*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Typhy on October 19, 2003, 11:13:22 am

Title: Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Typhy on October 19, 2003, 11:13:22 am
 Let's not go into why or how I got 10.3, let me just say that Apple has my 70 bucks ( Student Discount ).

I'm sure that you're all aware of the features that 10.3 offers, and the changes it makes - if not, go read a review on it. And believe me, it's ownage.

Out of the games I've played in it so far, AA gets by far the bigger performance boost.

Those of us who use G4s, I'm sure are farmiliar with the "SAW Lag". When someone shoots a SAW, your framerates go to hell. Well, no more. People can be all around me shooting SAW's, M4s, M16's, 203's, you name it. My framerates stay steady.

Also, 10.3 offers a 2-5 FPS boost everywhere.

For you GHR players out there; sorry: OS 10.3 offers no improvements to GHR's framerates. The same is true with MOH:AA, SH and UT 2003.

If anything, RTCW is effected negativly by 10.3. Playing Dam, one of the more graphics demanidng maps, at the start, looking at the whole thing ( when you kill the cheese delivery dude ), my framerates dropped down to about 45. Other than that, they held steady at about 75. Either I'm greatly mistaken, or it used to be 75 looking out at the whole dam, and 95 everywhere else. But w/e, 75 FPS isn't bad anyway, hell, nor is 45.

Just thought you might like to know. ;)  

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on October 19, 2003, 11:44:19 am
the biggest improvement is in memory and user interface.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Cobra on October 19, 2003, 08:47:51 pm
Hmm, you sure about UT2k3 not getting a boost in Panther??  I've heard from multiple places that it runs considerably faster in 10.3.

According to macbidouille:
BenchUT2003 under X.2.6 and X.3. He uses a G4 Quicksilver 933 with a Radeon 9000 and 1.5 Gb RAM. Tests were done under 1280*1024 resolution with demo flyby-citadel
 Under X.2.6:
 Score 37.00
 Min FPS 11.42
 Average FPS 36.94
 max 121.27
 Under X.3:
 Score 55.95
 Min FPS 17.4
 Average FPS 57.026
 max 192.117

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Ace on October 19, 2003, 08:48:28 pm
Will 10.3 help out an old G3 iMac any?  My non-student discount update is due in next Monday.

From what I've heard, Panther is supposed to make a significant difference on old G3 machines.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on October 20, 2003, 06:59:21 am
I wouldn't believe those benchmarks from macbidouille.
Because there is no change in hell his 933mhz g4 is faster than my G5 in 10.3 (and the site is french which is a clear give away). But perhaps its because he is running a flyby on low detail.

In ghr i've noticed no speedup, because ghr stayed near/on the maximum allowed fps in that game.

i did a flyby on my g5 in ut2k3, and i pulled
Score: 73.3
min: 10.6
average: 93.13
max 283.91
Sadly i wish i saw 93fps average during botmatches

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Cobra on October 20, 2003, 10:42:04 pm
Are those numbers higher than what you see in Jaguar, Jeb?  Or are they about the same?

By the way, what video card've you got in there (just wonderin')?

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: spike on October 20, 2003, 11:03:26 pm
jus wondering typhy, how can i qualify for student discount? besides the obvious of course. do you have to be in college?

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on October 21, 2003, 12:52:21 am
i dunno, i never tested it in jaguar, I have a radion 9600.

And spike, you can get the student discount if your in college. I'm not exactly sure how typhy got a student discount (since there are NO colleges in alaska  ;) ). I also think teachers get discounts, and government employees (even vets). Or if you have purchased a G5 you get a "free copy" (20$ for shipping).

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Typhy on October 21, 2003, 12:54:26 am
jus wondering typhy, how can i qualify for student discount? besides the obvious of course. do you have to be in college?

Quite simple, to tell Apple you go to UAS. ;) ( University of Alaska Southeast ).

