*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: bronto on March 01, 2003, 08:42:10 pm

Title: SAT scores
Post by: bronto on March 01, 2003, 08:42:10 pm
Cookie said something about the SATs before and i was just curious of what the average forum spammer gets on his SATs. I got an 1150 the first time i took it.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: *NADS biohzrd on March 01, 2003, 09:07:10 pm
SAT scores....HAH! I say

the first and last time I took my SAT's I got a 910. I am a surgeon now.

Scholastic Aptitude Test....LMAO

your pal,


Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 01, 2003, 09:43:00 pm
I got a 1450, 780 verbal and 670 math.

I would also like to add that if you studied/took prep test/got tutored for standardized tests, in my mind you cheated and your accomplishments amount to nothing. The effectiveness of these tests has been negated by fucking overachievers who slave over their Princeton Review texts. One of the dumbest kids I know got a 1570 after hiring two private tutors and studying an hour a night for the test for 2 years.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: bronto on March 01, 2003, 10:07:03 pm
jeebus bio. nj.

i havnt studied for anything in two years tasty, so im all good.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on March 01, 2003, 10:42:42 pm
What does studying mean?

Anyway, I never took the SAT but I took the PSAT twice...I forgot what I got the first time...more than 1200 certainly but less than what I got the second time which was 1350...700 math 650 verbal.  My brother got 1450 on the real thing with 750 math 700 verbal IIRC.

I took the ACT and got a 29 with 35 science, 31 math, and 27 verbal.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Jeb on March 02, 2003, 03:17:01 am
thats about average bronto,
Going to community college (then transferring) i didn't need to take the SATs but i did. The night before while most people were asleep i was out on the town. I took the SATs with a mild hangover and i got a 1100, i supose i'm gonna try to improve my score in the next few years.

One of my friends from hs got a 800 on the SATs and he is moving furniture now ;)

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.loudnotes on March 02, 2003, 05:50:32 am
Oh god.  I thought this was the last refuge from all that bullshit.

I don't understand why people give so much credit to standardized tests.  Granted, I tend to do fairly well on them, so I really shouldn't complain.  But seriously, what's the point?  It measures such a narrow spectrum of knowledge, intelligence, and reasoning ability, that I don't think it stands for much.  People who know my SAT scores treat me differently than they do other people, and that's not just wrong. . .it's stupid.  Although, according to the test, they're all stupider than me, right?

I would no more disrespect a person for getting an 800 as I would glorify someone for scoring a 1600.  It's shallow, pointless, and I think SATs should be virtually eliminated.

The only true need for a standardized test is in a specific determination of ability - example:  Civil service exams.

But scholastic aptitude?  Hardly. . .the SAT measures vocabulary, algebra, and geometry skills.  What kind of conclusions can you possibly make on that information?

SAT tests should really be just a curiosity like the IQ test.  Something for vain people to brag about at cocktail parties or on message boards; nothing with any real weight in the world.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 02, 2003, 06:56:36 am
I recognize the many faults with these tests, which are multiple. However, colleges want to have a way to measure not only the achievement of students but what they are intellectually capable of achieving. I think that the SATs should be thrown out or improved as well, but I still think that this way of measuring applicants should stand. If I were judged solely on my high school grades, I'd probably have trouble getting into community college. Yet I was accepted to a good public school and (at least) waitlisted at several other highly selective private schools. This year I got my grades up and hope to transfer? yet if it wasn't for my standardized test scores I wouldn't even have been able to get my foot in the door since I wasn't in the top half of my class.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: |MP|Cringe on March 02, 2003, 07:00:20 am
Right now im a freshman in highschool, i took the SAT last year (in 8th grade) for some reason and got about a 1260, for whatever thats worth

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on March 02, 2003, 08:48:37 am
Yeah, I don't care much about standardized tests...that is why I took the ACT rather than the SAT.  One or the other is required to get into college (SAT is required on the east coast more so than the west).  I found the ACT less painful to take so I took it.  The PSATs that I took were mandatory through the school.  I personally find the verbal section just stupid.  While I don't necesarily have a good or bad vocabulary, I don't see the need to know what all the random words they put on there are.  The reading sections were my least favorite because they took actual concerted effort.  The math sections were fun, I love doing easy math.  I don't even take my GPA or class rank very seriously as a judge of intellect.  They are indications of work ethic, not intelect.  I was and to some degree am a lazy student, I'd rather just ponder things than actually work on things.  I don't know that you can really judge someone as intellegent other than just knowing them.  I have a friend who has worse test scores and worse GPA than me but he is one of the most intelligent people I know...and he's a conservative :o

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: kami on March 02, 2003, 02:57:32 pm
I don't know about this SAT test you guys have but I think our ?H?gskoleprov? is about the same thing, I'm going to take that next year, I'm usually pretty good at them. We have three parts, math, Swedish and English which are like my fav subjects hehe (well I hate Swedish).

