*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Typhy on May 04, 2002, 10:02:05 pm

Title: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Typhy on May 04, 2002, 10:02:05 pm
I think that people give Scott to much crap about how easily he bans people.  Personaly, I say that sence he set up this free gaming place which is perfect for us it is totaly in his rights to ban people who give him crap.  Think if you were the one who made gameranger, if people gave you to much crap such as telling you to "Fuck yourself" in a non joking manner wouldn't you give them a little ban?


Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 04, 2002, 10:04:40 pm
Scott has put alot of effort into GR, but he could do testing at better times, not on weekends. (If Kevill reads this, thats constructive criticism :))

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Stryker ? [ifB] on May 04, 2002, 10:06:02 pm
Dude, Game Ranger and Scott is my savior man!  The only way I knew how to play online was with Unreal Tournament.  And F4.  So uhh? umm? yea.  GO SCOTT! lol

Stryker ? [ifB]


Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 04, 2002, 10:10:15 pm

I think that people give Scott to much crap about how easily he bans people. ?Personaly, I say that sence he set up this free gaming place which is perfect for us it is totaly in his rights to ban people who give him crap. ?Think if you were the one who made gameranger, if people gave you to much crap such as telling you to "Fuck yourself" in a non joking manner wouldn't you give them a little ban?


and Posted by: Mysterio ? ? ?Posted on: May 4th, 2002, 6:04pm
Scott has put alot of effort into GR, but he could do testing at better times, not on weekends. (If Kevill reads this, thats constructive criticism ) ?i agree with you both and I Strongliy Agree With he ?could do testing at better times, not on weekends.

i know im sayiing the same thing But its what i think!!!
ohh and

P.S. He built it, It Is "FREE" (FREE) He has the right to ban you or boot you!!!!!

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on May 04, 2002, 10:10:50 pm
Yeah seriously. People do give him too much crap. But if he is testing today... did he ever pick a bad time. Why don't he do that during the week. Not on a freaking weekend when everyone is looking to game. I agree if he reads it he needs to take it as constructive criticism.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 04, 2002, 10:10:55 pm
I stumbled apon Gr by accident. I was playign risk multi, when i saw a link to GR. and i joined. Ever since ive been a RS only mostly.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Stryker ? [ifB] on May 04, 2002, 10:15:23 pm
I agree with you guys also, but think of this.  Even though people that port the games over to the Mac pays him to use his software, he may also have a job on the weekend.  Plus he also has his own life.  This may have been his only time to work on the program fully.  Unless the server just crashed or some BS cause of that Y2K bs lol  

Stryker ? [ifB]


Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 04, 2002, 10:16:38 pm
Since he is testing it is going to be Down all weekend or just the rest of the day im lookin For help here

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on May 04, 2002, 10:46:50 pm
I got a feeling it will be up by morning. Don't forget he supposedly lives in Austrailia 18 hours ahead of us. I remember one other time it was down like this for a whole day and then it was up by morning. So let's hope it is up by morning. Also during our day time while we up trying to play he is probably sleeping. And when we are sleeping is the time it will get fixed. So just give him a little time.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 04, 2002, 10:52:22 pm
well it depends what time zone you are in!!! im in the alaskan time zone!!

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: ?{RiP}? Vapor on May 04, 2002, 10:57:20 pm
k u probably like 21 hours behind him then. eastern is 18 hours behind.... i know dat from when mah sis went to austrailia

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 04, 2002, 11:30:24 pm
Typhy, there's a difference between banning someone for telling you to fuck off, and being a jerk.  I actually asked him in the construct about OS X a few weeks back... something like:  "hey Evill, how goes the efforst on OS X?  Any news?".  I was promptly and rudely insulted by him and a bunch of Evill Sock Puppets.  "Stop bugging me about it.. it will be ready when it's ready...", "Don't be a fag, it takes a lot of work to do it and do it right like Evill", "Ban him!"... etc... it went on for a min more before I decided to leave.  Now, yes, he probably gets bugged about it often, but not by me and no need to be rude... I won't even mention his sock puppets that worship him without knowing much of anything.

As for being free and such, yeah, that's all great of him, but he would be even better if he would put a notice up on the web site and such about these things.

