*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2003, 09:30:41 am

Title: Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2003, 09:30:41 am
     Would someone be so kind as to create or port a pack of server-side-only GhR maps which make all the night maps and the maps with inclement weather into day maps? The nightvision is cool and all, but the fact that it makes people (namely enemies) glow like light bulbs is not very conducive to the sniper's craft (stealth), and it irks me. Not to mention that it irks just about everybody else, too, which makes better than half of the maps unplayable because NV is required in them. So, if someone could make that available, you would have the gratitude of many people.

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 14, 2003, 10:51:36 am
Consider it done ;)

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 14, 2003, 11:08:31 am
     Oo. Thank you, Mauti. Have I told you lately that I love you?  ;D

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 19, 2003, 01:09:45 am
     I was looking in the DAMN download section, and I noticed a GhR "total conversion" called Night&Day. Two questions. First, am I right in assuming that this is not a server-side mod? Second, Fileplanet apparently changed their downloads page, and now you MUST get an account (which I did) and even then, I don't get access to the free public servers. I see the "pay" servers, but not the free ones (after like a five-minute page load). Am I doing something wrong, or is Fileplanet broken?

EDIT: Never mind, now the servers are there. It must have been a connection problem when I tried accessing them last night.

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on January 19, 2003, 01:35:37 am
I missed the serverside part in your post. However Total Reversal and Night2day change the lighting conditions as you wanted it. There aren't server side map packs that change the daytime because it requires many new textures(so it can't be ss).


ps sometimes Fileplanet hides the public server at the bottom.

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 19, 2003, 04:34:27 am
     Yeah, I was hoping that the lighting was actually lighting and not textures, but noooo. That'd be too easy. Heh. The problem with Night2Day is that it's only for missions. In team multiplayer games, it does nothing. So, it's pretty useless. If it could be modified so that it works in multiplayer, that'd be superb.

     As for FilePlanet, the problem was, the page wasn't loading completely. So only the pay servers were visible. I tried it again today, and no problem.

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Cossack on January 28, 2003, 03:11:06 am
How about this for a serverside map. In Red Square there is over half the map not in use at all! This also has potential to be good urban combat. People get tired of embassy, and hate the nv in Vilnus, Red Square could offer some releif. Could you somehow change to inserts mauti in Red Square, so the other half of the map comes into use?

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Mr. Lothario on January 28, 2003, 01:56:30 pm
     Good point, Coss. About 60% of Red Square (the entire northern part) is never used. It's all complete and you can run around up there, but in team modes, there are no start points up there (in solo multiplayer, you can start up there).

Title: Re:Idea for a server-side map pack for GhR
Post by: Cossack on January 29, 2003, 04:56:25 am
Heh, I have homefeild advantage, Red Square is almost exact to the Katai Gorod neighborhood I grew up in. Freaky man.