*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: skunkney on November 04, 2003, 12:51:01 pm

Title: Setting the record straight.
Post by: skunkney on November 04, 2003, 12:51:01 pm
Midway through October 2003, I finally came to my senses and left the 'AK' Rogue Spear clan for good. As I waited for a reaction on the AK website, http://www.akclan.isviolent.com/, my worst fears were realized today as I read this at the top of the News section:
" October 20th, 2003 Skunkney smoked more than he could handle and leaves our clan* After being given a half ounce of canadian bud for free, skunkney got all stoned, then got paranoid, flipped his lid, took all |?K|'s off his buddy list, ignored rapid(still to this day), and has not told anybody why he left. All we remember, is him telling us his friend had given him a half ounce of buds for free because he didn't want to smoke it because his wife was having a baby. Next thing you know, he got all stoned, and came back acting like a weirdo. Still hasn't spoken to us properly about everything. Hope he comes back to normal one day. He was always an honorable teamate, til this incident... Shucks... =\  "
Well, I must admit, it is quite amusing, and my first thoughts were to let it pass as I would with anything Rapid might have to say. However, the facts have been twisted around, and my privacy has been shat upon. Therefore, I feel I must set the record straight:
For the first day or so after leaving AK I put ALL GameRanger users on block, not just AK's, so that I wouldn't have to deal with all the questions and comments about my leaving. I had been warned by my peers before joining AK that it would be a mistake, and wasn't eager to hear all the I told ya so's. After a short period of time I removed the block, especially on the remaining members of AK, for whom I have nothing but respect. This, however, did not apply to Rapid. I had had high hopes that he would turn his behaviour around, and that my dedication to the clan would not be for nothing. I was, needless to say, disappointed. As far as my privacy is concerned, Rapid had no right to make public any statement I may have made to him concerning my life outside of GR. I think thats the part that really gets to me. I'm sure most RS gamers and GameRanger users in general can understand why I came to my decision, knowing full well that Rapid is an unsavory character at best (check out the disturbing "traitors get hunted down' image at the top of the News section).
Anyone who knows me and has been playing with me over the past 3 years knows I try and show respect and courtesy to my fellow gamers. At times I might have a disagreement with someone, or even lose my cool, but as a rule I try to be honest and respectful to everyone. If anyone has a beef with me on how I conduct myself or otherwise, I welcome their comments and will try and be as objective and fair as possible in resolving the matter.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and thanks to *DAMN for allowing me the opportunity to tell my side of the story. You won't hear anything more from me concerning this matter, as life is too short for us all.


Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 04, 2003, 02:14:21 pm
It was a big fault to join AK anyways...

And telling Rapid (!) personal things and stuff is a big fault too...

But its not a fault to ignore Rapid. Ignore that prick and enjoy your Life with your child and woman.

wondering what rapid will post  8)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Mr. Lothario on November 04, 2003, 03:55:48 pm
     Hey, we all do stupid shit at times. I doubted your judgement for joining AK, but your unfortunate affiliation never changed my opinion of you or made me think of you as other than the old hand I'd played the game against and alongside for so long. Water under the bridge.

Title: Sorry Skunk, but you left me no choice...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 04, 2003, 10:44:25 pm
Ok.  Skunk, for being the honest and reliable player you were, you surely went out in the weirdest of ways.  This is a game, and we all play it and a lot of us have gone the extra step by making clans.  Clans are about loyalty, friendships and teamwork.  We had all that, so I thought.  Until the day you decided to leave in such a way.  I of all people, remembered what you told me about getting all this bud.  And for you to have been cool with me the night you told me about it.  Then we played RS with me, you and Monk and MPE.  We were owning everybody in sight also, need not to forget.  And then for you to all of the sudden "block" us all, and NOT tell any of us what's up...  Dude, what the fuck is up with that?  And then to look back, and remember that was the LAST thing you told me (you getting half ounce of buds for free).  Of course, only conclusion, was you got way too stoned, and got all paranoid, and let other people's opinion get in your head and fuck with your emotions.  I mean, wtf, do we have problems amongst us in the clan?  Far from it.  Problems get dealt with, and rid off.  Like Typhy.  We got rid of him, and you were the FIRST to say how happy you were.  We are a team effort clan, and all our inputs are highly valuable for the whole of our clan.  We had always valued you and your contribution to the clan.  In no way, had any of us any idea you felt any other way, since you were choosing not to communicate with us.  When it comes down to it, you didn't tell me anything, and then all the sudden you had us off your buddy list...   We certainly didn't get the respect we had always given yah skunk, and that was a big "fuck you" in all our faces...   But hey, it was your decision to do what you wanted to do for whatever reasons you wanted it to be...   Hope you're happy, and sorry that's all I could say about you in the news...   You gave me no more info!!!! :o [/size]