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: EUR_Zaitsev on March 02, 2003, 06:18:30 pm
LOL Bondo and Tasty, the two prominent liberals got the highest SAT and PSAT scores. What a coinkadinky. Nahhh Im just kidding. I havent taken them yet, I will in like 2 years, My sister got I think 1400 on PSATs because my parents make us do good because they want us to go to prestigeus scools like them.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Ace on March 02, 2003, 09:02:50 pm
I got a 1490, 780 math and 710 verbal.

While I would say that they aren't the best indicator of intelligence, they do provide a good rough approximation. The SAT II's in particular are good for measuring someone's knowledge of a particular subject.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on March 02, 2003, 09:10:33 pm
LOL Bondo and Tasty, the two prominent liberals got the highest SAT and PSAT scores. What a coinkadinky. Nahhh Im just kidding. I havent taken them yet, I will in like 2 years, My sister got I think 1400 on PSATs because my parents make us do good because they want us to go to prestigeus scools like them.

Woah there cowboy...not everyone has reported their scores yet - and Bondo never took the real SAT.

I for one got a 1510 (780 Math, 730 Verbal) and Ace got a 1490...so the Reupblicans got higher scores  ;D

Also, the SAT II's are more specific and are a better indicator of your knowledge - that is why more colleges are weighting them more than the SAT I.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 03, 2003, 12:12:21 am
The SATs are biased... because they include math!!! People of true intelligence ignore math at all costs  ;D.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Ace on March 03, 2003, 02:29:49 am
The SATs are biased... because they include math!!! People of true intelligence ignore math at all costs  ;D.

People who actually do real work and make the world go round (read: engineers) use math all the time.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: EUR_Zaitsev on March 03, 2003, 02:36:37 am
Sin, o
    Of the posters Republicans maybe higher but my parents are exteme liberals and did very well on thier sats

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 03, 2003, 05:08:01 am
People who actually do real work and make the world go round (read: engineers) use math all the time.

The unibomber was a math professor. What does THAT tell you.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Mr.T on March 03, 2003, 05:45:46 am
id like to be the first to congradulate ( or however you spell it, obvoiusly i won't do so great) cringe on that score. Made up story or not ithink thats good. I too am a freshman in HS so rock on!!! :-[  

P.S.- does masturbation help your SAT score ??

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on March 03, 2003, 06:00:21 am
The unibomber was a math professor. What does THAT tell you.

It means that he was a demented genius. Kaczynski (sp?) was the supreme terrorist of the 1990's, striking fear into several people. People were afraid to open packages, and always checked behind their tires for explosive devices because of him.

Let's just say an English major wouldn't have been able to elude detection for so long and strike fear into so many people (his brother eventually turned him in).

This post does not condone his actions, it is just saying that the guy was a genius, albeit twisted and sick.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 03, 2003, 06:32:35 am
Let's just say an English major wouldn't have been able to elude detection for so long and strike fear into so many people (his brother eventually turned him in).

If he had better verbal and social skills he could have convinced the jury that he was framed and gotten off, OJ style. Or mb even pleaded insanity. If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!!!

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Ace on March 03, 2003, 06:41:17 am
People who actually do real work and make the world go round (read: engineers) use math all the time.

The unibomber was a math professor. What does THAT tell you.

I agree with you, math majors are all twisted to some degree. While engineers know the sciences and maths just like scientists and mathematicians, we put that shit to use instead of just sitting around thinking about stuff.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Brain on March 03, 2003, 07:55:10 am
you want to see twisted?
look at a physics major.  i dont see how you could possibly like memorzing all those equations
 and btw, i took the act
31 composite
and thet was before i took math classes that covered a bunch of materal that was on the test
got a 36 in science though, so i did ok there

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: EUR_Zaitsev on March 04, 2003, 01:11:04 pm
NOT  SATs for me obviously in the 8th grade but we have SOLs which is Virginia's standardized test. How do you guys feel about standerdized tests BEFORE the SATs???? Also theres rumor of something changing on the Pledge of Alligence??? anybody???

