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*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: Typhy on December 08, 2002, 09:10:58 am

Title: |?K| vs AgT
Post by: Typhy on December 08, 2002, 09:10:58 am
 For anyone who hasn't yet seen, AK has defeated AgT, in a 4v4 RS CB, by a score of 5-4-1. I'm starting this topic because some amazing things took place in this CB. From Typhy 4 kills, to a 12 minute, 8 second game.

AK is ahead of AgT 2-1. The map is City Street Large. Rapid snipes, gets himself 1, and dies, 5150 dies from a nade on the stairs, Monk is wounded, and Typhy is hurt from the nade. We set up a camp type set in the upper room at CSL. Little did we know, that Cossack, the remaining AgT did the same, in the gold base. After about 2 minutes of that, Monk noticed that the timer was on, and called for assault. We located Cossack, Monk rushed him and was killed, just as I was setting up a prefire flank, the time ran out. We agreed that the game would be redone.

The next "odd" thing, would go to the final game, 4-4-1, AgT has gold at Canals on Rapid's host. After an all out hold-the-area type defend style by Rapid, Typhy, Monk and 5150, Rapid and 5150 were killed. Monk and Typhy were both injured. We then set up a team base set, with Monk covering my back. After about 8 minutes of that, I asked my bro for the time, he told me "10:42", I said "Tell me when it's 10:50, and I'm going to go find this guy". At 10:46 Cossack busted in, and was taked down by myself.

This is not my style of winning, I like close combat, room to room fighting, however, I knew Cossack had C4, and with a gimp, and hardly able to move, I knew I had no chance.

I think both clans realized how important this CB would be to the overall outcome of the Battle League. It was an exellently played CB, a bit of camping that I disliked, but overall a very good CB.

My honest opinion, win or lose, I had fun. And had we lost, who better to lose to than the Agency? Had they won, they would've deserved it, they played great, as did we.

Great CB guys.


Very tired, pardon spelling errors.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: Mattster on December 08, 2002, 03:04:31 pm
Awww i wish you had waited for me, lol. Great job anyways.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: BTs_Colin on December 08, 2002, 06:38:01 pm
Typhy why did you neglect to mention getting owned with a single shot G3A3 while standing still with a PDW in the tunnels?


Definetly a great CB however I believe there are changes needing to be made in the way CB's themselves are setup. I know its always controversial but something needs to be done about the camping, and I really think eliminating HBS would be a major thing.

As they are now CB's are intense but its too easy to set up HBS in a room and camp. Also perhaps map selection could be setup to elimate camping maps.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: Typhy on December 08, 2002, 07:33:09 pm
 I disagree, its the job of the clan to jam them. I'll give away the set we used that time, since we'll never use it again; it was a simple jammer set. No HB's involved. You'll find that we never used HB's in that CB, just jammers.

Now now Colin, lets keep that G3A3 thing our little secret? Ok? ;)

I do agree with the map thing. Thats why we chose the simple map of City Street Large as our map. When it came to Canals ( one of my worst maps ), I think that neither clan had much of a choice. We'd come out and fight to an injury, then go set up a 'camp' set.

Cossack showed that he has more honor than most of us. ;) He's the one who finally gave up his camp, to rush me and Monk; I thank him for that.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: Agent Wallabie on December 08, 2002, 07:46:51 pm
  Congrats AK for the win   :)

   Wallie  (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/icon_bluh.gif)

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: BTs_Colin on December 08, 2002, 08:11:36 pm

I didn't mean to suggest you guys set up camp with HBS's as that was not the case. That said, saying you used no HBS is bs I destroyed a SA HBS myself.

I just don't think that HBS is adding anything to the game, especcialy to the BL.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: Mattster on December 08, 2002, 11:50:00 pm
Colin, maybe that SA HBS was your own teams? Ever think of that?

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on December 09, 2002, 12:12:57 am
I've always hated HBS stuff. I find it to be cheap. I never have and never will use it. I think it should be banned. If they are gonna ban 3rd person, then HBS is just as bad.

3rd person was put in the game. So don't use the excuse "But Myst, HBS was put in the game".

HBS takes no skill to use or operate. Without HBS camping will be alot harder. With it being harder, less people will.

And typh, I thought you never camp?

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: BTs_Colin on December 09, 2002, 01:29:11 am
Colin, maybe that SA HBS was your own teams? Ever think of that?

It was in their base. Perhaps you are right though  ;)

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: .vooDoo. on December 09, 2002, 03:18:29 am
wish I was around more to help my comrades. good  job to all, it sounds like it was a fun cb.

Title: Re:|?K| vs AgT
Post by: Typhy on December 09, 2002, 03:33:45 am
 Must've been your own teams there, Colin; I know that my team was Jammers. My opinion of HB's, they're part of the game, and they add a lot to it, jammer sets, etc.

VooDoo, even without you, your team played great; you should be very proud of them.