*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Snipes on April 20, 2003, 01:49:31 am

Title: Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 20, 2003, 01:49:31 am
I voted FiRE, because they were the only good clan that was good (as in they were the only loyal clan) clan that was in the finals :)

- Snipey  ::)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 20, 2003, 02:11:14 am
I choose Fire because they are my wubbers.  And if I come out of retirement I'm basically in Fire for MoH (we call it .fwu though)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Casper on April 20, 2003, 02:44:37 am
Bondo you seen The FiRE Medal Of Honor Bl (that Xo made)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 20, 2003, 02:59:56 am
I knew he was making it, hadn't seen the finished product though.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 20, 2003, 03:57:23 am
I vote ?K cause snipey voted fire under falsified claims, and dispite my utter hatred for them, they made the myst.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: kami on April 20, 2003, 04:42:11 am
I have no idea about the RS scene anymore so I just chose between the two clans I like, FiRE and RnT, chose FiRE though, guessing they're a bit better. :)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Typhy on April 20, 2003, 07:04:46 pm
 I hate polls like this, so I won't vote.

My vote would go to RnT, though. They're better than FiRE, and they've come so close in the last 2 seasons.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 20, 2003, 07:11:06 pm

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 20, 2003, 08:40:30 pm
Typhy, why dont you lighten up and make friends in person, not on the internet.. Nobody likes you on these forums.. for one thing, Rapid booted you from AK (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_lol.gif) But, before you leave, please vote RnT, as you said you would vote that  ;D

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 20, 2003, 09:19:50 pm
Nobody likes you on these forums.. for one thing, Rapid booted you from AK  But, before you leave, please vote RnT, as you said you would vote that?  

Uh snipey, I think your confusing him with yourself...no one wants you on these forums. And Typhy founded ?K. And you don't know the story behind the bootings. And please, do leave.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Mr.Wuggles on April 21, 2003, 12:42:42 am
I think they are all gay so.... i don't vote..... cheers to the top six though, good job!(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/beer.gif)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 21, 2003, 02:24:10 am
No Myst I am not confusing him with me.. Typhy should leave.. the only reason you act horribly to me is because I stoped making websites with you  ;D

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Night Hawk on April 21, 2003, 03:51:14 am
First of all I think u all should leave.  Not you myst, not you typhy, not you Mr. Wuggles, not you hazard, not you ghost of bondo, not you kami, and not you casper.  *looks at snipey*.  Anyway snipey wtf are u talking about, everyone loves typhy except ?K haters.  Ill have to agree, i hate these poles i also vote for no one.  Your threads are poor snipey and i dont think you should make fun of people that are better than you.  As they say, shape up or ship out.  I think i speak for all of us when i say just ship out.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 21, 2003, 04:15:56 am
Snipey, making sites with you was like tryign to have a intelligent conversation with a brick wall. I was waiting for the right minute to throw you to the dust. And when you did, I quote, "Reborn" Blazenet, it failed even more.(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_lol.gif)

And well said NH, perhapes I should do as snipey does and put up a Bs poll with a BS thread...yes that is what I will do...

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: (SEALs) one on April 21, 2003, 05:03:02 am
Snipey are you being an ass or what, you left out the rest of the clans on the RS BL, and one more thing

Snipey you are a rabid, you aren't a clanwhore, but you're the dumbass type, I mean "Fave game" and "Fave Clan" sounds a lot alike in some ways.

Snipey we all know you're trying to act cool, be a top guy like mauti, be popular etc. but not everyone can be that, so lay of on all these opinion based polls, which can flare into flame threads.


Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 21, 2003, 05:04:43 am
Night Hawk, The only reason I want typhy to leave is because hes a jerk to me..

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 21, 2003, 05:41:31 am
As are most people tired of your spamming Snipey.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on April 21, 2003, 01:36:59 pm
What a fuggin NOOB Snipey...it's April 19th..the BL has been up for 5 days, there are like 80 days left and you're so pathetic as to come in here and raise a ?who's gonna win poll?. You simply are one retarded wannabe numbnutZ. Please don't ever bother coming to one of games because you won't get in, you and your sorry ass kissin...

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 21, 2003, 05:20:42 pm
Kilzo, I said Who 'Were' You Rooting For, Not, Who 'Are' You Rooting For.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BeefyFigure on April 21, 2003, 05:55:04 pm
Give it up, Snipey.  You're out of options.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 21, 2003, 08:57:42 pm
Why won't you just die?

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Cobra on April 21, 2003, 08:58:20 pm
As a wise man once said - "Snipey, you fucking moron...."

Title: Tsk Tsk Tsk...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 01:16:13 am
...And Typhy founded ?K. And you don't know the story behind the bootings. And please, do leave.

Myst Myst Myst...  Misinforming the public....

tsk tsk tsk

Typhy found |AK|, which stood for Alaska and lasted 3 weeks.  I founded |?K|, which stands for |?ggressive Killers| and is still alive today.

Other than that, not too bad there buddy ;)

Snipey(http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/icon_confused1.gif)    I feel sorry for you...

Title: Re:Tsk Tsk Tsk...
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 23, 2003, 03:01:36 am
...And Typhy founded ?K. And you don't know the story behind the bootings. And please, do leave.

Myst Myst Myst...  Misinforming the public....

tsk tsk tsk

Typhy found |AK|, which stood for Alaska and lasted 3 weeks.  I founded |?K|, which stands for |?ggressive Killers| and is still alive today.

Other than that, not too bad there buddy ;)

Snipey(http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/icon_confused1.gif)    I feel sorry for you...

You missed a step, before typh stepped down as leader it was known as |AK| Another Killer. ;)

Yeah, (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/beer.gif)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 04:36:15 am
Fucking semantics Rapid...different name and different tag doesn't mean a different clan.  You just took over leadership of a clan Typhy founded.

