*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => Cocobolo Mods => Topic started by: Jimbo on December 09, 2002, 05:55:55 pm

Title: Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 09, 2002, 05:55:55 pm
Well, if some1 havent seen (or heard) some of the problems i found latley, then tell me if they do excist at all!

Well the probs r:

Ak-47 sounds like a bird in single fire!!!!
And so does the FAL rifle, in both burst and single fire (auto sounds normal tho)

Some weapons r wrongly placed on the body, when having them stored, such as the Rocket luancher (AT-7 i think), and the Micro Uzis!

Btw Im running on Gr1 1.4....if that makes n e diffrence!?

And also, this mod really rocks, I thank all of u who made this....Good job ;D

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Raven2367 on December 09, 2002, 10:13:12 pm
like a bird rotfl.
thats a bug to remember!!

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 09, 2002, 10:44:14 pm
Yeah, it does, i dont no why!?

is there n e way for me 2 fix it???

coz i cant stand it! >:(

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Raven2367 on December 09, 2002, 11:39:01 pm
I can emagine walking around on a battlefield with a tweeting gun. there wouldnt be a war. all the enemys will be rotfl.

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Cocobolo on December 10, 2002, 10:49:13 pm
I am aware of this bug, but the problem is that not everybody get this... My copy works great, save for a few small sound issues which do not include any animal sounds...

Cobra, think you could maybe rename the sounds for the fal and ak, as well as the non-sd sr-47, then run them back through the process and create a new effects file? I don't know what it is with them but it may have something to do with the fact that they still have the default names.

As for the weapon positioning when slung, I am aware of a couple of problems which wll be solved shortly, as time permits, lol ;)

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 11, 2002, 05:36:05 pm
Thank u Coco for understanding, but is there a way i could fix it by myself? like change a name or so on the sound file?

and oh,  Raven, ill shove those bird sounds up ur ass, but u will proboly enjoy it :o

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Raven2367 on December 11, 2002, 09:52:26 pm
lol sorry, man  ;D

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Cocobolo on December 12, 2002, 12:47:45 am
Sure, you could go into the .gun file of a weapon that you like the sounds from (in the equip folder), and cut/paste the part of the gun file which lists the sounds into the AK's file. It's really that easy, I don't have an example handy right now but I can provide one if you need it.

Also, let's keep it civilized around here, I don't think Raven was trying to offend. And Raven, if somebody's asking for help and you can't offer any, please don't crack jokes until AFTER the question is answered, lol

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 12, 2002, 08:50:04 am
Yea, im sorry for that, 2 both of ya...

Thanx agian Coco, ill try and c if it will help,

I just love this mod so much, i want it 2 go perfect u no, well

Peace out

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 12, 2002, 09:07:47 am
hmmm, i dont get it, how shall i do with the sounds now...

I dont no were 2 put them in, and were 2 get them from...


Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Cobra6 on December 12, 2002, 04:57:18 pm
Here is what I would do. Copy the sound files to your dektop. Save them under a different name. use Igor to add the sounds to the weapons that are not working correctly. You can follow my tutorial about adding sounds to GR, just ignor the part about using Goldwave. Here is the link.

BTW...hook me up with all the weapons that are not working correctly and I will make a patch for you. ;D

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Jimbo on December 12, 2002, 06:48:02 pm
Thank u Cobra, i checked out ur tourtials, and i havent tried 2 fix it yet, but i will soon.

well, its just the Unsilecned Ak-47 and the Israelie FAL rifle, thats just it...

Thanx again

Peace out

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Cocobolo on December 12, 2002, 06:58:58 pm
Thanx Cob, I'll shoot ya a list.

Title: Re:Erm, some probs
Post by: Raven2367 on December 12, 2002, 09:09:13 pm
ok i'll keep that in mind for the future
sorry to everybody i offended. truly sorry!