*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: TRIBE_Horda on March 10, 2003, 02:51:31 am

Title: GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on March 10, 2003, 02:51:31 am
we tried(and trying) to finish the Cb with MOD
so we played ll cool etc

old score was 2-2-1 and now coz RULE 6 its 9-9-8!!!!!!!!!

rules 6 extend times of cb by 3

why u editing my post Mauti ?

Title: Re:new rules uhmm
Post by: Blitz on March 10, 2003, 03:02:34 am
 ??? I agree with Horda. This is new rule is not working well. It prolongs the clan battle. Maybe for the finals it works, but in the regular season, no.  I am suggestion to revise the rule or get rid of it. ;D

Title: Re:new rules uhmm
Post by: Jeb on March 10, 2003, 05:03:45 am
DEA and MP went for 3 hours lastnight because of that rule

however i think the rule is much better than it was, then people can't hide from you when they kill a few to score a couple cheap wins.

Title: Re:new rules uhmm
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 10, 2003, 10:25:10 am
I think this rule only affects clans that don't move much. All cbs against V, DEA, AgT, Mad were done fast. We never had survivors on both sides but if both sides decided to hold position...

However I'll think about it.



Title: Re:new rules uhmm
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on March 10, 2003, 01:34:32 pm
well on small maps its a cool rule.
We(TRIBE) enjoyed samll maps making cool rush, this rule also improve teamwork i think but on big mapd it doesnt work good.
Maybe  redo the tie rule like when 1/1 survivors on both teams or when both teams r dead ...

Title: Re:new rules uhmm
Post by: Jeb on March 10, 2003, 04:17:38 pm
I think this rule only affects clans that don't move much. All cbs against V, DEA, AgT, Mad were done fast. We never had survivors on both sides but if both sides decided to hold position...
I'd disagree, the MP vs DEA cb lasted so damn long because of map choices, airbase night, farm night, ect don't help for quick battles. The last map was won in the last 3 seconds when willie went running around aimlessly on farmnight to try to prevent another tie. The fact is, no one wants to move around on a night map that is filled with snipers. If your acually going to do things tacticaly against a decent clan it will take longer, if your gonna get tossed by a better clan it won't take as long.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 10, 2003, 04:21:47 pm
Hmm in general the rule is very controversy because on one hand it beats the campers with their own weapons(tons of ties) on the other side it can happen that you miss each other on large maps so puh...

I made the experiences that often team A with less players had to attack the other team B because they camped(knowing that they will win). In this case the rule is a real improvement because A has to move out to gain the win.

Hmmm hmmm what about:

"A tie(draw) is either a game where one team wins due teamkills or both teams are dead."

This would only prevent teamkill wins but not affect normal games. Both have pro and contras.

So I would like to hear more opinions before I modify the rule.


Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on March 10, 2003, 05:08:09 pm
@ Mauti: icoming problem; Cb that we r playing with +MOD+, current score is 9-9-8 =26 maps , ok i duno exactly how many maps ghR DS has (30 ?) what we do when all maps been played?
reset maps  choosed?

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 10, 2003, 09:36:31 pm
Well all maps can be played 4times(2times per clan) but yes it would be resetted ;)


Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: Valdar on March 11, 2003, 01:01:52 am
Oh, now I understand the rule. I haven't played any games withthe new rule, but I like it in theory. It seems like it should help against teams that only camp.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: c|"Sixhits" on March 11, 2003, 11:27:44 pm

What tie rule?

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: Valdar on March 12, 2003, 01:01:24 am
Under Ghost Recon specific rules
#6. A tie(draw) is either a game where both teams have survivors or both teams are dead.

So team A has 1 survivor and team B has 3 survivors, then it is a draw. This is a new rule. Before this rule was added, team B would have won.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 12, 2003, 02:56:50 am
The rule is lame!!