Title: Get off my case...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 05:44:40 am
Omg Bondo, it totally matters!  Typhy ran the clan one way, and it got NOwhere.  Hell, it died in 3 weeks.  I took over and ran the clan my way and got us to win the 1st BL we entered and helped |?K| become the ELITE team of RS'ers that it is today.  I made the graphics, I made the logos, I stood up for us in BS matters, and that's how we got to where we're at now.  It's like saying Bander deserves more credit for *DAMN since he came up with it, even though Mauti made it what it is today.   Even though Mauti has done all the work, and Bander simply played.

Myst, when I made |?K|, I made it stand for |?nother Killer| first.  I made that up, guy.  But after a while, I came up with |?ggressive Killers|, which sounded way better.  Again, I came up with |?nother Killer| and |?ggressive Killers|.  My Strong leadership made the world of difference to hold |?K| together to this day.  Took a lot of cycling of players to have the ELITE team we have today. ;)  

Now again, STOP MISINFORMING THE PUBLIC MYST!  wtf is your problem anyways?  Obsessed with telling fairy tales? :o

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 06:35:19 am
Bander and Mauti were both leaders from day one...and no one in DAMN actually plays ;)  Joking aside, I stay by my point Rapid.  If you were truly starting a different clan, rather than just giving a new face to an old one you wouldn't keep the symbol essentially the same.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Typhy on April 23, 2003, 06:37:09 am
 Looks like some of you need a history lesson from the local AK historian.

You're all wrong. Here is how things went:

I, Typhy, started |AK|. My goal was to be like the Eagles ( Love you, RC. :) )

Rapid came about 3 days into AK. He quickly became my co leader. He was one of the few people in the clan who had a good sense of order, and was prepared to help me set it up.

After the clan had been alive for about a month, and was called Another Killer, some new maps, which would have to be installed, came out for Rogue Spear Demo. My 867g4 being the piece of crap that it is, had lots of problems with these maps, and would crash all the time.

Because of these crashes, I bought Rogue Spear: Urban Ops.

At that time, AK wasn't much of anything. I didn't expect it to "move on" to Urban Ops. I decided that since I would be spending most of my GameRanger time playing the full version, that it was only fair to my members that I give up my leadership. Rapid, being #2, was the one who I chose to be my replacement.

After only a few weeks, Rapid had moved the clan to Urban Ops, he then asked me to rejoin, which I did. During the time that I was gone from AK, the clan was renamed Aggressive Killers, and the ranks system was changed.

There 'ya go, the history of the begining of AK.

I would like to say that without Rapid, AK would not exist. It would've died as soon as I left, and without me, Rapid likely wouldn't still be playing Rogue Spear.

I belive it was Mysterio, who said to me at one time. "Yeah, well, you were lucky to get Rapid". He's right. I was. Without Rapid, AK wouldn't have made it. You may not like him, you may think that AK would be better off without him, but the fact is, that without him, AK wouldn't exist.

And, I think the rest of you guys have taken good care of Snipey, thanks for saving me the time. :)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Cossack on April 23, 2003, 06:40:26 am
Does any of this remotly matter? Is this gonna help me in my lovemaking? I cant beleive people argue over such unimportant things.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Typhy on April 23, 2003, 08:04:46 am
No Myst I am not confusing him with me..

 the only reason you act horribly to me is because I stoped making websites with you  ;D

 Congratulations, Snipey, you've fallen to a new low.

Perhaps if you were to remove your 233 powerbook G3 from your ass, you could make a half way decent website? You pathedic excuse for a human.

You're a discrace to this community, not to mention the human race.

Typhy should leave..

Translation: "In a futile attempt to make myself seem a relevant part of this community, I think I'll make fun of someone with far greater intelligence than me, hopefuly after everyone is done telling me what a dumbass I am, I can learn something from Typhy's responses".

Response to translation: I suggest that you start out by picking on someone who is in the same class as you, intelligence wise: May I introduce to you this piece of dog shit? It should be able to teach you a thing or two. It's always a good idea to take lessons from someone, or in your case something, who is smarter than you.

 the only reason you act horribly to me is because I stoped making websites with you

Translation: "You just hate me because you reached a level of web design that I don't have the ability to match: You made a graphic that slightly resembles the object which it is intended to be. It's just no fun to work with someone who can do things well".

Response: Keep working, Snipey. Removing the computer from your ass would be an exellent start. May I recommend that, as a future computer, you buy a 12 inch Powerbook? It would fit up your ass much nicer, and it would help your graphics - You may actually be able to create a realistic looking square!

Hang in there, Snipey. The nice thing for people like you, is that any change is for the better -- Good luck! :) [/color]

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 23, 2003, 08:21:40 pm
Way to ruin another thread dickholes.

Title: Re:Get off my case...
Post by: electronicjo on April 23, 2003, 08:30:20 pm
...|?K| became the ELITE team of RS'ers that it is today.


Title: Re:Get off my case...
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 23, 2003, 09:27:22 pm
...|?K| became the ELITE team of RS'ers that it is today.


lmao, ejo read my mind  ;D

Title: Ultimo, stfu with all the Hatrid. Grow the fuck up ego.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 09:55:23 pm
Wtf you laughing at Ultimo?  You just sit there and ride your clan's fame.  You don't play RS now, or for the past year, so you wouldn't know shit anyways.  All you know is how to carry your ego around thinking you're all that when you don't even play the game.  Trust me, you'd get 0wn3d very easily nowadays.  You might have been good when you were playing vs all the 12 year olds, but you won't be so hot shit when you play against us. :o   And if you think you can, let's just CB and see how well you do there buddy.   Only time you ever CB'ed us, was when you tricked us to do a whole CB in YOUR host(cough*host advantage*cough), where you barely won.  And that was when we were still n00bs to the game! :o  Now, you wouldn't even have a chance.  So yeah Ultimo, keep trying to ride your old ass fame and hating on the new clan that you're so jealous of.  Too bad it's out with the old, and in with the new. :o (Isn't that why ejo left anyways?  Oh yeah, it was, cuz KoS has only 2 active RS'ers: Tech9 & Silvio.  Yeah, Gj there bud. ;D  Good thing for you those 2 are Good Players.)[/size]

And to clear up a bit of what Typhy just posted, I'm the one that made up "Another Killer".  I mean, who the fuck would've want to join a clan that stood for "Alaska"? ;D

And Bondo, I totally changed it.  It was AK, and I made it |?K|.  Yeah, it is   D I F F E R E N T :o

Title: Re: Idiocy
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 10:35:54 pm
And to clear up a bit of what Typhy just posted, I'm the one that made up "Another Killer".  I mean, who the fuck would've want to join a clan that stood for "Alaska"? ;D

And Bondo, I totally changed it.  It was AK, and I made it |?K|.  Yeah, it is   D I F F E R E N T :o

I assume people who live in Alaska would want to join a clan that stood for Alaska.  Or people who thought Thora Birch was hot in the movie Alaska.

