it says in the fucking rules. Fuck that shit. Go to hell and take your rules with you Battle League staff guy.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 12, 2003, 12:04:22 am
Goonk, my country gets insulted as much or more than yours does, so cry me a fucking river about it.

Glad you don't remember who you insult, show's yet another layer of ignorance from you.  

And, go on and run away you wee girl.  I can only imagine it will be better with one or two less dumbasses like you around.  Please, keep going.  Nobody asking you to stay, is there?

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: seth on December 12, 2003, 12:10:22 am
Bucc, you keep on being pathetic  :o

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Jeb on December 12, 2003, 12:13:51 am
On the issue of saying sorry...

When i first saw this thread i thought, no they wouldn't surrender, that would just enable more stereotypes. But i was wrong, I'm sorry.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 12, 2003, 12:15:03 am
Couldn't mean less Bob, coming from you.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: alaric on December 12, 2003, 12:48:18 am
Man, I'm beginning to think GhostSniper was right about the French. And you know I really mean that because it pains me to say GhostSniper is right about anything.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: bronto on December 12, 2003, 01:14:51 am
i don't believe bob owes an apology, unless he gets one in return. i seem to remember the french bashing began a while before he posted something about americans. and as soon as he does, everyone attacks him. last i checked these forums weren't american, so bob i hope that you reconsider your choice in setting your clan to inactive. what it all boils down to is you're all wrong. stronger enforcement from moderators against personal attacks at peoples countries should be encouraged, instead of having the moderators join in the attacks. no country is better then another.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: cO.Kuza on December 12, 2003, 01:39:05 am
Shouldn't this post be under *DAMN BL section of the forum?

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Brain on December 12, 2003, 06:00:48 am
it really doesn't matter any more.

i'm sick and tired of having to troll through all this SHIT just to try and DEFEND you little rotten french BASTARDS when all you do is turn around  AND STAB ME IN THE BACK FOR MY EFFORTS

i have come to realize that the measure of respect and professional courtesy that i showed you even while you belittled my country was wasted. toy proved it when i stepped in to intervene on your behalf and then trampled my words and spat on them like so many countries have done to you over the years.  after such a display of respect i wish that our country had never liberated you from the germans or assisted in rebuilding your shit hole of a country at all. perhaps it would better if you had to pull your own asses out of the wreckage of WW2, maybe then you would learn how to hold your tongue

congratulations, you just took the one remaining american on this board who didn't hate your stinking egotistical high minded, culturally crass ways and alienated him.  i honestly tried to look past all your shit, but you have just piled it too high this time for me to push aside

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 12, 2003, 06:10:12 am
Wow, people saying Ghost is right about something.....people agreeing with Ghost.....dogs and cats playing together in the streets?  I must be dreaming.....go back to sleep Ghost, you're dreaming......

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Ross Koepke =) on December 12, 2003, 06:16:13 am
congratulations, you just took the one remaining american on this board who didn't hate your stinking egotistical high minded, culturally crass ways and alienated him.

No he didn't. I'm still here. I don't think we can, in true fairness, let one person, or one small group of people represent a whole country to us. I can only dream, I can only hope, that many of you would agree that out of the other 60 million men, women, and children in France, at least a few million are good and I'm sure, extremely respectful and kind. How many of you could at least accept this as a possibility

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 12, 2003, 08:05:38 am
I hate to join in on such |MP| vs. e?e fun, but I just have to.  It's my duty as an American and as a European Union citizen living abroad (I have dual-citizenship with the U.S.A. and the Republic of Ireland, in case any of you were wondering).

...Its not bashing americans, i was talking about the Irak war: the americans dont like the french since that time, and they have an "excuse" to bash them... ...You're pathetic...

I believe the french (notice, no capitalization ;) ) bashing and strong dislike onf the french started waaaaaaaaay before the war in Iraq.  From my own experiences living in Europe, a bunch of folks there don't really fancy the french either.  Wars had nothing to do with it.  Especially since the french haven't "participated" in a war since the the first world war.

Now on to more poppy-cock!

i don't believe bob owes an apology, unless he gets one in return.