Title: Re:Anyday now Mods... Delete the Typhy Flame bs...
Post by: alaric on November 05, 2003, 01:12:41 am
Shouldn't all this flaming against me from Typhy be a forum warning/ban anyways?  


Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: PsYcO sNiPeR on November 05, 2003, 01:20:40 am
Rapid...though Typhy is starting something, you aren't exactly working towards stopping it. Stop adding fuel to the fire.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: tasty on November 05, 2003, 02:12:03 am
Take your flames like a man. It's not like your character has any credibility here anyway, so what's to lose?

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Jeb on November 05, 2003, 02:43:08 am
I wouldn't worry about it skunkney, no one reads the ak site, and those who do are just there to see what NOT to do when making a website.

and typhy, he doesn't take the bus, he rides in the back of a truck, full of lawnmowers.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 05, 2003, 02:51:26 am
mm mm mm, flame-broiled, just the way I like it. While it wasn't the best way to handle the situation, I can sorta see where Rapid is coming from. He shoulda been nicer about it, though, but everyone has their own way of dealing with things. By the way, is the AK forum around anymore, or did ya get rid of it? Haven't been able to get into it for a while.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 05, 2003, 03:13:31 am
Woohoo, we got a good old fashioned AK style bbq going on these forums again! (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ukliam2.gif)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ukliam2.gif)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ukliam2.gif)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ukliam2.gif)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ukliam2.gif)

Back to the point...I am shocked that skunks would be in a clan like AK in the first place, with its reputation and all. I remember way back in the day when he was part of a reputable clan named SPEAR....man do times change.

As for the flames...there is no need to keep up the flaming, please cease before I have to start removing it.

Title: *sigh*
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 05, 2003, 05:37:39 am
assassin, I'm simply asking for his flames to be removed.  You know damn well I want to respond to them all, but no need to keep the bullshit going.  I'm trying to be the bigger man, now help me out and delete his BS.  THanks.

And for the record, our clan has the reputation of being able to kill anybody in sight.  And it's well known that those that take RS seriously, don't like getting owned in any way, especially by the |?K|'s.

Howdy Mellow!  Sorry bout our forums.  We had to get a new url------------)>|?K|*Forums* (http://edonews.com/forums/ak)

sNiPeR, I don't talk to the kid, so there's no way for me to be "fueling" any fire.  Poor kid feels so dumb he's not in our clan anymore, he's trying to convince himself and others it's not as good as they think it is.  Nothing I can do about it...   Hell, I just want him to move on already, and stop dwelling on us...


Title: Re:*sigh*
Post by: Brain on November 05, 2003, 06:59:33 am
sNiPeR, I don't talk to the kid, so there's no way for me to be "fueling" any fire.

um... correct me if i'm wrong but typing messages in a forum... a PUBLIC forum, would serve the same purpose as communicating directly with the person in question.

that's all i'm gonna say because if i speak my mind, i'm gonna need to be moderated :-X

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 05, 2003, 10:31:08 am
assassin, I'm simply asking for his flames to be removed.  You know damn well I want to respond to them all, but no need to keep the bullshit going.  I'm trying to be the bigger man, now help me out and delete his BS.  THanks.

ehe, you trying to be the bigger bser, not man. how can a bser like you talking about typhy's "BS"? as i said few times before, his "BS" is kinda true...

