*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 06:58:46 pm

Title: So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 06:58:46 pm
 :(uNt:jeb: beware of the unis mod
|?K|*R?p?d?*: word
:(uNt:jeb: and aimbots
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: cheaters
(uNt Bungholio 0: typhy = cheating
:(uNt:jeb: they cheat bamm

Kinda sad, yesterday I was accused of having an aimbot, a uniform mod, a heartbeat jammer mod. Aimbot 3 times, uni mod once, and HB Jammer mod once.

:(uNt:jeb: since he doesn't even play GHR - I on the other hand, do play GhR and could own you anytime. ( Just thought I'd randomly throw that in ) ;)

:(uNt:jeb: alot of the people i say no to end up trying to join ak
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lmao @ jeb's pathetic comment to feel better about
|?K|*R?p?d?*: name one person that's an AK that asked to be a CUNT
(he doesn't answer)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: exactly.

Heh, Jeb's comments there remind me of |OS| Godfather's back in September, ( "I've told people no, who you've let in"  ) Just look at the difference, OS became an average clan, AK became one of the best clans. Cunt is what I'd call a below average clan. You just make up totaly random lies, so much that you say is total bullshit.

(uNt:jeb: and if you want to win
B?mm - RnT: elec  who u mean
|?K|*R?p?d?*: now you're claiming Typhy cheats cuz he's 13 and owns
:(uNt:jeb: camp

Jeb telling RnT to camp against us, since thats the only he and his sucky clan would ever have a chance to lose 6-1 instead of 6-0.

Basically, Jeb attempted to make up as many bullshit lies as he could, trying to get RnT to not CB us, I hope they're able to see through his lies. I am posting here, because I want to see what Jeb and Ejo have to say, I want to see their explainations.  

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 23, 2002, 10:02:27 pm
Typhy. Don't start a flamewar again you lame ass... Frankly, I doubt there is an aimbot for Mac, and Ejo/Rob/Jeb say they have these "aimbots" all the time (its their mouse/skills) Learn to take a fucking joke.


Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 10:13:31 pm
 Ben, I'm not trying to get a flame war, I am asking for an explaination as to what the hell this is all about? I am sitting on GamerAnger, and then I see all this crap, "Typhy cheats", "Don't CB AK, they cheat". I don't give a fucking shit if it may be a joke. It may scare clans away that were going to CB it. All that Jeb does is lie. I want to see him come on and explain it. I'm sure that if I did it, the BL admins would find some lame reason to ban me from the battle league. Thats just how it goes.

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: ?(uNt? PY.bs! on November 23, 2002, 10:40:31 pm
Typhy...because you start flame wars. Most of the time when someone says you cheat (or anyone else) they're genearlly joking. I suggest you take it as a joke and don't make a big issure out of it.


Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 10:52:00 pm
 Pyrex, and anyone else who says something dumb like that, I don't like being called a cheater. Thats one thing that I hate. You guys can joke around about it all that you want, but when someone comes onto GamerAnger and calls you and your clan cheaters, its your right to take offense to it. I know that Ultimo doesn't consider Mike TOO accusing KoS of cheating a joke. Jeb's shown that he does think that we cheat, the reason of course is because he sucks, and we can own him anytime. He had about a 10 minute convorsation, and about 2/3 of what he said were lies. When you get accused of cheating 5 times in one day, by 5 different people, then perhaps you'll understand. The reason that I brought it into the forums was because I hate people talking about me when I can't be there to defend myself.  

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Jeb on November 23, 2002, 11:03:12 pm
typhy you weren't there, and the chatlog is completely out of context. There were 2 noobs that ejo and i were fucking with, then rapid starts talking about a cb, so why not bs them more.

I'm not sure what your trying to acomplish by posting that, and for all care you can knock yourself out trying to come up with excuses for why we said that.
oh, and your gonna have to try a lot harder to start a flamewar.