And we all remember last year when it was down for a week.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Typhy on May 05, 2002, 12:18:33 am
Here is the problem with his OSX GR, he wants it to be to perfect. he has it all programed and ready to go however he can't get X to scan for games, I tell him that all that he has to do is have a "Game folder" And have people put the games in there to play.  However, He wants it to be perfect and thats his choice I guess.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Typhy on May 05, 2002, 12:32:36 am
Well Grifter, I think that Scott is in kinda a hard spot, While he has to run gameranger and be on to make sure that people don't reallly mess things up etc.  He can't really join a clan for any games, he would then be preasured to use his power in wrong ways and if he was favoring a certian group of people, the real reason that he comes on is to deal with things that regard him or people that are being dumb little shits ( Like Zak ). He doesn't really benifit that much from GR, it loses him more money than he makes. The only way that he makes money is having companys pay him to get their games included on gameranger, and he has to but the Domain name, The servers etc.


Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 05, 2002, 12:54:03 am
Typhy, two things....
One, I have no idea what being or not being in a clan has to do with my comments...  All I said was that he could post more news on the web site.  I mean, his servers aren't down, because the web site is up (the usual sign).  So I look there for news... the last post on OS X was a year ago.. the last post in news was 5 months ago....  I know he's a busy man, but how long does it itake to post a message?  or News?  He wants things to be perfect.... why not start with better communications?  I'm not knocking him about his TOS or banning people... just about being rude to me for asking one question and never posting news on his web site.

Second, try to get all your posts in one.... multi posts are spamming.... Use the edit button to add to it if you've already posted.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 16, 2002, 10:19:14 am
everyone rembers when GR was down for about 3 days  in one week.


??gT? Casper: Evill:  when gameranger went down 3 times in a week was that when you were moveing?

Evill: It was when one user decided to add 1,179 users to their ignore list.

well if you didnt know thats why it went down

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on May 16, 2002, 10:43:34 am
Sounds liek somethign i would do when i get bored

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 16, 2002, 11:58:32 am
Well, Scott has only made things worse for himself by banning people simply for cussing at him.  That only makes more people frustrated with him.  Sure, he should ban people who do serious things to impact the gaming (causing crashes, hacking GR, etc.) but he should not disallow people the freedom to speech.  He has that power, but by using it he becomes hated and it very well could end GR if he keeps it up as he'll have banned everyone.  Sure, I'm thankful for his incredible contribution to Mac gaming, but I'm not about to think that excuses him to be a prick.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 16, 2002, 12:15:15 pm
can someone plz explain how adding 1000+ users to the ignore list can crash the whols system
does anyone else see that as a security hole that can be exploited by malicious ppl
one last comment, is the problem fixed now?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 16, 2002, 12:44:39 pm
its fixed now but mb i read it wrong and he meant he moved when someone did that but ... i dont think so.
::) ::)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: jn.blackhand on May 16, 2002, 01:52:33 pm
it's good to see that this SAME EXACT TOPIC still comes up about once every month. and while the posters change, the posts themselves stay very much the same.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Asterax on May 16, 2002, 07:38:23 pm
Yeah, I would  have to agree with Grifter about this, Kevill is a rude (for the most part) aussie. I remember one instance when I asked Kevill about the Terminus servers, and why they were up or even a feature of GR at all. <sarcasm>I was replied with this extremely nice comment (probably to explicit for these forums).</sarcasm> I suppose I  have known (known put loosely) Kevill for a year know and I probably know more about him then I ever wanted to know (this could be considered a bad thing).

Though you must keep in mind that if you had to baby sit 80,000 10 year olds every day, you'd be a little tetchy.

I'm not sticking up for the man, just playing a devils advocate.

Now stop the whining, that's my job.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 17, 2002, 04:24:20 am
I don't see why Evill gets a bad rep from everyone. From my time on GR, I knew him to be a mostly fair guy with a sometimes spiteful sense of humor. People come in with the claims "OMG I GOT BANNED FOR LOOKING AT EVILL THE WRONG WAY BLAH BLAH BLAH." Yeah, I can remember times where someone would be a dick in main chat and get banned, but 99% of the time they earned it. Of course Evill would rub it in some, but wouldn't you if you had to deal with so many morons. The real dicks are some of Evill's cronies. Most of them need to remove their heads from their asses.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 11:13:12 am
hey maybe they could use that head remover that someone was selling to ak.  i know that ad is somewhere in these threads...

