*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: .vooDoo. on March 12, 2003, 08:05:38 pm

Title: AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 12, 2003, 08:05:38 pm
I really hope that we wont get the runaround now because the end of the season is upon us. If you truely deserve the top 6 places then you should have no reason to battle AgT. Pm me on gr or challenge us here.

btw: i really dont want to do 2 vs 2's we would like to see some 4vs4's and 5 vs 5's. Points baby Points!!!

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Typhy on March 12, 2003, 11:18:54 pm
 How about an 8v8, my host, Sunday morning? ;)

Anyways, MP5 will be happy to CB you. Just talk to me anytime on GameRanger.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on March 13, 2003, 12:16:07 am
Hey voods. We were open to cb agt 3v3 last night but serp declined because he said he wanted to cb some1 easy. It would have been me/rancid/pun vs nh, psyks and serp. I'm guessing it would have been a sweet cb but too bad serp got a 'headache' causing him to need a clan of lesser caliber  ;)

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 13, 2003, 03:50:06 am
Response from these 2 clans tonight when aproached with challenges..."im in school" @7:00pm??! and the old "I cant play during the week" excuses.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on March 13, 2003, 04:55:50 am
Unlike you voodoo, I still live with my parents... as I'm still not 15 (14 days... woot) and the parents of mine feel that I'm wasting my time on computer games thus they ban me from them on the weekdays, as I explained to you. And Typhy is in school.. moron ;) he lives in Alaska. Anyways, voodoo, I look forward to a cb this weekend providing that my hockey team doesn't win every single game in States... I should be ready on Sunday. aight?

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Typhy on March 13, 2003, 05:14:00 am
Response from these 2 clans tonight when aproached with challenges..."im in school" @7:00pm??! and the old "I cant play during the week" excuses.

Voods, 7:00 PM your time is 3:00 PM my time. AST ( Alaska Standard Time ) is 4 hours different than Eastern Time.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 13, 2003, 05:59:19 am
1) typhy u were out of school already when i asked you the second time. All you did is ignore my pm and talk to Mysterio. After he saw the way we were playing he was probably advising you not to cb us at that time.

2)Pat, i see you on all the time playing rs during the week. The during the week thing that u cant cb is an excuse.

Title: "AgT is now open to any RS cb" A little late eh?
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 13, 2003, 06:47:27 am
That's what happens when you wait til the last minute to CB ;D

Try not waiting til the last minute next season... (We did have 3 months) :o

You know I'm always down to CB when I have a member logged on and willing. ;)

I can't schedule CB's, since I can't get my guys to log on as is... :(  (Wish we all had no lives like Jeb and lived on GR 24/7 (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_lol.gif) )

Title: Re:"AgT is now open to any RS cb" A little late eh?
Post by: Typhy on March 13, 2003, 07:17:46 am
That's what happens when you wait til the last minute to CB ;D

Try not waiting til the last minute next season... (We did have 3 months) :o

You know I'm always down to CB when I have a member logged on and willing. ;)

I can't schedule CB's, since I can't get my guys to log on as is... :(  (Wish we all had no lives like Jeb and lived on GR 24/7 (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_lol.gif) )

Excuse me, Rapid? The term "No life and lives on GameRanger 24/7" is reserved for me .

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on March 13, 2003, 04:25:18 pm
VooDoo I don't play RS all the time! There is normally one day of the week when I can play (yesterday, tuesday) and that's when I don't have hockey and my brother does thus my mom is bringing him to the rink then picking him up and my dad as a doctor is never home.. don't start telling me my excuses are bs

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Absalon - RnT on March 13, 2003, 06:01:36 pm
So this means that u also cb us? Just asking, coz "we lag soo much" as everyone else tells...

we are ready for ya  ;D

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Typhy on March 13, 2003, 06:20:51 pm
 "everyone," Absalon? We CBed you, and won 6-4. Since then we've challenged you at least 5 times, the response to all of them ( usually from Paul ) "Not until BAmmer comes on".

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: (SEALs) one on March 13, 2003, 08:45:09 pm
come on guys
 CB us plzzzzzzzzz
plzzzzz, don't be scared, and stop making excuses
It'll be fun

btw voodoo if you see this post, I'll be back on my mac tomorrow night(friday) around 8pm cst and on Gameranger.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: [d]-[p a t] on March 13, 2003, 09:41:52 pm
One: we don't turn down your cb's. You turn down ours... and if it means so much to you, one, how about you challenge us for a change..??

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Cossack on March 14, 2003, 02:07:58 am
I cannot tolerate idiocy or meaningless fighting! Rapid and jeb take your quarrel somewhere else.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 14, 2003, 02:21:42 am
Pat....stop trying to turn things around. We have never been challenged by kota this season. You know damn well that I challenge you the other day and you turned it down. Get the facts right and dont try to turn things around.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Supernatural Pie on March 14, 2003, 05:29:09 am
Ok, lets make this easy.
I officially challenge the following clans:

Fire, Rnt, Ak, mp5, kota, freak, ft, kos, dea, dotm, daf, nerd, nads, gt, m, db, doa, nc, v m4, fbi, a, and ma80.

