*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 05:45:35 am

Title: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 05:45:35 am
Well, I was playing ghost recon today, and "Jacques.Chirac" and his french fucking friend "eOe Bouboulle" would not stop tking or calling the Americans "baby killers." >:( I'm sick and tired of hearing this, especially from the French. >:(


Anyway, I recommend blocking these two guys, as they will just ruin the game for everyone playing.

So, this brings me to my poll.. which political leader do you hate most? I was going to leave it at just Chirac and Hussein, but I thought people would want more choices.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 19, 2003, 05:54:12 am
Snipe, first off, the French don't owe us jack squat, if we really were fighting for their good we wouldn't have waited until we were attacked to get into WWII.  Secondly, are you sure these idiots are really French, I don't think you should get upset about the French over people acting like French idiots who aren't French.

I'd vote for Bush because he actually has global power and he uses it horribly.  It isn't as bad as those dictators who kill people, but it is more deserving of hate IMO.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: dr. letum on April 19, 2003, 05:54:19 am
Forgetfull, Ungreatfull French >:(

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 05:59:52 am
1) They spoke French.
2) Their GameRanger map says they are in France.
3) They were assholes (must be French)

And the one thing that confirmed the fact that they were french:


Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Snipes on April 19, 2003, 05:59:56 am
You Silly Bullshiters!!! You all hate Bush.. I am a republican and I like President Bush. I chose Saddam as my least favorite ruler..

- Snipey  ::) DIE BITCHS

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 19, 2003, 06:07:28 am

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Mattster on April 19, 2003, 08:01:35 am
Well I am american and I am ok with Bush, so Saddam is my choice. If your american and u choose Tony Blair your an idiot, he is our biggest ally. Britain is one of the or the only country that actually stood up and is fighting with us against Iraq.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 19, 2003, 08:17:36 am

Since when was AK a french clan  ;D

Snipey, we voted that we hate Bush, so yes, we hate Bush...but we have damned good reasons to.

Mattster, Blair could technically be hated if you are opposed to the war because he supports it.  But he is less vile than Bush on that side of the issue so anyone who is against it is more likely to hate Bush than Blair.  In fact I like Blair, I just disagree with him about the war.  I actually dislike Bush (hate was being used simply because it is being used, not to actually be as strong as the word means) because he does nothing right for this country.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BeefyFigure on April 19, 2003, 03:56:28 pm
Screw Chirac !

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on April 19, 2003, 04:40:03 pm
Snipe cool down and think before u post!

BtW without the help of the French - A USA would probably not even exist, SO SHUT UP! They Help u in the independece war - and they did them most diplomatic work for you to get the GB leaving you alone.
The fought so many fights on your side! They gave u weap and their Army to get you independent ( or better to get the British out of America )

Your Statue of Liberty is comming from the French , when u hate them so much - then give this gift back!

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 19, 2003, 05:05:28 pm
Your Statue of Liberty is comming from the French , when u hate them so much - then give this gift back!

Perhaps it should be given to the Canadians (in Quebec especially) instead.  They seem to appreciate the things France has done.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 05:35:31 pm
Hologram, don't you think it's.... well... maybe a coincidence that the French FINALLY showed up for the Revolutionary War when we had the British backed into a corner and were kicking ass?

The French gave us the Statue of Liberty... Thanks. It's neat.

The French have given us "support" in wars. Umm, you say support, I say distraction.

Last, if the French have done so much for us in the past, why do the all of a sudden hate us? They can still have their fucking oil trade with Iraq after it's over, but if you call us "baby killers," well that just pisses me off.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 19, 2003, 06:20:44 pm
Snipe, the French hate us for the same reason a good third of Americans hate Bush.  It just happens France is politically much more liberal where as the US is only part liberal.

You still haven't answered my question of why France should feel they owe us anything since we let Germany devestate them twice before caring enough to enter the war.  Perhaps if we had joined immediately and prevented the Germans from entering France they would owe us something.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Cossack on April 19, 2003, 06:40:41 pm
Americans can be just as pig headed as the French and vise versa. It was inappropriate for them to tk you, but it is inappropopriate for you to hate the French because they dont agree with you on the war. I voted Putin because he stole the election from me. Bastard.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 07:05:53 pm
Bondo, what happened to, "Better late than never?"

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: [[EUR]] HoloGram on April 19, 2003, 07:38:53 pm
The French dont hate you - they hate the policy the US does! But u repeat any critics with hateres.

