*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: BTs_Mysterio on October 03, 2003, 10:24:51 pm

Title: Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on October 03, 2003, 10:24:51 pm
Well with the rebirth of the sports poll here we go again. :P

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on October 04, 2003, 12:10:58 am
I like all of the sports listed. Probably Soccer and Hockey the most.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: kami on October 04, 2003, 11:46:05 am
I like Fu?ball, Hockey and Baseball. American Football can shove something up it's dirty ass.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 04, 2003, 01:26:32 pm
I would have liked to see tennis, golf, any car "sport" and all the track and field stuff up there, but since they werent i voted for football...Slapping other men on the ass in the locker room isnt a sport  ;D

4 votes on basketball!?!? omg, thats like the best sport ever

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on October 04, 2003, 03:58:09 pm
Make it 5 for basketball.


also, joka, anyone who has EVER tried playing golf loves it.
You've obviously never tried (after taking a couple lessons so that you get a decent swing).

Give it a second chance, you'll love it.

As for tennis, I enjoy it quite a bit, and I've played it my whole life, but I know many people don't like it because it's not easy to pick up quickly.    

Race car driving is boring, but I don't hate it like I do basketball.

Football can be really exciting or really boring.

Baseball pwns you all.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: the oNe on October 04, 2003, 04:21:10 pm
I'll vote hockey because I don't give a damn about Hockey what so ever.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Cobra on October 04, 2003, 06:04:42 pm
Race car driving is boring
Race car driving is fun.  Watching race car driving is not.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 04, 2003, 08:03:42 pm
Make it 5 for basketball.


also, joka, anyone who has EVER tried playing golf loves it.
You've obviously never tried (after taking a couple lessons so that you get a decent swing).

Give it a second chance, you'll love it.

I have, go down to the local golf range....after hours, borrow a couple hundred balls and swing away. The swinging part is fun, seeing how far you can hit..man that ball flies long  ;)  ....But as a "sport" its boring like no other thing can be boring.

Tennis...Ive played alittle...its boring to play, and hundred times more boring to watch.

Snipe give basketball a chance, a proper chance..its fun to watch AND play

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: kos.viper on October 04, 2003, 11:17:04 pm
As for tennis, I enjoy it quite a bit, and I've played it my whole life, but I know many people don't like it because it's not easy to pick up quickly.

Whole life being, 12 years?

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 05, 2003, 10:12:39 am
Soccer sucks because it's for the pussies that are too afraid to play Rugby.  =P

And anyone that says "try and play soccer, it takes such skill" has either not played both or is full of shit.

GO ALL-BLACKS!  Rugby World Cup games this weekend.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Typhy on October 05, 2003, 10:41:50 am
 Soccer is the best sport, without question.

Worst sport would have to go to ( not listed ) Rugby or Cricket ( what kind of a sport do the players stop for tea, and bring tables out onto the field at 4:00 during? ).

Buccaneer, out of all the sports I play/have played competivly, soccer is the one that requires the most skill.

Basketball often comes down to knowing how to use your screens. Football comes down to ( I'm a Wide Reciever and Defensive Back ) being faster than your oponent. Baseball requires lots of skill, however, lacks the teamwork of soccer.  Hockey's right up there with soccer.

I'm not "afraid" to play any sport ( I mean fuck, what else can go wrong? I've broken my knee skiing, both arms playing football, my ankle ( soccer ), my nose ( basketball ), and my wrist ( baseball ).

Soccer and Rugby are far from the same game. Soccer requires speed, the ability to see the full field, the abliity to see passing lanes through multiple defenders, 2 strong feet, and most of all - the ability to combine fakes with dribbles to beat your oponent.

Anyway, in conclusion: Soccer owns, Rugby and Cricket suck.    

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 05, 2003, 02:04:34 pm
*has 2 best player trophies from -95 and -96 in soccer*  ;D

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on October 05, 2003, 04:17:46 pm
No way. Rugby kicks so much ass. Ahh man...I love me some Rugby. The worst sport up there is Basketball, because ever since 8th grade, I've hated it. I ruined my left knee playing basketball, sniff sniff. I still have a tad bit of a limp from that. But ahhh...Australian Rules Football is the best sport, ever. So cool to watch, lots of violence, and it's confusing as hell, which makes it fun to try and figure out what's going on.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 05, 2003, 06:50:56 pm
Worst sport would have to go to ( not listed ) Rugby or Cricket ( what kind of a sport do the players stop for tea, and bring tables out onto the field at 4:00 during? ).

