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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 15, 2003, 10:25:42 am

Title: Matrix Reloaded
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 15, 2003, 10:25:42 am
Saw the first showing at 10pm Wednesday after waiting hours in line to get a good spot...

I must say that I am VERY disappointed in this film. I will not ruin it for all of you, so once you have seen it, feel free to post. It is sad that such a great movie would have a sequel that doesn't even come close to living up to the standards expected of fans.

Added in: For those of you going to watch it, stick around until the end (after the hundreds of names int eh credits) because there is a preview of the next Matrix. It doesn't show much, but it is still a preview.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jeb on May 15, 2003, 11:07:25 am
I just got back also (i saw the 10:30 show and only waited in line for 10mins). I thought the movie was ok, and it delivered some interesting developments in explaining what the matrix is, and the one. There wasn't a great segway when the movie ended, leaving many of us to wait egerly to see the next. Also the trailer for revolutions is at the end of the credits, it gives a good abstract of what will happen next.

The movie might not have been as satisfying as the first, however it delivered a huge part of the story, i can't wait to see revolutions

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Snipes on May 15, 2003, 06:50:37 pm
Well, sadly I have never seen any of the Matrix movies  :( I have only seen like 2 minutes of the first one. But, I have looking forward to seeing their new movie, but if it really sucks, then mabye I shouldn't..

Snipey, this would be an example of pointless spam that helps nobody, we don't need to hear it.  Go see the movies.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on May 15, 2003, 07:07:22 pm
u should lool the first, before u look the second !!

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Supernatural Pie on May 15, 2003, 08:50:39 pm
Snipey, it is absolutely imperative that you see the first before seeing the second.

If you don't see the first one, you'll be completely lost.

Plus?it's a kickass movie.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: (SEALs) one on May 15, 2003, 11:52:01 pm
Well, maybe the Second matrix is like Episode2 in Star Wars...Episode2 wasn't that good, it was "ok", just like the 2nd Matrix...but the 3rd should be good hopefully.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Brain on May 15, 2003, 11:53:09 pm
"Tank, load the jump program..."


Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on May 16, 2003, 09:56:16 pm
Well I saw the movie last night, although the story is absolutely killer and the set of zion was incredible...I thought the fight scenes were way overdone and drawn out. I mean, we know Neo can kick ass, so whats the point in watching him fight Agent Smith endlessly? I did however like the new character in the Oracles bodyguard, I can see him and Neo team up in Revolutions. All said I'd give this a 7 out of 10, while the original was a 10 for sure. As for graphics and special effects it's a 10...those machines were wicked.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 17, 2003, 12:22:28 am
If you watch the trailer at the end of the credits like I said above, you will see the Oracle's bodyguard in action for the next movie.

After watching it again, the pieces are starting to fall together (like why the counter-attack fails), but it is still below many people's expectations...we can only hope that the third one finishes the story and brings back the aura/feeling of the first movie.

I suggest watching this film a second time because you can start to focus on the details and understand the little subtleties that the script sneaks into the movie.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jeb on May 17, 2003, 01:12:52 am
i'd put the revolutions trailer on my idisk for you all to see...
but i don't want to get any letters from the MPAA ;D

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Cow on May 17, 2003, 02:28:30 am
i have havent seen the second one yet so this might be premature to say but, maybe the second one doesnt compare because we have already seen the type of amazing graphics and combat and what not?  The first movie brought something new to the table but the second one brings the same thing, maybe thats why you dislike the 2nd one so much assassin?

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on May 17, 2003, 03:12:55 am
It isn't so much that I disliked it as much as it is that I was disappointed in it. I have watched the movie a second time and picked up on a lot of things that I missed/ignored the first go around...but it doesn't change the fact that plenty of people are disappointed in it.

I really wont name specifics until all of you watch it...hell, I have seen it twice (and I might go a third time again tonight) before a majority of you have even had the time to check it out once.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 17, 2003, 05:13:01 am
Man the Matrix Reloaded was tight!

