*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_Mysterio on November 01, 2003, 06:10:21 pm

Title: Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 01, 2003, 06:10:21 pm
In my last poll of which sport sucks, it all degraded into Soccer vs Rugby. Mostly because alot of people voted soccer as the worst sport and I failed to put rugby on the list. Since everyone probly voted in that one I thought I should let yall (There i said it maniac) vote between the two...plus tht completely defeated the point of my previous thread...

My vote: Rugby, more physical work and contact. Requires more balls and equal strategy. Sorry typh ;)

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on November 01, 2003, 06:34:45 pm
That wasn't the debate. I was just defending soccer and saying how it is very hard to play effectively. Then Bucc came in and started talking up rugby, like I said I respect all sports.

Then again I doubt anyone could curve a ball 30 degrees upper 90 on this forum but hey, ignorance is bliss.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 01, 2003, 08:19:49 pm
Difference is Hazard, I've played rugby at the college level, and played soccer with guys that played at the college level as well.  Yes, I've played soccer, in the last few years even (lots of ruggers do it when we can't find a rugby game).  I've even played indoor soccer for the past 8 years or so.  Not the same as normal soccer, but I like it better because we can play drunk and get away with a little more physical contact.  

So, unlike most of the people commenting about soccer being so tough, I've done both.  Most ruggers have.  Like I asked Typhy, how many rugby games has he ever watched, let alone played in?

I also doubt many people here could drop kick a rugby ball through the posts from 40 meters out, while under pressure, let alone hit a conversion from 22 meters at touch.  Then talk about them doing it after being hit hard and often.

Watch the world cup, it's going on right now (Aussies scraped by for a 1 point win against Ireland this morning).

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on November 01, 2003, 08:24:21 pm
My posts in both threads were mainly directed at football players. Most football players look at soccer as a sport requiring no skill. I think all sports require a certain amount of skill and without a doubt Rugby is probably the harder sport to play, I have never down talked it.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: tasty on November 01, 2003, 10:34:20 pm
I've never played a game of rugby without walking away with serious cuts, bruises, and pain emanating from every part of my body. They're both fun games, but in terms of attracting bastards, rugby takes the cake. Most of the rugby players I know are some of the toughest people ever, and in comparison most soccer players are flaming nancy boys. Soccer probably takes more skill in terms of coordination and strategy, but rugby is just obviously tougher.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: KoS.Rebel on November 02, 2003, 03:35:28 am
ill say somethin before typhy gets on here and makes a long post and includes his PC specs like usual :P . Both rugby and soccer are easy to learn but being able to play rugby over and over again takes balls while playing soccer requires your feet to feel ok.....lmao. oh well back to rainbow six 3 on the xbox.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 02, 2003, 12:41:35 pm
Hazard, as far as football goes, on a high school level, it's not that tough, the game is the hardest part of the week back then.  The hits hurt, but they are few and far between compared to other games.  Football is fun to watch, but isn't as tough to play (they keep making it safer and safer too).

Soccer probably takes more skill in terms of coordination and strategy, but rugby is just obviously tougher.

I'd argue about the strategy though Tasty.  We have plays, set ups and tactics in rugby games.  Both games are pretty fluid, so it's hard to see them.  Line outs and corner kicks are an easy way to see them in soccer, but it's harder to see in kicking to touch behind the 22 meter line, and when to take the penalty kick or scrum it up.  But it's there.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Jeb on November 03, 2003, 01:53:58 am
rugby is for wannabe european homos who drink pilsner...
nuff said

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Ace on November 03, 2003, 02:47:36 am
rugby is for wannabe european homos who drink pilsner...
nuff said

As much as I appreciate Jewb trying to get a rise out of Bucc, I can't help but question the grounds on which he offers his opinions on sports when the last "athletic" endeavor he had was carrying 2 twelve packs of cheap beer.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 03, 2003, 05:29:40 am
Pilsner, now that's just fucking low.  My piss probably has more alcohol (and flavor) then Bud.  I'm also hoping that the dark brown color is due to the Guiness as well.  I think the lightest beer I drink is a Weiss (wheat beer).  

But, pilsner's are strong for Jeb's crowd, since they are usually drinking wine coolers.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Jeb on November 03, 2003, 07:11:11 am
well, your probably right since my crowd is into the cheap beer,  mostly PBR, or Olympia. And then the jugs of carlos rossi are the closest i'd ever get to a wine cooler.

Bipgat is the wine cooler specialist anyways.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: BFG on November 03, 2003, 06:23:11 pm
lol. back to the topic in hand (pass a beer please)

I can't speak for football very well (sorry i mean soccer for all the americans who have to fuck up the english language ;) ) but as for rugby.. played a bit at variouse schools - seemed to mostly be just an excuss for one almighty fight- and nobody every walked away from it without a limp etc... but my view of it has changed somwhat.

As a rower i know a lot of guys that have made the transtion from rowing to rugby - because they are simply to big! There gets a point where some guys are just too strong for their own good and make the move to rugby - . Which when played properly is awsome, and if anyones watching the world cup at the moment well u can't argue that skill isn't involved!