???  Are you kidding me?  I believe much of this actually started in the game rooms of GR and GhR.  I might add that it mostly from the ignorance and immaturity of some of the e?e players on the |MP| servers.  Everything else trickled over here eventually.  Either way, |MP| isn't the only clan that has or has had problems with e?e.  G??nk and bob, specifically, enjoy instigating these virtual riots.

i seem to remember the french bashing began a while before he posted something about americans.

french bashing has been around since france became an autonomous nation.  I mean, who are you really trying to fool?  Everyone know that france has been treating like the armpit of Europe.  It's kind of like how Americans treat the State of New Jersey like the Armpit of the U.S.  Very similiar... just not as much gold.  Both of the accents could be dropped though.

last i checked these forums weren't american,

Very true.  These forums are not American.  They are International as far as I see, and so is this league.  I believe many supporters of the *DAMN Battle League have recently pointsing out that this is not an all-Euro, or European-run league.  Those discussions came about when there was talk about creating a new league.

so bob i hope that you reconsider your choice in setting your clan to inactive.

If bob reconsiders his choice of inactivity, I hope it's not based upon the location of the league's webmaster (Europe).  If he decides to come back, let him come back to play against everyone.  By the way, the "American" clans aren't going anywhere.

what it all boils down to is you're all wrong.

Well, when you're done stroking everyone off, wipe your knees down and come up for air.  The tone of this argument isn't pretty, but I feel that |MP| has refrained as long as they can against the slanderous remarks of the clan formerly known to this league as, e?e.

stronger enforcement from moderators against personal attacks at peoples countries should be encouraged, instead of having the moderators join in the attacks.

Whoa!  Since when did the moderators become the "Political Correctness" police?  Hopefully, your mothers raised you to behave in public.  I don't think there's anything an moderator can really do.  Don't ask for deletions either.  Free speech isn't just for Americans.  As far as I can tell, free speech is for anyone that isn't a coward.  Therefore, deletions are quite out of the question, and so are policing actions.

no country is better then another.

Bullshit.  There are some pretty pitiful countries out there.  I believe slavery has been outlawed in most countries.  Although public abuse against women is rampant as always.  I don't believe you will find anything like that in the U.S., at least not any longer (140 or so years).  Some countries not only have this within their borders, but they also condone it.  By the way, hacking off the arms of a child that refuses to mine for diamonds doesn't rank too high on my "all countries are equal" list.

In closing, if you are going to post, at least do so in a more... well... nevermind.  You wouldn't listen anyway.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 12, 2003, 09:38:42 am
just to say I am not "trolling" the forum, I read your answers but won't participate in the debate much.
I didn't talk about Americans bashing France. I just talked about French beeing bashed by others.
I like USA indeed although I've never been there. I wish I could.
So Americans, accept my apologies if you felt offended. That was not the aim of this thread. Of course not.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 12, 2003, 10:25:25 am
Thanks for your apology G??nk.  I also apologize if anyone truly felt offended by my comments.  I only posted to give a non-|MP| / non-e?e point of view, and I felt my posts were constructive for the most part.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on December 12, 2003, 01:52:59 pm
e?e  u aint missing  much

look what became Ghr and GR and DAM bl  :o

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: ghost.fr on December 12, 2003, 02:46:06 pm

"Le r?le du marquis de La Fayette dans l'histoire de l'ind?pendance am?ricaine avait ?t? consacr?e de longue date ? Washington par un square portant son nom, avec au centre sa statue ?questre, devant la Maison Blanche."

"... les n?gociations qui suivirent aboutirent, le 3 septembre 1783, au trait? de paix de Versailles. Acte de naissance officiel des Etats-Unis, ce trait? est aussi le symbole de l?amiti? franco-americaine."


Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 12, 2003, 02:59:46 pm
I think this sums it all up...


.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on December 12, 2003, 03:06:38 pm
Just like Horda isnt missed much... Wait-- Your not missed at all!  :o

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 12, 2003, 08:05:52 pm
Ah, the only thing I have left to say about this matter is a quote from Grifter from September 17, 2001:

"If a dumbass were to storm out of the Battle League shouting that he wasn't coming back....... would anyone care?"

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Cutter on December 12, 2003, 08:24:44 pm
good link noto, but they left out the thing that most gets me goin about the french.

In 1966, upon being told that Charles DeGaulle had taken France out of NATO and that all U.S. troops must be evacuated off of French soil, President Lyndon Johnson told Secretary of State Dean Rusk, "Ask him about the cemeteries Dean!" So at end of the meeting Rusk did ask DeGaulle if his order to remove all U.S. troops from French soil also included the 60,000+ soldiers buried in France from World War I and World War II. DeGaulle never answered. To this day, France is not a part of the NATO military structure, only the political.