In my case, I used my mom's name ( she's a school teacher ).

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: tasty on October 21, 2003, 10:20:20 pm
I realize that they added new features, but could Apple offer a free update, once, please? I mean when systems 7.5, 8, and 9 were out, they offered .X updates for those free of charge even when plenty of new features were added? just a thought.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: tasty on October 21, 2003, 11:20:19 pm
The people in charge of Apple are greedy capitalist Americans....I LOVE THOSE GUYS!  :)

Way to be completely irrelevant.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on October 22, 2003, 03:28:12 am
panther is worth it, especially expose.
Other than that, its stable, fast, and looks even better.
I don't really use expose that much because i have two big monitors on my g5, but i can imagine how useful it would be for someone with a laptop, imac, or a monitor with a 1024x768 resolution. I tried panther on a 400mhz G3 tower and it felt as fast as my G4 466 does in jaguar.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 22, 2003, 03:45:13 am
Tasty, why not just go back to pre release 7, when they were all free?

10.2 is at 10.2.6 now, that's 6 updates for free.  Yes, they've changed the way that they number their releases, but 10.3 is a bigger change in the OS over 10.2 then 8 was over 7.6.

My only complaint is that they are doing the major releases once a year now.  

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Civrock on October 22, 2003, 10:32:50 pm

i just had a framerate of 66 in Ghost Recon. it wasnt just there for a second, no, it was there several times.
Since i have Panther (my dad is a beta tester), my framerate improved from about usually 20-30 to about 30-66(!!) now.
i was on the castle map and it wasnt just in one place of that map and i wasnt looking into the heaven for more frames.
here?s one of the screenshots i took:


i?m using an eMac with 700mhz, the built in 32mb geforce2 mx and 768mb of ram. i?m playing with 800x600x16 and with all settings on low.
since 2 weeks i?m using the full version of panther 10.3 and my game-performance really improved! no shit! :D

[one] Civic.xo

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Supernatural Pie on October 22, 2003, 11:57:29 pm
Since i have Panther (my dad is a beta tester), my framerate improved from about usually 20-30 to about 30-66(!!) now.

Wow... that's quite a substantial increase. Good to know because I have just about the same system as you.

2 days left... :o

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: tasty on October 23, 2003, 01:01:36 am
Tasty, why not just go back to pre release 7, when they were all free?

Oh yeah those were the days. Apple certainly is not is customer-friendly as they once were, but the again they are also much more financially sound than they were during those times. Unfortunately, the two may be connected.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Mr. Lothario on October 23, 2003, 01:11:01 am
     Meh. You get plenty of updates for free within each version of OS X, and the upgrades that Apple does charge for are unequivocally UPgrades, with a host of improvements and refinements. I'm ok with paying Apple for a quality new version; it's a lot more agreeable than paying Microsoft for a new pack of bugs and shoddy design.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 23, 2003, 04:10:29 am
Unfortunately, the two may be connected.

Welcome to economics 101.  Today we will discuss the profitability, or lack thereof, in the classic argument of selling your product, or just giving it away for free.  

Methinks you can remove the "may" in your observation Tasty.  They figured out that the software business unit as a loss leader only works if it's a temporary loss leader, that hardware sales can't pay for that business unit too.

I'm actually amazed that tech support (apple care) is as good as it is with as little as they charge for the out of warranty work.

I'm still waiting for Apple to put out a whole new productivity suite (replace Appleworks), just so I can lose MS Office, and rid myself of everything from Redmond.  If Apple really wants to make some inroads to business, they need that and a Mac application that is compatible and competes with MS Access (Filemaker doesn't do it)

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Casper on October 23, 2003, 05:03:24 am
jus wondering typhy, how can i qualify for student discount? besides the obvious of course. do you have to be in college?

Quite simple, to tell Apple you go to UAS. ;) ( University of Alaska Southeast ).

