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*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 11, 2003, 05:42:44 am

Title: NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 11, 2003, 05:42:44 am
I think we need a nice light topic.

The best part of the sports year has just started...and by that I mean the NHL playoffs.

Don't know what is up with the home teams...1-7 so far.

In the one game I watched in depth...the Avs had a bad 5 minutes...unfortunately it was really bad so they lost 4-2.  Thankfully the Red Wings lost which makes me feel a little better.  I don't think there is a need for any of the top seeds (except the Lightning who really don't belong in the playoffs...then again Carolina didn't belong in the playoffs last year and made it to the finals) to worry.  Getting one game down isn't the end of the world.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: tasty on April 11, 2003, 05:28:27 pm
hockey sucks. my friend and i tried to petition ESPN to stop covering it last year, but unfortunately to no avail.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Casper on April 11, 2003, 05:51:41 pm
Hockey rules but im disapointed in Colorado they lost to cali :(

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: |MP|Nomad on April 12, 2003, 12:22:44 am
OMG tasty!! How could you!! Hockey is great, but i guess thats b/c I'm canadian eh!!  ;D  So far, all the underdogs have taken the fisrt games, should be interesting 1st round.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 12, 2003, 01:00:38 am
OMG tasty!! How could you!! Hockey is great, but i guess thats b/c I'm canadian eh!!  ;D  So far, all the underdogs have taken the fisrt games, should be interesting 1st round.

*cough* New Jersey won *cough*

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 13, 2003, 12:04:31 am
Colorado wins and Detroit loses, it is a wonderful day indeed.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: viper on April 13, 2003, 01:38:19 am
Go wings go

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: |MP|Nomad on April 13, 2003, 04:12:51 am
Well Viper, I am in a hockey pool and I picked the wings but unfortunately they are surprisingly losing the first 2 games  :(
And to answer yer post Viper, here it is:

GO (You know what team I Like) GO!

ps. don't want to jinx them

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: iGnome.toolazy to login on April 13, 2003, 05:16:32 am
look ok ive been playing for 8 (hockey that is) and since i am canadian i guess i get pissed of when American faggots like tasty make comments liek that so far i know the Vancouver Canucks arnt gonna make it mb colarado i dunno i havent watch any games ina bit

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 15, 2003, 04:33:17 am
The Avs looked very good in winning tonight 3-0.

Roy is on and is the best goalie in the game when he is on.  Their defense is much deeper than last year so there are no worries about them wearing out (they now have 6 solid defensemen) They have two loaded lines, the Forseberg and the Sakic ones.  The third line is the youth line of Rienprect, Wilsie, and the rookie (name is escaping me) which is about the same as last years in strength.  Overall I think the trade of offense for defense in losing Drury and gaining Morris is better for the team as a whole even though Drury was an incredible talent.  Now that I actually watch the games, the Avs still have a good amount of young talent so my concerns of a while back aren't as important as I thought.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on April 17, 2003, 12:52:42 pm
This sucks, I've always loved Patrick Roy, but now seing as my home team the Wild are playing against him, this guy stops almost everything...easily my favorite goalie ever...along with Richter and that guy with a fun name ( Sounds like habee-boolin ), cant remember his name. Anyway, looks like the Wild will lose but it's been great to see playoff hockey in Minnesota again, it's been 10 years. At least Im not watching my team get swept by the Mighty Ducks...lol.

But on a side note to Avs fans...The Wild are more of  a defensive team and they have been giving Roy quite a good workout, just wait til they play a more aggressive offensive team like the stars ( another team from Minnesota ), then you better hope Roy has his game in top notch form or he'll get blown away with no help from his defensmen...

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: golo in the penalty box on April 17, 2003, 06:11:56 pm
Hahaha, Cujo u fucking traitor whore, I'm so happy u lost u jackass....Go Leafs Go

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 17, 2003, 08:17:24 pm
Well, that is IF the Stars make it through to the next round, Edmonton is giving them a run for their money.  If the Avs are the only top seed to make it through, you really have to like their chances with the Blues, Ducks, and Oilers, even if those teams beat higher ranked teams.  And once again I really don't see the East as being that strong.  I was watching Ottawa their #1 seed and they are a bit sloppy.  It may not be as one sided as last year but I still see the West team having the edge.

BTW, I liked the Stars until Colorado got a team and the Stars were a rival.  In a battle of former home team to new home team, you have to make choices and I dedicated myself immediately to the Avs.  I'd still pick the Vikings, Twins, and Timberwolves over the Broncos, Rockies, and Nuggets.