There are 11 American cemeteries in France maintained by the US government honoring 66,033 Americans killed fighting for France against Germany. They are as follows:

*   Aisne-Marne Cemetery: 3,349 Americans killed
*   Somme Cemetery: 2,177 Americans killed
*   Brittany Cemetery: 4,908 Americans killed
*   Oise-Aisne Cemetery: 6,253 Americans killed
*   Epinal Cemetery: 5,679 Americans killed
*   Rhone Dragungnan Cemetery: 1,155 Americans killed
*   Lorraine Cemetery: 10,933 Americans killed
*   Meuse-Argonne Cemetery: 15,200 Americans killed
*   St. Mihiel Cemetery: 4,437 Americans killed
*   Suresnes Cemetery: 998 Americans killed
*   Normandy Cemetery: 10,944 Americans killed

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on December 13, 2003, 12:51:40 am
killed fighting for France against Germany

came to grab more  aeras but ran away versus the mighty  red army

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 13, 2003, 01:01:04 am
yes, France was not the only reason for americans to fight but France was happy that US G.I.s came of course and, well... I wish none of the US soldiers died during the WWII but that's not the question in that forum.

By the way, we still find tons of your US "freedom bombs" every year in France nowadays.
We even find WW I bombs. We stock them. One day we're going to give them back to you I hope...

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: BFG on December 13, 2003, 01:39:44 am
Woah Brain, dude that is low. That is very very very low.

our country had never liberated you from the germans or assisted in rebuilding your shit hole of a country at all. perhaps it would better if you had to pull your own asses out of the wreckage of WW2, maybe then you would learn how to hold your tongue

Erm perhaps some of you should shut the fuck up about this, there are a lot of people who say a whole lot of bullshit about a whole lot of crap. In what possition is ANY american to insult the French?

For those of you americans who think that you won WW2 i have a bit of a surprise for you... Its bull shit. for all your films that make you out as the defenders of democracy and the sole victors of that bloody war, the decifers of the enigma code etc its bullshit. in case you hadn't noticed it was a WORLD war not  America v germany.

Of course America joining the war against Germany, italy and Japan  had an imense effect. But perhaps the most arrogant and small minded of you that believe you are the centre of the world should try reading a History book not made in america. It might have a slightly larger dose of reality in it

My grandparents did not die defending countrys like france for ignorant and arrognat shit heads like some of you to slag of france and other 'non american' countrys.

You disgust me, i actually feel physically sick even thinking that the world has come to such a state where people can behave like this.

believe me, there is little dislike for the french in Europe, in fact in many ways they are thought very highly off for sticking up against Bush as hey bullied and pushed his way with the the UN in the run up to the Iraqi war.

I think very little of some of Chirac's behaviour and reputation in the past, but do not  steriotype a country for the actions of its government.. .Just like i try not to steriotype americans compaired to the ape of a president that govens you.

Do you know how bush described the french? "Stinky Cheese Eating Squarehead peace nazis". omg about 50% (well it was rigged lets face it) of you guys actually voted for this raving fanatical christian fundamentalist?

Physically bloody sick

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Brain on December 13, 2003, 03:34:11 am
hey bfg, look around  i challenge you to find one culturally derogatory comment i made towards the french until they stabbed me in the back for trying to put out flame wars for their sake.  i hold honor in he highest regard, and the continued ungrateful actions of these people have placed them beneath the level of scum. that means that i hold no qualms about going as low as i need to to or using what ever tactics necesary express the immense, ineffable and unbridled hatred i have towards them now.  hatred that they have brought upon themselves

i therefore make no apologies about my words for they were aimed at people who i shall from no on consider beneath my notice. i am not, bush. i am not america. i am me. dont EVER try to draw any lines between those 3 things again

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 13, 2003, 04:23:39 am
But perhaps the most arrogant and small minded of you that believe you are the centre of the world should try reading a History book not made in america. It might have a slightly larger dose of reality in it

Yeah, revisionist history is great, isn't it BFG.  Look at the history books in Japan right about now.  No mention of Perl Harbor, or the death camps in China, just talk about American aggression and getting hit by A-Bombs.

