*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Mattster on October 25, 2003, 05:21:52 am

Title: Saying Hi.
Post by: Mattster on October 25, 2003, 05:21:52 am
Hey guys. Just wonderin how mac life was going. PC life is great, not as good as Mac life though. Well that is all for now.
Go Marlins!


Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: †FiRE Infection on October 25, 2003, 06:16:20 am
If PC life isn't as great as mac life why did you leave?  ;)

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Mattster on October 25, 2003, 04:34:39 pm
I had to. My dad wanted a pc I couldnt do anything. Also, I needed one for school.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on October 25, 2003, 04:48:19 pm
Hey matt :) hows the gaming over in peeecee world?

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on October 25, 2003, 05:03:26 pm
Ahhh, I forgot about you, ya zesty bastard. How ya been, man? Ya better get a mac again someday, or we'll have to go medieval on your ass.  8)

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: bronto on October 25, 2003, 06:12:45 pm
macs are too expensive. i'm never switching back. i deleted gameranger.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on October 25, 2003, 06:22:54 pm
Ya, I can understand matt not switching back because of the high prices of macs nowadays. But mine was worth every dollar of my money...

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: BFG on October 25, 2003, 06:40:16 pm
Too expensive? I think this is somewhat of a urban myth. Take the Apple laptops for instance, Find me a Windows running eqivelant of either the 12inch or 17inch laptop that has the same power, features, and both hardware and software set up... for the same price, and i'll be extreamly surprised.

Actually. Find me a Server that has the same power/storage as the Xraid and Xserve  yet costs less and i'll be inpressed!

Find me a personal computer with the same power as the duel 2Ghz G5 but cheaper and i'll be bowled over backwards!

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: kos.viper on October 25, 2003, 06:44:55 pm
macs are too expensive. i'm never switching back. i deleted gameranger.

You're just a cheap bastard whore who smokes poo.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: bronto on October 27, 2003, 01:24:06 am
you only come to these forums to haunt me with the poo smoking days, viper? you were in on it too.

BFG, i don't care about laptops, servers, or G5s, and i don't care about proving you wrong. it's already known that PCs are cheaper then Macs.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 27, 2003, 01:28:40 am
it's already known that PCs are cheaper then Macs.

Which is why, for $300 - I just had a PC built that's just as nice as my dualie. LMFAO...  it's so true I'm crying in my beer.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: bronto on October 27, 2003, 01:33:27 am
there you have it.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on October 27, 2003, 03:03:05 am
Sure a 300 buck computer as good as a apple. If you really think that it's not worth getting into...

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 27, 2003, 04:15:41 am
Sure a 300 buck computer as good as a apple. If you really think that it's not worth getting into...

Well, show me an apple macintosh that can run Igor and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt.
That's what I've got in mind, doing some modding with apps that can not, nor ever will run on a mac.  For $300 I'd say it's a bargain.  If you don't agree that's cool.  

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Typhy on October 27, 2003, 04:22:26 am
His "dualie" is 2, 4Mhz Mac Classic's hooked together.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 27, 2003, 07:29:11 am
actually the dualie is two Mac +'s

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: BTs_Lee.Harvey on October 27, 2003, 09:39:01 am
I was thinking that is was 2 apple II hooked together w/ monicrome screens.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: bronto on October 27, 2003, 12:52:49 pm
admittedly, Mac OS is superior to windows. that is a given. but you still get more for your money when you buy a PC. besides, there's so much more selection for software, games, hardware, and just about everything else for PCs, you can't really go wrong. sorry to bring such an anti-mac vibe. by the way, hi mattster.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Cobra on October 27, 2003, 09:50:48 pm
Sure a 300 buck computer as good as a apple. If you really think that it's not worth getting into...

Well, show me an apple macintosh that can run Igor and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt.
That's what I've got in mind, doing some modding with apps that can not, nor ever will run on a mac.  For $300 I'd say it's a bargain.  If you don't agree that's cool.  
What, may I ask, is Igor??  A quick Google search showed "Igor Pro 4" (Mac and Windows) as the first hit.  I'm assuming you're talking about something else...?

