*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 16, 2003, 11:14:31 pm

Title: No More IE for Mac
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 16, 2003, 11:14:31 pm

Well, some of us use IE still so it isn't the greatest news, but I suppose I'll move on.  Perhaps I'll get Safari although I haven't really been impressed by it.  Not impressed by Mozilla either.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: tasty on June 16, 2003, 11:33:38 pm
I was impressed by the first beta of safari but have been increasingly less impressed with subsequent releases. It seems that they are making it clunkier, while at the same time not fixing the compatibility and java problems. At least it blocks pop up ads.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Snipes on June 16, 2003, 11:36:13 pm
Well at least internet explorer will still be available for macintosh. I dont really care about  them making new versions, all I worry about is IE not being used at all on the mac..

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Cobra on June 17, 2003, 12:35:14 am
Suck fuck my fuck you sucked I fucked
Now THAT really speaks to me..

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Jeb on June 17, 2003, 04:53:24 am
Big fucking deal, i haven't had IE on my computer for more than 2 years simply because the browser is old, and its slow.
if you don't like safari check out chimera or firebird

Besides when was the last time MS did anything revolutionary with IE for mac, you won't notice a difference now that they aren't developing it any further.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Cobra on June 17, 2003, 05:11:32 am
I agree.  Haven't used IE since Camino (formerly Chimera) was released, then switched to Safari.  Internet Explorer has been obsolete for quite a while now, as there is it has zero functionality that either of these other two browsers does not have and do better.  Safari is less than half the size of IE.  It renders pages at least twice as fast.  It has tabbed browsing.  That right there is enough for me, at least, though more features are added with just about every update.

Good riddance, Internet Explorer.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Mr. Lothario on June 17, 2003, 08:37:25 am
Besides when was the last time MS did anything revolutionary...

     You could have ended the sentence right there.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 17, 2003, 08:48:03 am
I don't really need revolutionary out of my browser...but IE is easy to use for what I do and a good layout.  There is some good point in not really needing a new version of IE...although in a few years it won't be compatible with new version stuff and we'll be forced to switch.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on June 17, 2003, 03:55:56 pm
Most people that I know or have talked to on GR don't use IE either. I don't think many people will care after they start using Safari or Chimera.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: (SEALs) one on June 17, 2003, 04:26:05 pm
Didn't Microsoft stop IE for PCs too?

On a side note a new "Windows" for PC codenamed "Longhorn" is coming...someday(doesn't know date), but who cares!

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Cobra on June 17, 2003, 06:49:28 pm
Longhorn's coming in 2005, IIRC.  Maybe it'll be almost as good as OSX by then.

Or maybe not.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 17, 2003, 10:41:44 pm
Bah, IE is all I use in 9, but in OSX Jewb showed me a browser called Phoenix-which is a rocket, it's like a mozilla clone except it's a lot cleaner  and it also pwns the living fuck out of Safari.

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Jeb on June 18, 2003, 12:37:47 am
Phoenix now known as Firebird is another mozilla based browser which is the fastest damn browser on mac. As far as the incompatibilities go you won't notice very much since the standards of the internet aren't really controlled by Microsoft (you won't really take advantage of .net, but thats a joke anyways). Since mozilla is opensourced, security problems, and new features are fixed and added much faster. You won't see this to much with safari because it has point releases, but camino and firebird have nightly builds which usually bring a few new features or bug fixes every day.

MS hasn't stopped developing IE on PC, and their next release longhorn isn't anything revolutionary. Its still based on NT and  will have more security holes in it than swiss cheese. I've heard they plan on calling it "windows UX" standing for user experience.
Check out their revolutionary aqua interface  ;D </sarcasm>

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Cobra on June 18, 2003, 12:44:55 am
I notice they are implementing a genie-effect sort of thing for their windows...ingenious!  So they'll only be, what, half a decade behind on their operating system by the time this gets released?

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 18, 2003, 01:07:36 am
I found Camino but I can't find Firebird (granted I only looked at download.com)

Perhaps we should get a browser options download link collection going so everyone can try the various things out?

I'm really liking Camino, perhaps I'll survive without IE afterall ;)

Title: Re:No More IE for Mac
Post by: Ace on June 18, 2003, 04:59:41 am
Safari (http://www.apple.com/safari/)
Camino (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/Camino/)
Firebird (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firebird/)
Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org/)
OmniWeb (http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/)
iCab (http://www.icab.de/)

These are the best of the bunch. Personally, I use Safari, although Camino and Firebird are the two closest competitors in my opinion. The Camino interface is a little slower than Safari, and while Firebird is blazingly fast, it doesn't feel like a Mac app. In particular, it breaks an unbreakable rule where command-H no longer hides the app. You could also try Opera or Netscape, but they really have nothing to offer that these don't. Whatever you do, just don't use IE.