*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: SNiPeR9x on June 20, 2003, 07:07:07 pm

Title: Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: SNiPeR9x on June 20, 2003, 07:07:07 pm
Well. I don't want to be seemed as a bad guy or a jealous.....but I've got a question that I can't hide anyway:
I know the new Mod will be very very very great, full of weapons, actors, uniforms, sounds, textures....but will you guys use the same sound files of the weapons? Or you just gave an upgrade on that? I hope you did, but if not, I'd DL it anyway!!!!

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Cobra6 on June 22, 2003, 08:47:33 pm
If you would like to donate some sounds I would be all for it. You check out my tutorial on sound editing for GR here.


PLEASE ;D...Knock yourself out, Sounds were the biggest problem in IDF 1

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Calum Keen on June 22, 2003, 08:54:14 pm
I beg to differ her,I found the biggest problem was going to work after being up all night playing it..............man talk about fatigue.......lol!!

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Suicide_Commando on June 22, 2003, 09:21:31 pm
You could always rip the sounds from RvS....               :P

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Raven2367 on June 28, 2003, 12:02:17 am
a friend of mine goes to the firing range sometimes. I could take my recorder and get some real sounds if you want :-)

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Cocobolo on June 28, 2003, 07:03:18 pm
DO IT. lol, no seriously, that'd be cool to have sounds from the range.

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: WardenMac on June 29, 2003, 04:22:46 am
What sounds ya need bro, I live on 200 acres of range, hehe. Never thought of actually doing that. I could record .410, 30/06, ar-15, .357, 9mm, .22 long and short, 44/40, 30/30, 12 guage, 20 guage, 16 guage, 9x19 makarov, and .38

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Raven2367 on June 29, 2003, 07:52:21 pm
Yeah good idea huh mac ;D . Well i cant get stuff like that but a lot of hand gun sounds surely ;)

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: Whisper_44 on June 30, 2003, 04:51:17 pm
What sounds ya need bro, I live on 200 acres of range, hehe. Never thought of actually doing that. I could record .410, 30/06, ar-15, .357, 9mm, .22 long and short, 44/40, 30/30, 12 guage, 20 guage, 16 guage, 9x19 makarov, and .38
??? ??? Where's the .45 Mac???  ??? ???

Title: Re:Well, I don't like to be that...
Post by: WardenMac on July 01, 2003, 01:18:15 am
I dont own a .45. Whish I did. If I ever do it will be a ruger 6'' revolver.  ;D. Would like a .40 too of course.