In my case, I used my mom's name ( she's a school teacher ).
u dont even have to be in highschool to get it...

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Bigpat on October 23, 2003, 09:26:31 am
Panther made quite a difference on my 400mhz TiBook.  Everything seems conisderably faster.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Ace on October 23, 2003, 10:16:45 am
I don't know about anybody else, but my copy of Panther is already in Fedex's hands. I got the free shipping but Apple seems to have upgraded it to 2-day shipping for free. It says it should be here "Oct 24, 2003 by 4:30 pm." Bwahahaha...

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Cobra on October 23, 2003, 10:37:15 pm
I don't know about anybody else, but my copy of Panther is already in Fedex's hands. I got the free shipping but Apple seems to have upgraded it to 2-day shipping for free. It says it should be here "Oct 24, 2003 by 4:30 pm." Bwahahaha...
Buh?!  Sweet...

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on October 24, 2003, 03:12:46 am
Well, i have my official copy from the up to date program coming tomorrow, and i have a free copy coming from the ADC on monday.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Ace on October 24, 2003, 04:21:48 am
Well, i have my official copy from the up to date program coming tomorrow, and i have a free copy coming from the ADC on monday.

Ditto. But for some stupid fucking reason, according to the tracking number, my copy is currently in Mephis after starting the day in Oakland. Fedex, are you retarded?

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 24, 2003, 07:02:11 pm
My copy just got here.  Time to start the installs.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: seth on October 24, 2003, 07:03:58 pm
Hey Jeb,

Je vois pas en koi le fait que macbidouille soit francais ait quelque chose a avoir ici dans le sujet qui nous interesse.
Et pis si taime pas les gens de mon pays, ta ka susser ma ke !

Truly yours

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: e?e G??nk on October 24, 2003, 07:13:36 pm
Je suis enti?rement d'accord avec toi Bob, ne dites pas du mal de nous autres Fran?ais sur des forums publics, c'est tr?s malvenu. Aha.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 24, 2003, 07:36:08 pm
Hey Bob,

?Por que necesita el frances para ser tan arrogante cuando ellos no han contribuido nada bueno al mundo desde que la revolucion?

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: seth on October 24, 2003, 07:56:12 pm

i'm not going to argue with you on the fact that France did not do anything for the World since the revolution, i'm just gonna send you back to school, unless you're still there

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 25, 2003, 05:22:22 am
Bob, I'll compare my education to yours any day.  And I'd be happy to argue with you on what good France has done for the world since the revolution, and why they seem so arrogant.  If you think you could hack it.

More to the point, you seem to miss the fact that it's rude to post to someone in a language they don't understand.  Guess that was wasted on you.

To answer a question, yet again, that you say you haven't gotten the answer to.  You were booted from the game for being rude.  Plain and fucking simple, isn't it?  You weren't banned (yet), but you were kicked for being rude.  You may also have been kicked for not readying up quick enough, as that happens all the time.  

Now, if you don't like that we kick for those reasons, good, don't play on our servers.  But your rants about some MP conspiracy are tiresome and remind me of Rapid.  Oh, the moderators are abusing their power; oh, they kicked me from their game.  Boo fucking hoo.  You are making a pretty big deal out of getting kicked out of a game.  Have some rejection issues you need to talk about?

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on October 25, 2003, 10:02:42 am
Good news for Panther game performance!

barefeats.com showed an almost 20percent gain in UT2003 Botmatch even on older G4s so probably also AA should run better now.  ;D



Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 25, 2003, 12:59:48 pm
Just wondering, how many of you out there are doing a complete reinstall, including erasing your hard drive and setting it as journaled (if you hadn't done so already)?

It's usually a good idea, and it's a good time to clean things up.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: BFG on October 25, 2003, 01:39:02 pm
Me me me!

All Four Drives are getting a spring clean, backed up, repartitoned and where applicable system clean installed. Allways nice to spring clean your mac once in a while - keeps things ship shape! ;)

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 25, 2003, 01:50:52 pm
Me me me!