As for the name thing, I don't think I need to argue my point, any sane person can see that changing from AK to |?K| isn't really changing, it is just decorating.

Title: LOL!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 10:45:27 pm
yeah, and only rainbow children like yourself would see that as "decorating" ;D

Title: Re: Idiocy
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 23, 2003, 10:51:23 pm

As for the name thing, I don't think I need to argue my point, any sane person can see that changing from AK to |?K| isn't really changing, it is just decorating.

Acually the name change was the spark fo the revolution within ?K, dispite what those on the "outside" would assume, when rap took over the clan changed from normal, to well, spotlight.

I would say that they had equal responsiblity in what ?K has become. Typh probly as played in 70% of all ?Ks CBs and has stayed true to the clan dispite his loss of leadership.

Perhapes the nice thing to do would to have stepped down from leadership when Typh came back to ?K but that didnt happen. The two angles on this are both very even...

I could go on like this all night, but get nowhere, so I'm gonna leave it at this: With out Rapid ?K may have stayed off the map, but with out Typhy it may not have stayed on the map very long.

P.S. This post was not intended to degrade either side of this (I tried ever so hard!)(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/shocked2.gif)

Title: And the beat goes on...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 11:13:27 pm
Yeah, Typhy is a CB whore, so what's your point?  He couldn't  have won those games without an |?K| helping him out, so what's your point?  

Also, I didn't ask Typhy to come back to |?K|, he asked me if he could rejoin after he left the 1st time.  Hell, I had plans to make |?K| the ultimate RS clan, and have Typhy regret the day he left.  But he saw that |?K| was headed the right direction with the right leadership, and he wanted to be a part of something he helped organize.  I had no problems with that.  I was glad to see Typhy see the big picture with this clan.  Too bad later on, he threw all that out the window when he started rebelling against me!  The one who gave him a 2nd and 3rd chance in our clan! :o

So yeah, |?K| would still be here no matter when Typhy left.  He didn't make or break the clan you know.  I loved his active status, but it was too bad that it had its drawbacks.   Like his defiance against his superiors.  Anyways, Typhy did great when he was an |?K|.  Now he can do well wherever he goes due to our wonderful training.  ;)

Title: Re:Ultimo, stfu with all the Hatrid. Grow the fuck up ego.
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 23, 2003, 11:15:09 pm
Wtf you laughing at Ultimo?  You just sit there and ride your clan's fame.  You don't play RS now, or for the past year, so you wouldn't know shit anyways.  All you know is how to carry your ego around thinking you're all that when you don't even play the game.  Trust me, you'd get 0wn3d very easily nowadays.  You might have been good when you were playing vs all the 12 year olds, but you won't be so hot shit when you play against us. :o   And if you think you can, let's just CB and see how well you do there buddy.   Only time you ever CB'ed us, was when you tricked us to do a whole CB in YOUR host(cough*host advantage*cough), where you barely won.  And that was when we were still n00bs to the game! :o  Now, you wouldn't even have a chance.  So yeah Ultimo, keep trying to ride your old ass fame and hating on the new clan that you're so jealous of.  Too bad it's out with the old, and in with the new. :o (Isn't that why ejo left anyways?  Oh yeah, it was, cuz KoS has only 2 active RS'ers: Tech9 & Silvio.  Yeah, Gj there bud. ;D  Good thing for you those 2 are Good Players.)[/size]

Instead of fighting that comment like everyone expects me to, I am just going to sit in my chair and laugh my ass off. hahahahahaha

I have nothing to prove against you rapid, you suck, we all know it, period

And if a cb is what you want, then a cb is what you will get. I want a 3vs3, you can use whatever 3 ?K fags you want. Only rule is, you have to be in the cb so i can hump your limp dead body

Good day 8)

Title: Ok "Sean Jean Ultifat", Bring it fatboy!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 11:30:22 pm
Bring it fatboy.  And I want you wearing that Sean Jean sweater when we CB, so I can shoot you and that damn n00b sweater in one deal.  

Oh yeah, it will be in our host this time also fatboy. ;)  You owe us that still.  See how you like it being in somebody  else's host a whole CB. :o

(I can predict Ultifat to say "Not fair, both clans host even amount", even though he owes us a CB in our server in return from way back when we had the disadvantage against them in UltiFat's host, not to mention we were not as skilled)

Man, you can be read like a book! ;D :o

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: †FiRE Infection on April 23, 2003, 11:36:41 pm
Ultimo is right Rapid.  RS has grown old, I don't know why you think it's so great that you could beat him.  All that matters was that in the prime of RS when it was a popular game Ult and KoS were some of the best.  He's proved himself and won bl's.  Just because he doesn't play a dead game anymore that he owned almost everyone in doesn't mean you can talk shit.  He was one of the best whether or not he is now and if he wanted to ride a clans fame he has every right to.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 23, 2003, 11:38:28 pm
Rapid your host sucks. No one cares about. RS is dead. Hope and pray for RvS.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 23, 2003, 11:44:21 pm
Now now infect, hopefully and most likely RvS will be out for mac this summer, so lets play out this RS season like it was any other. for this may very well be the last, make the best of it.

And Rap, were those inended as insults to me, cause I was trying ot be kind.

Title: *sigh*
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 23, 2003, 11:55:11 pm
Yeah yeah, well we got here late and won the 1st BL we entered with no problem.  

