*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: KoS.Rebel on November 26, 2003, 04:14:17 am

Title: Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: KoS.Rebel on November 26, 2003, 04:14:17 am
AA 2.0 has been released. The AA Team Ladder is now 2.0 only. No 1.9 play will be allowed as of 10 pm eastern time 11-25-03. The -a2- server can now be used for matches and practices. If your clan would like to use a dedicated east coast server provided by Goamericasarmy.com please contact myself or voodoo to discuss ur clans payment for the use of the server. We will set it up for you but the price is 8 bucks a month per clan. Intrested contact reb or vood. AA 2.0 is out, dl it and get ready for some matches.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on November 26, 2003, 05:20:36 am
Here kiddies.. hope this works:

Note if you get an error message:



This is Army Operations 2.0.0 for MacOS X.

Bug reports can submitted to https://bugzilla.icculus.org/ and general
discussion (NOT BUG REPORTS!) can be found at http://forum.americasarmy.com/

Bug reports posted to the forums are not likely to be noticed by the Mac
developers, and thus will not be addressed. Please take advantage of the
Bugzilla bugtracker!

We wanted to thank our Mac beta testers for their hard work:

Cesar "SgtCobra" Barcenas (http://www.sgtcobra.com/)
Petter Flink 'petterf'
Jason "RoGuE-osX" Harris
Ross Rankin (http://homepage.mac.com/rossrankin/)
...and many others.



Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Typhy on November 26, 2003, 05:41:47 am
Or you can just delete those PB files ( back 'em up ), then reinstall them after you install.

I'm doing SF training on my account right now - in windowed mode, of course. Listening to these guys talk gets tedious. I might add that I get 5 FPS in training.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Toxic::Joka on November 26, 2003, 07:41:28 am
I'm getting maxed out DL speed from www.happypuppy.com
Although my max DL speed is 55kb/s  :(

You can get either the patch 1.9>2.0 or the full install from there.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Typhy on November 26, 2003, 08:19:44 am
I dunno. Perhaps it's a problem with my graphics settings, but I'm to pissed to do it over:

In SF Training, on the first written test, it's based upon what you observe from the slides; well guess what? The slides don't appear!

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: onwig on November 26, 2003, 10:09:23 am
lol... pay u guys 8 bucks a month!!.... what for exactly? line costs? mac costs? electricity costs? cinema tickets? new car?  holiday? condoms?

please sell this service to me more!!

;) ;)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Typhy on November 26, 2003, 10:12:01 am
Perhaps because WE have to pay 68 bucks a month?

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: onwig on November 26, 2003, 10:35:08 am
Perhaps because WE have to pay 68 bucks a month?

lol that was the point of my post, to find out..... fair enough

nuff said

 8) 8)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: BFG on November 26, 2003, 10:52:56 am
lol onwig :D

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Toxic::Joka on November 26, 2003, 01:24:37 pm
isnt there a thread in general gossip how to do it for free?

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Ross @ College on November 26, 2003, 01:41:40 pm
I dunno. Perhaps it's a problem with my graphics settings, but I'm to pissed to do it over:

In SF Training, on the first written test, it's based upon what you observe from the slides; well guess what? The slides don't appear!

Make sure you have "Projected Textures on" otherwise the slides will not show.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: KoS.Rebel on November 26, 2003, 01:58:57 pm
You can host for free but the problem is that u cant play on that comp while its hosting. Also everyone will be running through your host and it will cause significant lag. before we bought a server we hosted our own and each member got around 250-1000 ping. I dont wanna see any people cmplaining about lag so we are offering our server as a place to play, but only to those who will help us pay for it. 8 bucks a month is all we ask. Think about it...8 bucks among 10 members is less thena buck a member. Everyone in a2 pays 5 bucks each. See yah later.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on November 26, 2003, 02:25:29 pm
Is there a certain hosting company that someone would recommend?

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: onwig on November 26, 2003, 02:29:14 pm
Perhaps because WE have to pay 68 bucks a month?

before we bought a server we hosted our own

so now the 8 bucks a month is to pay for the mac?

i dont understand


a confused brit
 ??? ???