And for the record, our clan has the reputation of being able to kill anybody in sight.  And it's well known that those that take RS seriously, don't like getting owned in any way, especially by the |?K|'s.

too bad you didnt own about 2 years now...how about u stand up finally and start cbing?

Howdy Mellow!  Sorry bout our forums.  We had to get a new url------------)>|?K|*Forums* (http://edonews.com/forums/ak)

How many ppl post there, 2 or 3? i guess its you, and you prolly

sNiPeR, I don't talk to the kid, so there's no way for me to be "fueling" any fire.  Poor kid feels so dumb he's not in our clan anymore, he's trying to convince himself and others it's not as good as they think it is.  Nothing I can do about it...   Hell, I just want him to move on already, and stop dwelling on us...

Yea i think typhy is feels really sad about not being in you clan anymore LFMAO  :o

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 05, 2003, 02:30:21 pm
There was a few people that'd post on the AK forums. It was nice, pretty much flame-free, even though people would go in now and then and try to stir up trouble. Good thing about it was they'd kick out troublemakers right away, which is always nice. There's a little bit of sheeyit talking, but it's all good.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 05, 2003, 03:56:25 pm
There was a few people that'd post on the AK forums. It was nice, pretty much flame-free, even though people would go in now and then and try to stir up trouble. Good thing about it was they'd kick out troublemakers right away, which is always nice. There's a little bit of sheeyit talking, but it's all good.

suuure its all good.

Lmao, of course there is no flame, as you said troublemakers are/were kicked out (by the most famous troublemaker i ever knew...)

and prolly every post got changed in the right way, so that our man Rapid is ok with it....

have fun posting in the famous AK forums...i think rapid blocked my ip so i cant watch his site anymore. Did I ever? Yea, I wanted to know if there is a picture of our fat friend, just to know wich assface i will beat in futur...but of course there is no picture, it would be censored by the FBI as soon as its online...because of the worlds ugliest animal ever seen ;D

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: trevor on November 05, 2003, 07:16:37 pm
absalon, for being one of the most hated euro posters in these forums, you sure are a hypocrital flamer.  Here's somebody not even talking about you, and you feel it's your duty to flame away...  Why don't you just shut your trap, and go play with your barbies!  Remember, you're the guy that was proven to have lied in/about a CB.  Nothing to run with your head up high about.  Ashamed is what you should be, but who cares, since you're a dishonest flamer anyways?  |?K| has all the right in the world to hate your dishonest ass. And I can see why they want you banned for all your bullshit lies(in a CB even!).  One thing is to prove a point in  a post, another is to make an ass out of yourself(like you have absalon, good job buddy).  Guess you wanted to help rapid look good with all your nonsense.  good job guy.  at least he can prove points, while you prove you're a flamer.  gj

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: bronto on November 05, 2003, 08:44:03 pm
that's funny, i've never seen trevor before..

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 05, 2003, 09:17:47 pm
that's funny, i've never seen trevor before..

Oh yes you have.

Title: Re:*sigh*
Post by: seth on November 05, 2003, 09:23:06 pm

um...  in a forum... a PUBLIC forum,


Its not a Public forum, remember, Admi owns the post  ;D

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 05, 2003, 09:46:09 pm
absalon, for being one of the most hated euro posters in these forums, you sure are a hypocrital flamer.  Here's somebody not even talking about you, and you feel it's your duty to flame away...  Why don't you just shut your trap, and go play with your barbies!  Remember, you're the guy that was proven to have lied in/about a CB.  Nothing to run with your head up high about.  Ashamed is what you should be, but who cares, since you're a dishonest flamer anyways?  |?K| has all the right in the world to hate your dishonest ass. And I can see why they want you banned for all your bullshit lies(in a CB even!).  One thing is to prove a point in  a post, another is to make an ass out of yourself(like you have absalon, good job buddy).  Guess you wanted to help rapid look good with all your nonsense.  good job guy.  at least he can prove points, while you prove you're a flamer.  gj

erm....rapid, are you serious now? why do you post under an alias? pfft

Title: Re:*sigh*
Post by: Brain on November 05, 2003, 10:31:32 pm

um...  in a forum... a PUBLIC forum,


Its not a Public forum, remember, Admin owns the post  ;D

yes, but public in the fact that everyone can access it (unless they have been banned)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on November 06, 2003, 02:38:35 am
Trevor? Awww... Rapid doesn't like his real name?


Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Typhy on November 06, 2003, 02:41:28 am
Trevor? Awww... Rapid doesn't like his real name?

Can you blame him?

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Jeb on November 06, 2003, 03:20:47 am
I'll be willing to bet money the post from Trevor came from this address.


Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: cookie on November 06, 2003, 01:57:08 pm
fuck i missed this  ;D

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 06, 2003, 05:12:02 pm
I'll be willing to bet money the post from Trevor came from this address.


i guess u got the jackpot  ;D

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: skunkney on November 08, 2003, 03:46:05 am
I just wanted to thank everyone for their support, even if it was just to give Rapid and shot in the gut for old times sake. Let's face it, he deserves every bit of it. By the way, nice one Jeb. Can you say: "House warming party!!!"

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: *NADS Foxy on November 08, 2003, 07:32:24 am
Hahah, Rapid just got raped. Good sleuthing Jeb...

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Cossack on November 08, 2003, 07:53:09 am
BTW nice owning on jeb's part. Now to my little speil. Back in the days of KoS and SWAT I was a member of AK. Now I had a real maverick personality in the clan. I was a bit of a rebel and a bit (not a flaming but a rational practical softspoken) critic of Rapid. We had too many disagreements for me to remain part of the clan. So Nighthawk, Kilzo, and I went off to start our own clan called TASK. Keep in mind our leaving of AK was not frowned upon by Rapid. We kept on good terms with him and never fought (I maintained a strict policy of neutrality when it came to AK and the others seeing as I was in the precarious situation of being freinds with both Rapid and Grifter). The point is, that to break away from AK dosent mean you need to go on bad terms with him.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Jeb on November 08, 2003, 08:50:01 am
Hahah, Rapid just got raped. Good sleuthing Jeb...

thats been common knowledge for years to many people  ;)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Guy Incognito on November 08, 2003, 06:42:23 pm
Is that his real address and phone #?  I want to send him a surprise for his birfday (muwahaha)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 08, 2003, 08:49:18 pm
We all know my multi page history with |?K|...and I (to 2nd Cossack) also am usually on good terms with |?K|. If you really do think about it, 95% of the time rapid is on defense and his replies to a flame at him are called the start of the flame. He's obviously angry that skunkey left |?K|, still reasons unknown, and then skunk comes here to post a thread "Setting the record straight" when it just raises more questions and causes more flames.

I would prefer to see mauti do a IP test on "Trevor" before everyone decides it to be rapid. When all you guys come in here adding to the flame, causing more bullshit, then proceed to blame it all on rapid, that shows you are assholes. I tried to do the responsible thing by not posting in here early because that would have probably made it even worse, but I can't stand by and watch you all gang up on a good person (when you give him no chances).

Foxy was right about one thing in his 1.5 sentence post, this is rape. You know your big men when you have to join a big gang of people to insult someone you have had no real negative experience with (you yourself). That doesn?t mean you weren't told by a |?K| to shut up in a chat before when you were being a ass...

Typhy, I thought you were supposed to be a smart guy. If you were smart you wouldn't be popping a joke (worth nothing more than a smirk mind you) at someone for no reason but blind hate. You know as well as I do, you and Rapid were on good terms until you decided to start acting like a ass to him.

We're here to fucking play a game. What the fuck more is there to it. You come here; you meet some people, possibly join a clan, and play for FUN! This isn't major league baseball or the NHL; we aren't here on multi-million dollar contracts.

The fact you chose to pick a fight online, that just sad. On top of that choosing to blindly hate someone just because everyone else does (and you haven?t even tried to like them) is even worse.

We're a small, tightly knit community. We should be respecting each other, not trying to "rape" each other.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on November 08, 2003, 10:49:56 pm
If you really do think about it, 95% of the time rapid is on defense and his replies to a flame at him are called the start of the flame. He's obviously angry that skunkey left |?K|, still reasons unknown, and then skunk comes here to post a thread "Setting the record straight" when it just raises more questions and causes more flames.