They stop for tea in Rugby?  That would be news to the whole Rugby world.  Don't be an idiot Typhy.

Buccaneer, out of all the sports I play/have played competivly, soccer is the one that requires the most skill.

And I'll bet you've never played Rugby.

I'm not "afraid" to play any sport ( I mean fuck, what else can go wrong?

Watch a rugby game sometime before you say that.  Think of all the violence in both soccer and football, and then take away all the padding.  

Soccer requires speed, the ability to see the full field, the abliity to see passing lanes through multiple defenders, 2 strong feet, and most of all - the ability to combine fakes with dribbles to beat your oponent.

Which one of those skills don't you need in rugby?  

I get the feeling that you don't know much about rugby at all Typhy.  I don't think you've even ever seen a game.  Try catching the World Cup, it's going on down in Australia (matches start this week).  

If I had to pick a second sport, it would be Lacrosse, especially the way the Native Americans play it.  Fencing is also a very cool sport.

You did make me change my statement though Typhy.  I said previously that if you said soccer took more skill you either hadn't played rugby or were full of shit.  I need to change that to an and/or now =P (please, give me a break with that tea time bullshit).

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Typhy on October 05, 2003, 06:58:03 pm
 The tea thing is in Cricket, not Rugby. Perhaps I wasn't clear.


Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 05, 2003, 07:04:02 pm
And have you ever even seen a rugby match Typhy?  Know how it's played or the rules?  Because your post and the skills you list make me think you are talking more about Hurling then Rugby.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Cobra on October 05, 2003, 07:51:38 pm
Fencing is also a very cool sport.
Aw.  Fencing seems like it'd be a lot of fun, but I really dunno if there's anywhere to get started around here...

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Cutter on October 05, 2003, 10:07:04 pm
what the hell was the olyimpic committee thinking when they decided that "curling" is a sport?  curling has to be the lamest sport around.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 06, 2003, 03:45:42 am
Curling is an activity, not a sport, as defined by the BCR sports scale.  The first determination is if it is something that is normally done while consuming beer (or other alcoholic beverages), and you get better at it, it is an activity, not a sport.

For example.  Bowling is not a sport.  Neither is horseshoes or Bacci Ball.  Golf is on the bubble, but leans towards activity the way everyone I know plays it.  

This is why Softball is an activity, while Baseball is a sport.  You've never seen a baseball game where you had a keg setting on each base and you had to down a mug before passing, have you?

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 06, 2003, 05:28:41 am
Soccer by far out of the "popular sports" because it is the sport that requires the absolute least skill (there is a reason why AYSO is so damn popular - because ANY kid can play the game, regardless of age and skill level). Any "sport" in which anyone can play with ease just plain sucks in my opinion.

As for rugby Bucc, i'll put money down that the Wallabies will smack your All-Blacks.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Toxic::Joka on October 06, 2003, 06:34:41 am
Soccer by far out of the "popular sports" because it is the sport that requires the absolute least skill (there is a reason why AYSO is so damn popular - because ANY kid can play the game, regardless of age and skill level). Any "sport" in which anyone can play with ease just plain sucks in my opinion.

Something just makes me think you never tried soccer.

As for being easy...If you take the worlds best soccer player and the worlds best rugby player, and make these 2 guys swap roles, wich one do you think would first learn the others role and be equally good at it?

Hell, if you take the worlds best soccer player and the worlds best anything and make them swap roles...

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on October 06, 2003, 08:09:31 am
Hardly...I played Soccer for many years when I was younger, that is until I found more challenging and rewarding sports such as Baseball, Basketball, and Football.

As for swapping roles between Rugby and Soccer players, I guarantee you the Rugby player would pick up on Soccer much faster than a Soccer player would pick up on the details of Rugby, seeing that Rugby is by far a more complicated sport which is also more physically demanding than Soccer is.

And what I just said above is just talking about Rugby. I would bet anything that you could switch the world's best baseball player and the world's best soccer player and the baseball player would more easily adapt to playing soccer than a soccer player would adapt to playing baseball. If you ask any knowledgable sportswriter what the most difficult thing to do in sports is, I can virtually guarantee you they would say that hitting a Major League fastball is the most difficult.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Nomad on October 06, 2003, 08:39:50 am
I guess the best question would be, To watch or PLay?