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 12:28:16 pm
Yeah Ace, I have to say that I haven't seen anyone actually get banned and not deserver it (except that evil has egged on a few to get them to cross that line, which isn't quite fair).  But my own experience with him is that he's been rude to me the few times I've tried to talk to him.  And not rude as in ignoring me... but treating me like I'm a kid wasting his time (which I'm sure he gets a lot of, but not everyone).  Also, yeah, those sock puppets (or the "ban - ban" greek chorus) is much more annoying.  Those are the guys I'd like to see banned.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 17, 2002, 01:11:55 pm
I don't think zak deserved a PERMAban just for telling Scott to go fuck his mother or whatever it was he said.  I can understand a shorter ban but no talking deserves a perma.  That should be reserved for people who actually hurt the quality of the gaming by hacking or what not.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 17, 2002, 01:14:45 pm
i saw someone get banned for saying they liked to pirateship games about 5 times
what a dumbass
those are the ppl that deserve bans
the only thing thery are good for is a laugh when they get the boot

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 01:51:19 pm
I'll disagree with you there Bondo... Evill provides a service to us for free... we aren't paying for it.  So, that gives him the right to chose both the crime and punishment.  

Now, that said, I don't think he should be a dick to people, or prod people into saying shit.  It should be clear where he draws the line (and I don't think he makes it clear enough).  

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 17, 2002, 03:03:42 pm
Oh, he certainly has the right, but that doesn't mean he is right.  My point was that while he is free to do what he is, he is hurting GR by doing so.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 17, 2002, 03:37:54 pm
True, but with no real competition today.. he's only got the incentive of being a really good human being.... it's hard to hurt GR while there is not alternative today (none that most people would chose).

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Asterax on May 18, 2002, 07:54:44 am
Interesting, didn't I just say what Grifter and Bondo said  before, just combined in one post?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 18, 2002, 08:22:18 am
More or less.. but it bears repeating... since the debate goes on...

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 18, 2002, 09:18:56 am
are you to just doing this to raise grifters post count ;)
or is it just that you allways take different sides of an issue

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 18, 2002, 10:29:11 am
Just because I'm at 1000 doesn't mean it is beyond me to raise my post count by getting in a big debate with Grifter (odd how me and him are in arguments in about every thread isn't it).  Maybe it is because I'm the one ass that is willing to try and not become a dumbass in the process.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 18, 2002, 12:16:34 pm

Lots of people argue with me, and I respect all the ones that can at least front a logical argument.... it's the dumbasses that can't even read what is written or understand it that you have to worry about becoming.  

Bondo, the difference between you and Rapid is the dumb part.... I can respect a different opinion as long as there is some reason.. thinking... information behind it.... it's the sock puppets I can't stand (that goes of the ones that blindly parrot anyone... you, Ace, me.. whoever...  Rapid and Rom are/were great examples of this.

So, even if you are wrong... which you are often =P... I can still respect your opinion.  Besides, it's not like I'm always right, I've changed my mind on many things...

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 18, 2002, 12:24:30 pm
I was just commenting on how most people that argue with you get trampled upon, often to become dumbasses due to brain damage caused by the blunt truama of being hit on the head with one of your massive posts.  I'm just hard headed so I can stand it.  ;)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 18, 2002, 01:07:47 pm
Most people that argue with me are dumbasses before they start.... I just point that little flaw out for all to see... =P

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 18, 2002, 05:04:34 pm
A guy can't even compliment Grift without getting a smart remark  ;)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 18, 2002, 06:02:54 pm
Well you can if you are a moderator and remember that you have no scruples about messing with his posts. Therefore...

GRIFT, what lovely pale skin you have!

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 18, 2002, 08:07:41 pm
i think  brain aspxyation and acute boredom has something to do with it to bondo
afrer all grifter is such a long winded bastard he could suck all the air out of the astrodome ;)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 18, 2002, 08:20:32 pm
-2 points for using a reference that no longer exists Brain... you should have said Silverdome...  the Astrodome is history....

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 18, 2002, 08:59:11 pm
Or Enron Field  ;)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 19, 2002, 01:22:35 am
And another -2 points to Bondo for using another reference that no longer exists. Will you people ever learn?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 19, 2002, 02:08:34 am

And another -2 points to Bondo for using another reference that no longer exists. Will you people ever learn?

And when will the Resident Ass learn that  ;) isn't thrown in for no reason.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 19, 2002, 02:05:30 pm
Is it too much to think that someone who lives in a town where they put baseballs in a humidifier would not be up to date on baseball?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 19, 2002, 03:32:31 pm
Hey, the Rockies have a dominating pitching staff now, you can't argue with results.  We'll just ignore the record from before firing the manager, the Rockies are a top team.  And if you lived in Colorado rather than sunny  and more importantly humid L.A. then you would want to be put in a humidor as well.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 19, 2002, 04:24:46 pm

-2 points for using a reference that no longer exists Brain... you should have said Silverdome... ?the Astrodome is history....

