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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Jackal.aHa! on May 05, 2003, 10:21:06 pm

Title: team work
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 05, 2003, 10:21:06 pm
I know when i play MoH I love the aspect of teamwork..people covering for eachother...tossing frags. I loved team work in RS too, it just made the game better.

Do you think teamwork is great and better for a game...

Or just for "noobs" who cant handle a game on their own?



Title: Re:team work
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 05, 2003, 10:29:06 pm
Teamwork'll win CB's, but it's just not as fun as going rambo and taking out the entire enemy team on your own.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Jeb on May 05, 2003, 10:56:41 pm
The size of maps in GHR makes teamwork (2person teams) kinda hard if you don't have 8 people playing. Netfone helps team tactics quite a bit, however once people have their rolls (snipers, rushers, full screen NVers, ect) everyone works pretty independently, however movements are coordinated.

It seems that the biggest venue for true squad based teamwork is coop.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 06, 2003, 12:07:35 am
Teamwork makes GhR so much more fun. In RS, there was little to no teamwork, just people running around aimlessly. This is how GhR is most of the time, too. It shouldn't be, but newbs just generally want to run around like in Quake. I used try to find someone to pair up with, but nowadays I usually just tag along a few feet behind a newb and use them to detect enemies. The only exception is when I'm in a game with ViRuS, BTs, or some AgT people. They make teamwork fun. =D

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Typhy on May 06, 2003, 01:19:58 am
 Ghost Recon is quite possibly the most teamwork based game out there. In Rogue Spear, 5 elites, running around endlessly, can beat 5 newbies who are using exellent teamwork. While this is still true in Ghost Recon, in RS, 5 elites can beat 5 newbies, even if the newbies have perfect teamwork, by a score of about 9-1. In Ghost Recon, the score would be closer to 6-4. That's why Ghost Recon kicks ass for LAN games.

From my ( "The best mac MOH player" )'s experiences in the game, teamwork rarely comes into play.

I guess I shouldn't be supprised that Mr. Mellow says that RS has "Little to no" teamwork, considering that his perfered primary was a Beneli M1 Tactical. . .

Mellow, if you ever play against a top clan, you will find that the only way to win is through teamwork. If you split up to much against AK's,  they'll come right down on top of you, and no matter who you are, you'll lose by a lot.  

Title: Re:team work
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on May 06, 2003, 01:23:25 am
Yes, team work is very important. In a 2v2 cb if my team is traveling in 2's and your not well your dead if caught head on. If my team mate fails to get you I won't and vice versa.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on May 06, 2003, 02:37:13 am
From my ( "The best mac MOH player" )'s experiences in the game, teamwork rarely comes into play.

No my soccer playing friend!!!

Truth of the matter is, when i join PC games..i experience great team work.  You say "follow me"they follow..with the Thompson up front and the M1's and Bar following for support.  They cover eachother with covering fire to keep a snipers head down while another team member runs up and throws a frag. No NO typh..you have just been playing with the wrong people!! ;D ;D

Title: Re:team work
Post by: ACE Justin Sane on May 06, 2003, 04:26:10 am
typhy, noobs dont use teamwork

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Typhy on May 06, 2003, 04:32:55 am
 Maybe I should've been more clear - I've only once played a team game. I always play Free For All.

My best GameRanger game is 60 kills, 1 death, at Stalingrad ( GameRanger players suck so much ) my best real game is 40 kills, 3 deaths at Southern France on Seattle MOH T3 #2.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 06, 2003, 04:40:56 am
Bondo is better than you.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 06, 2003, 04:48:33 am

I guess I shouldn't be supprised that Mr. Mellow says that RS has "Little to no" teamwork, considering that his perfered primary was a Beneli M1 Tactical. . .

Mellow, if you ever play against a top clan, you will find that the only way to win is through teamwork. If you split up to much against AK's,  they'll come right down on top of you, and no matter who you are, you'll lose by a lot.  

Hey man, don't bash the shotgun. It's a weapon that requires TEAMWORK to use. Yes, teamwork. With the shottie, one shotgun blast opens a door. So, in games where we knew an enemy was holed up in a room, the guy with the PDW would stand back against the wall facing the door, then I'd stand off to the side and blast the door open. Quick and easy kill for Mr. PDW. They never know what hits them, because it happens so fast.
Now, when I was talking about the lack of teamwork, I was talking about in public games, not in CBs. Of course in CBs there's a lot of teamwork. And yes, I have been in many a CB with a "top clan", and I've also been in a CB or two with AK. ;)
Also, I thought you hated GhR, and broke your CD and all that stuff? ahhh...

