*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Bondo on May 14, 2002, 11:28:52 pm

Title: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 14, 2002, 11:28:52 pm
So anyway, I'm first in the history of the DAMN forums to post 1000 and did it in 10 months.  Yay for me.  Now everyone can post to congratulate me in turn raising their post count.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 15, 2002, 01:01:10 pm

go bondo, you're the man
so, how did you do it? i'm shure the ak issues added a few post to your tally... any secrets that you want your fellow posters to know?

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 15, 2002, 02:12:54 pm
Check the forums every few hours, that way you don't have to post multiple replies in one post to avoid double posting.  What a person checking three times a day could do in one post, I do in two by checking six times a day  ;).  But yes, the past month has been especially helpful to my post count.  I only hit 700 maybe 6 weeks ago.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: theN00b on May 15, 2002, 02:15:58 pm
Congragulations Bondo

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Geek USA on May 15, 2002, 03:33:51 pm
1000? christ, you were at like 600 when i registered, and that was like 3 weeks ago.. you posted 400 times in the same time i posted 50. wow

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 15, 2002, 03:35:36 pm
 Bondo has been doing a lot of work Geek.  He helps with everything :).  Congradulations Bondo.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 15, 2002, 03:36:40 pm
silly spam whore! good job, breaking the millenial mark. now if only i could hit 200 =\

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 15, 2002, 03:42:27 pm
 Sometimes you have to have some spam..its fun :). ?If I could reach 50

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Geek USA on May 15, 2002, 03:43:16 pm
infection, that wasnt an insult, it was a "wow". if you see a lamborghini drive by, you go "wow" and so do people around you. that doesnt mean your insulting it....

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 15, 2002, 03:45:36 pm
 That wasn't meant as a come back in any way Geek I was just taking an opportunity to mention the hard work.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 15, 2002, 03:49:27 pm

i bet that rapid gave bondo's stress ball a workout, either that or ther is a hole in the wall by bondo's computer, that is the exact same shape as his head...

one other thing...how many postsdo i need to be a senior member. how bout a freak?

oh and btw bondo
i am on track to break 1000 in 5 months, i joined on apr 16...
i'm comming for you

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: KoS Ultimo on May 15, 2002, 03:50:20 pm

silly spam whore!

I couldn't agree more. I remember when I had more posts then Bondo... lol yes that was way back in the day. Back when he used to post in the Battle League forum saying messages like "Anyway just trying to raise my post count".

If you take pride in post counts, then so be it. Congradulations.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: jn.loudnotes on May 15, 2002, 04:47:33 pm
yeah. well. whatever.

I was still the first one over 500...and seeing as mauti didn't even make a category for 1000+, I still think that is the best accomplishment >:(

...now I'll go sulk in a corner...

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 15, 2002, 05:04:57 pm
Brain, the numbers are 250 and 500.

Ult, I have maybe 25 posts that can truly be considered spam, that is extremely low considering.  When I said I was posting to raise my post count, I would still include a real post inside it because if I had just said it was there for my post count it would have been deleted.  And maybe the reason I passed you is that you haven't been posting due to your computer issues.  Grifter is at 900+ now and he probably has just as much spam as me as you probably do.  To paraphrase one Jesus Christ...If you have not spammed you may throw stones, if you have than leave me alone.  The point being that everyone has spammed and thus shouldn't criticise me about it just because I have the most legitiamite posts as well.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Ace on May 15, 2002, 07:18:10 pm

Ult, I have maybe 25 posts that can truly be considered spam

Why not just paint a big red target on your back? It's not even a challenge...

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Night Hawk on May 15, 2002, 07:25:46 pm
ALLS I HAVE TO SAY IS NICE JOB :o1000 :oNOT POSSILBE FOR ME IN 5 YEARS :oi think u earned the title "The king of Posters" :o :o

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Asterax on May 15, 2002, 07:30:22 pm
See, this is what you were doing instead of having sex.

By the way, I have seen someone gain 16,000 posts over 3 years at one forum.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 15, 2002, 07:35:06 pm
No, this is what I was doing while having sex.

And that guy doesn't post in this forum so he is insignificant.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Ace on May 15, 2002, 07:46:13 pm

No, this is what I was doing while having sex.

That would explain why it seems like most of your posts only take about 10 seconds to type...

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 15, 2002, 07:50:29 pm
What does she think about that Bondo? :D

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 15, 2002, 07:53:46 pm
I may not double post but a do other things multiple times to please her.

