Title: Mauti: Wildcard Post by: BTs_Colin on November 12, 2003, 05:45:19 am if my simple math skills are serving me correctly (they don't always) we have more win's then [one] and more then N in their super CB.
however if the 2 cb's that N and ! couldn't do because of their scheduling count as forfeits the BL says they are 6-0 wins. and then N would have 9 wins, BTs 5 and [one] 3 or 4 (Which was it?). personally (although i am clan biased) i don't think they should be given wins they didn't really get for the wildcard (not 6-0 maybe 1-0) and if this was the case there would have been no reason to do a best of 16. a best of 8 would have simply represented the final (3rd) CB. everyone following? i ran it by civ on GR quickly and he said it should be right. so mauti do you agree? are we the wildcard? Title: Re:Mauti: Wildcard Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 12, 2003, 11:14:38 am N has lost their 2 matches so read the BL news for the second round games.
Bye, Mauti Title: Re:Mauti: Wildcard Post by: Noto on November 14, 2003, 08:58:27 am N has lost their 2 matches so read the BL news for the second round games. I only remember playing one match. If playing a "best of 16" match is considered 2 matches, then it was completely played improperly... Clarification please? Title: Re:Mauti: Wildcard Post by: Noto on November 14, 2003, 01:56:12 pm I'm just pointing it out... that's all.
Technically, if you look at it, if it were to be 2 CB's in one, the first CB would have ended when the score was 4-2-1. The second CB would still technically be unfinished with a score of 4-1-0. It's in my nature to look into problems. It is my nature to make things black and white, not grey. .::|N| Noto Title: Re:Mauti: Wildcard Post by: BTs_Colin on November 16, 2003, 08:41:14 am noto lol
Title: Re:Mauti: Wildcard Post by: cO.Vickedson on November 16, 2003, 08:44:58 am noto- double lol