Uhh if I'm not mistaken Skunkney was just defending himself from the post made in the AK clan news section.  I mean wouldn't you be offended if someone said: "you got all paranoid and flipped your lid".  I mean how is quitting a clan "flipping your lid" as you say this isn't the nfl, we're not on million dollar contracts, skunkey should just be able to leave his clan.  He did the same when he was in +stfu+, he left without telling us why and while meth was a bit angry, and we questioned whether joining AK was the right decision, but no one personally insulted and attacked him like rapid did.

choosing to blindly hate someone just because everyone else does (and you haven?t even tried to like them) is even worse.

Wtf are you talking about?  A lot of people hate rapid for LEGITIMATE reasons.  His disrespect towards the passing of grifter, his constant accusations that the battle league is unfair (due to a incident that happened a year ago), his tendancy to post under aliases (which have proven to be him on multiple occasions), the fact that he is a tattle tale, and his uncontrolable ego make him a very hard person to like.  


Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 08, 2003, 11:18:55 pm
Uhh if I'm not mistaken Skunkney was just defending himself from the post made in the AK clan news section.  I mean wouldn't you be offended if someone said: "you got all paranoid and flipped your lid".  I mean how is quitting a clan "flipping your lid" as you say this isn't the nfl, we're not on million dollar contracts, skunkey should just be able to leave his clan.  He did the same when he was in +stfu+, he left without telling us why and while meth was a bit angry, and we questioned whether joining AK was the right decision, but no one personally insulted and attacked him like rapid did.
I would call it flipping your lid, he left with no warning then went on to block anyone from talking to him. That seems very "flippy" to me. It's common decency to say why you're leaving. Good for +stfu+, that loose leadership and requested loyalty is probably why it had the lifespan of a cake in front of buccaneer.

Wtf are you talking about?  A lot of people hate rapid for LEGITIMATE reasons.  His disrespect towards the passing of grifter, his constant accusations that the battle league is unfair (due to a incident that happened a year ago), his tendancy to post under aliases (which have proven to be him on multiple occasions), the fact that he is a tattle tale, and his uncontrolable ego make him a very hard person to like.  

First off, he did show a lot of respect towards Grifters passing UNTIL Buccaneer started being a bitch to rapid. Secondly, I've never seen a decision in favour of |?K|, even when they had tons of evidence and the other clan only had their so called "word. Third, hardly a valid point, there have been far too many anti-Rapid (|?K|) aliases to count. Fourthly, if you wish to continue to not report anything to higher-ranking people than yourself, you can go back to the schoolyard for your entire life, and don't bother calling 911 (Overall a very juvenile point). He's confident in his clan and himself, I really am confused by today?s world, they always try to make you more confident, but if you are too confident they deem you a bloated ego...

Back to the drawing board LoseMoney.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on November 08, 2003, 11:40:19 pm

What's with all the fuckin DRAMA QUEENS up in here? Here's my take on this whole situation...most of you people respect me as I respect most of you, so hear what I have to say and move on.

Skunk is a good buddy of mine, whether he's in ?K or not, I believe he had every right to defend himself here, Rapid had no business posting anything about him on the ?K site. Skunks business is his own, period. Now Raps was a bit ticked off because he was givin no reason, well like I have told Rapid before, tough shit, he left, deal with it and keep goin. Rapid was a bit sensitive about it all, seeing as how he thought him and skunk were on good terms and it was hard for him to see what he thought was a friend of his just leave and ignore him, not only that, skunk was a great addition to our team and would have helped greatly in any cb's. His style fit in well and we will miss him.

Now from what I can see, all the people that have posted hate in here are the same people that have disliked Rapid from as far back as I can remember. I think if you all truly disliked the guy you would'nt waste your time even dealing with him. I have plenty of people I dislike, and I just blow'em off and keep goin. Why is it that you must always state the same opinion over and over? Fuckit, you don't like him, fine, leave it alone and do your own thing.

