*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 05, 2003, 04:40:53 pm

Title: When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 05, 2003, 04:40:53 pm
Hey, just curious about the age at which everyone on here first got a Mac, or first started using one (as we are pretty much all Mac users on here!).

As for me, my father actually bought an original 128k Mac in 1984 when I was 10 years old (we had an Apple II before that).  Me and my little brother were not allowed to touch it for over a year!  That was the only Mac I had until I started college (while I was in the Army) and bought a Macintosh Performa 575 in 1994.  Since then I have had a PowerMac 6100, PowerBook Duo 280c, PowerMac 7500, PowerBook Duo 2300c, the Original iMac, Revision D iMac (in Blueberry), iMac DV SE (in Graphite), iMac (the last one before the Flat Panal iMacs came out, also in Graphite), and finally my new Single 1.8GHz PowerMac G5.

In all that time I've only owned one PC....a gift from a relative....that I quickly sold and bought a Macintosh with :)

P.S.--This was added later:  I'm just dying to see if I finally made a thread that wont piss ANYONE off!!!  lol

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: tasty on December 05, 2003, 04:59:05 pm
My parents bought my brother and I an SE all-in-one Mac when I was 8. Played a fuckload of Oregon Trail on that machine. Been using Macs ever since.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Cutter on December 05, 2003, 06:07:22 pm
1984 apple IIc+

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on December 05, 2003, 06:29:55 pm
1983, right after the Apple IIe was released.  My parents got one. How amazing what $1500 would get you back then.  A little more than a electronic typwriter.  Then a few performa's and onto a G5 that doesn't work.


Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: PLOPje on December 05, 2003, 06:59:22 pm
well my parents already had a mac when I was born

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Ace on December 05, 2003, 07:13:02 pm
My dad brought home an LC in '91, and I've been using Macs ever since. That LC actually served us faithfully until '99 when I convinced my dad it was time to upgrade to a G4. Since then I've gone Sawtooth -> TiBook -> Cube -> G5.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Brain on December 05, 2003, 07:33:21 pm
can't remember my first mac.  my dad had it  earliest one i remember having was an LC and then the powermac 7100/66 then an iMac DV SE's then a 17" in. imac  which is currently with me at college

next stop for me is going to be a G5, i hope

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Mr. Lothario on December 05, 2003, 09:26:05 pm
     Once I finally convinced my dad (after an almost decade-long campaign) that having a computer would be useful for me, he rented a Mac Plus to test me out. After a couple of weeks of having that, he came home with a Performa 450 (25 MHz 68030 sans math coprocessor, whee). Years later, I got a 180 MHz PowerBase from Power Computing, then in mid-2001, my current G4 733.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: †FiRE Infection on December 05, 2003, 09:37:00 pm
I have an apple II upstairs in my attic and then I got my amazing Power Performa :-P.  Now I'm on my iMac.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Jeb on December 05, 2003, 10:37:13 pm
I started out with a Green screened mac in the mid-late80s, i don't know which model it was but it sucked balls. then a centris610, quadra 950, g4 466, an imac,  now a G5.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: destro on December 05, 2003, 11:09:22 pm
i got a mac after going to school and working on them

that's the gayest bling bling signature banner I've ever seen. With taste like that, I'd be surprised if you get anywhere in life(maybe into gay bars free lol)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on December 05, 2003, 11:47:51 pm
No way that banner is awesome, apologize or burn in hell!!!  Ohhh sorry! Rev A Bondi Blue iMac, still fires up like a charm.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 06, 2003, 12:20:44 am
Spets gets .5 Warning Points for not posting what his first Mac was.


Thank you Spets....warning points for Spets removed.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Casper on December 06, 2003, 12:51:54 am
welli started like 3 years ago w/ my own but i've been using them forever cause of school ;)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Acri on December 06, 2003, 01:51:29 am
I have been around macs all my life... but my first own one I got in 1990 i think (kindergarten age). I have had tons of mac since then... LC, LC3, LC630 (loved that one), powerbook g3 POWER PC! (changed my gaming life! I could play Slithereens! OMGEE!), about 3 imacs, 1 ibook and now a powermac g4.

