Title: Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 22, 2003, 01:48:20 am Hi guys,
For season 6 still 3 - 4 admin spots are open maybe even more depends on the list of volunteers. The only requirements I have is that no other member of your clan is already an admin and second you should have been very active in season 5. I would like to have 1 or 2 european admins. Anyone from the Core clan eventually? Others are of course are also welcome if they have been active. The other spots will be from guys from the rest of the world. Eight and GhostSniper have already posted interest. Nevertheless please post again here so I' m sure you want the spot. Applications can be applied until tomorrow 12:00am CET. You would be an admin for at least season 6 which runs until 11th january 2004. Have a nice day, Mauti Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on November 22, 2003, 03:11:50 am Hi Mauti, please give the admin spot I wanted to |GM|Gen.Harvey. I think an admin from GM and one from BTs would be a good addition to the admin pool since those two clans played the most CB's in Season 5.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on November 22, 2003, 04:56:17 am And if not ghost from GM then i would take it
Most peeps will tell you that im good at telling weather a glitch is a glitch or not in a replay (and if is acidental) I can also be fair when it come to the rulings Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: Jeb on November 22, 2003, 05:27:19 am pick someone who is a "biased admin" who ignores stat screen SSes
;D also, it should be based on respect and seniority, not amount of cbs. Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on November 22, 2003, 08:01:53 am i dont judge by who is playing in cb..... the only reason i would even need the name of someone who might be glithcing in the cb is so i know what person to watch.. other then that i could care less if was one of my own guys.. if they glitched they glitched and my guys know that i will call then out in a heart beat.
And as most peeps know.. I try to get along w/ everyone..Im not the type person who would say well.... that clan gets the win b/c i like them more... that not fair to the BL for anyone to be like that But mauti is looking for volinteers.. and i would like to ;D 8) Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: c| Ssick.Mofo on November 22, 2003, 09:25:53 am I know this is premature, but ...
I can vouch for Harvey and would like to point out that I think Gambit, and Joka would make for very appropriate admins. If they haven't volunteered already someone should maybe consider asking them. sinceres ssick Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: c| Ssick.Mofo on November 22, 2003, 09:37:41 am To you GM guys, I would almost rather see Spetnaz step up, and another to consider is BFG.
me again, prematurely Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: [one] Gambit on November 22, 2003, 10:52:12 am ... would be honored to be of service to the community...
...knowing full well it is rash to rush in where angels fear to tread. Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: z][t-Rampage on November 22, 2003, 01:46:50 pm I think Gambit would make a great admin. he is always honest, mature and states his opinions in a clear and non sided way. Actually i think that he should have run for Governor of Cali.
i also think that Aramarth would make a solid Admin. He has well thought through ideas and replies. Having been in clans with both of them, i know that they handle things in a fair way and take the game and our community very seriously. have a good one z][t-Rampage Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: crypt on November 22, 2003, 04:27:19 pm Fusion or eight from BTs.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: c| Dr. NO on November 22, 2003, 05:04:56 pm Where is Fusion these days? i never see him.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: crypt on November 22, 2003, 05:08:29 pm Yeah, he's been away for a while, forgot about that, do you think he'd be a good admin? Either of them would in my opinion.
-CRYPT Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: c| Spetsnaz. on November 22, 2003, 05:56:46 pm I vouch for Harvey, responsible, fair and he gets along with most people.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: Noto on November 22, 2003, 07:32:17 pm I vouch for Joka from | ! |
I also vouch for Harvey from |GM| I do not think their opinions in the public forums have ever really be been biased. Joka has been a very active part of this league. Harvey is somewhat a new comer, but has also been extremely active, and is very responsible for his clan. .::|N| Noto Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: BTs_Colin on November 22, 2003, 07:47:01 pm Flies would make a good admin. He is fair and sensible. I know other's might not think so but I've known him since before Ghost Recon.
FAHQ2 would make a good admin I believe, as would eight. Maybe even consider me, I've been nominated for it before. Thanks anyway. Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: PLOPje on November 22, 2003, 08:06:05 pm yeah Flies always plays by the rules and hes a nice guy
but joka is also a good choice and I would also like BFG as a mod hes a good guy to I think thats it for the euro part dont know much us guys Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: c| Dr. NO on November 22, 2003, 08:58:17 pm My vote goes with Dutch on this one. as for Harvey, i think hes a good guy, and should get the job.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: z][t-Rampage on November 22, 2003, 10:38:56 pm Aye, Eight and Joka are good choices too.
z][t-Rampage Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: BFG on November 22, 2003, 11:05:28 pm If the option is here i would like to offer my services as a admin. we wern't as active as we would have liked last season but we are certainly looking to kick into gear this season. Anyway if the offer was made then i would love to do it, try to get on with you folks and theres nothing like solving problems and inproving Damn!
Another euro player for admin i would suggest is |!| flies :) ps. thankyou PLOPje and c| Ssick for the vote of confidence! :) Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: mac addict on November 22, 2003, 11:38:08 pm I VOTE FOR BFG!!! YES BFG ALL THE WAY
-Mac Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: dr.Skillz on November 22, 2003, 11:44:18 pm i vote for bfg. he is a great guy NEVER LIES and has never started shit with anyone
and who couldnt like the guy? SKILLZ Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: Fridge! on November 22, 2003, 11:58:35 pm Dutchman, BFG, and Harvey get my votes... harvey can be a little excessive sometimes though.
Title: Re:Open Admin Spots for season6 Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 23, 2003, 01:09:20 am Thanks for all the inputs. The admin for season 6 has been chosen and will be announced very soon.
I lock this thread now. Good night, Mauti |