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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: .::|N| SeRP on June 08, 2003, 09:41:46 pm

Title: New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 08, 2003, 09:41:46 pm
I've heard some rumors floating around the PC world that the new Grand Theft Auto game will be Grand Theft Auto: Sin City. It is to be set in Las Vegas, and includes desert play.

You may have noticed that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City resembles such media as Miami Vice, Scarface, and Donnie Brasco. Yes, this is cool. I wonder if Sin City will resemble Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at all...

There was a mission in Vice City where you drank "boomshine" and had to drive and pick up an army man. Well, I hear that there will be interactive bars you can walk in to and "get plastered."

Has anyone else heard this, if so do tell, even if you've heard other rumors i want to hear about it.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 08, 2003, 10:45:26 pm
Since i like GTA i follow these things from time to time...
Its GTA: SanAndreas (SF or LA). In GTA1 there were 3 cities, Liberty(gta3), Vice(Gta:VC), and SanAndreas. Rockstar has also bought a a few domains (www.gtasanandreas.com) and some other one i forget.
Basicaly all i care about is drunken motorcycle driving, and hills.
they also say the release date is 2004, so don't get your hopes up for another october release.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: BeefyFigure on June 08, 2003, 11:18:11 pm
Is there a release planned for the PS2 as well?

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 08, 2003, 11:38:25 pm
PS2 as well?  Of course it will be released on PS2, Rockstar isn't getting their riches from the PC version.

Anyway, the next GTA will no doubt be YET ANOTHER of the same gameplay with very few tweaks leaving it with the same flaws.  Really, if the next one sells 5 million like the first two GTA3 game, I'll lose faith in the gaming public...well scratch that, I already have lost faith in the gaming public...the pop gamers if you will.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 08, 2003, 11:53:41 pm
sadly not everyone here enjoy's playing animal crossing or the rugrat's adventure like you do bondo. Have fun with that gamecube.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 09, 2003, 03:51:35 am
lol Jeb. The way I see it, Bondo, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." Don't see why they'd change something that works so well. They won't need a new engine until PS3 comes out. Blah..I don't have any of the GTA's, except GTA2. Now THAT game was classic. Not  like you damned teenagers with your damned 3D models and your damned half-naked women with guns. Mm. I love being a teenager. ;D

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: BeefyFigure on June 09, 2003, 12:18:05 pm
Yeah, especially when you haven't reached puberty yet, Mellow...

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Casper on June 09, 2003, 12:27:03 pm

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 09, 2003, 03:58:07 pm
Lmao Jeb, I haven't seen a pwn like that since your days in the B&G. Bondo just cant handle killing innocent and animated civilians.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 09, 2003, 05:35:05 pm
I have a girlfriend to give me "special treatment" as it were, I don't need some polygonal tramp to make me feel like a man.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Mr.Mellow on June 09, 2003, 06:08:17 pm
Yeah, we know all about your special needs, Bondo. "Honey, can you put on the <insert male figure skating name here> mask again?"
I kid, I kid.  ;D

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: BeefyFigure on June 09, 2003, 07:29:09 pm
You're gay, you're gay.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 09, 2003, 08:54:29 pm
There aren't any chaperoned dates in the GTA series either bondo. The novelty of the game is a living city you can go crazy in. To you a game sudenly sucks if nongamers embrace it, however the game must be damn good and inovative for this to happen.

in otherwords
You're gay, you're gay.

Now about GTA,
Any of you with a GTA3 on PC seen the MultiTheftAuto mod? Basicaly think multiplayer and Grand Thefting. Its still in beta, but its progressing.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 09, 2003, 10:59:48 pm
There aren't any chaperoned dates in the GTA series either bondo. The novelty of the game is a living city you can go crazy in. To you a game sudenly sucks if nongamers embrace it, however the game must be damn good and inovative for this to happen.

Yeah, and because Bruce Almighty was the highest grossing movie the week it came out, it is damn good an innovative as well.  Sales!=Quality

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: BeefyFigure on June 10, 2003, 09:27:33 am
Oh my God, jet fighters?  Amazing...

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Narauko on June 10, 2003, 11:00:26 pm
mmmm, GTA:Online...now that would rock!

Who wants to drag race first?  ;D

Hopefully they'll be more of a variety of high speed motorcycles, dam that 600.

well can't wait for the next one.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on June 11, 2003, 12:42:53 am
They need planes. I'm not talking huge 747s or cargo planes, but they need a small private plane WITH WHEELS!

I'm tired of my sea plane that can't even land on the runway because it's a fucking sea plane. Also, sniping from helicopters is necessary, as well as being able to use the machine guns if you steal the police chopper.

Next, need police motorcycles, like CHiPs!  ;)

Next, MUUUUULLLLLLTIIIIPLLLAAAAYYYYEEER! Multiplayer missions, or head to head, hunting through the city for the other person, cops vs robbers, races, etc.

Next, need things like bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, etc (player usage, not just AI)

Next, a single shot, high powered rifle that uses the auto aim.