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Cobra on October 27, 2003, 10:00:34 pm
admittedly, Mac OS is superior to windows. that is a given.
but you still get more for your money when you buy a PC.
Disagreed.  I priced a dual-Xeon rig at Dell to see how much it would be compared to a dual-G5, and it's just about the same.  Workflow and productivity are much higher in OSX than XP for me, so I get more for the same amount of money with a Mac.
besides, there's so much more selection for software, games, hardware, and just about everything else for PCs, you can't really go wrong.
Honestly, there aren't all that many games that are available for Windows that I really wish were available for the Mac.  Maybe a handful, plus one if Valve screws us with no Half-Life 2.  Regarding software in general, I find that, while Windows generally has about a thousand and one applications of a certain type, OSX has just a few which are much higher quality than anything available on Windows (Final Cut Pro comes to mind...).  With the exception of CAD software, of course.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on October 27, 2003, 10:18:39 pm

Former sexy gone troll!

I 100% agree with Cobra on those points. Macs are superior in more ways then they are inferior. Gaming isn't as bad as you think. There are absolutely no games out for PC that I would give up my Mac to play.

Technically you get a lot more bang for buck with Macs. You get quality hardware, on top of that a quality OS. Also a 0.0000000000000000000001% chance of ever getting a virus. And, although it sounds stereotypical, PC players (all that I've ever played with [AA, MoH...]) are for the most part assholes.

I personally like having a nicer community here. Think about it, every game you want eventually makes it to Mac (except Half-life because of Sierra). Just because they don?t arrive in a snap of the PC version doesn?t matter. As I said once before if you really like gaming and talking to people you met via gaming, you don?t need a new game every month. Look at how long RS lasted.

Currently with Apples roadmap for their products we will have 3 GHz by early summer 2004. We are currently tied with Intel (Well ahead in most areas) so you can no longer say PCs will be faster.

The only think you can really complain about are those goddamn graphics cards apple gives us!

<Banishes Troll Bronto>

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Mr. Lothario on October 28, 2003, 09:09:32 am
     Cobra, IGOR is Red Storm's modding tool for Ghost Recon. It ships with the PC version, but was not ported.

     Myst, you have to take into account that even if the Mac world gets a game, it will almost always be very much behind the times (over a year in many cases) and it will almost always be a bug-ridden port with horrifying frame rates, and it will often be missing some key feature(s) (specifically modding tools, but there are other examples to be had). If Apple were to provide promotion (on the realities of the Mac game market and the general profitability of ported games) and support (refinements to the OS and specific libraries to make games run more like their PC analogues), there would be a much healthier gaming scene on our side of the fence.

     One of the best things that could ever happen is if Apple managed to convince Microsoft to make a Mac-compatible version of DirectPlay, the networking component of DirectX. In nearly every case where a game ships without cross-platform multiplayer support, it's the fault of DirectPlay. A Macintosh version would enable porting houses to produce cross-platform-networkable ports with ease.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Cobra on October 28, 2003, 07:47:32 pm
    Cobra, IGOR is Red Storm's modding tool for Ghost Recon. It ships with the PC version, but was not ported.
Gotcha.  Thanks, Loth.
    One of the best things that could ever happen is if Apple managed to convince Microsoft to make a Mac-compatible version of DirectPlay, the networking component of DirectX. In nearly every case where a game ships without cross-platform multiplayer support, it's the fault of DirectPlay. A Macintosh version would enable porting houses to produce cross-platform-networkable ports with ease.
I agree.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it'll be happening anytime soon, if ever.  Was DirectPlay the cause for i5works not being able to maintain cross-platform compatibility in Raven Shield?  Or maybe they didn't give a specific reason, I can't remember.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 28, 2003, 09:12:42 pm
Interesting viewpoints on all sides.  I would expand my messages/philosophy to say that I *enjoy* having access to both platforms - I regard using both as a collaboration which to me expands the capabilities of what I can do.   If i had to live with one I'd reckon it'd be the Mac platform.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: cO.Kuza on October 29, 2003, 05:11:05 am
Sure you would only spend $300 on a cheap PC. BUT then you would have to spend another 300$ on virus protection. ;D

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Ace on October 29, 2003, 05:54:00 am
Sure a 300 buck computer as good as a apple. If you really think that it's not worth getting into...