Besides, he's the one 2?'ing my comments, so I had to call him out on it.  Just because you were hot shit back then, doesn't mean rain on other's parade now.  Especially when others can own you, in the same conditions you owned them(He beat us in HIS host.  Not on ours and we'll own them in our Host this time around, to shut him up.) :o

Now back off, jack off!

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 25, 2003, 02:54:54 am
first of all if you were a man and wanted to prove you could beat me you would do it with even hosts.

second of all, the only reason we played a cb all on my host was because ?K couldn't host, there was no chioce, it was either you played on my host the whole time or you forfieted.

third of all, one clanbattle is not what I'm talking about when I say that I own you. Every public game, every thing we did in the past, we owned you. Thats not something we can fight about. I don't know why you come here now and challenge me after 6 months of inactivity. Is it because you've finally decided to grow balls and cb us after we don't play the game anymore ? If you had anything to prove, you should have proven it when the iron was hot, when people actually played, when the average of RS games was more then 1 at a single time.

fourth of all, the more and more I think about it, why am I even considering cb'ing you now ? I actually don't see a point in it. Even if we beat you (which we will) you will find some excuse of either campaing, aimbotting, your comp lagged (started indexing), you did good but your teammates sucked, etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you had such a grudge on your back about me, you should have settled it with me while we were active. Don't think it's my duty to come out of inactivity just to fuck you up. I was gonna be nice and actually give you that pleasure, but to waste time on this peice of shit 3 yr old game instead of spending time with my girl doesn't seem worth it. The more I think about it the more I don't think I am gonna.

The fact is, we whooped you in the past, and you have to live with that. If your considered the best now, thats only because your competition doesn't play anymore, not because you are better. Hate to break it to you.....

BTW, I wear sean jean and am alittle over weight. But I also have a hot girlfriend and kick your ass in video games, so booooyah mutha fucka  ;D

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: †FiRE Infection on April 25, 2003, 03:00:37 am
Werd his girlfriend is definately bangin I'd fuck her. ;D

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 25, 2003, 03:10:14 am
I'd fuck her. ;D

Your gonna die infect  ::)

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on April 25, 2003, 04:00:55 am
Ok i know this is strange, but I still love clan CUNT..they rocked!!  Just cause clans like that kept me playing RS all summer, its not the same anymore..therefore..this poll sucks my Italian cock!


Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 25, 2003, 05:32:14 am
I'd fuck her. ;D

Your gonna die infect  ::)

Don't kill my wubber, or you're gonna die Ult  :-[

Anyway, I'll take my girlfriend over your girlfriend Ult.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Typhy on April 25, 2003, 05:48:54 am
 "Girlfriend", Bondo? My oh my, you have changed!

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: .vooDoo. on April 25, 2003, 07:23:01 am
um...can anyone confirm or deny that snipey is rabid???
I have suspecsions.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: tasty on April 25, 2003, 08:17:03 am
ult's girlfriend:


you need to copy this link and paste it rather than clicking it cuz this bullshit host doesn't allow hotlinking. sorry ult, had to do it your gf has it going on. btw sean john is lame  ;D

Title: LMAO @ Ultiego!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 25, 2003, 10:45:40 pm
first of all if you were a man and wanted to prove you could beat me you would do it with even hosts.  

If you were a man, you would keep your word!  Or did you forget how we came about CB'ing in "your host only" :o

second of all, the only reason we played a cb all on my host was because ?K couldn't host, there was no chioce, it was either you played on my host the whole time or you forfieted.

Ok, wtf are you trying to do now?  We didn't have to CB you that day.  As matter of fact, I didn't want to because we didn't have a host.  If we wouldn't have CB'ed you that day, you couldn't have won by forfeit dumbass.  Damn, wearing Sean Jean makes you stupid too huh. :o  It was when you said "If you do a CB in our Server, we'll do one on yours in return to make it fair since you don't have a host".  Me, being trustworthy with you since we've never had a problem, went ahead and trusted your agreement.  What did you do when it was our turn to do our CB on our server?  You fucking pussied out since you knew we'd have the advantage this time on our server!  WTF is that all about?  You trick us to do a CB in your server, but pussy out when it comes to our server...   You got no honor, which is probably why you disappeared after that...   Fucking Finaggler...

third of all, one clanbattle is not what I'm talking about when I say that I own you. Every public game, every thing we did in the past, we owned you. Thats not something we can fight about. I don't know why you come here now and challenge me after 6 months of inactivity. Is it because you've finally decided to grow balls and cb us after we don't play the game anymore ? If you had anything to prove, you should have proven it when the iron was hot, when people actually played, when the average of RS games was more then 1 at a single time.

You owned us in what?  Public games?  Ask your boys how well they do against us.  Silvio or Tech9 will let you know how easy it is to kill us. :o  (I'll admit it's pretty even between the 2, but only when Silvio and Tech are playing.  Any other KoS we have no problem killing)  Did you mean you owned us with your logo?  Oh wait, we own you there also!  Hah, wtf are you talking about? :o  Who's doing what here?  You're the one that decided to be a smart ass in something that didn't even concern you!  Did we say "We are an ELITE group of RS'ers that own KoS"?  No, so stfu overweight Sean Jean Cross Colors n00b! >:(  Remember, you're the one that lost your balls when you declined to do the rematch CB on our server.  Man, what dumbass you are.  No wonder you dress the way you do. :o   Oh, and when we CB'ed you, we were brand new to the game, and you still barely beat us dumbass!  You said it yourself.  Your iron was hot, and we were warming ours up!  It's not as if we been around as long as you, and then lost to you.   We barely got here, and you could barely beat our n00b asses.(Yeah, we were n00bs since we had just gotten here.  Try us out now though.  Big difference. :o )   So yeah, go on thinking you "own" us when you're the one that needs to drop your balls and CB us in our Server like you promised, dumbass.

.::End of Part 1::.