There ya go. All you need to do now is challenge us back, and have us accept your challenge, and we'll cb you!

*Dramatization* *Do not attempt*

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: jewb on March 14, 2003, 05:38:56 am
bah snipe,
i challenge you guys then for not listing us  :P

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Mr.Mellow on March 14, 2003, 02:04:16 pm
Dammit, you greasy bastards, no flaming in our thread!  ;D So anyone up for those CB's? I might come out of RS retirement for one or two.
You. <(x.x<) Q=('.'Q) Me.
I think my point has been illustrated fully by my typed out Kirby's.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Typhy on March 14, 2003, 06:10:18 pm
 Jeb, Rapid, shut the fuck up.

No one gives a shit about your worthless argument, take it somewhere else, or better yet, just drop it.

Rapid, fucking relax. You act like someone is holding a gun to your head whenever you post.


You act as if you have power. I wouldn't be supprised if Infection or someone deletes your post just so that he can laugh at your reaction.

The only reason I quoted the dumb things that Rapid said is because there were more of them, since his posts were longer.

Jeb, you're a fucking idiot. I don't give a shit who starts the arguments between you and Rapid; Rapid threw it in on the last part of his post. You have no place in this topic, since your clan doesn't play RS. This is a topic where people can challenge AgT for RS CBs, so it's impossible for you to make a completly on topic post.  [/color]

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 14, 2003, 10:22:31 pm
Hey Retardo, it was me who deleted your posts. You and jeb both posted flaming threads and 2 rebuttles and then I deleted both yours and jebs posts continuing after that. I dont favor either of you, so get off the "moderators are against me bs" and  quit the lame attempt at trying to glorify yourself.

any reply to my post by either jeb or rapid will be considered spam.

btw: i deleted your ss'ed post. ;)

Title: DooDoo, don't be so bias...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 14, 2003, 10:31:54 pm
Thx DooDoo, next time try deleting his bs as well.  That's what I was talking about dumbass :o

His post is still here...  

So no, you did not delete "both" of our posts.  That was my point.

I support the deleting of flames.  But when you deliberately leave flames against me up, and delete my response to them, you're the one at fault bud.  Try deleting EVERYBODY's flame without being bias.  That's the point ass. >:(

.::Bah, he just deleted Jeb's post and my ??'ed post ;D  At least you deleted Jeb's post this time :o ::.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Cossack on March 15, 2003, 03:30:52 am
Screw off Rapid.

Title: Re:AgT is now open to any RS cb
Post by: Typhy on March 15, 2003, 03:40:54 am
 Rapid, let it go

You weren't the only one to have your posts deleted; but you're the only one making a big deal about it. Just shut up. Your post had no content, so it was deleted. Shut up.

Title: Typhy, you don't need to tell me to shut up.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 15, 2003, 05:03:31 am
Typhy, you don't need to tell me to su.  You're nobody to me.   You're just being a pest to me because you're not an |?K| anymore.  STFU now pls. >:(

Die cossak! (as usual (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)[/img]

Title: Re:Typhy, you don't need to tell me to shut up.
Post by: Typhy on March 15, 2003, 09:34:10 am
Typhy, you don't need to tell me to su.  You're nobody to me.   You're just being a pest to me because you're not an |?K| anymore.  STFU now pls. >:(

Die cossak! (as usual (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)[/img]

Rapid, incase you forgot, I could've easily gotten back into AK. I took a great ammout of offense to some of the things that you said about me in public, and, being European myself, some of the things that you said about Europeans.

You're paying the price for booting me from AK, and you know it.

If I were still with AK, we would be sitting on top of the Rogue Spear Ladder, with a 33-2 record. Losses to RnT and KotA.

But nope, you're Rapid, you're a damn fool. First priority for you is that everyone has a great ammount of respect for your leadership, not that you have the best clan.

I've said it before, if AK gets active, we're all screwed. But, I know that's something we won't have to worry about. You lost the person that did about 9/10ths of your CBs.

You're nobody to me

Typical Rapid right here. He knows that I'm right, and he's smart enough not to argue with it. But, he's not smart enough to just let it go, so he calls me "nobody".

Hmm, Rapid, I sure am "nobody", I'm only the founder of AK, the person who recurited you, the person who won you your first battle league, and the person who put you into first place. Yep Rapid, I sure am "nobody".

STFU now pls.

3 words, and you managed to arrange them in the worst order possible. Better ways to write this:

1.) Now please STFU.

2.) Please STFU now.

3.) Now STFU please.

You're telling me not to tell you to shut up, then you end your post with "STFU now pls".

By the way, is it really that hard to type out the world "please", or is that to advanced of spelling for you?

Just fuck off, Rapid. Take your shit elsewhere, perferably in a gameroom when no one else is there.  [/color]