*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Snipes on May 13, 2003, 11:55:48 pm

Title: Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Snipes on May 13, 2003, 11:55:48 pm
You probably all know what homepage I am talking about. Snipeys Bunker ( www.angelfire.com/crazy/snipey) . I just want to know your opinion. I am considering shuting it down, but I am not sure..

**NOTE : I didnt mean to spam that link, but for the people who didnt know what website I was talking about, I just put it there  ;D **

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: jn.loudnotes on May 14, 2003, 03:39:41 am
Snipey - I suggest you continue building sites to hone your web design skills.  Still, there really wasn't too much need for this poll.  The point of the internet is the freedom - you can do whatever you want.  And if it's good - build it and they will come.

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 14, 2003, 11:51:05 pm
Snipey wtf is wrong with you.  Every couple or weeks you tell us how you're going to make a new site and what we think would be the best thing to do with the old one like it was something special that we always visit and love.  Nobody knows about it, just stop with these stupid polls, your sites aren't special to us just because you spam them everywhere.

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: (SEALs) one on May 15, 2003, 12:34:51 am
Snipey, why do you want all this publicity???

Another Suggetion from one to Snipey:
Grow up, learn to make something and STICK to it, and be dedicated to that cause.(i.e your poorly done websites)

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Jeb on May 15, 2003, 03:24:04 am
can an admin revoke snipey's ablilities to make topics????

No, and you don't have to read them.  Cut the guy some slack. . .it's not outright spam, he just wants some suggestions.  You aren't obligated to give them

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Snipes on May 15, 2003, 07:38:02 am
Jeb... I know where you live.. Shutup or I spam the address on this topic....well, only if I am really mad at you..

To Jeb :  :-[ PWNED

WoOot 123 Posts!!

do you honestly think that any of the mods would let you get away with that snipey?
another question.
how fast do you think you would get banned for doing something like that
if you want an answer, i dare you to try us    
 Snipey----> :-[                                                  ::) <----------Moderators


Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Snipes on May 15, 2003, 11:24:09 pm
Moderator, I was just kidding about the Jebs street address thing, I would never do that to him.

I do have a name you know...

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Typhy on May 15, 2003, 11:28:13 pm
 I see you continue to have the delusion that people find you funny.

WoOot 123 Posts!!

Woot! 123 pieces of mindless spam!  [/color]

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: Jeb on May 15, 2003, 11:48:12 pm
he just wants some suggestions.? You aren't obligated to give them
How about the suggestion to change his sig, mr smarty pants.
Btw, you can't find my street address snipey :P

Title: Re:Snipeys Bunker, Let it be? Or Delete it..
Post by: jn.loudnotes on May 16, 2003, 01:25:57 am

You all stop insulting each other.  I feel like Kindergarten again.

Jeb - stop baiting snipey.
Typhy - act your age.
Snipey - think before you post.

Be reasonable people.