*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Ace on May 17, 2002, 04:38:13 am

Post by: Ace on May 17, 2002, 04:38:13 am
I saw Episode II tonight, and I must say it may be my favorite Star Wars film ever. I was glued to my seat from start to finish. Not to mention the fact that Natalie Portman is a freaking goddess and I would give an arm, a leg, and my left testicle to get her in the sack. So everyone, if you haven't seen it yet, GO!! What are you still doing here reading this?! GO GET TICKETS!

Post by: Asterax on May 17, 2002, 06:58:18 am
I saw a line of people sleeping outside my local cinema yesterday waiting for the start of Episode II to begin. I imagine I will go see it once all the Darth Maul impersonators stop fighting with fake two sided light sabers outside the entrance.  

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 17, 2002, 11:09:21 am
Just as I was ready to LEAVE because of sheer boredom, they bring out the best scene in cinematic history. The movie itself sucks, Lucas is a shitty director, but that one scene made the 5.50 i spent worth it.

Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:17:30 am
what, did they film portman getting laid? i would drop 20 bucks to go see that ;)

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 17, 2002, 11:46:07 am
no, it's pg. but it kicks so much ass it makes me feel warm and gooey inside.

Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:50:40 am

yea, from what i hear, the first 3 were the better directed ones by far
i liket the humor that was present in the first 3 as well(keep your mouth shut kid or you'll find yourself floating home), it was gone from the phantom menace. was there any in ep.2?

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 17, 2002, 11:54:48 am
some, but not much. Lucas simply isn't a good director. He has all the talent in the world acting in the movie and can't make it happen. Back when he was younger, he had to take more input from producers, which is why American Grafitti, A new Hope, and The Empire Strikes Back were so good.

Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:58:34 am

return of the jedi wasnt that bad either, but it did seem to tail off...
well, lucas can keep writing the scripts/storyboards, we just need a new director then, any voulenteers?

Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 12:21:37 pm
I decided it was time for a team building activity at work, so I took my current project team to go see it at 11am yesterday. ?We didn't even have to bother pre-ordering the tickets, the theater wasn't half full (too bad I didn't know that.. would have saved me $20). ?To me, this film ranks right up there with the best of them. ?Great story, great action. ?Yoda is a God! ?Too cool this film is.

And Ace has great taste in women as well.. as she gets better looking everytime I see her. ?

As for Lucas and his directing skills... I have a different theory. ?I think it's the family man he became... ?I don't think it's the directing as much as the audience he's shooting for now... ?Ep 4 and 5 were written for adults, with more adult humor (not sexual, but what adults would find funny), where starting with Return of the Jedi, he started writting them like Disney flicks.. geard towards the family more then the adult. ?Ewoks, Jar-Jar... even the jokes that C3PO was pulling in Ep 2 were all geared more at children then at the guys that thought the light sabre duel in cloud city was the shit.

I was really expecting this to have a darker ending. ?But the most disturbing things I've seen in Ep 1 and 2 are how close they mimic the storys of Ep 4 and 5. ?
    Ep 4, the kid (luke) destroys the Death Star and saves the day.. the old mentor dies.. ends in a big fanfare ceremony.... ?Ep 1 Kid saves the day (destroying the ship and stopping the droid army), old mentor dies, ends in a big fanfare ceremony.
    Ep 5, Big light sabre duel, struggles with the dark side, find out the mentor wasn't perfect (lied about Vader).. ends in a scene with the new hand.... Ep 2, BIIIGGG light sabre duel (ok battle), finds out mentor isn't perfect (both of them), ends in a scene showing the new arm...

If someone flys into the ship and destroy''s a big freaking ship in Ep 3, I will have to kill someone.

Still... it was an awesome freaking movie!


Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 17, 2002, 12:40:52 pm
hehe.. i went down to y cousins house, spent the night, and caught the 9:30 AM show. This was good, because it had the best crowd at a movie i've seen for a while, all the really die-hard fans. Every time someone cool happened, everyone in the theater was like "YEEAAAA!!!", cheering, whistling, etc. esp. during the big lightsaber battle.

What's REALLY missing from the new ones is one specific charchter: Han Solo. Man, he really made IV, V and VI that much more interesting. But there's no Solo, and there's no Solo like charachter either.

PS. Whoda thunk it? Stormtroopers that can shoot!

Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 01:00:45 pm
you mean they actually hit something smaller that an deathstar, and other than a wall in this movie?

Post by: Bondo on May 17, 2002, 01:14:46 pm
Cough, time for me to take more flak, I think Empire was the worst one of the four (haven't seen the new one).  My ranking goes

Return of Jedi
Star Wars
Phantom Menace
Empire Strikes Back

Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 01:53:50 pm
You are right Bondo. ?You are going to take a lot of flack for that order.....

But it explains a lot about you... even why you think R6 is great and RS sucks...

If I were to give these an order..

Attack of the Clones
Empire Strikes Back
A New Begining
Return of the Jedi
Phantom (except for the music, because he out did himself here).

Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 17, 2002, 02:45:07 pm

A New Begining

Grifter, Grifter, Grifter!.. and you call yourself a Star Wars fan? it's "A New Hope", not "A New Beginning".. sheesh...

I'm guessing that if they do it right, episode 3 will be my favorite, as it will have all the really cool stuff happening in it.

Post by: Ace on May 17, 2002, 03:14:04 pm
First, blackhand, I used to respect your opinions. Now you say it was a horrible movie except for one scene (and I have a pretty good idea which you are referring to). This was from start to finish an awesome movie. You could not ask for more. Lucas is the man, no two ways about it. He went to a kickass school to boot.

I would say I rate the films in this order:

Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace

Although I must say I could make an argument for switching around 4, 5, and 6 in any order.

Also, for the people who have seen it, was it my imagination or did that little white shirt Natalie Portman was wearing near the end get shorter and shorter with every time they cut away and cut back to her? Me and my friends swear it kept getting smaller.

Post by: Bondo on May 17, 2002, 03:18:57 pm

Phantom (except for the music, because he out did himself here).

Yes, because it takes oh so much to take Carmina Burana and stick it in the movie ;)  Still Carmina Burana is perhaps the single coolest piece of music ever written so maybe he should be patted on the back.

If you want my actual reasoning for my ranking here goes
Return of the Jedi-  This was just a great combination of excitement and plot.  You've got all the Tatooine stuff with Jaba, you have the Ewok stuff (which I liked, but I was like 6 when it came out originally).  Then you have the crucial show down between Luke and Vader and the truth is revealed and the Empire is defeated.  Just epic.
Star Wars- Still has good action and it is the original so it gets points for that.
Phantom Menace- Maybe the fact that I don't hate Jar Jar lets me like this one better.  I think PM did a great job starting the prequel series in a believable fashion.  The events in it make sense in the scheme of things.  Also it starts to explain why the Jedi would become rebels and such.
Empire Strikes Back-Dull, Dull, Dull.  While the part with Yoda teaching Luke, Han and crew running to Landau and the events that spawn from that is good for the plot, it isn't exciting to watch and so as a single entity it isn't worth nearly as much as the others.

Post by: WeaSelFlinK on May 17, 2002, 03:45:15 pm
The subject says it all. EP.II rocks!

Anyhow, I found (having seen EP.IV, V, and VI) that EP.V turned out to be an all-time favorite. The battle event fought on the "Hot" system with the giant four-legged robots and the snowspeeders shootin' their harpoons is astonishing.
You haven't got that much action in any other episode. You've got the the droids, the thrilling voyages with the Millenium Falcon through asteroid fields, C-3PO, Cloud City, Yoda teaching Luke the first steps of becoming a Jedi, and the first ever fought lightsaber fight between Luke and his father. You don't find all that in the other two episodes, do you? All I can say is I'm a very big fan. These are my opinions, so maybe not yours. You don't have to agree with them, of course.