Ahem...well then...moving on.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Grifter on May 15, 2002, 10:31:34 pm

No, this is what I was doing while having sex.

Don't you get the keyboard all sticky? ?And is masterbaition really considered sex?

On another note for the spam... since I'm a long winded fuck.. I'll take my word count compared to yours.. average them out to posts... and come up with 4623 Bondo sized posts for me so far..... yeah, that sounds about right.. heh.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 12:05:14 am
'nuff said

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 16, 2002, 12:32:24 am
But your words are more like spam than my less wordy posts.  Sure, I could go on and on about the exact same thing over and over saying things like, "I'm older than all of you and thus smarter", "My quote is from Moby Dick", "I like sheep".  But what would be the point when I could just let them know I am smarter than them by having a Moby Dick quote in my sig and leave the sheep out of it.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Grifter on May 16, 2002, 06:26:55 am

But your words are more like spam than my less wordy posts. ?Sure, I could go on and on about the exact same thing over and over saying things like, "I'm older than all of you and thus smarter", "My quote is from Moby Dick", "I like sheep". ?But what would be the point when I could just let them know I am smarter than them by having a Moby Dick quote in my sig and leave the sheep out of it.

LOL Bondo, I'll take the Moby quote over the Holy Grail lines anyday... it's one of my favorite lines... and fits well with my personality.  Especially as my favorite books is the Count of Monte Cristo... another tale of someone seeking revenge (but with a much more satisfactory ending.. heh.

And if you are going to mock me, mock me right.... Ace posts about sheep.. I post about motorcycles.  

As for spam... *cough*gamecube*cough*..... *cough*R6 better then RS*cough*...  I mean, do you need to prove that you don't have good judgement?  I mean, next you'll be crying for the return of SEGA ....

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 16, 2002, 08:29:49 am
Well, now that you mention it, why did everyone have to be stupid and buy a PSX or PS2 instead of a DC, it was one of the greatest systems of all time and it was left to die.

But last time I checked talking video games isn't spam, it is just a different topic.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: jn.wrath on May 16, 2002, 10:17:21 am
yeah. well. whatever.

Everyone knows that Bondo is compensating for something being small with his gigantic post count.. Grifter too.

Oohh.. the Boys Be OST is done burning, w()()t

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 12:03:12 pm
hey, he took my w()()t
any way grifter, the game cube is a good system if you like the games i.e. SSBM and james bond
the only reason i would get an xbox is for halo(and i won't)
and i dont think that the ps2 is that bad of a gaming system
it's all about what you like
anyone here like ev nova?

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: jn.blackhand on May 16, 2002, 01:58:14 pm
"The point being that everyone has spammed and thus shouldn't criticise me about it just because I have the most legitiamite posts as well. "

I'm going to criticize you for being self-congratulatory on something that really just proves how little of a life you have outside of DAMN. ;)

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 16, 2002, 02:19:13 pm
I disagree with that blackhand, I also work on www.tendonet.com as a video game reviewer, that make me multifaceted.  ;D

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 02:33:33 pm

it still doesnt mean you have a life

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: †FiRE Infection on May 16, 2002, 03:07:25 pm
 Hey Brain I like ev nova.  I have gamecube and I think both gc and ps2 are hot systems.  Xbox is gay like I said before and I'm just going to get halo for my mac.  DC was a fun system but it only had arcade games.  Anyway now we can buy it for 50 bucks instead of 200 :)  

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 04:12:42 pm

i like how this guy thinks

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: jn.blackhand on May 17, 2002, 11:14:10 am
Bondo, isn't copying articles from IGN.com and passing them off as your own plagiarism?



Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:23:32 am
if any of you have seen the before shots, link looked like a total bad ass(as much as you can when you are an elf, pixie, whatever he is, at least he looked cool), now he looks like a baloon on a body(on the brighter note, gannon looks like an ?berbadass now) someone needs to go over there and smack some sense in to those designers

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: Bondo on May 17, 2002, 01:08:23 pm

Bondo, isn't copying articles from IGN.com and passing them off as your own plagiarism?



You'll notice that he cited IGN cube as the source, plagarism would be claiming that it would be his writing, but he was saying it was ign's.

Title: Re: The Big One-Oh-Oh-Oh
Post by: jn.blackhand on May 17, 2002, 02:22:35 pm
i think i was just 0wn3d. ;)