(Family also has an extra imac, a 64k mac of some sort and an ibook extra)

I am a mac head :D

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: the oNe on December 06, 2003, 02:20:52 am
1999, I was 10 years old when my dad drove to New Hampshire(no tax!!!) and bought the iMac DV, then drove another 4 hours back to Massachusetts.  Still using it to this day, but DVD-ROM just died, so new computer soon, maybe...

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on December 06, 2003, 02:36:08 am
Started as Apple IIsi, then a Performa 6320, then a G3 Snow iMac, then a Dual 2ghz G5. mmmmmmmmmmm change is good......(Ha! Owned McDonalds, take that!)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 06, 2003, 04:22:40 am
Apple ][ c in High School, then an SE in college.  Thinking of putting it up on eBay soon, just to see if it's a collectors item yet.

WMU was a huge Mac school, with the main computer lab on campus having over 150 Mac Pluses when I was there.  Mac2's in the Math and Science buildings.  People used to wait for hours to use the Macs instead of using the empty PC's at the time.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: tasty on December 06, 2003, 07:47:25 am
 People used to wait for hours to use the Macs instead of using the empty PC's at the time.
This is accurate for my school as well. The library lab has G4 Cubes and the main campus lab G5s, and people will wait to use them while our ugly black Dells are sitting idly by, unused.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: the oNe on December 06, 2003, 03:08:28 pm
My sister's middle school has about 10 iMacs and maybe 30 cheap PCs.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on December 06, 2003, 08:12:14 pm
Our Family's first Mac was bougt in 1992 which was a IIsi.  My bro spent $5k for it when he was in college majoring in Package & Graphic Design.  We actually still have it but of course not operational, since it only has 85 MB HD space  :o, but back then it was top of the line mac!!  ahhh memories.....

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 06, 2003, 11:54:13 pm
This is accurate for my school as well. The library lab has G4 Cubes and the main campus lab G5s, and people will wait to use them while our ugly black Dells are sitting idly by, unused.

Wow, Iowa just went up one notch on my opinion scale, even if they did only come in 4th in the Big 10 =D.

BTW, anyone else notice that WMU beat down USC in college hoops like they owed them money?

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: cookie on December 08, 2003, 02:04:41 am
my first mac was an apple II, which i began using in 1989. i upgraded to the classic in 1990 :)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 08, 2003, 09:48:26 pm
Wow, 3 whole days and nobody had anything negative to say about my thread....I guess I finally succeeded in NOT being controversial.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Brain on December 09, 2003, 12:30:52 am
that's not always a good thing

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: maclover on December 09, 2003, 12:32:24 am
well I was about 15 when Steve and all of his friends let me use there home made computer(first MAC). The operating system sucked. I been buying Windows based machine ever since.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BFG on December 09, 2003, 12:40:59 am
Its weird but I really can't remember. All i can say is that im pretty usless trying to navagate the rubbish bin they call windows and that i wouldn't swap my mac and osx well for anything else. (unless ur offering me a new mac ;) )

Gotta love it really :D

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 09, 2003, 12:46:49 am
well I was about 15 when Steve and all of his friends let me use there home made computer(first MAC). The operating system sucked. I been buying Windows based machine ever since.

The first Mac was not a home made computer.  The computer you are referring to was the Apple I.  Apple made several computers before the Macintosh was introduced in 1984.  Also, there were NO Windows based machines when the Mac came out.....and the first Microsoft Windows that was even usable at all didn't appear until the very late 80's and early 90's.  And then of course later there was Windows 95 (which was about on par with what the Mac Operating System was around 1987).

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Brain on December 09, 2003, 02:05:46 am
well I was about 15 when Steve and all of his friends let me use there home made computer(first MAC). The operating system sucked. I been buying Windows based machine ever since.

{in a drill sergeant voice}

Gentelmen! What we have here is an undereducated citizen who is attempting to spread lies about an obviously superior operating system!
I authorize the use of Swarm tactics for correction of this poor misguided soul!

