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*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: X1|Gabe on October 14, 2003, 06:50:19 am

Title: red reticule for ghr?
Post by: X1|Gabe on October 14, 2003, 06:50:19 am
hey guys, i was just wondering if its possible to make my reticule red to fix some problems with it blending in with the sky (esp. on ghost town). i heard sturm say something about it. any suggestions? thanks.

hehe  ;)

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: MovingUnit:SOG on October 14, 2003, 08:40:13 am

open your option.xml in a text editor and change the reticule coding to the following....


you can tweak it to your liking.

you can also change the color of the reticules IFF color (so when you are pointing at your teammates it changes to your prefered color as well).

learned this from Leary

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 14, 2003, 06:17:45 pm
I have reticule on green when aiming and red when aiming at friendly, lessend my TK's alot.

What ever colors you choose, make sure they are totally different so lower TK's

just a tip... :)

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on October 15, 2003, 09:42:36 pm
Good call Joka.  Yes very important indeed.  If only the noobs of the game would look at these forums.  In any case I am sure you guys all know that the R, G, B, stand for red, green, and blue.  as we all know if you look closely to the TV at home you will see that the screen is made up of little Red, Green, adn Blue pixals.  So in reality all you have to do to change color from one to another is put one at 255 and the others at 0.  It seems to work well, and you can go higher but I am pretty sure that the color spectrum that this game uses only goes up to 255.  Other then that I have noticed that Red makes it much easier to determine targets as well.


Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Noto on October 15, 2003, 10:31:44 pm
Here is what you can do.  Go to your Ghost Recon folder, open up Ghost Recon Data, and then drag your options.xml file onto TextEdit.  You might need to open TextEdit first if it is not located inyour dock.  You will most likely find it in your Applications folder.  The file will open up and you will see a whole bunch of crap.  Make sure you do not change other things, as it might make for an interesting gaming experience.  It's very easy to destroy a working copy of a game by simply changing one thing.  Anyway, the regular change that most guys are using is as followed:


As you can see, the first three lines make the reticule color Green due to changing R (red) & B (blue) to ?, and then changing G (green) to 255, which is the maximum.  Your reticule will now be green at all times, unless you are pointing your reticule on a team member.  If you want your reticule to change color when aiming upon your own guy, you can do this, and i would sugest doing so and making the color red.  ReticuleIFF is your friendly fire color.  Change R to 255, and make G & B ?.  This will make your reticule turn red when aiming at your own guys.  As mentioned in an earlier post, you can tweak the colors, but you can't do it during the game, since the options.xml file is used in booting the game.

I know some of the other files in there look tempting, but you might just want to leave it all alone.  I hope this information helped you out.

.::|N| Noto

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: crypt on October 15, 2003, 10:36:01 pm
i use dark blue when not on iff, and iff is red, the names also are highlighted in red, which is nice :P

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Acri on October 17, 2003, 02:27:03 pm
Is there a way of making the reticule change color when aiming at an enemy? That would be useful in some situations.

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 17, 2003, 03:10:20 pm
Acri, nope.

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: KGB on October 20, 2003, 01:31:37 am
Thanks for this cool info noto & joka :D
Beginning to love hanging around here ;)

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: BTs_Ch A oS on October 21, 2003, 07:51:51 am
I first heard of this when Frostbite came out and a download was available on DAMN for the red reticule.

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: Blufire on November 12, 2003, 07:56:53 am
Is this going to work with evill's new anti-cheat plugin? Supposedly it checks to make sure all of the files are unmodified and pure, so we probably won't be able to use any sort of home-grown mods soon...

Title: Re:red reticule for ghr?
Post by: MovingUnit:SOG on November 13, 2003, 07:14:21 am
Doesnt effect it one bit, the gameranger update doesnt allow modified mods/cheats.  You can't do anything to the options.xml to cheat.

His anti-cheat also doesnt affect any third party mods.  It only checks the MP1 and Origmiss folders for cheats becasue they are actual "releases".  Island Thunder isn't sold for mac therefore it is a third party mod, so it isn't checked by gameranger.