*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: th.Sentinel on October 23, 2003, 03:21:51 pm

Title: Huge problem! Concerning cb info, team ladder, ...
Post by: th.Sentinel on October 23, 2003, 03:21:51 pm
Earlier today I was checkin on how many cb's we played and against who...
So I was able to say to my clan against which opponents we are still able to play.

But I came to the conclusion we played 27 cb's instead of 28 like the roster says.
10|(7)  |GM|   554   14   0.50   14    201    98      8       95   [GR, GR-S, GR-2]

I double checked... and triple checked, still came with the same result 27 > 14 wins > 13 losses

Then I checked our points by counting them all together minus the losses > result: 606 points instead of the 554!

How is that possible?
This is a problem I hope you can solve Elandrion or Mauti...

Because I don't want to loose a spot in the finals because of a script bug... (We are not in the finals yet, but we still have 6 days I think)

th.Sent  :o

Title: Re:Huge problem! Concerning cb info, team ladder, ...
Post by: *DAMN Elandrion on October 23, 2003, 03:57:50 pm
hey - could you post or send me a screenshot of issues like this? When I look at the roster, you have the correct 14 wins and 13 losses.


Title: Re:Huge problem! Concerning cb info, team ladder, ...
Post by: th.Sentinel on October 23, 2003, 04:58:16 pm
Hmmmpffffff  :( , just closed the window.

But tnx for checking it though!