By the way! Snipe : back to ! What happend to : better ?ater then never - also involving US Independece fight! and without France u never would have got the official Indepence from GB - they maybe left u alone but they wouldnt give Amerika the independence - and France did not enter the war after it was nearly won. They helped the amerikans with lots of weapons and then they fought the British on your side a bit later - but would u have done wihtout any weaps???????? against an much stronger enemy?????

What would have the Americans done when France didnt force GB not to send more Soldiers to America????

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on April 19, 2003, 07:48:16 pm
I'm not sure if I completely understood that...

Anyway, what I want to know, is if you've helped us all these years, why the sudden turn around? Why the hatred? Why the pro-saddam viewpoint?

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: kami on April 19, 2003, 08:04:16 pm
The French have never been pro-Saddam, just anti-war, they are NOT the same.

You hate them just as they hate you, I imagine it's because you're so similar, heh. Both countries as arrogant and loving their sovereignity, both countries based on liberty, both being pretty conservative, then there are a lot of differences as well but in the core I think the countries are both pretty similar.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on April 19, 2003, 09:11:55 pm
Guys, we've helped the French plenty. Why do you think we went into Vietnam? Vietnam was one of France's colonies, and France wasn't able to control it. With the two World Wars, while we did wait a while to enter the war, that doesn't mean we didn't help at all. We were giving the French and British gigantic loans, not just economically, but militarily as well. We lent out mass amounts of weaponry to the Allies pretty much from the start of both of World Wars. From what I can remember from history class, the French took their time in helping us with the American Revolution as well. Now, I do think it's ignorant to say that all French people are assholes. That's like saying all white men beat their wives, or that all eskimos live in igloos. However, from what I gather, they do have a tendency to be rather snobbish to Americans. That's probably because we make better wine, and sell more of it, too. They're jealous.

Title: Re:Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: tasty on April 19, 2003, 10:33:18 pm
You're all just jealous because the French are more sophisticated than you are. Do Americans smoke cloves and drink wine in street caf?s while discussing Foucault? I think not. Plus, croissants are delicious. Where would Burger King be without the Croissandwich? Out of business is my guess! Is English known as "the language of love"? Fuck no, French is. France has also made a larger cultural impact on the world than the US has, although they have existed longer. In summation, I love French people.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: SanitarySal on January 07, 2005, 06:24:46 am
I think these Poll results are hilarious.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 07, 2005, 08:14:40 am
I have two things to say, more responding to the actions of Chirac and his accomplice, than the discussion of who saved whos butt in a more complete fashion, in events that all happened over 60 years ago.

1) As Cossack said it was wrong and stupid of those two to run around the game TKing and being generaly a pair of jackasses.  It's pretty lame they cant think of a better way to express themselves by ruining the game for other people, who have no connection to the actions of the U.S.

2) Calling Americans 'baby killers' pisses me off more than just a bit.  The Mae Lay (sp?) massacre was conducted by a small handful of men, not by the entire U.S army in the Vietnam conflict.  Horrible, yes.  A tragedy, undoubtedly.  Reflecting the nature of all of the American Armed Forces? Hardly.  Reflecting and demonstrating the entire population of the United States, give me a fucking break.

If you try to tell me that the comment wasnt directed to the events in Vietnam, then it is even more faulty.  In war, bombs and explosives arent particular about who or what they kill.  Ill bet you that in more than one occasion the French in their own involvement in Vietnam killed their fair share of babies, either intentionally or by accident.  So does every country involved in war.  People of all ages and walks of life die.  It is how it works.  Period.  Im not saying its good, or acceptable, but them's the way things happen, and we cant change that.

Anyway, in ending, guys dont insult the individual French infantry man.  In WWI they went through absolute hell, and were only so viciously butchered because of poor leadership of their generals, not by any fault of their own.  WW2, same story.  Without the French resistance the invasion of Normandy might not have gone off the way it did, or if it did, casualties would have been -much- higher. 

I havent studied their involvement in Vietnam enough, but i bet the same thing applies there.  The one thing i do know, was in Dien Ben Phu (sp?) it was a deathtrap the commanders ordered their men into, and let them get sliced to ribbons.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2005, 12:57:02 pm
Behaving like a jackass in a game dosn't help anyone. Dosn't mean you start roasting a whole country..

If your american and u choose Tony Blair your an idiot, he is our biggest ally. Britain is one of the or the only country that actually stood up and is fighting with us against Iraq.