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 11:23:28 pm
 No Jeb, thats not the whole chat log. I posted the important parts, the whole thing, if you want it: << B?mm - RnT has joined the room >>
B?mm - RnT: cb?????
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I'd love to
|?K|*R?p?d?*: but no |?K|'s here now
|?K|*R?p?d?*: we'll do it sunday bamm if you're down to CB
B?mm - RnT: ok l8r
:(uNt:jeb: they cheat bamm
B?mm - RnT: cb anytime ok
:(uNt:jeb: beware of the unis mod
|?K|*R?p?d?*: word
:(uNt:jeb: and aimbots
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lmao
B?mm - RnT: we can check cheats after game
B?mm - RnT:  i know how
|?K|*R?p?d?*: stfu jeb with your fucken lies
:(uNt:jeb: ok
B?mm - RnT: if cheat itl be posted
<< MacMan.OS X? - RnT has joined the room >>
|?K|*R?p?d?*: spreading hatrid as usual...
:(uNt:jeb: just make sure
|?K|*R?p?d?*: fucken dork...
:(uNt:jeb: you never know
B?mm - RnT: weve cbd ak b4   it was    ok
|?K|*R?p?d?*: bamm, we dont cheat, we never cheated and we're against
cheating in any way.
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: cheaters
|?K|*R?p?d?*: jeb is full of shit and just a hater
B?mm - RnT: ok rap
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: lol
(uNt Bungholio 0: typhy
|?K|*R?p?d?*: so dont listen to his stupid ass
B?mm - RnT: yo mac
(uNt Bungholio 0: = cheating
B?mm - RnT: sup
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: hello
(uNt Bungholio 0: ak - typhy
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: nuffin much
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: they like to pull bs at the last minute of the cb
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lmao bung
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: so beware
:(uNt:jeb: yeah
:(uNt:jeb: make sure their hds don't index
:(uNt:jeb: and if you want to win
B?mm - RnT: elec  who u mean
|?K|*R?p?d?*: now you're claiming Typhy cheats cuz he's 13 and owns
:(uNt:jeb: camp
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: hmm yes, i once saw them cheat a cow over the moon
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: AK
(uNt Bungholio 0: everyone likes to pullout late
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: was "omg"
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: how?
:(uNt:jeb: pulling out late only = babies
(uNt Bungholio 0: typhy got banned for cheating....
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: yep
|?K|*R?p?d?*: no he didnt
:(uNt:jeb: yeah
B?mm - RnT: well cheats are 4 pussys  we nr 1 no cheatin     ha
:(uNt:jeb: and lies
|?K|*R?p?d?*: he thought he knew a rule
:(uNt:jeb: he is such a forum whore
:(uNt:jeb: he knows all the rules
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: Bamm, lets not mingle in this mud throwing contest
|?K|*R?p?d?*: he became a forum whore when he got banned from GR.
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: it'll do no good
|?K|*R?p?d?*: so you're wrong again jeb
B?mm - RnT: ya mac
B?mm - RnT: ur right
|?K|*R?p?d?*: just stfu jeb
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: he woulds till be a forum whore

::Random Chat and then this::

:(uNt:jeb: alot of the people i say no to end up trying to join ak
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lmao @ jeb's pathetic comment to feel better about
|?K|*R?p?d?*: name one person that's an AK that asked to be a CUNT
(he doesn't answer)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: exactly.
:(uNt:jeb: well most of the members have since left ak
:(uNt:jeb: because your the best clan leader in history
|?K|*R?p?d?*: who the fuck is "most"
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you cant name one
|?K|*R?p?d?*: other than your whore flatliner who was only a trainee
:(uNt:jeb: there have been others who ended up in your clan who have
turned away from me
B?mm - RnT: close
|?K|*R?p?d?*: & that fool sucked ass
|?K|*R?p?d?*: who jeb
|?K|*R?p?d?*: name 1
|?K|*R?p?d?*: name only 1
:(uNt:jeb: why?
Zion?: omg
|?K|*R?p?d?*: cuz you dont have anybody
:(uNt:jeb: why do should i care
|?K|*R?p?d?*: always bullshitting
Pooner? (UK): i'm coming to the netherland mid next year
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you're such a dumbass who got caught in your lie
B?mm - RnT: yo cunt and ak go settle ur pms shiat in a diff room pls  
:(uNt:jeb: that is no lie
+-KoS-+ electronicjo: haha bamm
:(uNt:jeb: and you didn't catch me in anything
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lol bamm
|?K|*R?p?d?*: 0wn3d.
Zion?: big mess
|?K|*R?p?d?*: couldn't even name 1.
B?mm - RnT: :)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: straight 0wn3d.
:(uNt:jeb: i really don't care about rapid
:(uNt:jeb: since he doesn't even play GHR
(notice the subject change)
|?K|*R?p?d?*: just like in RS. But he won't CB us cuz he's so full of
|?K|*R?p?d?*: jeb the liar
|?K|*R?p?d?*: going at it
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I love it
|?K|*R?p?d?*: gonna have to save this
|?K|*R?p?d?*: this is great stuff
:(uNt:jeb: i'm glad you find such love in a internet chatroom rapid

End of part 1, please see part 2:

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 23, 2002, 11:23:55 pm
 Part 2: B?mm - RnT: lol
B?mm - RnT: ya
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I'm glad that you have to lie to be "cool internet dude"
|?K|*R?p?d?*: jeb the liar.
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lovely
B?mm - RnT: better then nutn
:(uNt:jeb: rapid, your 27, you live at home and you don't have a car
:(uNt:jeb: oh and your fat
|?K|*R?p?d?*: lmao
|?K|*R?p?d?*: and more lies
:(uNt:jeb: i could be in prison and be better of than you
|?K|*R?p?d?*: keep lying jeb the liar.
:(uNt:jeb: i could probly write my name on walls in prison also
:(uNt:jeb: much like you do
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I'm sure Mauti will love to see the way you lie to people
:(uNt:jeb: rapid, what did i lie about?
:(uNt:jeb: heh like mauti would take rapid seriously
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: :-P
:(uNt:jeb: back on ignore he goes
|?K|*R?p?d?*: you been lying
|?K|*R?p?d?*: all nite
|?K|*R?p?d?*: about me
MacMan.OS X? - RnT: nice rapid
|?K|*R?p?d?*: and you're a dumbass kid who needs to get off my case
|?K|*R?p?d?*: I got the nicest chat logs of all your lying
(uNt Bungholio 0: di he get the part where I said he tryed to join
(uNt Bungholio 0: thats cool
|?K|*R?p?d?*: bung, I know you're silly
:(uNt:jeb: ejo, does rapid think he is gonna get me introuble somehow?
|?K|*R?p?d?*: but jeb's an idiot who lies and then tries to argue that
doesn't lie by lying more.
B?mm - RnT: luv is in the air
:(uNt:jeb: i'm glad i gave rapid something to do
|?K|*R?p?d?*: it's like, who do you think you are saying we cheat and
uni mods and all this bs Jeb?  You need to stop lying to people trying
steer them to not CB us just because we owned you so badly and broke
ego of yours.

Full of totaly random lies.  

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: electronicjo on November 23, 2002, 11:38:18 pm
Hmm... what is there to explain about a joke?

I've been accused of cheating many MANY times. You don't see me posting this shit on the forums or forcing the situation to become a Battle League problem, which is obviously your intentions. "Your intentions" doesn't strictly refer to Typhy, but also Rapid. He DID supply the chat log, did he not?

I only see this as a weak attempt to get (unt and myself in trouble with the BL. In any case, this is extremely pointless and won't resolve in anything positive.

So then, I conclude with my finishing statement: cheaters!  ;D

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 24, 2002, 12:02:06 am
 Ah, I see another player who knows he can't beat us. ;) I don't appriciate being accused of cheating by people in the forum of telling a clan that we were going to CB that we cheat. I don't mind people calling me a cheater to my face, I hate being called a cheater when I'm not around. SNAFU, Walla, and Casper all accused me of having an aimbot yesterday, I didn't really care since they said it to my face, in the future, don't talk about me on GamerAnger please.

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Brain on November 24, 2002, 12:16:58 am

you never finished the aimbot you promised me. you didn't pull through on your end of the deal, so i'm exposing you for the cheating SOB you really are.
  i know for a fact that you cheated at rs (please, no 13 year old could have skilz that good. i know you had to be running an aim bot, an armor bot, and an ammo bot at LEAST) and i wouldnt be suprised if the same happened in ghost recon.

now, where's my damned aimbot!?!

p.s. where did you find the uni mod, i'd like one too

(yes, for those  of you who cant tell, this is a JOKE. as far as i know typhy never cheated, ever. well, maybe that one time... ;))

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 24, 2002, 12:34:10 am
Typhy, you really need to calm down man. I read over the chatlog, and it's obvious they're just messing around with the newbies and trying to scare them. It wasn't until Rapid started getting ticked that they really started accusing you guys of cheating, but they weren't really being serious. Just busting balls, it looks like. Anyways, let Dr. Mellow prescribe you some Chill Pills. =D

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 24, 2002, 12:39:18 am
 Oh! Sorry Brain! Forgot! I'll send you the aimbot through AIM as soon as you get on! The uni mod? I'll send you that one too. It's great, makes it so that you can take like 50 shots! Mellow, I read that chatlog, and I really dislike the fact that they went on and on, RnT doesn't know us, they may have taken that seriously. I just really hate that.

Brain, I send you your aimbot ASAP! ;)

Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 24, 2002, 01:04:38 am
LOL, the out of context chat log made them look serious, but the whole chat log made them look like they were joking the whole time.. Typhy just proved their point; it was all a joke. Now admin, lock this thread?


Title: Re:So all of the sudden I'm a cheater? Ejo? Jeb? Bung?
Post by: Typhy on November 24, 2002, 01:19:26 am
 One more post, then I'll lock it myself. I still don't consider it a joke. Perhaps if I send in a screen shot and get someone ban from GamerAnger, that'd be a joke too? There is a difference between a good joke, and one that effects people in a negative way, which this did. Rapid had obviously made it clear that he didn't like being called a cheater, and you kept on going on and on about it, there are some newer clans that wouldn't have battled us because you called us cheaters. In the future, none of that. - This thread is now locked.