*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Agent Wallabie on December 10, 2002, 12:52:22 am

Title: An idea.
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 10, 2002, 12:52:22 am
  After the CB from RnT and talking about it, <FiRE> RC had a butiful idea. In the Cb some one, wont say who, that some one I dont remember who it was didnt green up, well did then went back to red at the last secound. They said it wasnt fair that vooDoo started and well there was a little agrument.
  Enny ways ill get to the point, RC's idea was that there should be a little rule saying that once u G up (Green up) you cant change it.
  This wasnt the 1st time i heard this excuse.
  Thanks for you time, peace.  :)

  Wallie. (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Typhy on December 10, 2002, 12:58:54 am
 Well, I'm going to assume that person is RnT - Patterson, since it sounds like the sort of thing that he'd do. It doesn't really need to be a rule, it's rather obvious, only a cheap little dumbass would try to pull a stunt like that.

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 10, 2002, 01:03:32 am
Once everyone is "green". The game begins. I dont play into noob clans that when they are losing do that type of shit. I personally never saw that he unchecked green. It means that he did it at last second to stir up a arguement. If I saw it in time I have no problem stoping the game, but i didnt and at last mintue there is no need to uncheck green.

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Typhy on December 10, 2002, 01:07:14 am
 Someone really needs to teach Patterson how to lose; he got to the top by battling against newbie clans, as soon as he challenges top clans ( AK, Virus, and AgT ) he's tried to pull shit in the CBs as soon as he starts to lose. Camping against Virus, camping and trying to count a lag test against AK, and now this against AgT. - Just a warning to anyone who CBs RnT, get lots of Screen Shots, you may need them.

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 10, 2002, 02:39:03 am
   I agree with you both, and i dont want to write a essay on this post about all the things that was wrong, and i really could do that, but I just want something to be done.  :(

   Wallie (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 10, 2002, 07:15:44 am
Not much you can do about someone like that. What I did do is had a chat with another member of RnT and they proved to me that it wasnt a clan issue it was a member issue. RnT as a clan had great sportmenship, but like I said earlier It only takes one to ruin it.  :(

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Typhy on December 10, 2002, 07:35:48 am
 Yeah, I saw the exact same thing. Patterson, and of course the dude who keep accusing me of having an aimbot, and boots me from his game saying "Go turn off your aimbot and come back later", RnT's a pretty cool clan. But VooDoo is exactly right, when a clan has a member who pulls shit anything that he can, it makes them not a clan who people want to CB against.  

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: last time patterson on December 10, 2002, 05:49:12 pm
They said it wasnt fair that vooDoo started and well there was a little agrument. --It was just a little joke man, cmon i fastly changed the score

I personally never saw that he unchecked green

HAAHA, u also never saw that i said im stucked.... u blind?

Camping against Virus

o man, how many times did i tell u stupid bitch that i wasnt in that cb?

Just a warning to anyone who CBs RnT, get lots of Screen Shots, you may need them.

Same to ur clan little cocksucker

What I did do is had a chat with another member of RnT and they proved to me that it wasnt a clan issue it was a member issue

they arent man enough

Patterson, and of course the dude who keep accusing me of having an aimbot

a yea? did i? dont remember, i think i just said u suck dumbass

have fun with playing

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Typhy on December 10, 2002, 05:54:57 pm
 Patterson, you make SK's English skills look great.

"a yea? did i? dont remember, i think i just said u suck dumbass" - Where the fuck did that come from? That was one of the comments in my post that wasn't directed towards you. - I'd also like to point out, that I can own you anytime. Give me AgT VooDoo as a neutral host, I'll 1v1 you, I win, you shut the fuck up, you win, hell, I'll delete my account or something, since I'm so confident.

More coming when I get back from class.

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: balla on December 10, 2002, 07:55:50 pm
what about a neutral eurohost fuckface?

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: BTs_Colin on December 10, 2002, 08:26:02 pm
what about a neutral eurohost fuckface?

wow fiesty europeans!!!

vooDoo would actually be a great host seeing as he in on the west coast USA and Typhy is in Alaska. thats as close to the middle as u can get unless someone lives in Iceland or something.

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: balla on December 10, 2002, 08:50:55 pm
i dont play on a gay host

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: $hadoW on December 10, 2002, 08:52:42 pm
I think ball has some hidden anger OOOOOO  ;D

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 10, 2002, 08:56:24 pm
  Patt, I dont think ur alowed to stop if some ones stuck, On the turkish map i was stuck on nades and told my team. So im surton you not alowed to.
   And yeah vooDoo, I guess there is nothing you can do about it.  :(

   Wallie.  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)

Title: Re:An idea.
Post by: Supernatural Pie on December 10, 2002, 09:46:41 pm
They said it wasnt fair that vooDoo started and well there was a little agrument. --It was just a little joke man, cmon i fastly changed the score

I'm lost.... Are you trying to say that you were joking when you got all pissed off? Or was that something unrelated? You're quoting without quotes is making me dizzy. Anyway patterson, we told you a countless number of times that wallabie got stuck on nades during on the turkish map. But we didn't complain because we knew that the outcome would stand.
And another thing, walla got stuck when you hadn't killed any of us yet, but you got stuck when I had already sniped one of your guys. ::) Every kill counts in a cb.

Well, I would like to say to Sjaky and Freecheese, I enjoyed playing with both of you, and thank you for taking charge and calming patt down during the game.


P.S. No one camped in the cb---ever.  :D