Biggist ally and also a fucking idiot. We will hopfully be voting his ass out of Downing Street ASAP. Stood up to what exactly, the false intelligence? Pity he won't stand up to what is happening In Israel or Guantanimo bay or Africa. Its all Bullshit.

Ps.... Hello the US would still be a little British Colony if it wasn't for the French! You probably really don't like that but its true.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: spike on January 07, 2005, 03:16:30 pm
lol I was reading this thread, and I was like, holy shit, cossack, and mattster, and tasty and kami and mellow!...and then I noticed the dates on the thread.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 03:32:19 pm
Behaving like a jackass in a game dosn't help anyone. Dosn't mean you start roasting a whole country..
Ps.... Hello the US would still be a little British Colony if it wasn't for the French! You probably really don't like that but its true.

No, it isn't true.  The French only came in with massive help at the very end of the American Revolution.  Yeah, that's right....just like in every other war--the French only help after America has done most of the fighting.  I just love European Revisionist History.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2005, 03:38:20 pm
Go read:

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 03:47:19 pm
Go read:

I said "massive help". I'm not saying they didn't help at all throughout the Revolutionary War, I'm simply saying that the massive help they brought in wasn't until near the end.  Also, the French government that helped us and aided us at that time was not the same government that spits upon us today.  That government (the monarchy) was overthrown in their own French Revolution a few years later (between 1789 and 1799).  The government of France today has nothing to do with the government of France that aided the U.S. during that war.  I would venture to say that if France had remained a monarchy, we would probably get along a lot better with them to this day, and wars like World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War might have turned out totally different, or might not have happened at all.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2005, 04:10:21 pm

So if the govermnent of France today has nothing to do with the government of France that aided the U.S. during the war then we can apply the visa versa - the goverment of the US today is without doubt completely and utterly different than when the US was dragged into the Second World war and helped join the allies in the battle against Germany. Therfore people can stfu about expecting france to grovel at your feet becasue America helped free france in the 2nd world war. Nobody else dose so i don't see why some americans feel differently.

I said "massive help". I'm not saying they didn't help at all throughout the Revolutionary War, I'm simply saying that the massive help they brought in wasn't until near the end
Visa versa again... Help is help both ways.

st like in every other war--the French only help after America has done most of the fighting

Perhaps they arn't just so stupid as to believe that fighting will always solve all problems in all circumstances, and which ever yother war would we be refering to?

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 05:26:42 pm
So if the govermnent of France today has nothing to do with the government of France that aided the U.S. during the war then we can apply the visa versa - the goverment of the US today is without doubt completely and utterly different than when the US was dragged into the Second World war and helped join the allies in the battle against Germany. Therfore people can stfu about expecting france to grovel at your feet becasue America helped free france in the 2nd world war. Nobody else dose so i don't see why some americans feel differently.

No, not the same at all.  We have the same government with the same Constitution that we had during WWI, WWII, and nearly every other war, with the exception of the Revolutionary War (we were a Confederacy then).  So your statement just shows how little you know about politics, real history (not your revisionist European History), and what governments were in place when.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2005, 05:41:23 pm
We have the same government with the same Constitution that we had during WWI, WWII, and nearly every other war

Um hello? Same goverment... same people is it? For some reason i don't remember seeing George bush leading his country in the 2nd world war for some reason... or Donald Rumsfield etc ect. Do they have the same political interests, the same personal and religious agendas? um no i think not. hence my point... It is not the same.

We don't expect the french to kiss our feet for the british effort to help save France and fight against the german invasion... Nobody in Europe does - The Candians don't for their help.. nobody except America. Why is this? do you feel somehow threatened and as a result feel some need to try and inpose a sense of superiority over others?

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 05:50:22 pm
do you feel somehow threatened and as a result feel some need to try and inpose a sense of superiority over others?

Oh, you didn't know?  We ARE superior to every other nation on earth.  Now bow down before us before we nuke your silly asses!


Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 07, 2005, 06:22:42 pm
True Ghostsniper .. America has without doubt more military hardware and capacity than anyone else...

Just a pity the guys controling that power have less inteligence than a Five year old delinquent.

Ps... were you just gonna ignore the rest of the post?

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 06:25:16 pm
Although i still fail to understand why you have to type in a font-size that could be related to some penis-problems, I have to admit that this is the first sane post i have seen from your keyboard, in a long time Ghostsniper.