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Typhy on May 06, 2003, 06:54:55 am
 I personaly find that there are more effective ways to open doors. Anyone who would be standing still to get owned behind a door is just dumb anyway.

I used AK as an example, beacuse they probably have the best teamwork.

The thing that made the U clan good was their teamwork. They wouldn't use anything fancy, just following 10 yards back, and offering cover and backup, but they would take out anyone who split up.

And, Infection, anytime Bondo wants to fight, he can meet me on AIM. I've got some kick ass maps for 1v1 that I'll send him.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Snipes on May 06, 2003, 06:59:51 am
I sadly do not have Ghr, because of my very slow computer, it is a Powerbook G3, 266MHZ  :o It sucks, although it can run RS decently. Anyways, yes, teamwork will win CB's  ;D

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 06, 2003, 10:55:43 am
     In RS and MoH, teamwork is incidental to effective play. That is, one man alone can beat the ass, without support of any kind. If teamwork happens in those games, it is generally "on the fly" teamwork, such as noticing an enemy near a teammate and firing on him, or throwing a grenade into where a teammate is firing. If you'll forgive me pulling terminology out of my ass, RS and MoH have teamwork rather than tactics. Working together helps but it's not necessary. GhR, on the other hand, has tactics. I would even go so far as to say that it requires tactics. In GhR, splitting up and charging around RS- or MoH-style gets you killed. Coordinating a plan of attack, working in fire teams, leapfrogging, and other implementations of tactics get you the win. A lot of people don't understand or don't like the concept of tactical play. For me, I see it as a chance to play in a totally different style than in other games. If I want to be Rambo, I can always boot up UT. But there really aren't any other games that I know of that emphasize both tactics AND teamwork like GhR does, and I enjoy it.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Mr.Mellow on May 06, 2003, 04:16:41 pm
Ahh. My point exactly, Loth.  ;D

Title: Re:team work
Post by: kami on May 06, 2003, 05:56:13 pm
I haven't experienced a lot of teamwork in any of the Tom Clancy games to be honest, mostly it's just running around covering eachother without any real orders/plans. The games that use the most teamwork in CBs imo is TacticalOps and CounterStrike, those games require HUGE amounts of teamwork.
<rant>I remember this first ever CB in TO I played with my bmr| fellows and I'd given out orders to everyone. In the start we won some rounds but then after a while we fell apart because of overconfidence and the other team started gaining rounds on us... About then I got really mad at my team and told them to follow my orders etc and there you go, we won again!</rant> ;D

Title: Re:team work
Post by: tasty on May 06, 2003, 07:01:59 pm
I agree when teams work together it always works much better, and I hate playing against clans with good teamwork, but I just hate working as a team. Come on, which is more badass: 3 guys playing all cautious and covering each other, or 3 rogue warriors in complete disregard of strategy running around killing on their own? Most of the truly great players I have known in any game have been self reliant.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Mr. Lothario on May 07, 2003, 12:54:31 am
     Self-reliance is not what I'm talking about. The ability to handle oneself in a firefight is always a good thing. But have you noticed what happens to Rambos in GhR? They get isolated, located, pinned down, and ass raped. Without a team to cover your flanks and secure potential routes of enemy attack, you will be taken down most of the time. It has nothing to do with not being a capable player. It has to do with the impossibility of watching in every direction at once. I'm in favor of the need for actual team play.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: kami on May 11, 2003, 01:09:32 am
Tasty, it's not about being self reliant or not, it's about having specific positions and specific areas to defend/assault. Especially in TO where most maps are based on either annihilating the other team or doing a mission, like bombing a target or saving hostages. Being a good player is the first thing but teamwork is equally if not more important.

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Saberian 3000 on May 12, 2003, 07:52:12 pm
I agree with Kami there

Title: Re:team work
Post by: ACE Justin Sane on May 12, 2003, 07:58:36 pm
yea TO takes more teamwork then any tom clancy game. thats kinda the reason i trashed it

Title: Re:team work
Post by: Golo on May 12, 2003, 10:11:20 pm
Is it just me or does Snipey stipulate in every thread that he posts in that his computer is a slow piece of shit....