Title: LoL @ UltiEgo!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 25, 2003, 10:50:15 pm
fourth of all, the more and more I think about it, why am I even considering cb'ing you now ? I actually don't see a point in it. Even if we beat you (which we will) you will find some excuse of either campaing, aimbotting, your comp lagged (started indexing), you did good but your teammates sucked, etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you had such a grudge on your back about me, you should have settled it with me while we were active. Don't think it's my duty to come out of inactivity just to fuck you up. I was gonna be nice and actually give you that pleasure, but to waste time on this peice of shit 3 yr old game instead of spending time with my girl doesn't seem worth it. The more I think about it the more I don't think I am gonna.

Why are you considering CB'ing us now?  Because you were the one that tried to talk shit and got called out on it.  Now, if you were to back down, you'd be proving once again you AIN'T GOT THE BALLS! like before.  If you don't CB us, you'd be proving you talk out your ass.  You'd be proving your fear to CB us in our host like you promised, is still riding with you.  You'd be proving that you put your foot in your mouth when you came to talk shit here.  You'd be proving the clothes make the character. :o   ouch.  

If you don't want to "waste time", then don't go starting trouble you can't handle n00b.   Just sit in the sidelines with your Sean  Jean/ CrossColors outfit and STFU

Yeah, your duty sits.  Your duty as a dumbass lying ass bitch.  My bitch to be exact. ;D  Now STFU if you're not going to CB us dumbass.

The fact is, we whooped you in the past, and you have to live with that. If your considered the best now, thats only because your competition doesn't play anymore, not because you are better. Hate to break it to you.....

Umm, our only competition was your clan, and you were smart enough to step aside before you got owned by us.  That's a fact I have np living with.

BTW, I wear sean jean and am alittle over weight. But I also have a hot girlfriend and kick your ass in video games, so booooyah mutha fucka  ;D

BTW, that's why you get heckled.  You're overweight, wear Sean Jean (no different than FUBU which you probably wear too), and claim to have a "hot girlfriend".  Yeah, we can just imagine how "hot" she really is.  Does she wear CrossColors and FUBU also? :o ;D

And, to have beaten me in one CB, doesn't qualify you to claim you beat me in video games.  But hey, w/e it takes to make you feel better. hahahahahahaha n00b @ life ;D

.::The End::.

Title: Re:LoL @ UltiEgo!
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 26, 2003, 12:41:14 am
and claim to have a "hot girlfriend".  Yeah, we can just imagine how "hot" she really is.  Does she wear CrossColors and FUBU also? :o ;D

And, to have beaten me in one CB, doesn't qualify you to claim you beat me in video games.  But hey, w/e it takes to make you feel better. hahahahahahaha n00b @ life ;D

.::The End::.

haha, I have no problem with admiting that I wear a sean jean sweater which was given to me on christmas. The thing which is funny is that you use that constantly on me, and you actually believe I get mad that you thik I'm a fag for wearing sean jean. i don't care, you have different taste then me, thats fine.

Also, http://tastyeggs.freewebsitehosting.com/sehzee.bmp tasty was an asshole and posted her pic on the web (I dunno how he even got it grrr), but she is the one on the left. Again, even if you think she is ugly, I don't care, that's your taste. Truthfully, with a name like Victor Martinez, I doubt you have good taste at all. Go back to mexico and get the hell out of california.

And for the record, kos has played ?K in like 4 or 5 cb's, and we have won them all. but I like how you keep mentioning one cb, LOL. And the fact that you call yourself a noob when we cb'ed you is even more funny. Cuz you claimed to be the best back then too. Does anyone else see this re-occuring theme ? ;)

Now go ahead, waste more of my time and tell me how much "bs" I'm spoeaking and re-post what you always say. But the thing is, nobody believes you, so I don't know who your trying to impress. Your full of shit, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Good day to you

Title: UltiEgo, did we not tell you to stfu if you're not gonna CB?
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2003, 01:14:48 am
Man, can you double talk, and avoid the issue further? :o

I love how backed down once again UltiEgo.  Just goes to show how pathetic you are with all your BS.  All you had to do, is not act like a big headed brat.  Especially when you wear Sean Jean, wigger.

Victor Martinez?  Yeah bud. ;D  

How many times have YOU(as in Ultiho) CB'ed us?  Yeah.  Thought so fatboy.  Now stfu.  You want to talk shit, how bout you come out to back it up.  Oh wait, you can't because you don't want to get 0wn3d.  Poor UltiWhore...  (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/whine.gif)

You don't want to argue, then don't talk shit fatboy.  If you want to talk shit, come back it up.  All you ever did was trick us into CB'ing in your server.  Yeah, something to be real proud of. :o

At least I have my honor and am honest unlike your faggot ass.  I don't trick people into doing CB's in my server.  But then again, I like winning with honor, unlike your dumbass. :o

ps: Target has a special on FUBU.  You might not want to pass that up! ;D

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 26, 2003, 01:54:21 am
Target doesn't sell FUBU lmao  ;D

the funniest part about all of your posts is the only way you can diss me is based on my pyshical appereance, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Go ahead, reply somemore about how I "tricked you". I'm dying to read more of your self incriminating posts. You keep looking more and more like a dumbass the more you post lies, keep going, I know you want to. The fact is you told us once we started the cb that you guys didn't have a host. You had to play on our host, don't say you didn't because you had to, and you know it.

I've played ?K in two cb's, one with me and dest against you and 5150, and one with me and tech against typhy and someone else(which was actually the closest games, because its true, ?K was better when rapid didnt play). And it doesn't matter how many times I have personally played against you guys, because if my clan can beat you 4 or 5 times, under my leadership, I still have something to do with their winning.

and for the love of god, can you get through one post without postin a million faces with eyes popping out. If you actually do always make those faces while posting, I would hate to see how you look in person.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Cobra on April 26, 2003, 03:07:08 am
Dear Rapid,

I have a request.  Stop posting.  Or at least stop posting bullshit.  Whenever I read your posts, I have the distict feeling I've read this exact same thing before, over and over and over, but perhaps directed toward a different individual.  When I see that you've posted something, I can almost predict word for word what your message contains, as you seem to, somehow, include the same phrases in everything you say.  "Don't talk shit, kid", "Can't you see?!  |AK| fights with honor, while <insert clan name> doesn't!", "wtf stfu n00b", "Everyone only hates me because they're scared of getting pwnz0rized".  Throw in a few dozen more random cuss words, some more incredibly ignorant bullshit, and about 275 smilies in each sentence, and there you have it!  Another not-so-enlightening, oh-so-annoying Rapid post.

