*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: *DAMN Hazard on December 08, 2003, 09:20:18 pm

Title: What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 08, 2003, 09:20:18 pm
Well I have the original iMac 17" 800 mhz. My question is  what vid card and how much memory should i pick up for Christmas to best run this game?



Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 08, 2003, 09:27:28 pm
if you have an iMac, you wont be adding a video card (unless I missed something on xlr8yourmac.com).  Max it out with memory and hope for the best.

I've also read that there will be a demo of RvS (not sure, but I've read it more than once), so I'd try that before buying it if I were you.

Oh, and always max the RAM =D.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 08, 2003, 09:45:28 pm
Do what I did and buy a G5.....after 5 iMacs, I'm all out on the low end Apple systems.  

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on December 08, 2003, 10:15:54 pm
Neither my parents or I have the money for a g5.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 09, 2003, 12:48:55 am
Ummmmmmm, get a job?  No, I mean a really good paying job.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: LazyCringe on December 09, 2003, 02:08:49 am
Haz, with an imac, all you can do is max out the ram. Thats all i can do on my powerbook, but im gonna see how it plays before i invest $200 in a gig of ram (2 512mb chips)

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: cO.Kuza on December 09, 2003, 02:15:53 am
seriously ghost how do you think a 15 year old can get a good paying job?

p.s. I have the same comp Haz maybe we can pool our resources  ;)

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: cO.Kuza on December 09, 2003, 06:06:18 am
seriously ghost how do you think a 15 year old can get a good paying job?

p.s. I have the same comp Haz maybe we can pool our resources  ;)

Well, when I was 15 I was making around $1,000 a month.....$1,500 a month during the summer.  Now, different states have different child labor laws, and different driving ages, so you may have to wait til you are 16.....and then go deliver pizza (I averaged $50 a night in tips plus commission and hourly wages).

Jesus you make it sound like you are such an old man. "When I was 15" a classic line, And ghost its not the summer is it? no. its the winter and he needs the money asap. and were did you say you got this $1,500 job from?

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: Casper on December 09, 2003, 06:10:21 am
where can u drive at 15?

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: cO.Kuza on December 09, 2003, 06:12:48 am
yet another good point casper

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: alaric on December 09, 2003, 07:36:34 am
In North Dakota you can drive at 14.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: Typhy on December 09, 2003, 08:02:53 am
Permit at 14, license at 16, here.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: |MP|Nomad on December 09, 2003, 10:24:16 am
Just add as much RAM as you can get.  What vid card do you have right now? Maybe the one you already have is good enough.

I would also do what Bucc said, try the Demo and see if its worth it.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: kos.viper on December 09, 2003, 01:38:56 pm
Permit at 14, license at 16, here.

Same here.  Hazhoe will have to wait until he's 17 to even get his license.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 09, 2003, 06:56:15 pm
seriously ghost how do you think a 15 year old can get a good paying job?

p.s. I have the same comp Haz maybe we can pool our resources  ;)

Well, when I was 15 I was making around $1,000 a month.....$1,500 a month during the summer.  Now, different states have different child labor laws, and different driving ages, so you may have to wait til you are 16.....and then go deliver pizza (I averaged $50 a night in tips plus commission and hourly wages).

Jesus you make it sound like you are such an old man. "When I was 15" a classic line, And ghost its not the summer is it? no. its the winter and he needs the money asap. and were did you say you got this $1,500 job from?

lol.....well, I am 30 so 15 was half of my life ago.....

And I worked for Pizza Hut as a delivery driver.  You can get a permit at the age of 14 and your drivers license at age 15 in the State of Mississippi (actually, I think they changed those ages here a few years back to 15 for permit, and 16 for license).

I was making about $1,000 during school months because I was only working 4 days a week.....but I was only working around 4-5 hours a night.  I made more in the summer because I worked more days.  But even at $1,000 a month, you could have a new G5 in 3 or 4 months depending on taxes.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on December 09, 2003, 07:00:24 pm
whats the difference between permit and licence?

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: |MP|Nomad on December 09, 2003, 07:50:00 pm
whats the difference between permit and licence?

Well, I am not there in the USA, I'm in Canada eh, but I think the diff. is what we canooks have here.  The permit would be the "365" permit (lasts 365 days hence the name) which allows you to operate a vehicle only in the presence of a fully liscenced driver (this is your training or probation period) and after the 365 days you would be allowed to take the drivers exam to revcieve a full liscence.  Am I right Yankees??

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 09, 2003, 08:49:55 pm
whats the difference between permit and licence?

Well, I am not there in the USA, I'm in Canada eh, but I think the diff. is what we canooks have here.  The permit would be the "365" permit (lasts 365 days hence the name) which allows you to operate a vehicle only in the presence of a fully liscenced driver (this is your training or probation period) and after the 365 days you would be allowed to take the drivers exam to revcieve a full liscence.  Am I right Yankees??