To watch: Golf (no question)
To PLay: I don't know, its b/w Golf and Cricket

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on October 06, 2003, 09:05:18 am
I would tend to disagree with Psycho, saying that the hardest thing to do is hit a MLB fastball.  From my experience (which, granted, does not include baseball)  Lacrosse is the most challanging sport overall.  Since you not only have to control the ball and keep it protected, and yourself alive (dont forget, the defenders have a 6 foot long pole that is usually made out of titanium, and weighs less than a pound and a half)  but youve also got to keep scanning the field for possibilites, such as passing, or someone who is looking to make a pass to an open man.  And to make it even more fun, usually youre doing all of this while running at top speed, and frequently unable to feel your arms because its freezing cold outside and raining.  

Now, im not saying baseball isnt challanging, i sure wouldnt have a prayre hitting a 98 mph fastball, or to Joka, being even remotely effective at controlling the soccer  ball, but im just saying Lacrosse is the most demanding, in mental and physical terms.  

But, i still said baseball sucks, because its too slow for me, after playing lacrosse =D  (you only stop for injuries, goals, timeouts (only 3 per team) and quarters, which are every 15 minutes)

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 06, 2003, 09:08:26 am
If you ask any knowledgable sportswriter what the most difficult thing to do in sports is, I can virtually guarantee you they would say that hitting a Major League fastball is the most difficult.

Actually, I think it's the Major League Curve Ball =D.

More on point for you Joka, most rugby players did play soccer at one point.  Also, I know it's been a past time of the Red Wings hockey players to warm up with a soccer ball before games.  So I'll take your average pro soccer player and put him on skates in the NHL vs say, Stevie Y or Bret Hull (both old men of hockey).  They'd both pick up on soccer much quicker then say, Lexi Lawless would pick up on skating with a puck while being smacked around.  There is no contest.  Soccer takes skill, endurance and a whole bunch of other skills to play at the world level, but so do many other sports.  Take Rugby, where you need all those same skills and endurance and the ability to sustain and deliver hits.  

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: MainMaN on October 06, 2003, 04:43:27 pm
Im gona just choose hockey.... since its the last sport i would ever play.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Maniac on October 06, 2003, 05:21:24 pm
I'm not a soccer fan at all, chasing around a ball, and kicking it in the goal isn't that fun to me, but if you like that sport i'm not going to make fun of you. Anyways Football and Baseball own the most how can you be an American and not like football and baseball the two greatest sports. Both are boring at sometimes, but if you truly like the sport you don't change the channel when it is boring.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 06, 2003, 06:29:18 pm

All respect to lacrosse, it is a great sport.  But Assassin's point is that the single hardest skill in any sport (not the skill of the overall skill required) is to hit a little round ball with a little round stick when the little ball is traveling faster then any driver over the age of 60.

Sportswriters have made the comment quite a few times that hitting a major league pitch is the hardest single thing in all of sports.

Lacrosse and Hockey are both skilled tough sports.  In hockey, they add the challenge of being on ice skates, but they also don't have as free use of their sticks as they do in lacrosse.  Although they have been making lacrosse less and less tough over the years.  They need to lose the pads.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on October 06, 2003, 08:43:57 pm
As for rugby Bucc, i'll put money down that the Wallabies will smack your All-Blacks.

LOL!! Sin did you not see the Wallabies get their arses kicked by the ABs not once but twice during the tri nations?

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 06, 2003, 08:47:02 pm
Way to screw up a bet LoseMoney.  Now I know how you got your name.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on October 06, 2003, 10:05:59 pm
I'm suprised at he votes against hockey. Hockey is a sport that requires extreme balance while doing all the things listed in soccer and rugby. Not to mention the worry of keeping your head up to see possible hit coming your way (All the while stickhandling a puck on ice).

I'll bet mainman doenst like hockey cause when he plays it hes so pathedicly weak that he would be crippled in a instant. And since there were no anti-hockey comments posted I cant mock the others.

I also think ruby is a great sport. I would put sports in order as:

  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Footbal
In order with the right being the best.

Soccer doesnt have what it takes to be there. It's almost as bad as basketball....BAH!