Do you think, Rapid, that anyone believes any part of the ridiculous jargon you endlessly post here?!  Anyone who is inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt or take your word over Ultimo's has most likely not met you.  So many of the clans that have CB'ed you in the past have been subjected to the bullshit you employ to appease your obsession to win...

Why, Rapid, must you deliberate with such a frustratingly cocky attitude?  Whenever you say something, be it on GameRanger or in the forums, your words reek of a condescending, brash, egotistical personality which I, quite frankly, have seen more than enough of.  Drop it, please.  I wonder if maybe you'll see a change in the way others view you?

I wonder if I can guess how you might reply to this...the Rapid I know would say, "Don't start shit, kid, if you can't back it up on the battlefield!", "Don't bring your nose into this, dumbass n00b!", or perhaps, "OMFG I bet you wear Sean Jean too!  ROFLMFAO  :) ;) :D ;D >:( :o 8) ??? ::) :P pwn3d!".  Or, as I hope, you can prove me wrong right now, and realize that the things you post, as well as the way you post it, are causing people to disregard pretty much everything you say.  Reading through what you've said in this thread, I find that I disagree with you before you even say anything, since I already know what's contained in your post.  As far as I'm concerned (I'd be willing to bet others think this way as well), Ultimo doesn't have to post anything in response to your shit, and he'd still be kicking your ass in here, simply by virtue of the fact that none of your posts give me any reason to think otherwise.  Change, Rapid.  Don't be a self-centered jerk, plagued by his own ignorance and unfounded pride.  I think you could change if you wanted to.  Do you?

Rapid, if you actually made it to the end of the post, and have at least taken into consideration what has been said here, thank you.  Please take into consideration that I am not stating any of this in order to get into an argument which I have no business getting into, or to "start shit" with you...it's just that I honestly feel that there is something you could do to make these boards a more pleasant place to be, most likely for you, and definitely for everyone else.  Regardless of what you decide, at least I can be absolutely sure you understand what I'm feeling.  Thank you.


Title: Ok, the Clown Parade Started again...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2003, 05:30:53 am
Cobra, fools like Ultimo are the egotistic ones with the shallow remarks.  Disrespected isn't tolerated by many, so why are you surprised I reacted upon it?  While you're sitting there typing all this crap out, do you ever consider how disrespectful your being for jumping all over my case while making the opposing party look innocent?  Yes, I admit I am a bit more in depth with what I post, but it's because I have the reason to.  What you seem to overlook, is the fact I am responding to disrespectful fools, that find it in them to try and bring down the new clan on the block.  Why, because we're not from the R6 era, and nobody is here to back us up because nobody knew us.  It becomes a parade of clowns trying to disrespect you in every way because they feel they're better than you.  Much like a Senior messes with the Freshman.  But these Freshman, can actually kick the Senior's Ass!  And when I respond to it(and show my moody side), I'm suddenly in the wrong for my reaction.  Hell, you don't like these reactions, try going to the root of the problem.  Which will lead you to disrespectful fools that think they have a right to diss you, because they been around longer.  Fools that think they're allowed to talk down on you, without having you respond to it.  It's a game, but it's a game where respect is due.  We didn't come in asking for respect.  We went out and won a BL to show we had what it takes.  We went out and won a Clan Tournament to show we have it in us.  But wait, the old clans are supposed to be doing that, not us the new clan.  So when we do it, older clans feel the need to start dissing us to feel better about themselves.  A self destructive pattern that brings the pain back in your face.  Anyways, it's all too clear on how things are dealt around here, so it won't surprise me to see another parade of clowns invade this topic.  

UltiEgo, you would know where FUBU's sold, damn wigger.  The fact is, we negotiated our CB in GR before the game started.  Not after it started.  And in that negotiation, you said if we'd do a CB on your server, you'd do one in ours in return to make it fair.  Did you keep your word UltiLiar?  Fuck no, so STFU  Another fact, the only CB's we've done against your clan, I was involved in them, so no, you did not CB us twice.  In fact, I told my clan not to CB your dishonest ass until you completed your promise.  Since you never did, you never CB'ed against us ever again.  Once again, you got 0wn3d.  Your lies were once again brought to the table.  But wait, why don't you just deny it and hope it all goes away?  Ah, because facts are facts and Dest was there when it all happened and knows about you and your elaborated lie.  Now go sit in your corner with your dunce hat dumbass. :o

Oh, and if you saw me in real life, you'd see a fist coming at your face bigmouth.  Now stfu UltiDumbass.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 26, 2003, 06:55:20 am
I think I speak for most of the posters on the forum when I say...all of you, shut the fuck up already.


Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 26, 2003, 05:10:18 pm
Most posters don't have to read this thread bondo, so stay out of it if you don't wanna read it. You would have a legit arguement for us to shut up if we were using numeruos threads to argue. But this is one fucking thread for christs sake. You stfu and deal with it. Nobody's making you read it.

Rapid, thanks for proving Cobra's point again, good day to you.....

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Mr.Wuggles on April 26, 2003, 06:48:42 pm
Poor, Poor Snipey, he is all alone and .... GAY!!! MAHAHAHAHA. Oh pardon me.....

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 26, 2003, 07:16:07 pm
Wuggles, beileve me.. I'm not gay..

Title: Look, it's UltiDumbass avoiding the facts once again!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 26, 2003, 09:21:56 pm
What Point UltiEgo?  Oh, the one proving how much of a fat ass liar you are:

The fact is, we negotiated our CB in GR before the game started.  Not after it started.  And in that negotiation, you said if we'd do a CB on your server, you'd do one in ours in return to make it fair.  Did you keep your word UltiLiar?  Fuck no, so STFU  Another fact, the only CB's we've done against your clan, I was involved in them, so no, you did not CB us twice.  In fact, I told my clan not to CB your dishonest ass until you completed your promise.  Since you never did, you never CB'ed against us ever again.  Once again, you got 0wn3d.  Your lies were once again brought to the table.  But wait, why don't you just deny it and hope it all goes away?  Ah, because facts are facts and Dest was there when it all happened and knows about you and your elaborated lie.  Now go sit in your corner with your dunce hat dumbass. :o

Oh, and if you saw me in real life, you'd see a fist coming at your face bigmouth.  Now stfu UltiDumbass.

