*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Brain on May 15, 2002, 11:45:51 pm

Title: old threads, why?
Post by: Brain on May 15, 2002, 11:45:51 pm

i cant understand why you ppl insist on digging up dead threads.
are these recent ones so boring that you have to dredge up old shit to talk about?
why not make your own, interesting thread?
i understand the warning to dumbasses thread, but some just dont make much sence, like the disney thread. ?werent we done with that? while your at it, why dont you pull up the first thread on the board and modify that.
wouldnt that be fun?
{warning, due to the extreme amount of scarcasim used in this post, it is highly recomended that you procced directly to the nearest decontamination zone}

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Bondo on May 16, 2002, 12:29:30 am
Well, I pulled up the Dumbasses one (thought it was needed) and the Pot one (just for good fun).  I don't think the DisneY one should have been brought up as it wasn't that old but too old to be replied to.  There is a difference between bringing a classic one that no one new has read to a new one that everyone has read and stopped posting to.

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 11:19:47 am

ok, fair ennough
one other question, who the hell was yup?

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: yup on May 16, 2002, 10:26:37 pm
Well I wish to remain anonymous; I only brought up this old post just to see who in the hell responded to them! I start spamming a little (which was stupid of me)(Grifter, for the record, It  about 10, NOT 50!) Anyways, I?m very surprised all the responses the old threads got. That shows how much we men are similar the women (in regards to gossip).

Please dont start a thread on me"....ummm...rumors of who is Yup?"

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 10:53:48 pm
sorry man
speculation is what we do
please do not use green, that's my color
may i suggest orange?

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: yup on May 16, 2002, 11:38:55 pm
{Repeating your posts word for word is still spam, like it or not.  And i was a hell of a lot more then 10}

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: yup on May 17, 2002, 12:27:10 am
OK, one question.... was it -50-???? Yes or No? And please dont give and explaination, it just makes you look like  foolish and a Liar!

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 11:50:15 am
Actually, I didn't count the number of spams that I deleted.. I can say that I deleted a run of four posts in one thread... ?If I had to bet.... it was it was closer to 50 then to 10.  Also, I noticed I wasn't the only one cleaning up your mess...

You want to talk / debate / rant here... feel free. ?Just stop spamming. ?You'll notice that your posts that weren't spam remain.

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:55:52 am
hey yup, why not regester?
that way we can see how much you acually post
also, then you dont need to reenter your email adress all the time

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 12:40:13 pm

Because Yup is already a member here.. one that doesn't get any respect.  So by posting under no name, he thinks he can make a point that wont get seen under his own name.

Mind you, it takes a dumbass to do it, because even changing his writing style, it's pretty clear what he's after and what his opinions are... especially for blaming me for deleting a thread, when there are three moderators here.

Being a dumbass, he's pretty much harmless.  If he spams, it will be deleted, if he spams too much, Mauti may find that little ban feature.  If he actually makes a point, it will be refreshing.  But, I doubt he's capable.

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 17, 2002, 12:45:07 pm

while your at it, why dont you pull up the first thread on the board and modify that.
wouldnt that be fun?

Actually, i already did this. Well, at least it was the last modified one, and it was the Unreal VS. RS topic.

Title: Re: old threads, why?
Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 01:11:16 pm
so grift, who do you think yup is?
rapid maybe(he fits your discription)
or someone else...