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on October 07, 2003, 12:41:33 am
Yeah, man. Hockey is one of my favorite sports, especially to watch. Violence and ice is a perfect combination. My top three sports:

1. Rugby
2. Hockey
3. Competitive Sleeping

I could only think of 2 cool sports...ah well.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on October 07, 2003, 01:53:55 am
I think i will post again just to defend soccer! >:(

Soccer is the finest game in all the land, dont think it takes skill?? Watch the womens world cup and the traps they make on 50 yard balls..its just plain sexy! :D :D

I play soccer and it does take skill...i also tried to start a rugby team at my school and failed. Rugby is a great game, my grandpa used to tell me stories that when he was stationed at a base during WWII..that all the "limies"(spelling?) would take off there shirts and some put on big boots and the would go out and play Rugby in Rain, Snow, Lighting..and he always used to watch them.

Rugby is more physical, Soccer more skill..does both sports suck...NO NO NO!! ;D

Australian Football is hardcore, ever watch that???

Peace out,

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on October 07, 2003, 02:11:31 am
In reference to the hardest thing in sports I would not say it would be hitting a major league fastball. I think it would be surviving a quarter or a half in the NFL or a European soccer league.

Football: self explanatory, very demanding sport for speed, agility, and strength.
Soccer: a very misunderstood sport in America. High school level soccer is harder to learn and I playing soccer all my life before even had a hard time adjusting. The game is downright dirty. Throw an elbow here, rip someone's shorts there, chopping ankles, and even techniques to get the whole cleat off. I couldn't imagine what the pros do. The hardest thing to do here would be being able to be physically fit and mentally prepared to keep up with a pro soccer player. Impossible for probably almost anyone with no soccer background.

Like I said in my first post, I respect all the sports listed so I didn't vote for any of them.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Typhy on October 07, 2003, 02:19:54 am
 Agreed, Haz. Anyone who has played only recreational soccer is missing out on a large part of  the game. You have to know how to angle your clete on a slide tackel so even if you hardly catch any of their leg, it hurts like a bitch. You have to know when you can throw an elbow, and how to use your arms for seperation when going for a header off a corner kick. Such things add another demension to the game.  

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on October 07, 2003, 02:25:45 am
Oh yeah another hard thing to do. Curve a soccer ball from 18 yards out upper left 90.

(upper left 90 is the high left corner)

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Typhy on October 07, 2003, 03:14:29 am
 I think the reason that people consider soccer to be the easiest sport is because you can learn your basics pretty quickly and easily. Past that is where it gets good. You need to know how to curve a corner kick in perfectly, or, as Haz said, be able to curve a shot into the upper 90s from a long way off.  

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Casper on October 07, 2003, 04:56:30 am
Typhy is  a noob at soccer i own him at it :P
Cause my team three peated the AK State champs :D

[size=-8]cept we loose all the time in regionals in the hardest region with all the damn mexicans from cali(not a raceal(sp) put down)[/size]

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Ace on October 07, 2003, 10:32:59 am
In reference to the hardest thing in sports I would not say it would be hitting a major league fastball. I think it would be surviving a quarter or a half in the NFL or a European soccer league.

Football: self explanatory, very demanding sport for speed, agility, and strength.
Soccer: a very misunderstood sport in America. High school level soccer is harder to learn and I playing soccer all my life before even had a hard time adjusting. The game is downright dirty. Throw an elbow here, rip someone's shorts there, chopping ankles, and even techniques to get the whole cleat off. I couldn't imagine what the pros do. The hardest thing to do here would be being able to be physically fit and mentally prepared to keep up with a pro soccer player. Impossible for probably almost anyone with no soccer background.

Like I said in my first post, I respect all the sports listed so I didn't vote for any of them.

Oh please. If you think soccer is tough because some players can get dirty, you really need to check out water polo. Have you ever had to fight off a guy trying to rip your nuts off, break any number of bones in your body, and drown you all while you are still supposed to be concentrating on the game? You can get away with virtually everything in water polo if you do it underwater. "Surviving" soccer or football is a joke in comparison. There are very few sports that would rival water polo for toughness: rugby and maybe lacrosse or hockey.

But then again, that's all irrelevant. Try hitting a little round ball with a little round stick while the little round ball is breaking across the plate in an unfathomable arc. By far, that requires the most skill in sports.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 07, 2003, 11:01:25 am
Typhy, you and Hazard can go on and on about the finer points of soccer, but what makes you think there aren't those finer points in Rugby?  

Talk about scrum, maul and rucks (and what to do when in each of them).  Line in's and when to drop kick.  Talk about having to fight your way in the end zone because they bring it out when you kick your points to that same distance from the sides.  