The type is just big and blue....the way I like it (Big Blue is IBM, by the way....the people who make the PowerPC Chips for Apple....that's the only connection with my type).

Best regards
from a gay, shit-scared american, living abroad.

Wow, I didn't know you were gay....or an American living abroad.  That ALMOST explains a lot....lol

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on January 07, 2005, 06:27:06 pm
FWIW, the Articles of Confederation weren't signed until after the war, so during the Revolutionary War we were not yet a Confederacy. We were a generally undefined group of individuals who were fighting against their colonial power. Many people in the colonies were not on our side. I find it odd that you would chide him on historical accuracy while making an error. I guess if you really want to define what the "Americans" were during the Revolutionary War, we were freedom fighters...or from the view of the British, terrorists.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 06:30:34 pm
Ps... were you just gonna ignore the rest of the post?

No, but I think you see where I was coming from with the same government thing.  Discussing it further was just futile, I thought.  Sometimes it is just better to drop a discussion than getting all worked up over it....something I've learned over the past 2 years on this forum.  And besides, even though we hardly ever agree on anything...I still like you BFG and don't care to get into too many more angry arguments (where my passion for my beliefs outweighs my ability to type in a civilized fashion).


-GhostSniper Out.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 06:36:25 pm
FWIW, the Articles of Confederation weren't signed until after the war, so during the Revolutionary War we were not yet a Confederacy. We were a generally undefined group of individuals who were fighting against their colonial power. Many people in the colonies were not on our side. I find it odd that you would chide him on historical accuracy while making an error. I guess if you really want to define what the "Americans" were during the Revolutionary War, we were freedom fighters...or from the view of the British, terrorists.

Hey moron....yes you.  The Articles of Confederation were agreed to by Congress on November 15, 1777, and were ratified and in force on March 1, 1781.  The American Revolutionary War lasted from April 19, 1775, to September 3, 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed.  The treaty was ratified by Congress on January 14, 1784.  So yes, during the Revolutionary War, we were a Confederacy.

Now, unless you have a BA in History (soon to be a Masters), I suggest you leave the history lessons for those who have actually studied them in-depth.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: *DAMN Bondo on January 07, 2005, 10:19:28 pm
I wasn't nasty with you GS, why are you always so uppity?

Anyway, by your own numbers, the US was only a Federation for at most the last third of the war. Thus for the majority, my description is accurate.

I think I shall remember to, next time there is an environmental discussion, to say, unless you have a BA in Environmental Studies, I suggest you leave the lessons for those who have actually studied them in-depth. Maybe then you would realize how condescending it sounds. And you'd see that maybe saying that doesn't mean you are 100% right as I've somewhat pointed out above by showing how your dates (which I dont' contest) partially support my claim that you wrote me off as a moron for.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 07, 2005, 10:26:11 pm
You know what's funny? We're all arguing because of a thread that died almost two years ago.

Lets all leave this alone, and if you want i can move everything into a new thread so you can keep bickering.

By the way, Sal, im officially irked with you for bringing a dead thread back up.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on January 07, 2005, 10:28:06 pm
I wasn't nasty with you GS, why are you always so uppity?

Sorry Bondo, just having a bad day.  Didn't mean to sound so arrogant.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: Supernatural Pie on January 08, 2005, 01:04:24 am

What the fuck... I was reading the topics on the main page, and saw this thread... then my name, and that got me to thinking... umm, what the hell... I never posted this...


Come on guys, read the dates, don't get into a flame war that's two years old.

And SanitarySal: You're retarded.

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 08, 2005, 01:54:52 am
Does anybody have a problem if i lock this, so it stays dead?  Or would you all rather see if we can collectively keep out mouths shut and just let it die a 2nd, natural, death?

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: BFG on January 08, 2005, 02:51:37 am
.... I would say let it die a gracefull and well needed death.. but then again i doubt thats gonna happen!  ::adminowns::

Title: Re: Who do you hate most / like least?
Post by: c| Lone-Wolf on January 08, 2005, 05:18:23 am
It's a poll that died and went away  almost two years ago.  Digging up old dead threads is bad.  Consider this a suggestion to not do it again.

Now going to take BFG's suggestion, and the fact that nobody has said otherwise, and lock this and let it become dead again, and stay dead this time.


EDIT - BFG, GS, Flies, or Bondo, PM me if you would like to see this thread re-opened, and I will do so.