Hehe, Detroit losing is fun, Detroit getting swept in the first round is even more fun.  And honestly, other than those Detroit fans who shall remain nameless, who doesn't hate Detroit.  I'm still holding my claim that the Avs are the best team of the decade, 9 straight division championships, 2 Stanely Cups and 6 years in the Conference final (missed it only the first year still as Quebec, missed it the year they lost in the first to Edmonton, and then this year since it isn't that far yet).  The Wings have 3 cups, but have missed the playoffs, not won their division, and bowed out earlier more often.  I think consistency is more important when judging long term than just championships (well, the Avs better consistency is more important than that one extra cup).

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 17, 2003, 08:32:21 pm
*Sighs* Well I was rooting for Detroit, them being my second favorite team but my team isn't in the playoffs cause we almost went bankrupt and we decided to trade our two best players Hassek and Peca. Peca right after being traded just went on a scoring streak and Hassek is still the wall. But.... BUFFALO OWNS.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: †FiRE Infection on April 17, 2003, 11:38:35 pm
Hassek retired after winning the Stanely Cup last year.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 17, 2003, 11:41:09 pm
Ya, thats why Cujo is Detroits goalie now. Your point?

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: †FiRE Infection on April 17, 2003, 11:42:45 pm
Hassek is still the wall.

"is still"


Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 17, 2003, 11:46:26 pm

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Snipes on April 20, 2003, 01:54:55 am
I dont give a feck about NHL, I DONT give a fecking feck about HOCKEY.. ;D

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Casper on April 20, 2003, 02:48:06 am
Then Shut up and avs lead the series 3-1 YAY

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 20, 2003, 03:05:20 am
Avs lost today so it is now 3-2...still, I'd rather lose a game when I'm up 3-1 in a series than when I'm 3-0 down  ;D

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on April 20, 2003, 04:07:19 am
I dont give a feck about NHL, I DONT give a fecking feck about HOCKEY..  

Say it to my face snipey. And LOL @ the wings....

Damn it, the leafs have fallen behind!!!!!! That was brutal!

Btw, Go Avs...I followed Roy from The Habs to the Avs...by far the best goalie ever....and Hassek is a fucking retard.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 20, 2003, 07:12:24 pm
I have come to the conclusion that I want either Dallas or St. Louis to win. Feckin Buffalo borderline bankrupt bastards don't make the playoffs =(

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Golo on April 21, 2003, 01:09:09 am
I need Nomad to knit me a Leafs jersey.  He's great at knitting and crafts

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on April 22, 2003, 12:57:07 pm
Well, well well....Roy get's burrrrrned twice to the left....GO WILD!!!!! WoOTAgE

That overtime game last night had me on the edge of my seay, omg! The Avs tie it up with 2 golas in 3 minutes...my heart just sank....but low and behold here comes Park again on Roy's left side and zipps it in the 5 hole for the winner! This was a HUGE win for the Wild and for Minnesota, especially the fans. I had 2 friends go to that game and scalpers were gettin $160-$400 for seats.

Game Seven tonight: It's On!

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: |MP|Nomad on April 22, 2003, 02:51:36 pm
Hey Golo I didnt think you would remember my seemster skills , I have one ready for you to pick up pal!! :D

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 22, 2003, 04:43:56 pm
Game Seven tonight: It's On!

I'm pretty sure it is tomorrow night...they don't play back to back nights, especially not when they have to travel.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 22, 2003, 08:59:41 pm
Tampa Bay surprised the shit out of me. I hope they win their first stanley cup since I have no real favorite team in the playoffs right now.  I would like Tampa Bay, St. Louis, or Dallas to go to the cup.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 22, 2003, 09:07:25 pm
Vancouver would be my second choice...because at least then my girlfriend will be happy, and better one of us than none of us.  If Colorado were to lose, Minnesota would be one of my favorites though being from MN.  On the East I don't really care...I've liked New Jersey a bit (because I hate NY teams and the Devils had that great series against the Rangers back when the Rangers won the cup).  Wouldn't mind Toronto or Ottawa either, Canada teams should win more often.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on April 22, 2003, 11:06:48 pm
Bondo is hockey whipped.  ;) (JK sir)

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 12:24:05 am
If my girlfriend was particular enough to make me give up my favorite teams and cheer for hers, I'd say ok, are we going to have sex now?

Hehe, good thing we cheer for the same figure skaters already because if either of us were a Michelle Kwan fan it just wouldn't work.  Skating is the only thing she is particular about.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on April 23, 2003, 02:07:00 am
sorry to say, but it is tonight...and yes they do back to back for games 6 amd 7....GO WILD!!!