I myself am a pretty good judge of character, sure Raps does say and do some stupid shit, but so do we all. I have always gotten along with him just fine, if I think he's wrong, I tell him. I don't just run and start flaming. If any of you guys/girls could for one minute just stfu and try to have a reasonable conversation with him, you'd see he isn't a bad guy. A bit paranoid at times, maybe a lil bit of an ego, but so fuckin what. You all know ?K has the skills to back it up, and if you think not, come play and we shall see. Now Im off to finish makin my chili and to grab another cold one. have fun with this incredibly senseless thread, and when you're done jackin off come join my game... ;)

Peace fellas, Kilzo

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 08, 2003, 11:57:05 pm
haha, kilzo is an AK now......lolololol

Title: Ok, my turn.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 09, 2003, 10:29:50 am
Ok, first, I'd like to thank everybody for their 2?, no matter how pathetic some of them are.  Geeez, grow up already some of you... :o

Ok, I guess I'll just go down the list:

Absalon, thanks for once again showing us how much of an idiot you are.  Just read all the pathetic bullshit you posted.  Defines the piece of shit you really are.  

"um... correct me if i'm wrong but typing messages in a forum... a PUBLIC forum, would serve the same purpose as communicating directly with the person in question."
Let me correct you.  I don't speak to the guy here(mentioned he was a problem in our clan that we got rid of), so he can keep his stupid ass coments to himself.  Especially in subjects he's not involved in.  He's obviously out to put his stupid ass negative remarks towards anything that involves me or my clan.  Save us all the 14 year old drama, by getting rid of it.  Oh wait Brain, you love seeing it, so you rather let it sit and watch it get worse :o   *sigh*

Trevor, thanks for your post, and sorry you had to get attacked by our ignorant forum flamers.  They have nothing better to do in life.

 SNiPE, you're obviously becoming a hardcore flamer now that you're in ?cE...   Whatever...   *sigh*

Jeb, aka tom scott, you have been obsessed with my colleague's address for a while, and you still have not learned your lesson...

Cookie, yeah, this is real funny, just the good ol flamers with no life, still flaming up the forums as usual...  Flamers will be flamers...

Skunkney, I don't deserve the disrespect you gave me and the rest of the |?K|'s when you left without notice, and then even proceeded to remove us from your buddy list.  There are PM's on GR, PM's in our Forums, and email.  Any of those would've been the appropriate way to inform your leaving from our clan.  Not blocking us all, then ignoring us, then suddenly just say "hey, what's up" to some of the |?K|'s, without talking to others...  For as much respect as we've shown you, and given you in the past, you surely gave us none of that back.  You can have that big FUCK YOU, right back at you. >:(

Foxy, laugh about a "rape"(hardly) here, but I'm the one usually laughing while raping YOU in RS. ;D

Cossak, the difference between you and skunk, is that you had the decency to talk to me and tell me how you felt and how you wanted to move on.  I find it funny that you say you had so many "differences" with me, even though you told me you simply wanted to move on to start your own clan with kilzo and nh, which I respected and never doubted.  In fact, we had lots of fun as teamates, including our Sniper/Assaulter tactics, in which you were one of our Snipers.  Too bad all the vodka gave you such horrible aim though. :D  That's why we never begged you to come back! ;D

Jeb, you been the one getting owned for years.  Wait, don't you live on GR and fail to accomplish anything while there?  l0l, kids...

Guy Incognito, I'd love to have you come to my house and face me first hand.  Especially since you'd be in my property.  If you'd like to rumble, let me know and I'll give you my address so you can come get owned for real.  

Mysterio, I sometimes wonder why you liked confusing me so much.  Guess life is full of mysteries ;D  You really are a good guy, and I do appreciate all your kind words.  Much respect myst.

Lo$eMoney, Mysterio summed it up perfect.  Hope light was shined your way to see clearly.

Kilzo, you know you my nizzo no matter what. ;)

Ultiho, go back to removing viruses from your pc. (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/prank/flipoff.gif)

Title: Re:Ok, my turn.
Post by: Absalon - RnT on November 09, 2003, 02:49:18 pm

Absalon, thanks for once again showing us how much of an idiot you are.  Just read all the pathetic bullshit you posted.  Defines the piece of shit you really are.  