Anyways, I'm sure that if people would watch EP.V again, they would still be amazed by the incredible special effects and storyline. EP.VI is good as well, but I find the time they spent on Endor (for those who have seen the movie) with them Ewoks took too much damn time. The lightsaber fights whereas Luke is yet again confronted with his father are seemingly better. EP.IV showed the first lighsaber fight ?(Obi-Wan + Darth Vader), which did indeed amaze the first audiences seeing it was something new in the movies's history.

There, I said it all.

Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 03:58:34 pm

Ok Bondo, here's why I disagree with you...

Return of the Jedi.. ewoks are not cool.. not with hang gliders etc... I mean, give me a break.  Freaking teddy bear sales is what that was looking at.  Also, the way that Boba Fett dies... I'm sorry, that just sucked.  No drama at all.  Finally... Luke all of a sudden being that much better and stronger to beat Vader... when it had only been a short while since losing his hand to him.  It just didn't jive.

Phantom Menace...  leaving jar-jar out of it... which is hard... but first, nobody needed the Christ imagry with Anakin, and also explaining away the force like they did really sucks.  It was much better when it was more of the mystical, not the scientific.  The kid flying into the ship to destroy it (haven't we seen enough of that already??).

Empire.. why I think this is a good film is that it shows the desperation that still faces the rebellion... it is dark, brooding, and thoughtful.  It's a bridge in the story, and I think it took a lot of guts for it not to really have a happy ending... everything didn't work out this time and characters were actually developed (unlike the other stories).  That was the biggest thing.. you learned much more about all the characters.

Clones...  yes Ace, it kept getting a little shorter... Also I noticed it was a bit chilly in the space ship when they were arguing and landed on the planet....  nice.  Anyway, other bright spots in this film... Yoda kicking some major ass... Obi Wan now reminds me of the same character from A New Hope... Ewin has done a great job melding his style with that of Sir Alec's.  Also, some of the humor Bondo is looking for was there ... Obi Wan saying to Anakin "some day you will really be the death of me".... I was laughing my ass off at that line.  But, one thing I didn't understand was Count Duku... I don't want to spoil it for people that havn't seen the film, so stop reading... but how can he be the aprentice now...?  There can only be 2 Sith... and Duku was a Jedi Master (he trained Qui Gon <sp?>).  So I was a bit confused on how that worked.  For those of you that haven't, read the book from Phantom Menace.. there is a whole chapter about the Sith there that wasn't in the movie.. explains some history of the Sith.

Post by: Ace on May 17, 2002, 05:09:24 pm

Also I noticed it was a bit chilly in the space ship when they were arguing and landed on the planet.... ?nice.


Post by: WeaSelFlinK on May 17, 2002, 05:31:09 pm
Nice points you got there, Grift. I agree. There can only be two Sith lords. A master and an apprentice. Confusing as it is, we'll sort it out.


Post by: *NADS Capt. Anarchy on May 17, 2002, 05:32:59 pm

But, one thing I didn't understand was Count Duku... I don't want to spoil it for people that havn't seen the film, so stop reading... but how can he be the aprentice now...? ?There can only be 2 Sith... and Duku was a Jedi Master (he trained Qui Gon <sp?>). ?So I was a bit confused on how that worked.

well, he was the "good" jedi master, and then when he went to the dark side he became a dark apprentice, with Darth Sidious/Palpatine as his Master. He had much to learn in the ways of evil.

Post by: jn.blackhand on May 18, 2002, 01:19:37 am
Ace, AOTC simply didn't suck me in like the original trilogy had.

I can no longer stand George Lucas. Actually, I like him, just not his methods. Actors, Directors, and friends of Lucas' have all voiced the same opinions on his directing abilities: he doesn't inspire, he doesn't draw out great performances. With a cast like he had, it's simply inexcusable not to utilize them to their fullest.