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on March 04, 2003, 04:35:42 pm
Well, the Federal District Court in San Fran upheld their ruling that it was unconstitutional.  I think a school district in California is taking the matter to the Supreme Court.  It will be a good test to see if the court is biased towards Republican or not.  If they overturn the decision and allow the pledge to return to schools in its present form it will be obvious they are biased to Republican issues and able to ignore violations of the Constitution.

My Comparative Religions professor who has a PhD in Biblical Studies makes a convincing argument that it is unconstitutional.  The part "under God" was added in the 50s to fight the athiest communists that were being persecuted due to McCarthiesm.  It is a violation of the exclusionary clause of the first amendment and thus should be removed from the pledge if the pledge is going to be a school organized activity.

WTF are you rambling about bondo. i think you're in the wrong thread. this is about sat scores, not the pledge of alegance

Brain, I don't know if you bothered looking but this post happened before the Pledge thread and was the reason for said thread.  Also, my post here was in reply to the last sentance of Zait's post directly above.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Jackal.aHa! on March 06, 2003, 02:56:56 pm

SAT i got a fucking 720..total, thats right, some of us dont test good.  I waas freaking out, its a shame in todays day and age, that a bubble sheet decides our future.  Except for some.

But on my ACT, my score equaled an 1010 on the SAT so im set...well maybe not.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.preciousroy on March 06, 2003, 10:59:12 pm
I have so many problems with this conversation.  Gah!   Why are we discussing this?  I didn't divulge my IQ, nor will I give out my SATs.

On an unrelated note:
I for one got a 1510 (780 Math, 730 Verbal) and Ace got a 1490...so the Reupblicans got higher scores  ;D

I'm tempted to disagree... you said yourself not all the scores were in. ;D

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 07, 2003, 01:27:31 am
Here's why:

1. Because people like to stroke their egos.
2. Because people like to know how they compare to other people in every possible way.
3. Because people like to judge other people.
4. Because all your base are belong to us.

plus not like there's much difference between divulging your scores and claiming that you did better than everyone else that divulged theirs ;D

p.s. that isnt a personal attack i agree it's pathetic but i did it anyway.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.loudnotes on March 07, 2003, 01:32:47 am
Have you noticed that, with the minor exception of child molestation, Mort and I agree on everything?  Isn't that scary?

Oh and btw, I never told any of you my scores.  But rest assured knowing I did better than all of you  ;)

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: The Ghost of Bondo on March 07, 2003, 01:50:08 am
I don't doubt you Loud...I keep forgetting you are younger than me.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: tasty on March 07, 2003, 07:24:51 am
loudnotes and mortimer recognize that i am really drunk now while saying this but you can both suck a fatty-bo-batty cock!!! BiATCH!!!

All the janitors are sexy.


Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.preciousroy on March 07, 2003, 01:15:09 pm
Aww, that's so cute Tasty.  

Anyway, I didn't say I had higher scores, divulged or not.  I just said I was tempted to disagree cause not all the scores were in.  Remember, I'm best friends with blackhand, I'm pretty tizight with Loud and Wrath.  We are all liberal.  I simply suggest that one of the four of us may have "beat them", meaning that the republicans didn't sweep.  You assume that just because I'm an arrogent prick and because I wouldnt give out my scores that, since I said the republicans arnt necessarily the most kick ass in their SATs that I have a higher score.  I feel thats rather presumptious, don't you?

But I appreciate drunkeness Tasty, I had a little to drink myself tonight, though not enough to get drunk.  However, between the caffeine pills and the mystery pill, I'm feeling a little woozy and jittery...

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: cookie on March 07, 2003, 02:21:57 pm
the SAT is archaic and flawed. It only tests your aptitude in two areas, without encouraging individual thought (which i believe is the indicator of intelligence.) it discourages intellectual development... it's all memorization.

anyhow, since i think this is a big "who's smarter" pissing contest, i will withhold my SAT score  ;D

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.wrath on August 16, 2004, 08:19:56 am
I forgot to say something here.. uhhh... the SAT really sucked ass. it was harder than I expected. I thought I was gonna get like a 1500 on it.. I only got 1350.

but I did get a 99 out of 99 on the ASVAB, which is... 10 sections. maybe thats not worth much cuz I suck ass. roy's precious ass.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.preciousroy on August 16, 2004, 08:32:26 am
I have so many problems with this conversation.  Gah!   Why are we discussing this?  