Yes, that is correct, although each state has its own rules on how long you have to have a permit before you can get a license....in some states it's 6 months, in others it's a year.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 09, 2003, 10:39:52 pm
Don't forget that for old men like me and GhostSniper, the laws were a bit different too.  Here I didn't have to have a permit for more then 30 days before I got my license, and you could get it as early as 14 with parents permission back then.  Getting insurance would have royally sucked for a 14 year old, and I'm not saying it was a better system, just different.

At 15 I worked as a lifeguard, making $8/hour (and minimum wage was $3.35 back then).  I could work as many hours a week as I wanted in the summer, and only 18 a week in the winter.  It was still easy money for no work at all.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: spike on December 10, 2003, 01:49:31 am
and then there are those of us without time for a job cause we're 17 and applying to college, and trying desperatly to get our grades up and not fail at life.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: the oNe on December 10, 2003, 02:45:20 am
I need to do "Operate on my iMac" game...first I need to do a processor transplant, then a video card transplant, than a ram transplant.

New product=still old 400mhz G3 iMac =-(

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: Ace on December 10, 2003, 09:22:56 pm
Don't forget that for old men like me and GhostSniper, the laws were a bit different too.  Here I didn't have to have a permit for more then 30 days before I got my license, and you could get it as early as 14 with parents permission back then.  Getting insurance would have royally sucked for a 14 year old, and I'm not saying it was a better system, just different.

At 15 I worked as a lifeguard, making $8/hour (and minimum wage was $3.35 back then).  I could work as many hours a week as I wanted in the summer, and only 18 a week in the winter.  It was still easy money for no work at all.

Man, do I feel old now. After reading that first line of Bucc's, I thought to myself "Back in my day under the old California laws, we only need a permit for 30 days." I guess this makes Loth and I old farts.

As for getting a job, it's a royal pain in the ass for some teenagers to get a job. I never had the time for anything more than a small 10-15 hour/week job during the summer. During the school year it was impossible between school, 2-3 practices a day, and having a life. Over the summer with 4 practices a day but no school I could squeeze in a few swim lessons, but that was it.

And GhostSniper, get off your high horse. Nobody cares that you say you have a nice paying job. Frankly, nobody cares much about you around here.

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 10, 2003, 11:42:54 pm
Don't forget that for old men like me and GhostSniper, the laws were a bit different too.  Here I didn't have to have a permit for more then 30 days before I got my license, and you could get it as early as 14 with parents permission back then.  Getting insurance would have royally sucked for a 14 year old, and I'm not saying it was a better system, just different.

At 15 I worked as a lifeguard, making $8/hour (and minimum wage was $3.35 back then).  I could work as many hours a week as I wanted in the summer, and only 18 a week in the winter.  It was still easy money for no work at all.

Man, do I feel old now. After reading that first line of Bucc's, I thought to myself "Back in my day under the old California laws, we only need a permit for 30 days." I guess this makes Loth and I old farts.

As for getting a job, it's a royal pain in the ass for some teenagers to get a job. I never had the time for anything more than a small 10-15 hour/week job during the summer. During the school year it was impossible between school, 2-3 practices a day, and having a life. Over the summer with 4 practices a day but no school I could squeeze in a few swim lessons, but that was it.

And GhostSniper, get off your high horse. Nobody cares that you say you have a nice paying job. Frankly, nobody cares much about you around here.

Now just where the fuck did anything about my nice paying job come up?

Title: Re:What addons should I stock up on for RvS??
Post by: Noto on December 11, 2003, 01:15:18 am
I still remember when minimum wage was $3.85 per hour.  I was 15 years old.  When I got my job working computers in a pharmacy at age 16 I was bumped up to $7.50 per hour.  Also, at that time in the State of Florida, I received my driver's license at 16, without a permit beforehand.  Now, if you had your permit first, for a period of something like 6 months, your insurance rates would be lower once you finally received your license, but at age 16, it's gonna be high no matter what!  Anyway, I'm still working in pharmacy.  I'm not sure what minimum wage is, but I make the maximum in my field at $22.50 per hour.  It's not as good as it sounds though.  After taxes, vacations, school, and other random stuff, at best I can bring in 30-35k per year if I were full time, which I am not.

Now, if I were to get that pesky and elusive Pharm.D degree (Doctor or Pharmacy), that brings in around $45 per hour if you break it down, or roughly 90k per year after taxes and such.  Although, most corporations fix you up with salary and stuff.

If anyone is interested, the McDonald's down the road from me is hiring at $8.50 per hour.  Not bad for slinging fries and shakes.

.::|N| Noto