Adding to that is my distaste for his shunning of all outside forces (producers mainly). While that can be a good thing at times, it really has made his films not even the least bit collaborative. Collaboration is the key to ANY good movie, and Lucas simply won't let that happen, even if it is inadvertent.

Lastly, I hate his reliance on special effects. Through the movie each of the "real" characters (e.g. humans, live flesh and blood actors) had a sort of glow around them. You can easily see where the digital animation comes begins and where the actors end. It looks very cheap.

Not to mention key roles played by completely animated characters. Die, jar jar, die. Regardless of certain limitations, some things simply looked better when they were animatronics. Frank Oz is a masterful puppeteer and I sorely miss the old Yoda instead of the computer one they have now.

With all that said, AOTC was much better than The Phantom Menace. Jar jar was not in it as much and Lucas definitely delivered in certain parts. Die-hard fans will be happy, (myself included). However, I'm not judging based on TPM, I'm judging ATOC on it's merits alone.

I guess I shouldn't have said horrible, but I don't think AOTC has even half the brilliance A New Hope did. It's simply just not as good in my mind. Still, a must-see. 5.50 well spent.

And Ace, that scene. OH MY GOD. The ENTIRE theater stood up cheering and clapping. ?For a second you could hear nothing but the sound of about 500 die-hard Star Wars fans in complete jubilance.

PS - Everyone has been good about this, but just a reminder, try not to reveal too much in your posts. Some things should be seen first and discussed later. coughgriftercough ;)

Post by: Grifter on May 18, 2002, 07:57:22 am
Yeah, not much of a spoiler warning... I admit...

But Go Li'l Feller, GO!  that's what I was screaming.... in that scene....  

As for Lucas and special effects... that's what the man does... it's what made Star Wars what it was in the day... yes, the story was great, but the effects is what people all talked about at the time, and what really drew people in.  I was there for the first theater go around for Star Wars ( a wee tyke that saw it with my father)  But Lucas invented half the effects for that movie... they'd never been done before.. or done so well.  So he is sticking to his ILM roots with all the effects... not falling towards them.. he just hasn't grown away from them.

I'm mixed on the Yoda puppet v digital comments... only once in AOTC did Yoda look really digital to me, (ie, made me think about it and not just the character).  Other then that, I didn't find it as bad.  My bigest complaint in the effect area was some of the sound effects seemed out of place...  one of the ships sounded just like a pod racer... another like a prop driven plane..  but those are very small complaints.

Post by: Destructo on May 18, 2002, 08:59:49 am
episode 2 and lucas can suck me large!

if i wanted to see 1 big animation, id turn on my playstation and watch final fantasy 10 movies.

big hype over nothing, half of u here don't even know what it is! let along follow it.

I wish the'd make a movie of movie scens where a bunch of guys jump in and beat the shit out of the actor/actress.

For example, everytime that ugly pig julia roberts laughs, 4 guys should come into the scene flank her with a shot to her 40 billion dollar mouth and hit her with blount objects. leaving her unconsious.

This could also be done in movies with the following ppl:
-Hugh Grant
-Martian Lawrence (i would personally do that one)
-Will smith
-that slut sally field
-drew barrymore, who really needs a good chair attack
-susan "RRSP check" serandon
-Keenan "i need a job" Waynes
-Genna "i'll take any script for money, even stuat little 2" Davis, who i could royally beat
-Steven "i can't throw a karate kick becasue my gut is to big" Segal
-all those new teenie bopper whores who spead there legs for anyone, like the chicks from American pie etc etc etce tc >:(

Post by: WeaSelFlinK on May 18, 2002, 09:57:32 am
Sigh... Maybe you should consider getting a job in the movie critics sector, Dest. At least that's what your good for anyway.