...a lot of you dont seem to understand that Reloaded and Revelations are one gaint movie cut into two...for the only reasons that they can make more money and we wont have to sit for 6 hours.  I think the movie was great and just got bashed cause its more about the STORY and not about the ACTION. Its your own choice, i thought Fellowship of the Ring was a boring peice of shit, just made to  make hype for Two Towers and LoTR3..but thats my view...


Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 17, 2003, 07:10:18 am
All hail The Matrix! For it is god!


Anyways, I saw it at 7 PM thursday (which also happened to be my 18th birthday. woot.) and loved it. I'm just waiting for it reveal the world like those Russian nesting dolls... matrix inside a matrix inside a matrix. It was funny because my friend isn't into the matrix and as soon as they started talking about the matrix he was lost. Hillarious.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Casper on May 17, 2003, 08:28:52 am
matrix inside a matrix inside a matrix.
6 times man :)
Great movie and some long ass credits what the fuck is with it there where Auzi and U.S. grip crews god.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on May 17, 2003, 07:56:17 pm
Casper, probably because alot of the movie was shot their...oh, and I thought the first soundtrack was better also...

I can see where seeing it a few times would lead you to pick up on more since their was alot to pick up on, especially when he was talking to the architect, who is the Mother..hmmm. I was a bit lost with the story at first so I must see it a few more times. And hopefully have better seats, I was 10 minutes late to the first show and had to sit in the second row all the way to the left in a stadium setting so it was like a omni movie at a sharp angle. This time I must go early and sit right in the middle.

Me, popcorn with extra butter, nachos, lemonade, and Reloaded=better than sex. =)       but not better than a hummer during the football game with a beer in one hand!

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: alaric on May 17, 2003, 11:12:53 pm

I have to say that while it was a good movie and fun to watch, the cheese factor of some of the action sequences was enough to make me gag. It was just a little too fantastic.

Also, that whole sex scene/orgy in zion was completely unneccsary and inappropriate.

The main plot was good but I wish they had gone into more detail about the world itself. It seemed like they intentionally tried to keep the audience in the dark about much of what's going on in the world. They spent so much time with those long action scenes it would've been nice to get a better understand of the world as a whole. It felt like they were almost fast-forwarding through the major plot sections, I don't know if it's because they didn't have enough time to fit it all in or if it's just that they expected audiences to lose interest if they went too long between fights.

I like how the matrix is just a shell inside another matrix, like those russian nesting dolls, that's kinda cool. And the philosophy was again interesting. However, it seemed that whenever they got into some really heavy philosophy they would start to talk fast and use really flowery english. I don't like that because, while it sounds cool, it made it nearly impossible for much of the audience to even understand what they were saying, never mind the complex ideas they were trying to convey.

Anyway, just looking to see what everyone else thought of it. My final rating is gonna have to be 6 stars out of 10 with the original Matrix being 8 out of 10. Good, but disappointing

Title: Matrix has it going on!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 18, 2003, 03:07:45 am
Well, I just played Matrix, the video game on PS2, and it's all that and then some!  Relates to the movie, and further expands!  Plain Awesome! A must rent or buy! 8)

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: kami on May 18, 2003, 03:31:09 am
Bit out of place maybe but, happy birthday capt! ;D

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 18, 2003, 05:36:06 am
Right on rapid, word has it..if you play the game, then watch the movie. Things make more sense because the game fills in some holes. Like the osiris and Niobi and the china dude fighting to help neo, check it out! I WILL!

Also I gave "reloaded" 9-10 and the "Matrix" 10..i write for a school newspaper.  The reason for the 9 is, if you truly love action movies and the original Matrix, this one isnt disapointing.  We've seen "bullet time" before and the high flying kicks. I think some of you expected something new..Indiana Jones still wears the fadora and holsters the revolver..do we expect him to not have them in the 4th movie?
 Its on a larger scale because Neo is moer powerfull now, therefor its more complex and i like the fact the fights are sometimes slow, so you can really enjoy the fighting technique and the time the actors put into the movie.

As for the story, its well done and after "revelations" comes out it will all make more sense. I promise you that. You all want to "understand" it, its complex, its not meant to be fully understood, i dont think that was the brothers intention for you to fully understand.

Im telling you, this movie is good and since i have seen the first Matrix about 10 times, i understand the 2nd one pretty damn good for only seeing it once.


Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: ACE Justin Sane on May 18, 2003, 06:19:45 pm
I saw it at 1:30 PM thrusday and personally i loved it. however i did like the first one more this one was very good also. i didnt stay around to watch the reloaded preview at the end =( ill have to go see it again and catch that.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 19, 2003, 02:01:11 am
***Some plot spoilage***

I thought the action in this movie was amazing.  The fighting scenes just kept coming and going on and on.  The car scene may have been my favorite.  I think the dancing scene was dragged on a little too much and was very unecessary.  The end went a little fast but I think I caught most of it, I don't wanna ruin it for anyone so I'll stop here.  I have to say I greatly agree with Alaric about the fight scenes, the sex scene and how the fast talking sounded cool but was a little too hard to follow.

As for the trailer at the end, don't go to see the movie again for that Justin ;).  The stupid 30 second trailer that didn't tell you anything after 10 minutes of credits wasn't worth it.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: kos.viper on May 19, 2003, 04:04:54 am
It would be easier if a mod could change the topic to something like Matrix Reloaded SPOILERS.  Anyways, don't continue reading if you haven't seen it already.

Some Theories:

1)  Obviously everyone figured out the fact that Agent Smith has now uploaded himself into the "real" world.  Smith is now able to visit Neo's world just as he was able to visit Agent Smith's world.

2)  I don't believe that there is a Matrix within a Matrix.  The Wachowski's have stated along with Keanu Reeves that there is no second matrix.  What if it's possible that Neo is not only "The One" in the matrix, but also "The One" in real life.  The fact that he was able to stop the sentinals could have been an EMP from within himself which would support why he is in a comma.  He had to have given an incredible amount of energy to do so.

Also being the 6th Neo that the architech has met, he has choosen a different path than the others.  I also don't believe that the architech was telling the truth.

I can't wait for Revolutions to start up with, "Previously seen on the Matrix."  What a terrible ending for Reloaded.  

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: tasty on May 19, 2003, 07:56:50 am
I finally found the time to see this movie, and my opinion is that it sucks. When I saw the first Matrix I went back to see it again and again because I was so amazed by the premise, the texture, and the way that they managed to seamlessly integrate an interesting plot into an action movie. The second Matrix has no such integration. It feels like the action scenes are commercials inserted to interrupt what is otherwise a fine movie in order to keep the attention of lazy American audiences. Although I thought the most important problems with this movie were its poor construction, timing, and lack of plot integration, here are some other problems I saw:

1. The fight scenes are long, drawn out, and at a certain time become pointless. Like anarchy said, we already know what Neo can do. These scenes have gone from being eye candy to being drudgery.

2. They blow up a gigantic nuclear power plant and there is no nuclear explosion or fallout whatsoever. This is probably the most absurd thing in the whole movie.

3. Neo revives Trinity by feeling her heart? And when he does do this, why isn't there a fist-shaped hole in Trinity's chest afterward?

4. The architect's speech is a verbose piece of shit. In their attempt to make the matrix look complicated and intellectual, they alienated half the audience. Half of the architect's speech is meaningless psychobabble and the other half is a really simplistic statement clouded in complicated wording.

5. The last straw for me was the product placement of that absurd Cadillac sportscar. As far as I'm concerned the Greedkowski brothers can suck my cock. As if they aren't already making enough money off of this. What a disappointing followup. I really dont think there is anything Revolutions can do at this point to save the trilogy.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 19, 2003, 09:03:02 pm
Im sick of people bashing this movie for no reason, what the hell did you all expect, a master piece, i think some of you got caught up in the hype...

Tasty there isnt a hole in Trinitys chest because Neo can manipulate the Matrix CODE, everything became code, he was touching her heart and in my opinion, changing the code that says her heart ISNT beating to the code that makes her heart beat. And im probably right and just the fact that you couldnt get that makes me not even want to start debating about the movie. If you cant get that you probably didnt get much.


Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: tasty on May 19, 2003, 11:01:21 pm
Jackal, you have no proof of your assertion. it is just a guess. Even if your guess is right (which it very well may be, it was something I considered myself), it is still a logical gap in the movie. If Neo can in fact manipulate the code of the Matrix, then why couldn't he just manipulate it to destroy the Matrix when he had the chance? He could just destroy the code that created Agent Smith and the other programs he is fighting... the possibilities would be endless. If he does in fact have the ability to edit code then that just makes the movie even stupider.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 20, 2003, 02:49:30 am
ahh tasty my friend, right you are indeed but we must remember...

If Neo can infact manipulate the code, the only way he could do it would be from inside the matrix, those destroying it and everyone connected to it. Including him and anyone who might come with him like Trinity.

Perhaps we should fly to cali and pull the brothers out of there mansion and ask them,lol ;D :D

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2003, 07:33:07 am
Bah @ all the people who are bashing Reloaded. In reality, the movie was hyped to the point where many would not be pleased no matter what. Do people fail to just relax and enjoy movies anymore?

1. The fight scenes are long, drawn out, and at a certain time become pointless. Like anarchy said, we already know what Neo can do. These scenes have gone from being eye candy to being drudgery.

2. They blow up a gigantic nuclear power plant and there is no nuclear explosion or fallout whatsoever. This is probably the most absurd thing in the whole movie.

3. Neo revives Trinity by feeling her heart? And when he does do this, why isn't there a fist-shaped hole in Trinity's chest afterward?

4. The architect's speech is a verbose piece of shit. In their attempt to make the matrix look complicated and intellectual, they alienated half the audience. Half of the architect's speech is meaningless psychobabble and the other half is a really simplistic statement clouded in complicated wording.

5. The last straw for me was the product placement of that absurd Cadillac sportscar. As far as I'm concerned the Greedkowski brothers can suck my cock. As if they aren't already making enough money off of this. What a disappointing followup. I really dont think there is anything Revolutions can do at this point to save the trilogy.

1. I still thought the fight scenes were tight. Maybe I'm just willing to sit back and be amused, but people should realize that one major point of the Matrix is just to have big, badass action scenes.

2. Of course there isn't a nuclear reaction. Assuming they were smart enough not to place the explosives right next to the plutonium/uranium being used in the plant, there isn't a chance in hell of a fission reaction occuring. There could still be fallout (like with a dirty bomb), but there is never any evidence that this does not happen. The only locations in the Matrix shown after the explosion are the backup system building and the Source. We are told before that it would be too hard for Neo to get to all 3 in 5 minutes, so maybe the plant is far away. Even if it is close, you wouldn't be able to see the nuclear fallout. Also, people wouldn't start showing the effects of radiation poisoning immediately.

3. As is explained in the first movie, some rules can be bent, others can be outright broken. As the One, Neo obviously has shown much mastery over the Matrix. Accordingly, it is reasonable to believe that he could manipulate Trinity's heart like that. I do find it a little ridiculous that you would buy that he was flying at supersonic speeds just moments before, but not that he could restart her heart.

4. I'm not passing judgement on the true meaning of that speech until we find out just exactly what is really going on (assuming that we do in Revolutions). That said, I tend to agree that they make him pedantic to a point of aggravation.

5. I think the Ducati ad was much worse. They practically do a closeup on the lettering that says "Ducati 996". Oh well. Those ads bugged me for about a millisecond before I got caught back up in the action.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: tasty on May 20, 2003, 08:52:39 am
It should be noted that as a general rule, I don't like action movies (with some obvious exceptions like Matrix 1, Die Hard 1, etc). It was definetely overhyped and my expectations were probably way high. It still should be said though that I had very high expectations for LOTR II, yet it still smashed all of them with its greatness. It's gonna be a busy movie season w/ LOTR, Matrix, and Harry Potter all coming out with number 3.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: kami on May 20, 2003, 09:13:09 pm
I think it's simple, if you don't get the second movie, you're either a halfwit or you haven't seen the first one, if you didn't see the first one, you're either a halfwit or just you just can't think very deeply and... philosophically.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Ace on May 21, 2003, 03:41:14 am
Kami, I don't think you are a halfwit if you don't totally "get" the second movie. I saw the first many times and the second twice already, but I'm still confused. The more I think about it, maybe there is a second matrix, maybe there isn't. (If you want to hear my conspiracy rantings, I'll oblige.) However, I would definitely say that if you don't like the second you are a no-good fruit who needs to just shut up and enjoy the movie. ;)

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: alaric on May 21, 2003, 10:39:58 pm
By all means Ace, bring out your rantings. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.

