*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Gaming (All your Gaming needs are here!) => Topic started by: *DAMN Mauti on December 11, 2002, 05:41:12 pm

Title: Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 11, 2002, 05:41:12 pm
Please post here links where I can download already ported/working GR Mac Mods so I can update the GR Mod Archive faster.

Also please mention in which system you have tried out the mod(OS 9 or OSX or both)

Thanks for your help,


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: Brain on December 11, 2002, 06:57:13 pm
i know that black sun works  in os x. i havent tried any of the others on this page

http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=dstranathan&fpath=GR Mods&templatefn=FileSharing1.html (http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=dstranathan&fpath=GR Mods&templatefn=FileSharing1.html)

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: Jeb on December 11, 2002, 10:08:30 pm
here are most the mods i have online, Assasin helped get the mods that are in .exe to normal mod format. (chalet and killhouse double, all with some new stuff, ported by ass and i) (dedust map from CS) (a huge gun mod, ported by ass and i) (a prison map) (tons of guns and map additions, ported by ass and I)

Looking good jebbers...im sure we can get a few other mods here soon.

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: ShadowBox on December 12, 2002, 08:36:15 am
Here's a link for some mods that agt Mike Too has posted http://www.home.earthlink.net/~rslittle/

and here's the link for Navy Seals v2 that FrEaK Sgt Elias ported Navy Seals (http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=craigt000&templatefn=FileSharing1.html&xmlfn=TKDocument.1.xml&sitefn=RootSite.xml&aff=consumer&cty=US&lang=en)

all the mods work under OS 9 and OS X

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: Akira @WAR on December 17, 2002, 03:08:00 am
found a few at this french site


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 18, 2002, 01:38:50 pm
Thanks Akira. Jeb I can't connect to your server?


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on December 18, 2002, 05:19:49 pm
Black Sun 3.0 :12 tr?s belles missions et pas moins de 316kits disponibles (21Mo)
Ghost's Weapon : Un MOD contenant que des nouvelles armes tr?s sympa. (2.4Mo)
HX3 : Dessert Assault : 56 missions suppl?mentaires (pour ceux qui aiment les maps tr?s tr?s bourrin) et un choix de 143kits. (6.0Mo)
L&P Combo : 21 excellentes missions (attention ces missions comportes pas mal de v?hicules). (5.1Mo)
New Cold War : 37 missions et un choix parmis 88kits. (8.9Mo)
Omen Realism 2.0: Impressionnant !! 100 armes suppl?mentaires (20.7Mo)

That is the jist of what was on that webpage. I already ported the HX3: Desert Assault mod to Jeb and I think that Black Sun 3.0 was already ported by someone else.

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: Jeb on December 19, 2002, 12:27:39 am
yeah bucc deleted the mods after the noobs found out about them, and caused a massive amount of downloading (15+ downloaders and 700megs bandwith) I'll try to stick them up on my idisk today.

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: dead_kennedy on December 21, 2002, 07:31:48 pm
i have israeli defense forces v1.2 here:


cool weapons, skins etc. 36mb. please get it now, bc i'll be taking it down in a week or so.

btw, idf is currently up to v1.3 but alas does not work w/our mac version -- need that patch -- so stick with v1.2 for now.


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 21, 2002, 08:51:09 pm
Thanks Dead Kennedy I am just downloading it. And the mod will be up on fileplanet soon!


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: dead_kennedy on December 22, 2002, 05:15:36 am
np -- i ve got vpc and a good eye for snuffing stuff out on the web -- i'd be happy to do the same for any other mods that sound good -- just drop me a line


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: ShadowBox on December 22, 2002, 07:23:39 am
   I've got a question about the War of Infamy mod you put up on the *DAMN mac mods section. I wasn't able to download it because I do not have a subscription to fileplanet. Is there anyway to make it available on the normal public servers?
   I was able to get it but I had to go to file retreat 3dretreat.com.

Thanks Mauti, found the public servers after you posted the new mods and the story about having to scroll down. It's just that I was used to the old FilePlanet.
And as always, thanks for all the mod conversions.

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 22, 2002, 11:15:56 am
Shadow with the new FilePlanet you have to sign up once(no costs it's still for free). Then you can download from free public servers!

P.S.: if you are logged in and still don't see any free servers scroll down the page and you will find them ;)

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: dead_kennedy on December 22, 2002, 11:43:06 pm
rednest maps:


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: dead_kennedy on December 23, 2002, 08:12:29 pm
the bourne battle (cool large original outdoor maps & missions):


harnox's hx3 (35 missions):


needle's eye (fun mission):


i've also got working copies of Spetsgruppa Vympel, R02_Industrial, GRS_BetaTest1, and HX4 but no space as of now to put them up. drop me an instant message to arrange a file transfer if anyone wants.


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: Jeb on December 24, 2002, 11:20:12 pm
5 NEW conversions by me (thx to VPC6)
StalkYard - a conversion of a halflife map
Glassrooms - just like the glassrooms mod in RS
and for the holidays
Christmas Missions - makes it snow on all the maps  ;D
Shadow Valley - sweet outdoors map
USMC camopack - 3 separate mods including the new marine camos, urban, jungle, and some other kind.

band of brothers doesn't work

Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: dead_kennedy on December 26, 2002, 07:58:57 am
Spetsgruppa Vympel:

"This mod replaces American soldiers and equipment with Russian counterparts. There are 234 Russian soldiers available to the standard platoon, 12 new specialists, and a multiplayer platoon. There are 23 primary weapons, 3 pistols, 3 shoulder-fired rocket launchers, and one hand grenade.  In addition, there are 3 custom specialist weapons which are not otherwise available.  This is intentional because the benefits of these weapons could overshadow the standard weapons, especially in multiplayer."

@ http://homepage.mac.com/brettduxbury/.cv/brettduxbury/Public/ghr/Spetsgruppa_Vympel.sit-link.sit


Title: Re:Links to ported/working MAC GR mods
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on December 30, 2002, 12:36:15 am
Thanks for all your work however some of your mods were already added to the mod archive. Stalkyard is included in the MLP map pack for example.

Band of Brothers  as well as British Royal Marines v2.0 doesnt work because they require the 1.3 patch.

Dead_Kennedy HX4 requires partly Island Thunder so I won't post it. All mods I post should work full.