Post by: jn.blackhand on May 18, 2002, 01:50:34 pm
Grift, story and character development should always come before special effects. In AOTC it seems the other way around at times. The special effects are amazing, but there are too many times for me when it seems like overkill, especially when using actual sets would've have not only been less expensive, but more authentic.

Post by: jn.wrath on May 18, 2002, 03:25:02 pm
*covers eyes from the evils of spoilerdom*

Evil!! ::holds up silver cross:: back!

Post by: cookie on May 19, 2002, 03:24:52 pm
I know this is total blasphemy, but AOTC didn't impress me as much as it should have. The two main characters (or ones of focus) Natalie Portman and Hayden Christenson, totally sucked. Blerg, the acting was terrible, not to mention the total discord of emotional feelings between them. Out of nowhere he starts putting it on really thick, and she smacks him down. Then suddenly, she wants him. This is about how it went:

HC: I'm a super duper Jedi, waaah, I wanna do what I want! I'm acting cool and as if I don't want you really.
NP: Uh, whatever, okay. That must suck, I guess.
HC: I love you.
NP: Yeah, sure, whatever, I'm a senator. Did you know? I'm so cool.
HC: I really wanna do you. I mean, right now. Baby gimme some ass. I'm talkin' downtown!

<puke> their stupid love scenes totally screwed up the force.. err.. balance. While it should have been showing ?jedis kicking dark side ass, it was stupid anakin and amidala smooching. Ok, i could have taken a little, but why did anakin have to turn into freaking shakespeare?! "being near you is agony.." and then amidala, "i've been dying everyday since you've come back.. I truly love you." could they be any more LAME? and sheesh, amidala looked the same in Ep 1 yet anakin was like 9, and now they look the same age O_o damnit!! ? and is it just me, or is the illustrious Fett family totally hawaiian?

yeah, but the rest of the movie was cool. I loved the yoda scene, I didn't stop laughing for about 5 min. He was totally awesome. And Camino, the clone manufacturing planet, is my dream home! I wonder how the surfing is ;D The FX in AOTC were just awesome, too. Overall, the movie was pretty good, it was certaintly worth the cash. Good storyline, and awesome fight scenes. I even saw Boba Fett at the theater :O i got to wear his helmet.

My star wars ranking:
Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones
Return of the Jedi (ewoks are cool, so pffft!!!)
The Phantom Menace

ps- i totally don't know what im talking about.

Post by: TeeEfSix Goku on May 19, 2002, 04:58:23 pm
The best part was when yoda went agro on that one guy with his mini lightsaber.....like a miget on speed...that was cool

Post by: Asterax on May 19, 2002, 06:12:01 pm
Bah, I finally saw the movie, I wasn't impressed. The first five minutes into the movie I was already complaining! I mean, what the hell? The Princess uses her personal staff as lambs in a smegging mine field.  

Secondly, Yoda didn't even kill that guy, which was the only thing keeping me from now walking out. I heard there was a great fight scene with Yoda, but I never heard if the Lord (whatever his name was) died...  

Thirdly, I would like to know where all those Jedi came from when they all fought in the arena with the troops. I mean, they make it seem like the Jedi Council are the only Jedi around, then they pull out these 20 new Jedi guys.  

Finally, I would be scared as hell if I had a pissed off Jedi in my camp because we may or may not of killed his mom.

Post by: Brain on May 19, 2002, 08:25:05 pm
please, stop wit the spoilers, some of us still want to see the movie

Post by: cookie on May 19, 2002, 10:35:38 pm
don't read then  ;D

Post by: Brain on May 19, 2002, 11:28:23 pm
but i have to
then i can respond and raise my post count ;)

Post by: WeaSelFlinK on May 20, 2002, 02:06:54 am
I've seen EP.II in the nearby cinema and frankly the movie was astonishing. Nothing more to say... absolutely marvelous. Superb acting, breathtaking special-effects... I'd hate to spoil it for those who haven't seen the movie yet...