While you try and lie your way out of it, you're already neck deep in your own shit.  Too little too late.  Keep avoiding the FACTS

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: kos viper on April 26, 2003, 09:52:32 pm
Rapid is such a waste of time.  Rapid, how many Battle Leagues did AK win?

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 26, 2003, 10:19:38 pm
I would just like to point out in advance that the time AK "won the bl" didn't count. cry.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 27, 2003, 10:10:44 am
Once the Battle League we're actually considered "seasons", ?K has never won. Now thats the facts

Title: Hah, UltiEgo still avoiding the F A C T S. How cheesy of a Sean Jean dork.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 27, 2003, 10:32:33 am
UltiDork, you lying about CB'ing us more than once personally, is afact

You not holding your end of a deal in a CB, is a fact.

You lying about it while your teamate Dest confirming the dealyou made, is a fact.

You getting 0wn3d in everything you lie about in this topic, is a fact.

So you see, facts are overcoming all your lies.  Give up now and if you want to show any honor, go thru with what you promised.  That's what honorable men like myself do.  Always keep our word.  But of course, you wouldn't know anything about that. :o

When BL turned into seasons, no we didn't win one of those.  We won the old BL when it was 6 months old, instead of 3.  That's a fact :o

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 27, 2003, 05:33:45 pm
Rapid there is nothing honorable about you. Taunting and insulting opponents is not honorable. Being an idiot in a forum where no one wants you and calling people out for no reason and making up conspiracies is just stupid.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 27, 2003, 06:10:47 pm
Bah, stop using this (my) thread for a chat board, You may use it only for replying to this Poll..

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS Ultimo on April 27, 2003, 07:00:06 pm
Bah, stop using this (my) thread for a chat board, You may use it only for replying to this Poll..

Thanks snipey..... because I forgot how important it was to get your permission before  postiing anyways......

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 27, 2003, 11:02:44 pm
Just su ultimo, your really not that special..

Title: Ty HazTard
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 28, 2003, 12:00:00 am
Rapid there is nothing honorable about you. Taunting and insulting opponents is not honorable. Being an idiot in a forum where no one wants you and calling people out for no reason and making up conspiracies is just stupid.

Ahhhh, just what I was waiting for! ;D

Soooooooo, when I do it, I'm wrong huh. :o

Yeah, 0wn3d.  

(Remember, I don't start them, I just end them.  UltiHo knows not to be talking any kind of smack to me or my clan after his dishonorable actions.  Guess he needed to be reminded once again 8) )

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 28, 2003, 12:07:18 am
Ya, you are wrong you bring it upon your self because of your arrogance and disrespect for others.

Title: *sigh* Idiots will be idiots...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 28, 2003, 12:38:18 am

Now I have to deal with an ignorant biased bastard...

How am I wrong?  Care to tell me, or do you just care to be the idiot that's wrong, who's best defense is "You're wrong, but I don't know how"

Better advice for HazTard, STFU if you can't back up what you say.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 28, 2003, 12:56:54 am
Uh, I think can back up what I am saying when I am saying that the BL mods aren't biased SEEING AS I AM ONE OF THEM. In BL matters I just state my opinion and listen to the opinions of the other mods I have never said something like "Oh AK should have this cb counted against them cause Rapid is a douche." Stop bitching or make your own battle league. If someone was biased against someone else they would probably not post on the issue and just let it ride out because there opinion would be biased. I have done this concerning FiRE vs. another clan so I just stayed out of it.

So answer me this Rapid. Let's just say that the BL mods are biased. What do you think is more effective.

1) Ranting and raving on the forum and raining down cheap shots at everyone and starting arguments that could be dealt with in PMs.


2) Making constructive suggestions

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on April 28, 2003, 01:14:33 am
Alright I have enough of this kindergarten here. Rapid the only one making a drama out of the BL are you. However you don't participate so don't bring up old issues.

If you wanna discuss with each other do so, but if you continue this kindergarten I'm forced to lock this thread.

Good night,


Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on April 28, 2003, 03:40:13 am
Mauti, I did tell them to stop talkin shit like that so I'm on your side  ;D

Title: .::Constructive Suggestion::.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on April 28, 2003, 08:35:32 am
Get rid of the present BL Mods, and get NEW appropriate ones

There you.  As if I haven't said it b4...

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: KoS PY.nq.ict on April 28, 2003, 10:49:05 am
ffs snipey...give up already

sucking the moderator's assholes isn't going to get you anywhere....try posting something worth the reply....

Rapid...that's enough. Why can't you just leave people alone. Always starting fights even after the threat of being banned. For the love of all things holy....disappear.

Title: Laughing
Post by: Absalon on April 28, 2003, 07:40:53 pm

I just read quick over this whole bs. Its so fucking funny how 2 idiots try to "own" or "pwn" or whatever u call it each other.

Fact is: Rapid only plays good (good, not superhero good) on his host. Ultimo is inactive but i think he would still own rapid.

Fact is: Funny how i beat rapid on a neutral US (!) host in wich he had 160 (rofl, he said so) and me 130 ping.

Fact is: Rapid is just a lil bitch who has no friends. He has time the whole fucking day to write BS (it is only BS, i dont remember one (!) intelligent post of him)

bondo is right, just stfu

Title: Now we have our Euro Clown!
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 02, 2003, 01:47:21 am

Absalon, aka Patterson, the anti-american euro, how bout you get over your BS.   You want to know facts?  Ok.