Also, statistially more guys are hurt in proffessional football (soccer) than Rugby.... although im not sure what the define as being 'hurt' ;)

pilsner? PILSNER? Thats almost as bas as "Fosters; australian for piss" ;0)

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 04, 2003, 04:12:38 pm
I dunno, I'd like to see the statistics that say soccer players get hurt more than Rugby players. Seems to me that people are getting seriously injured every few minutes in the Rugby matches I've seen. I was watching one about 2 weeks ago where there were at least 5 injuries, and I'd only watched the last half of the game. I think there was someone with broken ribs, someone with a concussion, and a few guys who hurt their legs/knees really bad. Now, I'm not saying that people don't get hurt in Soccer, but I don't think it happens quite as much as it does in Rugby.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: BFG on November 05, 2003, 12:15:27 am
I wish i could remember where it was i read about the research /stats...

I think, like i said before, it comes down to how you define an injury - rugby guys often get a bloody nose or a kick on the shins, but they don't roll around the floor and demand to be strechered off (thats a big generalisation i know ;) )

With rugby i think when the accidents do happen, they are pretty seriouse, but football (soccer) players are forever spraining mucles, pulling ligments, twisting ankles, forgeting to condition their golden locks ;)  ;D

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 05, 2003, 01:20:10 am
Yeah, that must be some flaw in the reporting of injuries.  Since in rugby, we'd just run off to the side lines and get a quick stitch or two (or use some superglue to close a bad cut) and get right back out there on the pitch.  

Heh, run out of conditioner for their golden locks, heh.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: cookie on November 06, 2003, 02:32:47 pm
GUINNESS IS FOR WUSSES. and you say the lightest beer you drink is weiss beer bucc? guinness has a lower alcohol content than most, if not all wheat beer.

pick up some spaten, paulaner.. or at the very least becks.


Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 06, 2003, 05:22:59 pm
Personally, I hate Becks.  

And light doesn't mean alcohol content Cookie.

What I normally drink are Bells (Oberon, Kalamazoo & Cherry Stout and Two Hearted Ale), Harp and Guiness.  Oh, and one of those mini Moslen Canadian kegs with the Red Wings logo is in my fridge too.


Click here (http://www.bellsbeer.com/brands.asp) for a list of the brands and alcohol content if you want Cookie.  But don't be shocked when you see the 8.5%'s =D

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: cookie on November 06, 2003, 06:05:32 pm
8.5% is pretty sick man.

and becks is OK.... although i'm a warsteiner fan as far as lager goes.

eew. we're talking about beer ;)

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Jeb on November 06, 2003, 08:10:29 pm
i remember hearing about a beer being made by sam adams which had a 16% alc content.
That would be much better than drinking oldE High Gravity.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 07, 2003, 03:17:55 am
Man, just looking at that picture makes me thristy.  Time for another Oberion (that's the cloudy yellow on the right).

16% alcohol?  That's 36 proof, almost some of the fruitier schnapps.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: smoke.aHa! on November 08, 2003, 01:53:41 am
rugby takes no skill, its hand off the ball and run as hard as u can into a pile of fat men runing at u at 3mph, soccer is a real mans sport as proved by the 90% of the planet that plays soccer

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 08, 2003, 02:25:35 am
Fat men?  What rugby have you been watching?

And since when isn't rugby played all over the world?

Thanks for the uneducated opinion smokie.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on November 08, 2003, 05:35:51 am
I chose soccer because it's easier to learn to do something with your hands because most sports require that and people naturally have hand eye coordination, while the foot coordination required to play soccer is much harder to come by.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 08, 2003, 05:54:50 am
Hazard, I dare say you are overlooking the kicking aspect of rugby too.  

And even if you think it's easier to learn, it's not easier to play, not when you are taking (and giving) all those hits.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: BFG on November 08, 2003, 07:15:18 pm
hehe damn right bucc. There is Defintaly absolutly nothing easy about rugby -
just take tackling for example - runing full tilt and launching yourself through the air to grab on to your oppolents legs and bring him to the ground... while running what most of us can't do in a 100metre sprint for over an hour...

ok maby tackling wasn't the best example for easyness... how about the scrum.. how about kicking the most stupidly shaped ball in the world through the goal? !!   ;)

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: KoS.Rebel on November 09, 2003, 06:41:14 pm
Holy crap.....Typhy hasnt posted his comp specs or his opinion on why soccer is manly yet.....its amazing.....gift from God? Sry Typhy no more bashing u on ur passion for soccer. Back to r63!

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Ace on November 10, 2003, 06:43:30 am
rugby takes no skill, its hand off the ball and run as hard as u can into a pile of fat men runing at u at 3mph, soccer is a real mans sport as proved by the 90% of the planet that plays soccer

For all you soccer fans out there, suck it long and suck it hard. Smoke thinks it's a man's sport, meaning it's for pussies and fags.

PS - Water polo and hockey own all, save maybe lacrosse.

Title: Re:Which Sport is harder (let my other poll die)
Post by: Jeb on November 11, 2003, 02:07:00 am
You mean to tell me a sport(your not fooling anyone by calling it that), where your wear a thong and jump around in a pool with 20 other semi naked shaved men and toss a ball around isn't gay, then you should seek psychiatric help.