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Typhy on November 27, 2003, 01:03:16 am
We pay for the server. It's a leased server from www.goamericasarmy.com.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on November 27, 2003, 02:31:59 am
That is the place I was checking on.  We will be purchasing one as well shortly.  Thanks.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: crypt on November 27, 2003, 03:53:49 pm
Just upgraded last night, the file planet is a better option because all you have to do is wait for the 30 or so minutes, then the dl speed is incredibly fast, i got it in 30 minutes once my dl started, it's better than eating up your's and others bandwidth on the torrent.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on November 27, 2003, 07:37:10 pm
Thanks for the info on the hosting guys.  The .::|N|etwork purchased a 14 player private host last night.  The host will be open to the public from time to time.   ;D

Server name:  The .::|N|etwork Server Two

Find more information here:  
http://www.cwdim.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2095#2095 (http://www.cwdim.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2095#2095)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Toxic::Joka on November 27, 2003, 09:04:47 pm
Thanks for the info on the hosting guys.  The .::|N|etwork purchased a 14 player private host last night.  The host will be open to the public from time to time.   ;D

Server name:  The .::|N|etwork Server Two

Nice going .::|N|, see doing this made me even spend extra time to get your complex tag right  :D

Does it have a static IP?

Skrew private clan pratice, you gotta share bro. Open sesame
And please tell me its east coast.  :)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: GEN BILLY on November 27, 2003, 11:34:55 pm
Thanks for the info on the hosting guys.  The .::|N|etwork purchased a 14 player private host last night.  The host will be open to the public from time to time.   ;D

Server name:  The .::|N|etwork Server Two

Nice going .::|N|, see doing this made me even spend extra time to get your complex tag right  :D

Does it have a static IP?

Skrew private clan pratice, you gotta share bro. Open sesame
And please tell me its east coast.  :)

You should be able to see the server in the AA game Joka. The password is "network" feel free to use and play I am still learning all the settings so if you have any suggestions on how the server should be run then post em here. Or have an admim start a new thread


Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: crypt on November 28, 2003, 04:05:57 am
I can't find the network server on there, can we get the ip? there are too many other servers and stuff there.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: GEN BILLY on November 28, 2003, 07:29:10 am
ok I finally figured out how to get into our server

launch game
open the console  

type in:   open

*Note - There is a space between the word 'open' and the P address.  There are no other spaces. - Noto

have fun!!!!!

P.S.  There isn't a charge for our server.  Everyone just feel free to practice and play for now.  If the need for a charge presents itself in the future, we will provide valid reasons.  Also, if you are having trouble joining games in AA, here's a quick tip: Enable Punkbuster.  ;)  Another tip:  Can't find our server?  Try filtering the servers.  Our server is a leased, password/locked room.  You should uncheck the official box.  This will limit the number of servers that will appear.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: l ! l Ross on November 29, 2003, 12:05:06 am
I tired getting into the networks server but I got "You honor level is to low or to high to play on this server" I guess I have to high because my honor is 31.

Hope that gets fixed :)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: GEN BILLY on November 29, 2003, 07:26:32 am
it is a 2.0 America's Army server

the honor is set to 1

dont know why you have problem

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: l ! l Ross on November 29, 2003, 01:54:43 pm
it is a 2.0 America's Army server

the honor is set to 1

dont know why you have problem

Ok I will give it another go later on.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: l ! l Ross on November 29, 2003, 02:50:50 pm
Still getting the honor is to low high thing.

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: .::|N| DIESEL on November 30, 2003, 06:24:26 pm

We played on it last night and it worked fine with random joiners.  The most I can say is wait till Monday when the server becomes an Official 16 Player Public.  

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: GEN BILLY on December 01, 2003, 12:18:43 am
sorry ross i found the bug

you should be able to play now

min honor 1

max honor 100

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: l ! l Ross on December 01, 2003, 04:14:38 pm
Thank you.

I got in fine :)

Title: Re:Americas Army 2.0 Released
Post by: Da? Swiftkill on December 02, 2003, 09:27:05 pm
Can someone give me a link to walkthroughs for the second part of special forces training and Medic test answers? I lost my username and pass so i have to start all over again. (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/wallbash.gif)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/wallbash.gif)