2 points in my defence
1. i would have used miller park, but not everyone knows about that. everyone has heard of the astrodome (and lambeau is an open air stadium, that wouldnt work) i dont know many other stadiums by name,
2. i was a little light headed, i had just fought my way out from  under one of grift's posts and i was almost out of air(thank god for scuba gear, unfortunatly they dont make equipment for that long of a dive) ;)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2002, 01:02:11 am

Hey, the Rockies have a dominating pitching staff now, you can't argue with results. ?We'll just ignore the record from before firing the manager, the Rockies are a top team. ?And if you lived in Colorado rather than sunny ?and more importantly humid L.A. then you would want to be put in a humidor as well.

First, the Rockies suck. No two ways about it. Second, LA is not humid. It is sunny and nice nearly all year long. Suck it. Finally, don't EVER talk about LA baseball in connection with me. Fuck LA and fuck the bums. Giants all the way baby!!

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: RANCID on May 20, 2002, 10:15:01 am
;D Well, I'm just bored and at school right now so I think I'll chime in on an old memory. Remember when Sniper-man got banned from GR for calling Evill a crybaby? Lmao. Ahh, good times, good times....  ;D

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 10:28:48 am
Wow Ace, you are quite shallow to think the Rockies suck.  That or you just really don't follow baseball which would make your opinion rather worthless.  They fired their manager when their record was 6-16, now they are 20-24 or a 14-8 record which is about as good as anyone else in baseball has done in that time.  Their pitching has been excellent, it is their hitting that at times can be inconsistent.  Sorry but the Rockies are a fine team, they just happen to play in the most competitive division in baseball and had a bad start.  Consider this, if they had won their first 22 games at the same rate they won their last 22 they would be 28-16 which would have them tied for first in the NL with Arizona.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 20, 2002, 10:31:40 am

;D Well, I'm just bored and at school right now so I think I'll chime in on an old memory. Remember when Sniper-man got banned from GR for calling Evill a crybaby? Lmao. Ahh, good times, good times.... ?;D

OMG an on-topic post!!! :o :o

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 11:51:15 am
Damnit, where are the moderators to change his post to something off-topic.  I clicked modify only to remember I was no longer in power.  Rancid, just think of the wide-scale devestation everyone posting on topic would do.  No more assing, no more Grift and a sheep, no more Ace's pale irishness, no more 100 post threads.  It would be mayhem and remove all that is holy in this place.  So please, heed my warning and stop posting on topic.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2002, 01:42:42 pm
Bondo, you can talk all you want about "if they had won at this rate..." and all that bullshit, but the fact of the matter is they are in last place and can't even play .500 ball. In my book, that qualifies as sucking. Yes, the West is competitive, but they still suck. I'm also making reference to their overall performance as a franchise in the last few years. They are for the most part incompetent with only a few quality players like Helton and Walker.

And for the record, when my team is nearly tied for first place (tied in the loss column, which is what really matters), I'll talk shit about any cellar dweller. If you really wish to discuss who has a greater knowledge of baseball, I'll be glad to put you in your place anytime.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 02:09:34 pm
But it is relevant to determining how good the Rockies are to look at what has happened since the major change that replacing the manager is.  You have to disregard the first few weeks of the season.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2002, 04:27:06 pm
Bondo, the fact of the matter is the Rockies are still in last place. End of argument.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 20, 2002, 05:08:59 pm

Sorry but the Rockies are a fine team, they just happen to play in the most competitive division in baseball and had a bad start. ?Consider this, if they had won their first 22 games at the same rate they won their last 22 they would be 28-16 which would have them tied for first in the NL with Arizona.

Too bad the NL teams can't seem to win the World Series.... most competative division in baseball...  yeah....  Good thing that Detroit doesn't have a baseball team anymore.  I'd hate to have to cheer on a last place Baseball team....


Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 20, 2002, 06:13:03 pm
GRIFT, did it ever occur to you that an NL team, an NL West team no less, won the World Series last year?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 06:57:10 pm
Well, the Yankees only win by spending truckloads of cash.  That is why MLB is an absurd league.  Oh btw, no one will be winning the World Series this year because the greedy players and greedy owners are little bitches who will ruin baseball for a few extra bucks.  Baseball should have a salary cap, revenue sharing, and all the other things that make the NFL a well balanced league.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Matt on May 20, 2002, 08:19:55 pm
Am I the right thread?
Scott & Gameranger... yeah

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 20, 2002, 08:48:22 pm
lol this Post turned in to Sports post and Not much to about S&G.....  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Asterax on May 20, 2002, 09:02:01 pm
...See I would enjoy Hockey, but I can never see the damn puck. I guess I'm going blind.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 20, 2002, 09:47:17 pm

hrmm basketball, hockey...Somebody make a Baseball thread


Now football Damn it...
And soccer  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 20, 2002, 10:49:27 pm
if the packers get their shit together they will own the nfc central(to bad tampa bay left, that was a kick ass rivalry with a kick ass name[the battle of the bays],with the pack kicking ass when it was under 35 deg f)[note farve is still something like 32-2 when it is below freezing at kick off] oh well we still have...DA BEARS! longest rivalry in the nfl. period(and the best by far), the pack and da bears are the oldest 2 teams in pro football, bears being 1 year older than the pack. yea...if they EVER take the bears (or the packers) out of the central devision, wisconsin and illinois will make the la riots look like a bunch of kindergardners who missed their receess, but enough about that...
oh yea and the vilkings will miss out on yet another super bowl

the only question is how will the texans react comming out of the gate

yea football is cool

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 20, 2002, 11:47:29 pm


Now football Damn it...
And soccer ?;D ;D ;D

There is only one thing that needs to be said about futbol, Liverpool will own in the EPL and Champions Cup next year.  Well that and Go England...and I guess the US, in World Cup 2002.

Oh and Infection, about the glowing puck *shudders*

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Casper on May 21, 2002, 12:36:32 am

There is only one thing that needs to be said about futbol, Liverpool will own in the EPL and Champions Cup next year. ?Well that and Go England...and I guess the US, in World Cup 2002.

Oh and Infection, about the glowing puck *shudders*

Haha a neon Puck..... And futbal Or Soccer in America is The Awsome and i am clue less on who will win World cup mens. Maybe United States Of America Will win but for Womens The Americans will rule

8) 8) 8) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 21, 2002, 11:48:11 am
what ever happened to the neon puck?
i'm assuming you talking when they put ir emmiters in the puck and the glow was added during production. i thought that would have cought on like a wild fire
(i guess peeps with better camera skils cost less)

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 21, 2002, 02:54:16 pm

what ever happened to the neon puck?
i'm assuming you talking when they put ir emmiters in the puck and the glow was added during production. i thought that would have cought on like a wild fire
(i guess peeps with better camera skils cost less)

The glowing puck sucks. If you are too retarded to not be able to follow the puck, you probably shouldn't be watching hockey in the first place. The only somewhat good thing about the glowing puck was when it would show up under the near side boards.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 21, 2002, 03:00:53 pm
I would contend that it's easier to follow without the glowing puck. When I watch a regular hockey game, I'm never saying "Where's the puck?!" unless there's a big scrum near the goal and nobody has a clue. When I watched games with the glowing puck, I was too busy bitching about the stupid glow to see everything else that was going on in the play.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Bondo on May 21, 2002, 03:08:12 pm
Ace...too busy bitching...no way?

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Ace on May 22, 2002, 03:55:19 am
Even if you can't see the puck exactly, you can pick up where it is just by watching the players. While I do think seeing it under the near boards would be nice because it's something that's not meant to be obstructed, part of the thing about scrums in front of the net is the total confusion and chaos.

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 22, 2002, 10:37:13 am

While I do think seeing it under the near boards would be nice because it's something that's not meant to be obstructed, part of the thing about scrums in front of the net is the total confusion and chaos.

true, it should be visible under the boards, and if you think about it, it would be confusing as hell to see a puck appear to go through someone on tv

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Grifter on May 22, 2002, 06:07:13 pm
Here's an idea...

In college hockey, they aren't allowed to advertise on the boards like they do in pro (and I can remember when they couldn't do it in the pro's too).  Anyway, one college where they played the final four a while back (Minnisota maybe?) has completely transparent boards... plexiglass from the ice up...  

Let me just say watching that game was too cool.  Of course a CCHA team won that year...

Title: Re: Scott & Gameranger
Post by: Brain on May 22, 2002, 11:14:04 pm
well, i think they can now grift
at least they do at michigan tech (that is div 1 hockey for all you who didnt know)
plexiglass boards would be the shit though