*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: Flame on 7.5.5 on November 22, 2002, 10:15:46 pm

Title: OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Flame on 7.5.5 on November 22, 2002, 10:15:46 pm
Whenever I switch to os9, my comp seems to work, then when I open somehting java or something like that, it crashes. Then when I restart it, theres a litle folder with a question mark on it. So here I am, waiting 4 hours for TechTool? Deluxe to finish fixing my harddrive. Any ideas why it keeps crashing? I do have a lot of time to kill?

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Jeb on November 23, 2002, 12:04:08 am
IF you getting the questionmark at startup that usualy means that your system folder can't be found. Get the cd that came with the computer and boot from that by holding the C key down at startup. Make sure you have the system folder named correctly. Then go to startup disk and choose your system folder (if you see it) and reboot.
If that doesn't work lay down the reinstall.

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Flame on 7.5.5 on November 23, 2002, 12:29:19 am
Er, which cd would that be?

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: .vooDoo. on November 23, 2002, 01:09:12 am
the software install cd that came with the machine u bought.

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Jeb on November 23, 2002, 01:18:52 am
the os9 install cd or whatever. its not the restore cds though

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Flame on 7.5.5 on November 23, 2002, 01:21:40 am
When I do that, they ask if I want to initialize the Harddrive.

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Jeb on November 23, 2002, 03:08:40 am
NOT the restore cds
use the os9 install cd

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Flame on 7.5.5 on November 23, 2002, 04:21:42 am
Ya, I know, with the os9 install cd, it says that my harddrive is unreadable, and if i should intialize it. Same with the applecare diagnostics cd, which I'm using now.

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Jeb on November 23, 2002, 10:57:42 am
well the good news is that your hd shows up, the bad news is that your hd does sound fucked up. Sometimes its just best to reformate your worries away, but then you loose all of your porn, porn site passwords, modded unis files, and blackmail pictures of cringe.
Try getting tech tool to fix it, and if that fails reformat. You might want to look into a utilitie called "diskwarrior" which basicaly makes sure the HD doesn't fuck up.

Title: Re:OS9 keeps crashing?WTF?
Post by: Flame on November 23, 2002, 01:54:34 pm
Ok, I got it fixed using TechTool? Deluxe, but I really wanna know WHY it keeps crashing like this, but only on os9, not ever on jag.