Title: Congratulations Flies Post by: c| Splinter on November 15, 2003, 07:57:37 pm The pain and aggravation of dealing with Flies far exceeds any joy and satisfaction winning the DAMN BL could possibly bring. You?ve managed to alienate the entire clan to the point where we would rather be doing anything else in the world other than spend an afternoon CBing you.
So it gives me extreme pleasure to announce that the co||ective is hereby withdrawing from these finals. Congratulations Flies, you?ve actually managed to annoy the competition away, enjoy your victory. Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: .::|N| juGGla on November 16, 2003, 12:48:17 am I think I have both my clan and a large part of community behind me Not from where I'm sitting. I support Splinter's decision. I wish .::|N| would have done the same thing last week, instead of wasting an evening getting all the cbs in one night. Unfortunately, I was unable to show up last tuesday night. Had I been, I still would not have competed. Good job Core, you might be the only clan around next season. Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: crypt on November 16, 2003, 01:04:39 am I'm with flies and Core here, c| should have cb'ed, instead of chickening out.
Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: cO.Kuza on November 16, 2003, 01:10:40 am Crypt, I think it goes a little deeper than just "chickening out"
Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: Aramarth! on November 16, 2003, 01:15:39 am This is sick, and sad, but all in all I cannot say I am surprised. I can't decide whether to applaud c| for making such a statement, or to condem them for poor sportsmanship. Either way, its a stain on everyone involved to have let it get this far.
Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: Da? Swiftkill on November 16, 2003, 01:29:14 am I think I have both my clan and a large part of community behind me I support Splinter's decision. I personally think it is a couragous thing for C| to do and I do support their decision. I know it is disappointing to the core, but i respect the collective for that because they stood up for what they think and didnt allow themselves to be bossed around and didnt give on their opinion. but who cares about my opinion anyways ;D ..... Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 16, 2003, 01:55:03 am I'm in discussion with both Flies and Splinter to settle this issue and I think there is still a small chance to finish this season on the battlefield instead of the forum.
Regards, Mauti Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: BTs_eight on November 16, 2003, 02:42:45 am Uhh what?
Shit... i wish i was told this before we cb'd c|... Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: BTs_FahQ2 on November 16, 2003, 02:50:43 am I just think this is entirely fucking hilarious. You owe the whole community a little more than flies bothered us so much we don't play. I mean, in essence, you just crapped on the whole season over someone rubbing you the wrong way. Maybe I don't understand why, and I really can't read why either, but there is some explaining to do. I also don't see the reasoning behind the commending that is being handed out.
I have dealt with both parties involved on many occassions and consider them both to have stand up character. But this is pure nonsense over a game. Just play on so that the rest of us can move on. By dealing this stroke, you do nothing more than to make this ladder and game rather useless more that it already is. I mean come on. How much pain could Flies actually inflict. From my knowledge I really doubt you guys talk to each other verbally. So that means he typed you a series of bad messages and letters. LOL. Was in all in caps, angry and serious. This isn't the Olympics with a few Black athletes raising their fist to send a message about racism. This isn't even close to any relevant message other than we refuse to play with a guy who bothers us. hahahahahahaah, no wonder the rest of this community thinks GHR is full of retards. We live up to their expectations almost every day. Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: .::|N| juGGla on November 16, 2003, 03:26:19 am I'm with flies and Core here, c| should have cb'ed, instead of chickening out. It had nothing to do with chickening out. Some people just do not get it. Perhaps if you had been in c| and .::|N|'s position and dealt with what we've had to deal with...you'd understand. Also, this issue is larger than just what is goin on now. It's things that have been building for a couple seasons now. Its time for change. Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: SAR(VoLaTile) on November 16, 2003, 03:50:54 am Uhh what? Shit... i wish i was told this before we cb'd c|... lol, yeah, bah! did you know you wwere gonan withdraw before beating us? Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on November 16, 2003, 06:46:05 am No SAR.
Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: Cutter on November 16, 2003, 07:41:09 am haha looks like mauti's gonna have to make a bl winners badge and a bl pussy badge this year! congratulations c| you just made huge asses out of yourselves and gave away the championship! good luck next season! ;D
Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: cO.Vickedson on November 16, 2003, 08:57:54 am Can I ask what exactly the problem is here with the c| vs. Core finals cb? Is it the same issue that doomed the .::N vs. Core affair? Is there REALLY a problem with waiting until the weekend...uhhh, which is right now actually.
You have to admit that this is a pretty lame way to end a good season. Us over here at [one] have really come together in the last couple of weeks and now I'm happy to call Revolt, Gambit, Killer, Lethal, Ghoul, Insane, Havoc, Ein really great friends in addition to the OG GF crew of Carbon, Myth, Vegito, Collins, and myself.... Please don't go out like this. It's really just a video game fellas, and judging by the population of recent games on GR we need all the support and goodwill we can get to keep thriving as a BL....whichever BL that may be. Good luck guys, have fun....see you next year................well, at least your dead bodies anyway. Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: .::|N| juGGla on November 16, 2003, 09:22:26 am haha looks like mauti's gonna have to make a bl winners badge and a bl pussy badge this year! congratulations c| you just made huge asses out of yourselves and gave away the championship! good luck next season! ;D Yeah...make the pussy badge and staple it to your forehead. Good luck c| Title: Re:Congratulations Flies Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 16, 2003, 10:47:00 am Alright there won't be a final final fight. The issue is much deeper than only cb times which were never an issue between the c| and Core. Well I won't post any details because that's their private dispute.
Bye, Mauti |