Next, swimming!

Next, more accessible buildings.

Next, police chase other people in cars, not just on foot. Example, if someone crashes into you, they get arrested.

Also, if you get shot at without doing anything (gang members) the police should assist you in shooting back at the gang members, or arresting them.

Next, be able to use taxis at will, and be able to tell them where you want to go.

Next, more police/military vehicles that patrol the roads, seas, and skies without getting up to 3-6 stars.

Anyway, I love the GTA series. I had #2 when before my gateway fried in the storm of '99. I loved it, and was in shock when i found out they were making 3. Then I got vice city the day it came out, and am still addicted (yah, it HAS been a while).

Still, with a game like GTA, there is SO much to improve on, and yet it is far superior to any other game on the market.

Bondo, you're a fool.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Narauko on June 11, 2003, 01:18:34 am
Snipe is on the same wave length as every other GTA fan.

Additional stuff I'd like to see:

1) Buyable parking lot!

2) Customizable cars, you own a f****** garage/showroom you should be able to customize your dam car!

3) Hovercraft would be cool.

4) Snow, just for fun.

5) Build an engine in which gamers can add to! (mods etc)

6) Bring out updates and expansion's, like new cars, citys, missions, buildings, basically make a game that has endless possibilitys with GTA engine.

7) Choose your path to owning the city, Gang Leader, Mob boss, Mayor, General etc...GTA is really a violent RPG...why not add more main characters, so once you done the mob boss for the 5th time you can try another route...yet another way of making the game last longer.

8) This is a weird one, add voice recognition. Insert the dictionary and whatever you need the comp to know what your saying so you can actually have dialogue with people on the street. (You know at some point they'll do this with a game but not in my game life).

i think my wishlist is complete.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 11, 2003, 04:01:31 am
I think you have the wrong forum one.

And Jeb, yeah its supposed to be a few different identical liberty cities where you can kill each other and shit, there has to be some kind of regulation on that or you would almost immediately die because of the fanatics out there. You are also supposed to be able to join gangs, and they will be the equivalent of clans, except you have matching outfits, so bondo might like it more with MultiTheftAuto mod on for the fashion sense.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 11, 2003, 04:31:29 am
I just want...
darker game-play (no more Bondo style interface)
More bikes,
more cars,
Longer story
the return of the dodo
Drunk Driving
and better gore/ physics when running over someone, or chain-sawing them

As far as the limits of the current engine are concerned you can't fly a plane or chopper above a certain limit because it causes to many graphical glitches.  You can see what happens  if you "fly the tank" where it is possible to go as high as you want.  A jet would fly to fast for the ps2's hardware, it wouldn't be able to draw everything fast enough. So basically nothing like this will happen until the PS3 is released.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 11, 2003, 07:38:33 am
Would a gay bar with guys you can bring into your car to get it rockin' be too much to ask?

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 11, 2003, 08:30:23 am
Whoring and Meaningless violence is ok to have in a videogame
But gay sex, and stalking a underaged girls you meet on the internet is to much!
Its important we know where to draw the line!

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 12, 2003, 05:34:42 pm
Go back to France Bondo, there's plenty of RamRod bars there, and you don't have to buy a video game to get to see what its like in a gay bar.

Oh thats right you have to be 21 to get in to bars, I suggest giving the bouncer a BJ.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 12, 2003, 08:48:20 pm
Wouldn't I have to have already been to France to go back to France?

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 13, 2003, 12:09:20 am
Don't think about things so much Bondo, just do them. Don't be a thinker, be a do-er.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: *NADS Capt. Atwork on June 13, 2003, 07:32:00 am
The next GTA needs male hookers and a female playable charachter who can pick up male or female hookers. QWOOT!

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 14, 2003, 05:09:42 am
Bondo likes the idea of male whores. Bondo: are you actually going to buy the game now? Or are you going to continue to be a castrating ball-busting over-critical whore?

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 14, 2003, 06:03:24 am
Bondo: are you actually going to buy the game now? Or are you going to continue to be a castrating ball-busting over-critical whore?

No, I'm not going to buy the game...and I'm a game reviewer, I'm paid to be a castrating ball-busting over-critical whore.  Not paid well, but paid all the same.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: .::|N| SeRP on June 15, 2003, 12:46:36 am
You are a sad and lucky bastard, Bondo. . .

Any money is good pay for sitting around all day playing video games then writing what you think about them.

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: Jeb on June 15, 2003, 02:12:26 am
I'm a beta tester, big deal.
If your not working for a magazine, or a massive website like IGN or gamespy the pay isn't that good, and i'm sure nintendo doesn't give you free games. So the real question is, does the amount of money you get for a review cover the cost of the game?

Title: Re:New Grand Theft Auto game "Sin City" rumors.
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on June 15, 2003, 04:25:39 am
Yes, I'm paid $7 per hundred words by my university newspaper.  And I do get some free games (Nintendo is pretty stingy but third parties aren't so much).