In spite of the movie, it also had a rather funny part as well... The funny part was when Yoda took on Dooku. That Yoda dude is more agile than my grandma... funny... that part actually made me laugh. Not too common in George Lucas films, ey? Also, it came to my attention regardless of the other 4 episodes, this episode here uses the most computerized graphics for Yoda. Actually, they were never real-life anyways. Not that it disturbs me; on the contrary, I found it alot better this way. No need for puppets if you can have millimeter precision image focusing.

Wow, talk about a gorgeous chick... I'd do anything to get Natalie in the sack... Ewan McGreggor also played great in the movie, I must say. Great acting overall. *applause*

Coming on to my final statement, all I can say is I recommend this movie to everyone. Even if you're not a fan, or haven't followed the episodes's history (which does in fact spoil it a bit), go ahead and be amazed by this superb movie. Don't sway your way around buying tickets (because I know people want in free :)), go buy some now!

May the Force be with You,

Post by: Jedi on May 20, 2002, 07:56:04 am
AotC actually uses the 1st all digital yoda Grift, you mentioned earlier on this thread.

AotC has to be one of the greatest films I've ever seen in my life. I'm still for the orginal trilogy, but this by far is on top of my new list of all time favorites.  So many mixed emotions watching this. Such a moving piece of work. As well as previously mentioned natalie portman(refer to Ace's 1st post for my conclusion on that) As well as I too noticed that tad bit chilly scene. Wanted to bitch slap anakin when they were heading into the arena, like gladiator, where she tells him she loves him. Hes like but i thought we weren't suppose to love, i was just like stfu and take her damn. Even still George is a genious playing out like he did. It was good georges part to add the infamous jar-jar and other to appeal to family orientation. Oppening up the star wars legacy to a new generation, to make them into die hard fans in the long run like many of us. I went opening day , the day after, and on my way later today.  Well for the critics who bitch about this trilogy i cant wait to see you guys on what happens after return of the jedi concerning, films 7,8, & 9. Heh till then i guess.
Well thats all i got for now. If you teased by the new film and need more, check out www.starwars.atomfilms.com for a bunch of short films made by fans, some are really good a must see.

ok, jedi over and out____

Post by: Brain on May 20, 2002, 10:16:32 am

Well for the critics who bitch about this trilogy i cant wait to see you guys on what happens after return of the jedi concerning, films 7,8, & 9.

i hate to burst everyones bubble, but if 7, 8, and 9 are made, it wont be by lucas
he [lucas] has stated(in an interview wth tv guide, if memory serves me) that he would not be making ep 7, 8 and 9 simply because he would be too damn old

since ther WILL be a demand for 7,8 and 9(face it those geeks out side the theater with the light sabers wont be happy till they see all 9) the question will be, who if anyone, should make the last 3 episodes? i nominate speilberg any other suggestions (personally i hope lucas decides to do the last 3, but for some reason i doubt he will)
oh btw the interview took place turing the phantom menace time slot, so lucas may or may not have changed hhis mind

Post by: SiX.cybershark on May 20, 2002, 07:37:18 pm
damn star wars with dinosaurs, bahhhhhhhhh

Post by: Colin on May 20, 2002, 08:23:13 pm
somehow i don't think there will be a 7 8 and 9.  Seems like the story ended at Ep. 6.  If someone is going to make 7 8 and 9, i nominate...ME!   ;D

Post by: Matt on May 20, 2002, 08:29:12 pm
i nominate kevin smith to direct ep 7, 8, 9 ?;)
and for all you clowns that don't know who that is click this (http://www.viewaskew.com/)

Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 11:27:33 pm
Indeed, I've now seen 6 Kevin Smith films and while one kinda sucked (Drawing Flies) the 5 in the Jersey Series ranged from good to fucking awesome.  Then again his movies haven't really been in the same style as Star Wars, but I'm sure he'd do fine.