The problems between France and the USA started right after WW2, not just recently BFG.  

Also, come to one of my meetings with me next time I'm in the UK.  Let's see how well the Germans and Brits interact there, because I have many times, and let me tell you, there is still quite a bit of animosity between old Brit's and old Germans.  

But hey, I agree, the USA didn't win WW2 all on it's lonesome, and I've never implied that it had.  But don't forget that not only did the Americans die on French soil, but how many Americans did the French kill on D-Day, defending the beaches with the Nazis?  And don't tell me you missed that in your history books over there, did you?  Doh.  

Oh, I also know it was the Brits that captured the enigma machines first, Canadians and Americans captured some later models.  

Oh, and BFG, you've been pretty low yourself.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 13, 2003, 09:24:27 pm
But don't forget that not only did the Americans die on French soil, but how many Americans did the French kill on D-Day, defending the beaches with the Nazis?
And how many french were team-killed by US bombs? Is it written in your history book? because here guess it is and will be.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 13, 2003, 09:44:51 pm
[grade-school-singing-voice] This is the thread that never ends... yes it goes on and on my friends... as it draws nearer to the end... it won't because we can't be friends... so I leave here with this song... I hope you ladies get along... [/grade-school-singing-voice]

.::|N| Noto

P.S.  Song is to be sung to the tune of "The Song That Never Ends".

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: bronto on December 13, 2003, 11:30:10 pm
i got a song too

Noto is a faaaaaaag

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: KoS Ultimo on December 13, 2003, 11:32:07 pm
good song bronto

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 14, 2003, 12:46:10 am
Man... dissed by teenagers again.  Especially ones from Long Island. lol

I've got a nifty song for Ultimo as well.

Something about you and bronto hanging out at Fire Island.

Hmm... I seemed to have forgotten the words... I'm sure soap was involved though.

.::|N| Noto

P.S.  Either of you hOmO's live near Mineola or Bay Shore?

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: KoS Ultimo on December 14, 2003, 01:08:30 am
Hey man, don't be pissed at us because your singing gay songs and we pointed it out... be pissed at yourself..... lmao  ;D

I live in Brentwood, look me up, please

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 14, 2003, 06:01:27 am
And how many french were team-killed by US bombs? Is it written in your history book? because here guess it is and will be.

When there are French Soilders and the FFL on the beeches, fighting the Allies, it's not "team-killing", you are, at that point, the enemy asshole.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Noto on December 14, 2003, 06:24:34 am

I live in Brentwood, look me up, please

Sure thing.  What's your address?  You can send it to me on a PM if you'd like.  I won't mind.

I'll be up in your neck of the woods inthe near future for a bachelor party.  You should hang out with my friends and I, and kick back a few beers... or strippers.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 14, 2003, 06:25:56 am
Noto, corrupting the youth of America, one teenager at a time.

Noto = Michael Jackson?  hmmm =P

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: Mr. Lothario on December 14, 2003, 06:52:27 am
     Michael Jackson wouldn't have strippers. He'd have ten-year old boys wearing Speedos on seesaws.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: seth on December 14, 2003, 07:01:58 am
Buccaneer, once again you're wrong.

FFL stands for Forces Francaises de Liberation, wich is, in a meaning you ignorant pathetic guy can understand, the resistance. I dont need to tell about it, you might have seen a movie, right ?

p.s: i also would like to point out that you seem to like the word asshole. I'm no psychologist, but i guess this means something. Hum....you got "ass" again in your signature, there is definitly something going on here  ???

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 14, 2003, 08:37:57 am
Or, maybe FFL stand for French Foreign Legion you dumbass.  And what do you mean "once again".  You haven't proven any of my statements about France's wrong doings inaccurate so far tardo.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e GiaN on December 14, 2003, 01:41:46 pm
i don't believe bob owes an apology, unless he gets one in return. i seem to remember the french bashing began a while before he posted something about americans. and as soon as he does, everyone attacks him. last i checked these forums weren't american, so bob i hope that you reconsider your choice in setting your clan to inactive. what it all boils down to is you're all wrong. stronger enforcement from moderators against personal attacks at peoples countries should be encouraged, instead of having the moderators join in the attacks. no country is better then another.

I need say no more here...

I don't know you bronto, but you are my brother after saying this. You said what it should come down to in exactly enough words... I guess we only are a minority in spirit on this side of the verbal battlefield, since it all keeps going on...