As for Matrix 2: ReBloated, the pussy action scenes were just that - bloated. Oh, and stupid too now that I think about it. The Lethal Weapon series has better action sequences. Except of course for the highway scene and the french scene, those were kickass.

That said, I really did enjoy the movie, not nearly as much as the first, but it was still a good movie.

Title: Re:Matrix Reloaded
Post by: Ace on May 22, 2003, 02:35:44 am
Ok, I got a few ideas. Many of these are culled from various rantings I have heard, so I don't claim they are completely original.

First, there is the omnipresent theory of a matrix inside a matrix. There is a bunch of evidence to support this. Neo being able to "zap" the squiddies, Smith downloading himself into Bane, Zion being destroyed and magically rebuilt for the next incarnation of the matrix outside the matrix, etc. If you buy this theory, there are a few ways you can go with it. One is that there are many layers of the matrix. For example, they are out to the second by now, but say this is the first Neo that is the One in both the first and second matrices while the first five Neo's were just the One in the first. Maybe Neo can escape to the next matrix, but this leads to an infinite loop. Assuming the machines do exist, they could only have a finite amount of computing power. So obviously they can't have infinite #'s of matrices, so it would only be a matter of time (assuming the code doesn't get altered drastically) before one instance of Neo is the One in all layers of the matrix and can finally truly free the humans.

That one is a little far-fetched (and frankly a lame story), so I'm more likely to believe that there are only two layers of the matrix if you believe the matrix inside the matrix theory. In this case, maybe this is the first instance of Neo that is the One in both. This assumes that the same code is running on both matrices. In this case, we theoretically should be seeing the humans truly being freed in Revolutions as Neo just discovered his One-ness in the outer matrix. One potential problem with this is that they say 99% of the people accept the matrix, but the others don't, which is why they are freed. If you believe the second matrix theory, this creates a dilemma as you should question why they won't accept the first matrix but will with the second. I believe this answer lies in the first movie where Morpheus asks Neo "What is real?" Since all we truly know as "real" is the signals interpreted by our brains, maybe the brains of that 1% aren't able to accept the ideal (inner) matrix, but will accept the "real world" (outer matrix) given the knowledge of the first. Given a reference point (inner matrix) for comparison, the outer matrix seems real enough to their brains.

A more out-there theory I have is that Neo et al are actually in the real world. The reasons I gave in the first paragraph for the outer matrix existing could be dispelled. The machines could just rebuild Zion in different parts of the Earth's core each time. Since Zion is small, this shouldn't be too big of a problem. More difficult to believe is how Smith infected Bane. However, given that the body remembers what happens inside the matrix, we can assume that the events in the matrix are being written to the brain in some fashion. What is to say that Smith just can't overwrite certain parts of the brain, thus giving his memory and consciousness a human body. He is a virus afterall. The biggest problem with this is explaining how Neo nailed those squiddies. Remember, the Wachowski Brothers wanted to make this kinda like a live-action anime. Thus, what is to say that the "real" world must be bound by our physics. Admittedly, this seems like a cop-out and may piss some people off, but does anyone ever doubt for a second movies like Spiderman and X-Men?

My last big-picture theory is that there are only two real humans we have encountered so far: the Architect and Persephone, aka the Father and Mother of the Matrix. The Architect is some uber-coder who is trying to create true artificial intelligence. I believe it is he who says that what makes us human is hope. Thus, to truly test if his creation is human, he puts it in a situation where hope is all they have by making them slaves to machines. Persophone would be the mother (not the Oracle), yet she sees it a different way. To her, love is what makes us human. If you think about it, the scene where she asks Neo for a kiss is rather superfluous, that is, unless this theory is considered. She wants to see if this AI can show human emotion. I really have to see the movie for a third time to see how this theory pans out.

A mindfuck, ain't it?