Well, show me an apple macintosh that can run Igor and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt.
That's what I've got in mind, doing some modding with apps that can not, nor ever will run on a mac.  For $300 I'd say it's a bargain.  If you don't agree that's cool.  

Well, show me a wintel pc that can run OS X and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt. That's what I've got in mind, doing some actual work on an OS that can not, nor ever will run on a pc. For $300 less than a PC with comparable hardware I'd say it's a bargain. If you don't agree that's cool.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: bronto on October 29, 2003, 04:09:17 pm
Sure you would only spend $300 on a cheap PC. BUT then you would have to spend another 300$ on virus protection. ;D
i haven't spent a penny on any virus protection crap. that doesn't mean i warezed it either....i just downloaded a few free programs :-)

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 29, 2003, 05:27:14 pm
Sure you would only spend $300 on a cheap PC. BUT then you would have to spend another 300$ on virus protection. ;D

Ha ha - nice try dude.  I'm not silly enough to hook this thing up to the internet no way no how.  Seriously.  That cheap PC box of mine is not getting any internet access.  I'm using it for modding, and that's IT!


Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 29, 2003, 05:30:49 pm


Well, show me a wintel pc that can run OS X and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt. That's what I've got in mind, doing some actual work on an OS that can not, nor ever will run on a pc. For $300 less than a PC with comparable hardware I'd say it's a bargain. If you don't agree that's cool.

Actually  Darwin *has* been compiled on the dark side.  The reverse has not been done by Mr. Gates.l

Passes the salt...

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Ace on October 29, 2003, 05:47:54 pm


Well, show me a wintel pc that can run OS X and I'll eat my words with plenty of salt. That's what I've got in mind, doing some actual work on an OS that can not, nor ever will run on a pc. For $300 less than a PC with comparable hardware I'd say it's a bargain. If you don't agree that's cool.

Actually  Darwin *has* been compiled on the dark side.  The reverse has not been done by Mr. Gates.l

Passes the salt...

That's fine and dandy, but Darwin != OS X. Darwin is basically a mix of the Mach microkernel and FreeBSD/NetBSD userlands. Thus, it's not surprising that it runs on i386 chips. However, you need to add on Aqua, Cocoa, and all that fun shit before you have OS X.

And for the record, Windows NT ran on PPC chips at one point.

Owned and owned, beotch.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Jeb on October 30, 2003, 09:22:13 am
If i wanted to crash i'd be driving drunk, not using XP. Besides my way is safer.

Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on October 30, 2003, 06:45:35 pm
Well I also have to throw in my 2 cents - I'm seriously thinking about buying me a PC because I want to MOD. The reason why I started the whole *DAMN site was not only to represent *DAMN it was to share my own R6 mods. Modding hooked me up and was one of the most fun things next to playing R6 online. I could let my creativity flow but since RS I'm resistricted to converting RS and GR mods. THe only thing were I had as much fun as doing my own mods was when we worked on the popular Island Thunder Mac patch but that's it. Shortening filenames and changing the sound format isn't really challenging and doesn't allow any creative input BUT I have so many cool map and mod ideas I would like to realize but no-go on a Mac I , period. This reallly annoys me and so I'm thinking about to buy me a cheap 600 - 1000Dollar PC machine where I can be creative and THINK DIFFERENT!.


Title: Re:Saying Hi.
Post by: Tim Leary:SOG on October 30, 2003, 07:42:56 pm
Mauti that's exactly how I feel.  One does what they have to do, to do what they dream about.  Mac's can't do it all with regards to modding for Ghost Recon.  If the modding tools were available for the Mac, then a PC would not be necessary.  End of story.