You can bring up all the points about soccer you want, but it's not going to take more skill then rugby.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on October 07, 2003, 12:43:12 pm
Ok in soccer, players take dives in order to get a penalty, basically they act hurt so the ref will feel sorry for them.  Now thats just down right pussy, you can't argue against that.  I mean you can talk about how dirty soccer players are all day but when you  just look at how the coaches tell their players to "holywood" an injury you realize how gay some aspects of soccer are.  Now as for the hardest thing in sports I would say it was survivng a single quarter of aussie rules football.  The players have to be in even more shape than soccer players, I mean the field is 185 meters long and 155 meters wide.  It requires not only a lot of lower body strength and coordination (it is a kick based sport) but a lot of upper body strent. for there is a lot of tackling and the whole point of the defence is to interfere with the catch.  It is probably the most phsically gruelling popular sport which isnt fighting.  I can remember a while back an NFL team hired an ARU (aussie rules union) player to kick.  And he made one tackle during his time in the NFL when his special teams failed to contain a kick returner,  the 155 pound kicker gave the 200 some odd pound  kick returner a concusion and forced him to fumble.  Despite all this i still consider Rugby my favorite sport, Aussie rules games are long winded and can go on forever, rugby just lasts the 80 minutes its set to (give or take a minute of injury time)  and is 90% of the time exciting.

Oh and the pussiest sport is synchronized swimming, I mean what the fuck.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Ace on October 07, 2003, 07:36:48 pm
Now I'm not going to get up here and hype synchronized swimming, but it's no walk in the park. Do you guys know how much leg strength you need to be able to do all the stuff they do?

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Typhy on October 07, 2003, 07:57:51 pm
 In all honesty, Bucc, I don't care about your opinion of soccer. I've undoubtably played more than you, and watched more games. I've found soccer to take an ammount of skill unmatchable in any other sport, aside from possibly hockey. This is an unwinable argument, so why bother?

Lose, acting hurt is part of the game. I can take a shot from a wet ball in the knee ( stings like a bitch ), and not flinch, but if I get slide tackeled from behind, I'll be on the ground in "pain". It's just another part of the game. You're taught the same thing in football - if someone hits you after the play, act hurt. If you're a kicker and someone hits you, act hurt.  

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 07, 2003, 08:06:39 pm
Ace, water polo is one tough sport to play, the only reason it didn't make my list for cool is that it's not a good spectator sport (most of the hitting and action is hidden).  It could get better with all the underwater cameras that they use in swimming.

LoseMoney, I'd probably like Aussie Rules more if I actually thought there were rules involved =D.  The whole name just seemed like a lie to me.  Seriously though, it's not a bad sport, but they quit showing it around here.

One sport I'm surprised that hasn't been mentioned is Sumo Wrestling.  Come on, who doesn't love watching a bunch of overweight men in thongs pawing at each other to find out who's on top?  =D

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: bronto on October 07, 2003, 09:05:03 pm
why did this turn thread turn into "which sport is harder?". no sport can be considered harder then another, since they are all very different from eachother. it's like comparing jobs (which it kind of is), saying my job is harder then yours when each person had to go through a completely different background of training and education to do their job (excluding minimum wage jobs).

back to "which sport just plain sucks?", i put down basketball because it's so fast paced, that when you're watching it, it almost becomes predictable. the court is so small. to play, id also go with basketball because im a very white person. id probably be good if i was serious about it, but its just so hard to be serious about something that doesn't please me.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on October 07, 2003, 09:06:53 pm
to play, id also go with basketball because im a very white person. id probably be good if i was serious about it

[sarcastic, somewhat racist, please don't scream at me comment]...or if you were black [/sarcastic, somewhat racist, please don't scream at me comment]


Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Maniac on October 07, 2003, 11:51:13 pm
When it really comes down to it all sports are hard in their own way. for example one of the MOST hardest spots is Golf people make fun of it and think its nothing, but let me tell you it take years and years to be ok at it, and shoot in the 80's. Soccer is a very hard sport i think the plot of it is just somthing i don't care for, and i don't watch it. Football and baseball are prolly just as hard in their own way. Baseball is mostly ALL skill, and Football is more about power, speed, and quickness.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: bronto on October 07, 2003, 11:56:04 pm
bronto: noob
maniac: note to self; don't contradict...myself.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 08, 2003, 02:47:40 am
This skill discussion has gotten out of hand.  For the guy that asked how it started, I said that soccer was for the pussies that were afraid to play rugby.  And that still stands.  Rugby and soccer have more in common then they do not, and are played by the same sized guys for the most part.  It's just that the soccer players are afraid of a little pain, that's all.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: bronto on October 08, 2003, 04:28:02 am
maybe they just like soccer better. rugby guys are definately a little more jacked, although you're right, it can be played by any midsized man. i've seen a few diesel players though, including my current english teacher who played in college.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BFG on October 25, 2003, 06:56:20 pm
What you call "soccer" is actually called football. Its our language so stop fecking it about damn it.
American football... what is the point? some weird version of Rugby.. which is jsut better.
Football ("soccer") great if most of the players weren't totallly overpayed ponse's.