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Ace on April 23, 2003, 03:41:36 am
If Colorado were to lose, Minnesota would be one of my favorites though being from MN.

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. With one very rare exception, it is totally unacceptable to start rooting for the team that eliminated your team from the playoffs. That exception is if the team you lost to goes on to play a bitterly hated rival. For example, if the Giants lost to the Braves in the NLDS and the Braves played the Dodgers in the NLCS, it would be ok to root for the Braves. Detroit might qualify as hated enough to root against if Minnesota were to play them, but they have been eliminated so you MUST root for Minnesota to lose in the next round if they beat the Avs tonight. This kind of fan behavior is what is wrong with the world today. There is too much love going around, especially during the playoffs. If your team doesn't come home with the Cup, you must be bitter and angry about it (or get your mind off it by focusing on your ballclub's 15-3 start).

PS - Wild over the Avs by two goals tonight. Roy chokes on the cock.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 04:42:13 am
You know what is bullshit Ace, you're attempt to vindicate your cheering for some arbitrary team because they play a team you dislike while trying to say I'm wrong to cheer for a team from the fucking city I was born in, just because they beat the team from the state I live in.

For the record, the Wild would possibly play the Nucks, and I've already said the Canucks become my favorite team remaining in the West.  But that if the Wild were playing the Stars, Blues, or Ducks instead (Stars being another rival of the Avs if that means anything) I'd most certainly cheer for the Wild and have a damn fine reason for doing so.  Still, it isn't a given that the Avs are out.  They may win and the Nucks could lose in which case the Avs would be my only team from the west.

Oh, and Ace, stop being a fucking bigot.  If the mysogynistic cracks weren't enough, you also now do a bit of homophobic bigotry.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Ace on April 23, 2003, 05:14:40 am
How the hell was my post homophobic? The only remotely homophobic crack I made was about Roy, and I was mostly thinking about his game 7 against the Wings last year. And yes, he most definitely choked on the cock then, just as he will again in Game 7 this year.

As for the whole "fan" thing, I don't think you get it. You can have ONE team and ONE team alone. That is the first rule of being a sports fan. If you were from there, who gives a shit? I was born in SoCal but I don't root for the Dodgers. You have stated before that you are an Avs fan, so anyone else you root for is bandwagoning.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 06:41:28 am
How the hell was my post homophobic? The only remotely homophobic crack I made was about Roy, and I was mostly thinking about his game 7 against the Wings last year. And yes, he most definitely choked on the cock then, just as he will again in Game 7 this year.

Are you stupid, saying someone choked on the cock in saying they did poorly is blatantly homophobic.  I won't deny he fell apart in that game, and to say that is fine, but to use that wording is bigotry at its finest.

As for the whole "fan" thing, I don't think you get it. You can have ONE team and ONE team alone. That is the first rule of being a sports fan. If you were from there, who gives a shit? I was born in SoCal but I don't root for the Dodgers. You have stated before that you are an Avs fan, so anyone else you root for is bandwagoning.

Oh, so sorry master sportsman that I don't have the dumbasses rule to sports handy.  I don't care about YOUR rules about being a sports fan.  My rules say you can be a fan of teams from where you were born, from where you live, even who your girlfriend is fans of.  Now you can't have co-favorites, there has to be an order so you don't say well, either would be ok to win, but you can prefer another to the rest.  And I will continue to cheer for both Sasha Cohen, the most talented figure skater, and Ann Patrice McDonough, who went to high school and now college with me, to win events and while I cheer more for Sasha, that doesn't mean I have to be disappointed completely if AP wins.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: Ace on April 23, 2003, 08:29:54 am
How the hell was my post homophobic? The only remotely homophobic crack I made was about Roy, and I was mostly thinking about his game 7 against the Wings last year. And yes, he most definitely choked on the cock then, just as he will again in Game 7 this year.

Are you stupid, saying someone choked on the cock in saying they did poorly is blatantly homophobic.  I won't deny he fell apart in that game, and to say that is fine, but to use that wording is bigotry at its finest.

Bondo, while I would be more than happy to say "kiss my ass" if I were being homophobic and pissing you off, in this case it's actually NOT homophobic if you break it down. The Wings could have been said to have bent the Avs over and had their way. Graphic, yes. Homophobic, no. To further elaborate, you could say that Roy was made their bitch. Thus, his performance was so shitty that he choked on it. In reality, you are mistaking crude humor for homophobia.

(Wow, that's way more than I ever wanted to analyze making deragatory remarks about the Avs.)