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: e?e G??nk on December 14, 2003, 02:47:41 pm
When there are French Soilders and the FFL on the beeches, fighting the Allies, it's not "team-killing", you are, at that point, the enemy asshole.
I meant when US bombers destryed the whole Normandie country, asshole.
Buccaner, go back to school and open your ears this time. Stupid american dickhead.

EDIT : US soldiers captured Saddam yesterday and I think it's a good thing. SO, you see french and US can have the same opinion sometimes.

Title: peace fundamentalism
Post by: e?e GiaN (one more) on December 14, 2003, 03:48:25 pm
Man... dissed by teenagers again.  Especially ones from Long Island. lol

I've got a nifty song for Ultimo as well.

Something about you and bronto hanging out at Fire Island.

Hmm... I seemed to have forgotten the words... I'm sure soap was involved though.

.::|N| Noto

P.S.  Either of you hOmO's live near Mineola or Bay Shore?

To Noto,
You also seem to know very well how to get OFF TOPIC... My other OFF TOPIC is still not answered and involved your clan. Could you also sing me your song about being blocked on GR and banned from the .::|N| Server?

Maybe you missed that post from me, about me and .::|N| blocking me? It seems now that my post was pulled/trashed/moved/censored from this topic (sorry I can't refer to it anymore..) It might be an idea to trash all "OFF TOPIC" and "POLITICAL INCORRECT" posts from this forum, so only the staff approved messages remain. Hell yeah, that could work I think... The Soviet Union kept internal peace like that for several decades! Now the western world is getting ready to keep peace the same way I feel, lets us begin NOW using this HIGHLY EFFECTIVE method on the forum. (oops, sarcasm is speaking here)

I must say that I think you still suck, just as much as some others seem to do so (naturally you are free to suck what ever you like to suck on). Your contribution to this topic has not shown me much to change my mind, but why should I care? I remember you banned me from PM's on Gameranger the first day I went in your room. The blocking was done just because I said in a fair and calm way that some behavior you showed did not fit a good host to my standards (I was not yet member of e?e so it can't be related to that). Later your |N| friends blocked me from the server for..... I don't know what.

By the way: What is a hOmO? Don't you know "homo" in fact means human or mankind? Also may I add that "homo" and evolved literal versions "homme / omber / huomo / human" root to the latin word that (funny enough) was passed to english through the french language?

Quote from: Dictonary.com link=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=human date=1071405706

\Hu"man\, a. [L. humanus; akin to homo man: cf. F. humain. See Homage, and cf. Humane, Omber.] Belonging to man or mankind; having the qualities or attributes of a man; of or pertaining to man or to the race of man; as, a human voice; human shape; human nature; human sacrifices.

[Middle English humain, from Old French, from Latin hmnus. See dhghem- in Indo-European Roots.]
human?hood n.
human?ness n.

To the rest of the world:
However in a time where many people seem to feel attacked, or die to feel attacked (catch my drift) and blindly begin defending their own culture pointing at the wrong and illegal in other cultures, Who would like to be reminded of times where intercultural exchange just happened without thinking about stinky cheese or military cemeteries first.

Let's for the sake of "God", "Allah", "Nature", "Freedom" or "E = MC*MC" stop this discussion here so I can have the other kind of fun again....

G??nk and Bob, I told you already I do not approve your posts being in the name of e?e, or the international online game community. I ask also the moderators on this forum or Americans and non Americans (as some of you seem to prefer to simplify it) To close the topic, with this I suggest we all acknowledge the following 4 statement:

A. We are all "homo's" in a way... (read: "humans", some are male and some males are fags, those only leave more ladies available for the others, so also the fags are welcome if you ask me.)

B. We all have to sleep, eat, drink, take a shit and finally die. That makes us as equal as we can get.

C. We could all begin to make an apology for something we did. Let us do it now and not wait for the others to start first.

D. We should avoid future bashing on bashing, Don't forget that adrenaline is a strong drug that makes emotions intense. A bash in a game once in a while does not kill, but endless bashing topics on forums do hurt.

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: spike on December 14, 2003, 04:49:50 pm
thats possibly the most thoughtful, and well reasoned post on this thread, and i agree with it completely

Title: Re:e?e set to inactive
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 14, 2003, 07:24:15 pm
And so I gonna close this now.
