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*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: Typhy on May 25, 2003, 02:23:07 am

Title: Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 25, 2003, 02:23:07 am
 I get sick and tired of getting pegged at long range by a single shot from a GHR single player enimey.

I was just wondering, is there some relativly simple way to change their stats, and make them far less accurate?  

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 26, 2003, 12:39:58 am
 Aparently not, since no one has replied. :(

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 26, 2003, 02:42:29 am
 I've beaten GHR on both elite and veteran. The point though, is that the enimeys are unbelivably accurate, and it pisses me off.  

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Brak on May 26, 2003, 04:33:05 am
You might be interested in Droopy's Enemy/General Realism Mod.  It's supposed to take care of a lot of issues including...

"Enemys are no more olympic champions with any kind of weapons they take as much time to aim as the Ghost or the Player so no more 4 rockets fired in 2 seconds from a antitank rocket launcher or grenade launcher shots between the eyes."

Complete list of features available here...

Download here...

It's a PC file so you'll have to do a conversion.  I've sent a Mac version to Mauti so maybe he'll post it and you can grab it at this site another day.

Happy Hunting,

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 26, 2003, 06:10:31 am
Thanks for the info.

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 26, 2003, 11:37:43 am
Yep mod will be available tonight from our Mac Downloads Typhy.



Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 26, 2003, 08:28:51 pm
 OMG, this mod makes me feel as if this $50 that I spent on Ghost Recon were well spent. I love it. Thanks for the port, Mauti.

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on May 27, 2003, 04:27:28 pm
Thanks go to Phil  ;) I only uploaded it.

Great that you like it.



Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on May 29, 2003, 02:08:30 am
I agree that the enemy on single player is tough, but if you use it for training purposes it seems to work out ok.  But I hear ya when playing single player.

Title: Re:Lowering enimey's stats?
Post by: Typhy on May 29, 2003, 02:20:39 am
 Yes, well, the thing is, I consider Ghost Recon one of the worst Multiplayer games ever made, and until this mod came out, the single player fell right in line behind it's multiplayer. So I honestly couldn't care less about training.

Suddenly, it's realistic. Snipers are useful, and tangos won't hit an unscoped shot from 400 yards when I'm laying down.

While I still think that single player sucks, simply because the enimeys are unrealistic, and have the aparent IQ of bricks, this makes it fun from time to time.