*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: seth on October 20, 2003, 07:18:01 am

Title: MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: seth on October 20, 2003, 07:18:01 am
I witnessed again (i said again coz its not the first time) something very interesting on MP server. It was sunday night.

As usual, it was MP vs All.
Everything was going fine until MP started to loose the games (in a way it was predictible since there were 6 MP vs 15 or 16 others0. All the briefing turned sour and MP started to say bad words and kick players from their room. This change of behaviour was pretty much obvious to everybody.

I just want to kindly remind Bucc, Willie, Villard and the others MP that we were playing a game, and in a game, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. That's the way it is. We were all there to have a good game and you just removed the "good" part.

That's sad...

P.S: i was kicked coz i told them some of them were glitching because they could not get to the WZ and were loosing! And it was true.

Title: Re:MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: Jeb on October 20, 2003, 07:35:18 am
before this is locked,
i'd just like to point out that when you play on any of our servers, and we are playing on there in a mp vs situation, crying that the teams aren't fair, and calling us glitchers is a good way to get kicked out of the server. Then spilling this unimportant issue onto damn to bitch about "mp" is a good way to get a ban even.

Title: Re:MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: Cossack on October 20, 2003, 07:35:37 am
Wow that sounds very odd because we never kick people unless they are either
A) Crashed
B) Glitching
D) Or being utter asses

Maybe you were being an ass.

Title: Re:MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 20, 2003, 07:38:39 am

Title: Re:MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: Brain on October 20, 2003, 08:15:31 am
ok, just to set the record straight, you were complaining that we were glitching when we weren't. we tried explaining this to you, but you pressed the subject

if i remember correctly you were saying something about "you fucking losers on mp, you have to glitch because you are losing"

i don't think that is a single clan on GR would tolerate behavior like that on their servers, so why did you expect us to?

Title: Re:MP guys cant take a friendly loss !
Post by: Ace on October 21, 2003, 02:58:59 am
Bah, you were lucky I wasn't there. I boot people just for shits and giggles. (Go ask spaz if you don't believe me.)