Basiclly, if my hole team is dead, and I dont want to loose, all I have to do is find myself a good hideing spot. BAH!!!! Thats so damn lame.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: BTs_eight on March 12, 2003, 03:10:08 am
I like it cuase...

A. If your whole team is down and your up against a team who was camping you out, it makes that camping team get a lil bit of their own medicine...

Makes the team who are up on men to become an assualt team.

If that last guy is by himself he then has a choice of camping the others out or make them think he is camping and flank the entire team....

Make those teams out there who are up a man to get some balls and go hunting.

If that guy who is by himself and he decides to camp... then maybe he might be successful at getting the tie, getting the win or he might just gett surrounded.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on March 12, 2003, 09:21:23 am
Well, to respond to Horda problem I do completely agree with the scenario that he is basically saying here.  With the CB that we are having both teams are equal in many aspects of the game.  we both have our specific maps that we are good at and because of the tie rule we have problems with finishing this CB.  Ok, here is what I propose to this rule.  The rule itself was pretty much a good idea because again, it prevents the other team from camp winning.  And that is fine by me. although again you are presented with the problem of people knowing that they are gonna lose, so they again camp.  All this rule really did in essence was change the foot of the problem.  Before it gave more power to the leading team because if the game ended at 10 min the leading team will win.  Now if the losing team knows that he or she really has no chance, it allows them to camp again for the tie, and now they have one less chance of losing on that map.  well, in the end I should say that when it came down to the final minutes of the game the winning team was just about always closing in for the kill before the time ran out.  So what I propose is that any game done in overtime be extended to 15 minutes so that the leading team has a chance of geting the last straggler of the game.  Sometimes, especially on big maps there is a problem getting to the last guy on time before the time runs out, so by giving the game another 5 min per round will allow the leading team to either find and finish off the enemy, or the other way around.  I know that it sounds strange but that has been the case with these overtime games.  It seems that we could not find the last guy in time.  The time ran out and we found ourselves in another tie.  So if we are gonna go with so many games, and we want to cut the overtime out, then this seems like the most obvious choice here to eliminate the lone camper from causing another tie.
     Or maybe the sudden Death rule should be instated into the game, to eliminate overtime all together.  Anyway, either of them I believe would eliminate this problem.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on March 12, 2003, 12:22:26 pm
Well i really dont enjoy cb that go for 3 hours +
i find that 1 hour cb was already long
The old rule was not bad, it just needed to be polished with a better description of a tie (1 survivor on each team or both teams dead)

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 12, 2003, 08:00:21 pm
Alright I modified the tie rule for Ghost Recon:

- A tie(draw) is either a game where one team wins due teamkills or both teams are dead.

Although the old version was a good improvement against (legitimate) camping tactics it increased the length of a cb to much. May I find a good compromise for the next season.   



Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: Saberian 3000 on March 13, 2003, 04:00:08 am
Yeah, Hopefully something coems out better for the tie rule cause I do believe that it did cut out camping tactics, although I hear ya there.  it is better with the old way for now until BL can come up with better ideas for the tie rule.


Title: Ummm?
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 14, 2003, 12:21:03 am
Alright I modified the tie rule for Ghost Recon:

- A tie(draw) is either a game where one team wins due teamkills or both teams are dead.

Although the old version was a good improvement against (legitimate) camping tactics it increased the length of a cb to much. May I find a good compromise for the next season.???



Sry, I was reading this and got a bit confused.  (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/crap.gif)

Does this mean, a tie is where both teams have the same amount of teamates alive, or both are dead? (That makes sense to me, but I didn't really get that out of Mauti's post (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/misc/icon_confused1.gif) )

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 14, 2003, 01:14:27 am
Rapid if you play more Ghost Recon you will understand this rule. It doesn't apply to R6 or RS so you can ignore it.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 14, 2003, 09:56:30 pm
Sorry Mauti but even I have a hard time understanding. Mybe its all the bong resine ;) but if I understand it right the team with the most kills wins the match?

