*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: (SiX)Ben on December 24, 2002, 08:38:06 am

Title: Point of Information on Rapid's post.
Post by: (SiX)Ben on December 24, 2002, 08:38:06 am
This isn't spam nor a flame, I just wanted to respond to Rapid. Sorry Loud, but you locked it... : )

Please don't flame peeps, I dont want this to be deleted.

Nice try ejo.? I asked Ben not to impersonate me(use my name), and he refused.?

First wrong fact: You said "Don't use my name." or cussed me out, you never asked me to stop impersonating you, you demanded it.

Second wrong fact: I wasn't impersonating. Impersonating would be named you exactly, my name was "Spell Checker". No one under any circumstance could have confused us.
I warned him I would tell the admins and he would get banned.

No, you did not actually. I changed my name, you went to the construct, I followed. No admins were on, you opened a game, I corrected your games bad description spelling/grammar through a game description of my own; then I was banned.
? He then decided to become more intolerable, which is when I went to the construct, and copy/pasted his "name change".

Uh... No. First, you had me blocked, you wouldn't have known when I was intolerable. I checked, I tried to pm you and tried to join your game.

Second, this most recent time you went straight to the construct. Didn't even look the other way.

You did copy paste hte name change, but afterwards it said "BAN HIM. HE'S IMPERSONATING ME!"
? A few moments later, he was banned.? Yes I caused that, and yes I'm not ashamed of it.? Ben wants? to act like a kid, he'll get treated like one.

Well, you're most likely a little ashamed of it as you told half truths in your post. Rapid, you're so silly. Are you too good for me Rapid? That must be it. I'm too young for you. I mean, a 17 year old playing games? That's unnatural, but a 26 year old living in his parents basement playing games happens all the time and is perfectly logical.

? Xo's ban I know nothing about, but it does suck for him.

I agree with Jo, It's a HUGE coincidence that our bans were LITERALLY minutes within eachother. I also find it odd that he was banned right before you re-enterred the bar and Grill. (I had someone watch for you). What is that?
Word of Advice:? Try playing the game and enjoying it.? Stop focusing on annoying other players.? It will get you nowhere good.
You would do well to follow your own words. Think about this next time you will type or host on gr. EVER.

Also, Note Evill: I didn't plan on posting about the ban, I didn't post on the one week, nor was I planning on posting about this, but Rapid had to have his mistruths exposed.

Admins: Please leave this here. It's not a flame, just facts. If it becomes a flame please feel free to lock it or delete the posts and ban the flamer. I wanted to set the record straight on why I was banned. (Because Rapid says I was impersonating when I wasn't, I didn't even have close to the same name as him.)


Added in: I also wanted to mention you tried hard to get Buccaneer banned. Why? Bucc made a site about you. How does this have ANYTHING to do with Gameranger? Still, you tried. Thankfully, Evill noticed it didn't relate at all. So yes, you are trying to ban anyone you don't like.

Title: Re:Point of Information on Rapid's post.
Post by: Typhy on December 24, 2002, 09:09:27 am
 All I can say is: Did you ever think that maybe the thread was locked for a reason ?

Title: Re:Point of Information on Rapid's post.
Post by: Jeb on December 24, 2002, 09:37:08 am
Maybe you were banned before this happened but rapid also told evill to ban me because i "told you to impersonate rapid" even though i logged in after you were the spellchecker.

Title: Ben, you need a 1st grade Interpretor to help you understand.
Post by: AK_Rap1d on December 24, 2002, 10:51:19 am
Man, all you guys are so full of shit, all your eyes must be brown. ;D

Ben, you keep disrespecting me and my name and that's offensive impersonation.  Now I understand your kindergarden brain doesn't understand that, so just take a time out and think about what you did.  *sigh*  ;)

Wearing someone else's name to disrespect them, or attempt to humiliate and/or insult them, is most definately intolerable.  Let that be a lesson to you ben, and all others.

Grow up children and get off my case!!!

Title: Re:Point of Information on Rapid's post.
Post by: Mr. Lothario on December 24, 2002, 01:27:18 pm
     Ben, your corrections are noted and appreciated. If you'll forgive my presumption, I advise you not to post any more in this thread. As a connoisseur of Rapid's particular brand of BS, I assure you that--::sniffs speculatively at the air::--Rapid is in full Denial and Reality Warp (DRW) mode. The results of DRW mode are as follows. Rapid has already convinced himself that he's conclusively won this argument. Until such time as he has convinced himself that everyone else thinks he conclusively won the argument, Rapid will 1) Ignore any damning evidence or well-constructed argument to the contrary, to the extent of editing them completely out of his consciousness. 2) Alter any lesser evidence or argument so that it supports his position, or simply lie outright, while vociferously and continuously proclaiming his innocence and veracity. 3) Conclude his every post on the subject with highly amusing yet stomach-churning ironical statements, e.g. "You need to grow up and start telling the truth" or "it's just a game, you need to stop taking it so seriously."

     In other words, continuing any argument with Rapid after he goes to DRW mode is roughly as rewarding as repeatedly hitting yourself in the groin with a ball peen hammer. Just drop it and rest assured that the rest of us know the truth now.

Title: Re:Point of Information on Rapid's post.
Post by: jn.loudnotes on December 24, 2002, 05:44:53 pm
Maybe I left a few reasons off my list.

The thread was also locked because crap doesn't belong in the forums.  You are responding to personal attacks that shouldn't have been made in the first place.  All that does is continue it.

To the rest of you, who should have left this thread alone, grow up.

And Typhy, you're exactly right, which I hope means you've learned from the locked thread.  Because you made incendiary comments there as well.