Hey! I thought ur such a nice guy?! i believe kilzo, btw, big lfmao at you being in AK

Trevor, thanks for your post, and sorry you had to get attacked by our ignorant forum flamers.  They have nothing better to do in life.

Lmao, your so fucking funny

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on November 09, 2003, 04:24:05 pm
Uh, I was in ?K about a year ago...I left with Cossak as stated before. I have recently rejoined the crew about 3 months ago, so lyfao all you want but you can both ( Ult, and ABs ) dine on a bullet anytime you join up and play. ;)

Now, Im done with BS Drama Queen thread...I think Im gonna go install GhR..ughh, I know it's not good, but RS is just really gay these days...

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 09, 2003, 10:37:59 pm
Sorry, but i would rather play call of duty and AA:O SF 2.0 then rs... hahaha

Rapid, funny I haven't had one problem w/ my pc since I got it.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 11, 2003, 06:40:04 am
New day, same bullshit...


Absackofshit, there's nothing to be nice to you about.   Or did you want me to be nice to you for lying about having a ?? of a last game that never happened?  Keep your EuroTrash out of here, and out anything that involves me or my clan.  You'll always be wrong when you sit there and try to defend yourself against that CB, you ignorant dumbfuck.

(http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/prank/internet.gif)Not yet?  Keep on trucking then Ultimo!(but know it's bound to happen  a n y   s e c o n d   n o w . . . , being that you're on your PC and all)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Typhy on November 11, 2003, 06:51:26 am
Heh, Rapid, a PC that gets better framerates in Call of Duty and Halo than you do in Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch and Dark Forces? :D

Rapid, get the fucking fuck over it, you fucking sorry ass excuse for a fucking person. RnT won fair and fucking square. Pull your delusional head out of your acne breeding ass and get some sense into that dormant organ you keep hidden in that rats maze of yours.

Oh, btw: Mexitrash! Mexitrash! Mexitrash!

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: spike on November 11, 2003, 04:10:13 pm
oh and btw typhy: flamer, flamer, flamer!

Title: Once again, loudmouth eskimo with his bullshit 2??
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 11, 2003, 08:24:16 pm
Spike got it right on the money. :o

Now Moderators, are you going to tell me Typhy doesn't deserve a forum warning/ban for all his flaming?(and I mean lots of it, too much of it)  The damn flaming eskimo is melting down the whole North Pole with his flames!

btw, here's Typhy's picture found on his Dad's website.  Notice his favorite RS hat he's wearing.  l0l ;D  This way, you all can understand why he's such a consistant gay flamer (Wouldn't you sit behind the computer all day too if you looked like this? ;D l0l  Can you say: Lack of sun? lmao)

See, 2 can play at this game, except, 1 wins, while other one frustratingly flames away...  (yeah, that's you Typhy, the flamer?)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: Typhy on November 11, 2003, 09:34:47 pm
And what thread would be complete without a picture of Rapid and his family? ( Rapid's the one on the far left )


Title: Poor 0wn3d Eskimo Geek...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on November 11, 2003, 09:47:06 pm
Fantasy vs. Reality.  

Nice try Typhy(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/ass.gif)

ps: get out of the house and from behind the computer and get some sun (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_lol.gif)

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: *NADS Foxy on November 11, 2003, 11:58:38 pm
Hahaha, actually Typhy's was funny. Rapid, your picture sucked a fat kack. Oh by the way, the only "owning" you would do to me was team-killing you stupid kike.

*waits for thread to be locked*

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 12, 2003, 02:20:17 am
For once I agree with you Foxy. This thread should be locked. Typhy and many others should get ban warnings too.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: bronto on November 12, 2003, 03:39:35 am
some nerd warnings should be issued also.

Title: Re:Setting the record straight.
Post by: alaric on November 12, 2003, 03:56:50 am
I will personally Pimp Slap any moderator who stops the funniest damn thread this year.

That is all....