Title: I asked a simple question, and got 'tude' instead...
Post by: AK_Rap1d on March 14, 2003, 10:50:01 pm
Rapid if you play more Ghost Recon you will understand this rule. It doesn't apply to R6 or RS so you can ignore it.

(http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/angry/mad3.gif)  Mauti, just because I prefer RS/R6 over GhR, that doesn't mean I don't play plenty of GhR.  Obviously I have been wanting to CB, but haven't had any of the |?K|'s with GhR online.  Seeing that I am the leader of our clan(show more respect to legit questions (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/angry/mad3.gif)  ), I felt the need to clear that new rule up.  I wanted a clarification from you, but you felt as if you needed to point out something that was irrelevant.  Since I do play a lot of GhR, I know that confusion can be easy according to the stats at the end.  Obviously there's others in doubt, as VooDoo is asking as well.  That's why I didn't want to "ignore it"...  The way you were so quick to shine my question was what I didn't like.  (http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/angry/mad3.gif)  I just ask you to show more respect for the leaders when they ask questions about BL rules on the games their clan is signed up for.  Thx.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on March 15, 2003, 01:07:06 am
Well everything is as it was without the tie rule except that if you win by teamkills - the game will be counted as draw. Without the rule you could teamkill your team and then hide and the game would say you are the winner because you have most kills.



Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: .vooDoo. on March 15, 2003, 01:51:40 am
omg, this is the 1st ive heard of this!! so your saying that there is a "glitch" in the game that if I were to "tk" everyone on my team the game would show me as having the most kills and we would win?? WoW! never new...
now I understand the new rule Mauti. If i knew i would have supported it and you more. Maybe we can come up with something better for the next season.

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: a mouse on March 15, 2003, 04:52:36 am
How about making tie games where there r survivor on both teams account for deduction of points, then everyone would have to go out for the win. Say 2 ties deduct one point or sometg. And 15min games for bigger maps to avoid tie?

Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: Ssickboy on March 15, 2003, 09:51:05 pm
Dammit...I wish I'd replied sooner.  

If the CB's cease to be exciting, then eventually good players will move on to other things and the Battle league will lame out.  it's very important that this issue gets worked out.

There is nothing worse in this battle league than a camping team taking adavntage of the rules instead of winning by competitive tactics and skill.    

Anytime one teams wins by way of hiding away like a scared child vs. just simply playing the F@#king game i hang my head in dissapointment.  With clans like Tribe taking advantage of camp wins, the way the game is being played is CHANGING for the worse.  It's can easily become a Battle league of the best hiders instead of the way we all want it... a competitive match of skilled offensive and defensive tactical players.  

In the CB's that I have lost, I feel content when losing to an opponent who clearly showed superior play skills.  Hiding is not an impressive skill, nor should it count as a "ligitimate" win in this case.  

As far as over extended games:  I think if two teams are having problems finishing a CB within the alotted 10min's game after game... then I'd say neither team deserves winning the match or like a mouse suggested: a deduction of points.  Maybe there should be a limit of games played.  And if they can't resolve the battle after 5 extened games, then maybe the whole match ends in a tie.

to sum it up:  a team who wins by hiding is wrong and feels like a waste of time.  Campers being limited to ties versus winning games is a better option.  

For now, I like the second ammendment best, if both teams have survivors = tie.  I also like suggestions made from eight (who always seems to have a good competitive opinion) and the suggestions of "a mouse."

THanks for everything MAuti... I really do appreciate the existence of this league and all the cool players on it.   I only hope to see things improve for the best.


Title: Re:GR Tie rule - your opinion?
Post by: TRIBE_Horda on March 15, 2003, 11:15:16 pm
lol lc

u camped , set sensors everywhere  and u think we r coming to u ? bleh u and go play Quake

ok serious things now:

about tk: u kill all ur team u loose its simple
i am not sure that tk'ing some1 of ur team give u any points (i tried score was still 0-0) but maybe i am wrong