Fact: Absalon is an anti-american asswhipe that has no respect or reason
Fact: Absalon got caught cheating in the past under the name Patterson against our clan(Which ended 6-0, Our favor due to his BS), and changed his name in hope nobody would recognize him.  Once a cheater always a cheater.  No matter what name. :o
Fact: Absalon told our old member typhy, he had a ?? of the "Stats Sheet"(after game stats in RS) where it said his team had won, in a CB.
Fact: That was a lie told by absalon which was proven and seen by EVERYBODY
Fact: I have never cheated in a game, let alone a CB.  Hey, at least I have my honor.  Not the same with our euroGeek
Fact: Absalon is the lil bitch with no friends, other than his anti-american counterparts...

So you see Abs, it doesn't take much to point out your bs.  But of course, in your eyes it takes a "a whole fucking day".  LOL! ;D

btw, my favorite intelligent post of mine, is when I asked for your permanent removal after you cheated in a CB the first time.   Sure enough, couple months later, there you were lying about a "Stats Sheet" in a CB.  Yeah, it is true.  Once a cheater, always a cheater.  RnT must be proud of you, huh. :o

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on May 02, 2003, 01:56:41 am
He isn't in RnT anymore so why don't you just let this thread die.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 02, 2003, 03:45:29 am
Not taking sides, but haz didn't abs give the thread new life? Usally when one is disrespected, the person in question will take offense to that and will reply.

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: MAD PaYnE on May 05, 2003, 06:03:28 am
GO +FIRE! YAY !!!!!!! oh ya and Rapid cut out the lame Bullshit!       :-[      ::)                                                                      
                Rapid  Me    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Now screw off! Man.......................... Oh and snipey your just another Rabid!.....  PaYne

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on May 05, 2003, 08:16:28 pm

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 05, 2003, 10:15:39 pm
-giggles like a schoolgirl at this thread-

Now now chitlin's, if you don't settle down and play nicely you're all going to get a timeout. And for chissake, if a thread is dead, leave it dead.

Snipey, next time you bury someone make sure they're "six feet under."

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: kami on May 06, 2003, 12:28:18 am
I don't know why but I get this nauseous feeling when I -try- to read Snipey's last post...

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: jn.loudnotes on May 06, 2003, 04:28:35 am
Lol kami. . .me too, seeing as I defended his right to post crap like that without reading through this p.o.s. thread first.

Title: Re:Now we have our Whiner
Post by: Killa_Absalon on May 06, 2003, 11:55:17 am

Fact: Absalon is an anti-american asswhipe that has no respect or reason

No reason? wtf are u talking about? there are so many reasons to be anti-yank

Fact: Absalon got caught cheating in the past under the name Patterson against our clan(Which ended 6-0, Our favor due to his BS), and changed his name in hope nobody would recognize him.  Once a cheater always a cheater.  No matter what name. :o

uh oh, how long did it take u to recognize it? Until i said that im patterson lmao

Fact: Absalon told our old member typhy, he had a ?? of the "Stats Sheet"(after game stats in RS) where it said his team had won, in a CB.

uh oh get over it finally or i tell it to your mom

Fact: That was a lie told by absalon which was proven and seen by EVERYBODY

first, nothing was proven coz there was nothing to prove bitch.
second, everybody  ???

Fact: I have never cheated in a game, let alone a CB.  Hey, at least I have my honor.  Not the same with our euroGeek

ur only cheat is ur fuucking laggy host

Fact: Absalon is the lil bitch with no friends, other than his anti-american counterparts...

uh oh ur so funny. So u think all ppl like u and me not? ROFL

btw, my favorite intelligent post of mine, is when I asked for your permanent removal after you cheated in a CB the first time.   Sure enough, couple months later, there you were lying about a "Stats Sheet" in a CB.  Yeah, it is true.  Once a cheater, always a cheater.  RnT must be proud of you, huh. :o

nice try to be funny, nothing to say more about this

This one took me about 5mins

Title: Absalon, keep your "anti-yank" bs out of here. Dumbass
Post by: AK_Rap1d on May 07, 2003, 05:57:28 am

Give it up Absalon.  You're stupiditiy level reflects on every "respond" to my posts.  

Not only did you prove everything I said, but you looked like a jackass doing it. ;D

Remember, you're the one that lied about a "Stat Sheet", and even Mauti pointed out how much of a dumbass liar you were about it.  Oh yeah, but you want to forget all that now huh :o

Gj bud.  Now do us all a favor and keep your "anti-yank" ass out of these forums, and out of BL, n00b >:(

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Cossack on May 07, 2003, 06:06:41 am
A flame gives you a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Title: Re:Rapid, keep your "anti-euro" bs out of here. Dumbass
Post by: Killa_Absalon on May 07, 2003, 05:23:35 pm

Give it up Absalon.  You're stupiditiy level reflects on every "respond" to my posts.

u know, the problem is: When i answer ur posts, i have to write in a language that u can understand. If I would write like a teacher ur face would look  ??? all the time. know what i mean?and btw, i dont have time to think 15mins about a sentence like you. ;D

Not only did you prove everything I said, but you looked like a jackass doing it. ;D

I love watching jackass (no need for an answer on this one, lame)

Remember, you're the one that lied about a "Stat Sheet", and even Mauti pointed out how much of a dumbass liar you were about it.  Oh yeah, but you want to forget all that now huh :o

LFMAO, too bad i didnt count how many times u mentioned this one, almost every post of you i think

Gj bud.  Now do us all a favor and keep your "anti-yank" ass out of these forums, and out of BL, n00b >:(

Its anti-rapid, and i would only do you a favor

Man, everytime i read ur posts its like a comedy show to me. Are u really taking that so serious?

Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Saberian 3000 on May 09, 2003, 11:53:25 pm
Heh, I love how such a simple question or topic can turn out into such a flame war hehe.  It's obvious that this topic was meant to start this up.  It's funny cause snipey was originally asking what were people's facoraite clans.  the sad thing is that only 2-3 responses were related to the topic.  Oh well, hehe


Title: Re:Fave Clan
Post by: Snipes on May 11, 2003, 06:46:08 pm
Well, Saberian, I have told the soliders of the flamewar to stop, but they would still go on, and tell me that I was acting like a noob. But, this topic is geting so old, that I think we should just let it die..