I still support this.  But considerin that i was just talking with wrath for the first time in many ages onliine, and because im a drunk, and since i dont give a fuck anymore, and cause 99% of you have no idea who I am, here goes: 1560. (800 math, 760 verbal)

What does that means 2 years later?  It means I'm doing OK at an OK college.  So whateva.  Fuck it all.  Do what you want.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: spike on August 16, 2004, 02:56:19 pm
I got a 1250 (710 verbal, 540 math, something which makes me sound a little bit smarter) without any prep or studying because i didnt care enough to spend the time. I still got into a relativly good university(B.U) But in my opinion SATs are bullshit. Odd this topic should come up, cause last night I watched the perfect score with my friends. Woot, darius miles cant act worth shit.

and btw, where the fuck have you been jackal? you coming back around for some humpage?

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: BTs_GhostSniper on August 16, 2004, 03:07:54 pm
but I did get a 99 out of 99 on the ASVAB, which is... 10 sections.

Very good!  I only got a 98.  Did you join the military?

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Supernatural Pie on August 16, 2004, 05:24:12 pm
Hooray for unbalanced scores!

760 Math620 Verbal

Taking it again to try to raise el-verbal-o.

Too much Spanglish, perhaps?

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: bronto on August 16, 2004, 07:42:41 pm
isn't this old as hell?

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Maniac on August 16, 2004, 08:05:44 pm
I got a 1200 on the SAT last year. I'm going to take it again next year and see how i do. cookie = bomed SAT. :P

I need about a 1300 or more to get in the collage i want.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: cO.gabe on August 16, 2004, 08:55:03 pm
I took the SAT a few months ago... got a 1300 or so.  I'm taking the SAT II for chemistry in October, and I'll probably take the ACT.  I have to register by the 20th... but I'll probably forget to :/

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: spike on August 17, 2004, 01:16:05 am
Where do you want to go mani? I know that its possible to get in with lower scores if you have something which makes you stand out.

Speaking of weird scores, on the two AP's I took I got a 5 on the English and a 2 on the latin. There's some unbalancedness.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Maniac on August 17, 2004, 01:35:42 am
I'd like get in the University Of Texas, but if i can't then i'll explore other options anything but Florida or Texas A&M eww.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: crypt on August 17, 2004, 02:17:28 am
I haven't even taken the SAT yet

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: kos.viper on August 17, 2004, 03:07:33 am
I got an 850, round there,  ;D

I don't recall seeing any Dreamweaver MX, PHP, or Graphic Design questions anywhere in the test.

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: |MP|Nomad on August 17, 2004, 03:19:55 am
 :o those bastards!!  >:(

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.loudnotes on August 17, 2004, 05:13:06 pm
I think this forum has dumbed down in the past year and a half...

Mort - about what I expected from you...hope college is going well...same to you wrath...

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: Cobra on August 17, 2004, 06:35:25 pm
I'm going to a college which doesn't particularly give a crap about SAT scores, so I didn't see any need to prepare for it at all.  Got a 1470, which I'm happy with, but I fail to see how so many people regard this as some kind of accurate metric for gauging...uhm...anything; your score on the SAT is far from being a meaningful measurement of intelligence or knowledge.  If you don't pick the "correct" connection between "petting zoo" and "tactical thermonuclear missile launcher" in the analogies section, who gives a shit?  And who's to say that their answer is the only correct one ("choose the best answer"...give me a break)?  

A girl at my school bought 3 SAT-preparation books and went to all the preparation classes and got a 1500 (took her 3 tries).  She went on and on about how she (obviously!) must be intellectually superior to everyone in the school, and really the entire human race, as well.

Unfortunately, she couldn't seem to pass Calculus like the rest of my math class.  Too bad...

Originally posted by jn.loudnotes[/i]
I think this forum has dumbed down in the past year and a half...
Weren't you gone for the past year and a half?

Title: Re:SAT scores
Post by: jn.loudnotes on August 18, 2004, 06:41:47 pm
Weren't you gone for the past year and a half?

Well, now that you mention it, I bet that does have something to do with it  ;)

Actually I've been floating arong, but I'm at lot busier than I used to be and I don't think any of the sequels have been as good as R6 was.