uh to boring i give up  >:(

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on October 25, 2003, 08:28:42 pm
American football... what is the point? some weird version of Rugby.. which is jsut better.

Kind of like rugby league.  Always trying to make it more TV friendly.  Union is the only way to go.

BTW, BFG, you may know this.  I've been looking for this video clip from Rugby (pretty sure it was Rugby League) from back in the late 80's or maybe even 90.  Some huge mook (like 22 stones or something) head-butted the ref and followed it with a punch.  Ref was lights out before the punch even.  I saw the replay of it years ago, and it comes up in conversation now and then, but I can't remember the mooks name.  Any clue?  Just trying to look this up for an unbeliever.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: Ace on October 26, 2003, 08:01:20 pm
What you call "soccer" is actually called football. Its our language so stop fecking it about damn it.

Actually, a little known clause in the Lend-Lease Act actually officially transferred ownership of the language to us. Maybe next time you need military help you should pay in cash. But alas, there's nothing you can do about it now, so start calling it soccer. :P

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BFG on November 01, 2003, 12:19:10 pm
Heheh. Now Buccanneer i think i know what your talking about. Im sure ive even seen the clip your talking about. the guy was a walking bloody tank wasn't he. I'll have a ponder...
There are some shockers when things have got a bit messy. saw a clip ages ago when the two teams basically dropped the ball and had a massive fight. awsome. bits and pieces flying everywhere though!!

btw. to whoever said taht soccer players were about the same size as rugby players you might want to have another look ;0)  lets compare a prop with a striker.... you'll find the prop is probablly 8 stone heavier, twice as wide and would eat the striker for breakfast ;)

Ace... aha your 'american' english yes. always laugh when apps ask if i would like 'american english' or 'british english'... erm no i would like 'english english' please... also known as.... ENGLISH!
we need military help? no no not this one again.

Football football football... football! (don't like it much actually. only watch the international games! :D

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 01, 2003, 06:54:51 pm
Yeah, tank was an understatement for that guy.  If you think of his name, let me know.  I really need to find that old clip.

About the size of ruggers vs footballers (soccer players), the forwards have some size on them compared to soccer players, but they aren't big guys like you'd think of with American football.  I was one of the biggest guys on our college team at 17 stones (the other prop was 18 stones).  But the wingers in rugby are still down in the 10 - 13 stone range, which is where I'd put most of the soccer players I know too.  To put it in perspective for those out of the know, Warren Sapp comes in at about 22 stones and Randy Moss is about 14 stones.  10 stones = 140 lbs.  But face it, while props are wide bodies, they aren't like linemen in football.  Props have to be able to run out there for 80 minutes without the breaks and play both sides of the ball.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: tasty on November 01, 2003, 10:35:20 pm
Yeah, agreed, fat people suck.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BFG on November 01, 2003, 10:58:03 pm
lol. hehe. no your right bucc. I can't think of a rugby player weighing any more than 16/17 stone max. i think. probably. but then again these guys are just chunks of muscle and power - and like you said bloody fit. Wouldn't like to try a 100metre race angainst most rugby players....

epsecially if i was going one way and they were going the other!  ;)

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: |MP|Buccaneer on November 01, 2003, 11:53:20 pm
Jonah Lomu weighs in at 19 stones (and was playing wing for the All Blacks before his kidney problems).  He's the exception though.  He's a monster at 6'5", 260lbs and can run the 100m in 10.8 seconds (that's faster then Barry Sanders or Emit Smith could run it, and at a hell of a lot bigger).  He also holds a bunch of records, is still a young guy, and played forward before moving him to wing.

Title: Re:Which sport just plain sucks?
Post by: BFG on November 02, 2003, 12:43:26 am
Damn lol. how could i forget Lomu. Now there is a guy you don't want to mess with.
3 inches shorter than my but one hell of a lot heavier i think! ... not to mention his 100 meters ;)