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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: jn.loudnotes on June 13, 2003, 05:51:33 am

Title: Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 13, 2003, 05:51:33 am
Wow. . .just read through the tax cut thread a bit. . .

I know I've been awfully guilty of overreacting myself, but it seems like everyone needs to loosen up a bit, maybe go on a vacation.

Speaking of which, I just got back from a week and a half in the Florida Keys - going scuba diving and turning a nice healthy shade of skin cancer.

Anyway, scuba diving is my newest hobby and a lot of fun - anyone else here tried it?  I heartily recommend it for anybody. . .

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 13, 2003, 05:57:43 am
I live in Florida, but I've seen the Jaws movies enough times to know that straying away too far from the beach=bad idea. Even when I'm wading in about 3 feet of water at the beach, I can hear the Jaws theme in my head.
"Ooh this water is nice and warm. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Oh, it's a shell. Whew! Baaaa duuuum...Baaaaaa duuuum...Badum badum badum BADUM badum badum badum badum DUH NUH NAHHH badum badum badum badum DUH NUH NAAAH DEEDLE DEEDLEEEY DOO badum badum badum badum DUH NUH NAHHHHHH badum badum badum badum..."etc. etc. etc.
I think I did a good job of hum-transcribing the song into text. Case closed, your honor!

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 13, 2003, 05:11:36 pm
I was doing the little training/licensing test in a pool while I was in Hawaii.  The only part I struggled with was this rather pointless part where I had to go under, get water in my mask, then come up for a bit, then go under to get rid of it.  I don't see how that is an important test, I mean, I did pass the emptying water test.

I prefer simple diving...I can hold my breath for about 60 seconds while swimming (100 seconds while not moving) so it works out pretty well that way.  Hawaii was beautiful for swimming around.  Too bad I got torched the first day we were there (a week and a half vacation).  My worst sunburn ever.

I think I've got my stress relief coming in July, but it doesn't involve swimming ;)

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 13, 2003, 08:14:09 pm
I'm not sure what's up with the surfacing part of your test, but one of the skills for scuba certification is being able to completely take your mask off underwater, clean it, and put it back on.  Since water can get into your mask, or it can become obscured, it's a good skill to have if you dive.

Anyway - does anyone else scuba dive?  It's a lot of fun. . .

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: tasty on June 13, 2003, 08:58:38 pm
I've been snorkeling a few times but never had the balls to go SCUBA. I can only hold my breath for a few seconds and I'm afraid of getting the bends. Looks like fun though.

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 14, 2003, 05:15:53 am
Loudnotes: While you were down in the Keys. . . you didn't spend any time on Marathon Key did you?

I love that place and stay there once a year  ;D

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 14, 2003, 05:22:33 am
I can hold my breath for 2 minutes and 15-30 seconds when I'm not moving. I'm 1337 for a 17 year old.  ;D

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 14, 2003, 05:41:04 am
Mellow - what's your resting heart rate BPM?

Serpico - I drove through there, although I spent most of my time in Islamorada. . .along with a day trip to Key Weird (West).  Marathon seemed nice from the road at least. . .do you dive there or what?

tasty - SCUBA is really very safe with proper instruction. . .a lot like driving a car if you think about it.  The main way to get killed in either is faulty equipment or doing something really stupid - so if you do alright in a car you could probably handle scuba diving.  That and you never hold your breath while diving. . .And the bends is only the result of doing something stupid, in most cases.  I'd suggest you give it a try sometime.

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: Cow on June 14, 2003, 06:24:37 am
ive gotten my heart rate to above 215, i think it might have been 245, it was after a 4-5 mile jog around a mountain and i wanted to get under a certain time so i sprinted the last 100 yards or so and then i threw up, it was awesome.

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 14, 2003, 06:48:50 am
I think my resting heart rate is around 70. lemme check..right now, it's 83 bpm. See how lazy I am? I can't even delete. ha.

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: tasty on June 14, 2003, 08:20:46 am
Watch that car analogy loud??you're talking to someone who has been in two accidents and has three speeding tickets. I also frequently drunk drive.

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: jn.loudnotes on June 14, 2003, 05:28:56 pm
Well, drunk diving will kill you, so I guess it's a pretty good analogy  ;)

Title: Re:Relax. . .Dive. . .
Post by: BTs_D i E on June 14, 2003, 09:55:47 pm
I am certified as an Padi Advanced diver.  Diving is probably my favorite and most relaxing hobby/recreation.  I also used to live in th Florida Keys in a sailboat and then a houseboat in Islamorada, "sportfishing capital of the world".  I used to drive over the overseas highway to Marathon, Deer Key and Key West.  I used to rubber raft from my sailboat to the next island to go to work.  It was very laid back and relaxing to live in the Keys,

           BTs_D i E ! !  (aka BTs_STuRM) ::)