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on December 09, 2003, 04:53:36 am
Right On Brain!  You take his left flank, somebody else take his right flank, and I'll airdrop behind him (Vertical Envelopment :))

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: kami on December 09, 2003, 08:01:36 pm
You guys are lucky getting a choice between Macs and PCs at school, you almost never see any macs in Swedish schools, it's just not big enough here.

I can't remember what Macs my family has had, I just never bothered with all that stuff when I was younger, grown into it.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: mainMON on December 09, 2003, 10:52:12 pm
We got a performa, then a powermac 6100/66 then a 2500 then two 3500 (g3) then a powebook g3 then a imac g4 then another imac g4 (bit better) then a ibook then.... who knows...

point is... had macs forever and they rock. Let no one tell you otherwise  ;)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 09, 2003, 11:16:24 pm
You guys are lucky getting a choice between Macs and PCs at school, you almost never see any macs in Swedish schools, it's just not big enough here.

I can't remember what Macs my family has had, I just never bothered with all that stuff when I was younger, grown into it.

Tasty and I are talking about Universities Kami.  If your universities don't have options, than I'd seriously consider what else they pigeon hole you into and study abroad.  =D

In high school we had teletypes connected to a mainframe, IBM card readers for Fortran, TRS 80's for basic which were replaced by Apple][ C's when they came out.  No choices.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: bronto on December 09, 2003, 11:23:35 pm
went through two original imacs, then two pcs. now i just dont really care what kind of computer i have as long as i can get all my software for free. aka i must have a pc.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on December 09, 2003, 11:35:55 pm
Ahh, isn't that cute.  Another moron.

Shall I dissect it for the class?

well I was about 15 when Steve and all of his friends let me use there home made computer(first MAC).

First, Waz made the first Apple in 1975-1976, which means this poor writer is now around 43 years old, yet still typing like he was a jouvanile.  Second, it was an Apple Computer, not a Macintosh.  

The first Macintosh computers came out in 1984, after a long string of Apple]['s and the LISA.  (Apple][GS is still talked about).  The Mac's were never "home made".

The operating system sucked. I been buying Windows based machine ever since.

The operating system on Apple ]['s was so much like MSDOS (it was Apple DOS, since all OS's were called DOS back then), I doubt you could have told the difference.  Yeah, they existed, both were specific to the hardware at the time, and there were some same and some different commands, but they were both simple command line interfaces.

Now, if you are comparing the Mac from 1984, then Windows also came out in 1984, but as anyone who ever had the misfortune to use it can tell you, anything previous to Windoze 3 wasn't worth the sweat off my balls.  Windoze 3 came out in 1990.  And even then, it sucked.  Windoze 95 was where it really took off.

So, please, do us all a favor.  If you are going to try to mock something like this to be funny, at the very least do your homework.  That's what is the matter with youth today.  It feels like nobody does the basic research.

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: westamastaflash on December 10, 2003, 04:47:06 pm
My father went out and bought the first beige G3 (266 or 233 mHz) that came out, he was tired of our PC (which I built (486 dx4 100 mHz!) and wanted a good computer for his photography business. I was mad as hell when he got it, but after a year I forgave him and realized the true bliss that was owning a macintosh.

 Ever since then I've used Mac, bought myself the Quicksilver 733 G4 2 years ago and recenly my parents finally upgraded and bought a new eMac. I'll prolly be going to otherworldcomputing.com and picking up Video and Processor upgrades so when RvS hits, i'll be playing that with decent frame rates (15 fps in GhR ain't that good i'm afraid...)

Title: Re:When Did You First Start Using A Mac?
Post by: Ace on December 10, 2003, 09:26:52 pm
I was real lucky in middle school and high school as I went to the same school as Woz's kids. Needless to say, we always had lots of Macs lying around. Unfortunately, SC seems to be M$-centric at times. The only saving grace is that we still have some Macs in our labs. Additionally, someone must be in bed with Sun at our school, because we have a lot of nice Sparc boxes at our disposal.