As for the whole "fan" thing, I don't think you get it. You can have ONE team and ONE team alone. That is the first rule of being a sports fan. If you were from there, who gives a shit? I was born in SoCal but I don't root for the Dodgers. You have stated before that you are an Avs fan, so anyone else you root for is bandwagoning.

Oh, so sorry master sportsman that I don't have the dumbasses rule to sports handy.  I don't care about YOUR rules about being a sports fan.  My rules say you can be a fan of teams from where you were born, from where you live, even who your girlfriend is fans of.  Now you can't have co-favorites, there has to be an order so you don't say well, either would be ok to win, but you can prefer another to the rest.  And I will continue to cheer for both Sasha Cohen, the most talented figure skater, and Ann Patrice McDonough, who went to high school and now college with me, to win events and while I cheer more for Sasha, that doesn't mean I have to be disappointed completely if AP wins.

First, figure skating isn't a sport, so you can root for whoever the hell you want. Second, they aren't my rules, they are The Rules?. I'm sorry if you don't like them, but ask any real sports fan. You can't hedge your bets. It's like wearing someone else's underwear: people may not notice and you may get away with it, but you should feel real dirty about it.

PS - Damn, my prediction was off by a goal.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on April 23, 2003, 01:31:47 pm
2 words: Manny Fernandez....

Talk about a clutch performance in the net, Manny Fernandez for the Wild was solid as a rock. I still can't believe he stopped some of those shots. Nice to see our goalie getting his warm-ups in against Colorado. We are now only the eighth team in NHL history to come back from a 3-1 defecit in the playoffs and win. And Roy did choke on that overtime goal...granted it was nice stick handling but Roy never shoulda commited to the right like that and dropped way to early, but hey, Im not a goalie so what do I know...

Well Bondo, looks like it's Wild vs Canucks....you still goin with Vancouver???? I can't wait to get my hands on some tickets, those playoff games look absolutely fun as hell. Time to Go Wild once more...

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on April 23, 2003, 04:13:46 pm
I agree, Manny Fernandez was amazing...That glove save on Rob Blake was  :o  Save of the series.

As for Roy choking on the final goal...I don't think so, he saved about four chances and the D couldn't clear.  Hard to keep making saves.  I suppose he should have not allowed rebounds, but the defense was shite on that play.

Eight teams come back from 3-1?  Well, one other is Edmonton, the last time the Avs lost in the first round.  Two of them are Vancouver now.

Anyway, yes, I'll be cheering for the Canucks.

Oh, and Ace...just because you don't like it doesn't make figure skating not a sport.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: kami on April 23, 2003, 05:41:30 pm
Seriously, all your hockey teams (that don't have Swedish players) suck. Djurg?rden IF owns all of you.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on May 09, 2003, 06:45:10 am
Bah, Minnesota is getting lucky...and that luck is coming from the inept refs.  The Vancouver-Minnesota series has to be the worst (and most one-sided) series I've ever seen in terms of officiating.

Go Anaheim...and now that they are the last Canadian team...go Ottawa.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on May 09, 2003, 01:45:11 pm
OMG Bondo...you must be on crack. The refs are totaly one-sided for Vancouver (were). The canaucks can't skate, they know they can't skate, the refs knew they could'nt skate, so they almost let them grab, pull, hook and slash their way to a cheap win. WTF is up with bertuzzi slashin our goalies stick out of his hands? Cheap ass poor sports could'nt handle a team that could skate circles around them, AND DID! Not to mention our SUPERIOR goaltending. The nucks got what they deserved...a LOSS of game seven at home...LMAO @ all you nuck fans! They are a dirty team, they are slow, and their goaltending is weak...I can't believe they even made it here...oh well, now they can rest knowing they GOT PWNED AT HOME!!!

Sound Familiar Bondo...<<<<<He shoots............HE SCOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>over and over and over...;)

And the Mighty Ducks....bah, but at least they can skate.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on May 10, 2003, 09:40:55 am
Kilzo, how do you explain that blatant missed offsides call in game 6 that resulted in a Wild goal?  Or also in game 6 when they called offsides on what really wasn't and that negated what perhaps would have been a goal (since wistle blew we won't know if the Wild goalie would have stopped it).

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 10, 2003, 03:40:40 pm
...Right now all i hope is that the name "The Mighty Ducks" never gets on the stanley cup...that would ruin the best game ever.

Title: Re:NHL Playoffs
Post by: *DAMN Hazard on May 10, 2003, 06:28:49 pm
Anaheim should die.