*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Supernatural Pie on November 18, 2003, 10:40:41 pm

Title: New G5's
Post by: Supernatural Pie on November 18, 2003, 10:40:41 pm
The new line of G5's was released (Now a dual 1.8 GhZ, and price drops all around. I for one am thrilled, because this drop plus a student discount means I can get a G5 for $1600. l33t. Read about it here (http://www.apple.com/powermac)

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: |MP|Nomad on November 19, 2003, 12:27:30 pm
I 2nd that!!!

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: kami on November 19, 2003, 01:38:14 pm
It's no big deal in my opinion, wait 'til February.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: onwig on November 19, 2003, 02:45:53 pm
why whats happening in february????????? do tell

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: |MP|Nomad on November 20, 2003, 05:37:18 pm
In case you haven't heard, alot of people who bought the 1.8 Single CPU are PISSED!!!  Apple is some states are offering free upgrades to the Dual 1.8 and getting $100 back.   Where some states Apple stores are saying no, since they are over 30 days or if they made a custom order (ie. more RAM) to their single 1.8.  Some people are saying that the new dual 1.8 have a diff processor than the single 1.8 or the Dual 2.0 and is acutally faster than the dual 2.0.  Go to the Apple forums, its all there!  

I for one, am really glad that I held off for a bit, I would have been pissed!!!  I mean, I do understand that if you buy a computer today its worthless tomorrow, with respect to value and what upgrades has come out the next day, but Apple should have waited a little longer before releasing the dual 1.8, it just would have not pissed alot of people off and it would not have instilled resement towards a great company.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on November 20, 2003, 05:41:53 pm
I for one am one of those pissed 1.8 customers.  I am in California,  when I called apple they just told me to fuck off pretty much.  Mind you, I use this machine for work and run a small private business (their largest market base).  Apple just plain fucked over and dissapointed a whole lot of their core customers.  But, being in graphics, there isn't much more I can do.  What, go buy a PC. My printer would laugh so hard and just hang up the phone.

Thanks Apple

Plus, we understand the nature of the tech field, but this was just pretty fucked.  Release less than 2months after first delivers to normal customers.  Offer the fucking machine for only 100 more.

thats just a plain old insult with salt rubbed in.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: kos.viper on November 20, 2003, 11:58:10 pm
I don't think there is any reason for owners of a new 1.8GHz G5 to be pissed off or sent a new dual 1.8 G5.  It was your own damn fault, if you were smart, you would be checking the mac rumors everyday and waiting a couple months after the initial release.  Also don't forget that you've had your 1.8GHz G5 2 months longer then a person just now buying a DP 1.8.  This is a computer company, upgrades are expected.  If you wanted to own a top of the line mac for awhile and get your money's worth, you should buy a DP 2.0GHz G5.

Why should Apple have to "upgrade" your computer that you received 2 months ago?  Be happy that you even had the cash to afford a brand new G5 and have gloating rites for all of your PC and Mac friends.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: the oNe on November 21, 2003, 03:27:18 am
Yes and also keep in mind Steve Job's promise "Dual 3ghz in a year", and a dual processor won't make your games go faster, but it'll boost performance in the OS and other Pro apls obviously.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 22, 2003, 04:18:29 am
Yes and also keep in mind Steve Job's promise "Dual 3ghz in a year", and a dual processor won't make your games go faster, but it'll boost performance in the OS and other Pro apls obviously.

Not exactly true one. Many games use the second processor for sound management. Also you won't certian voice communication apps hogging up your gaming processor (NF is bad about doing that). UT2k3 uses the second processor for sound. Im pretty sure the DOOM 3 engine will (Quake 4) also support dual processors to the same extent.

Never jump to such a bad conclusion.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: -SW- Baz on November 22, 2003, 06:52:03 am
Also you won't certian voice communication apps hogging up your gaming processor (NF is bad about doing that).

God i've learned that for sure after tonight.. ;)

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: Cobra on November 22, 2003, 05:05:16 pm
Why should you be pissed at Apple if you recently bought a single 1.8?  This is how buying computers works.  You should expect that what you bought today will not be the  fastest out there tomorrow.  That's just how it goes.  Is an upgrade in Apple's product line going to make your computer any less fast?  No.  Get over it.

Title: Re:New G5's
Post by: crypt on November 22, 2003, 05:21:01 pm
the Dual 2.0 and is acutally faster than the dual 2.0.  Go to the Apple forums, its all there!  

Wait, WHAT?? ???

May you should read the complete sentence and not only the half, then everything will make sense ;) - Mauti/color]