Had this iMac for a year and a half now, and never did any kinda harddrive fixes/cleanings/complete reinstalls/anything, Its about time to clean this machine up.

Cleaning + Panther = Wooooooot

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: kos.viper on October 25, 2003, 05:12:16 pm
Hmm, I would do that too only if I felt like spending 15 hours backing up all of my files on DVD-Rs.  How's panther running for you guys?... mine won't get here until Tuesday  >:(

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 25, 2003, 05:34:33 pm
Which is why I back up to firewire hard drives.  =D

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 04, 2003, 03:31:35 am
Just a quick update.  I finally got around to playing GhR on Panther the other night.  When I was watching Alaric play (after I died) I noticed I was getting a solid 67FPS.  I even took a couple screen shots of it.  I hadn't dialed my monitor resolution up to where I normally have it (it was still on 80X600) but it was over that 60FPS hump and stayed there.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Jeb on November 04, 2003, 04:23:50 am
french people,
no hablo  rana.

And i've noticed GHR stepping over the 60fps barrier now, most i saw was 73 the other day.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 04, 2003, 04:47:56 am
Haven't tried GhR in Panther yet, must be my laziness, and my addiction to Hearts of Iron(God I love this game). I'll get around to it tomorrow. I've noticed substantial increases in speed in just about everything I've tested though. I've got a 466 G4 and it's running quite shmexily. 8)

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: BFG on November 04, 2003, 09:26:56 am
Well i must admit im getting a touch inpatient now... Panther still hasn't arrived.. apple said it was in the hands of parcel force and should arive... but it still hasn't! :(

For the guys that are seeing inprovments in framerates - can i ask how much these inproments are by? Jeb what were you getting before?

Wonder for people who did complete reinstalls whether cleaning up your system and the de-defragmentation of your harddrive has also contributed to the speed and framerates as well as the new system.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 04, 2003, 02:34:44 pm
For the guys that are seeing inprovments in framerates - can i ask how much these inproments are by? Jeb what were you getting before?

Jeb has a new G5, so he's cheating =P

I'm playing it on the G4933 with 1.5GB of RAM and a GeForce4MX 64MB video card.  I'm seeing about a 5-10 FPS bump on average for GhR and AA.  

I was playing Armagedtron on the iBook and it went from 25 fps to 50 fps at the slow parts (all the same settings).  It made a huge difference on the iBook 700.  

Wonder for people who did complete reinstalls whether cleaning up your system and the de-defragmentation of your harddrive has also contributed to the speed and framerates as well as the new system.

My systems were pretty clean, I do a complete reinstall every so often, just for system health.  So I doubt much if any of it has to do with that (although journaling the HD may help a bit, which I did)

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: kos.viper on November 04, 2003, 04:28:48 pm
Wonder for people who did complete reinstalls whether cleaning up your system and the de-defragmentation of your harddrive has also contributed to the speed and framerates as well as the new system.

My systems were pretty clean, I do a complete reinstall every so often, just for system health.  So I doubt much if any of it has to do with that (although journaling the HD may help a bit, which I did)

I installed the Panther Update and am seeing improved frame rates in games such as America's Army, MOH:AA, and JK2.  The improved frame rates are pretty consistent with another machine running my same spec's with a clean install of Panther.  Haven't yet de-fragged my HD yet since Norton 7.0 is an OS9 whore.  I'll try this weekend, FPS better increase by a little.

Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: BFG on November 04, 2003, 11:36:15 pm
Excellent smithers.... Well im looking forward to it when the bloody thing arives! Dosn't help we have postal strikes going on at the moment!


Title: Re:Game's in Mac OS 10.3
Post by: Blufire on November 12, 2003, 07:38:42 am
I've seen and heard of speed increases of up to 10-20% in some games and general OS snappiness. Not bad..  ;D