*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => *DAMN Battle League(*DBL) => Topic started by: MainMaN on November 17, 2002, 08:51:43 pm

Title: ?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: MainMaN on November 17, 2002, 08:51:43 pm
yo yo yo, wtf is up wit Cwu after rabid promising 2 be in FBI he joined rip, now made a clan called CwU which i dont know what stands for but "Clan whores United" fits pretty well.. what do u think?

 ::) :P

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Jeb on November 17, 2002, 11:34:59 pm
if my count is correct, and i think it is,
rabid was in 4 clans after FBI, and before CWU,  ;D

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: *NADS Lo$eMoney on November 18, 2002, 01:19:13 am
There should seriously be a rule prohibitting people from joining 20 clans in one season.

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Flame on November 18, 2002, 01:52:48 am
Well, we thought of that lm, after rabid made KoA.

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Jeb on November 18, 2002, 02:38:24 am
yes while i like CWU, i still liked UN, they were the best Noob clan in history. Simply because there were people in that clan (ghr clan) who didn't have the game, or the demo.

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Da? Rabid on November 18, 2002, 05:00:38 am
omg MM ?c.w.u? is not a noob clan myst is leader and I'm #2-#3 in command. I left RiP because it was dying. I think Nh left. Vapor is a jackass to me and all that there was left was DarkDestiny and Cobra so it was dying. so don't give me such a fucking hard time. Pwned  ::) (http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/uzi.gif)

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 18, 2002, 05:32:01 am
Rabid, you are a newbie. It is called a newbie clan because it was just started. I don't know you, and you probably don't know me, but that is how it goes.

From what I have seen, you are a fucking clan whore, plain and simple. Stick with one damn clan and see it through.

As for the BL mods, I suggest punishing him (i.e. suspension from BL, etc.) if he is with a new clan anytime soon.

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Idle Eyes on November 18, 2002, 07:02:57 am
wow Rabid, I thought you were leader of |?K|, and now you're just a clan whore, what has become of you...  

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Typhy on November 18, 2002, 07:14:12 am
 LoL, Idle Eyes, Rapid is the leader of AK. Just a link for you all: http://www.irunx.com/ak/RabidTheNoob.html

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: .vooDoo. on November 18, 2002, 08:14:20 am
I think that next season there should be some sort of rule.(or if Mauti wants to implement one now, wink wink ;)) People like rabid join clan after endless clan and start up a noob clan every couple weeks then leaving it because it doesnt do well.  Untill there is a rule to be had there is nothing that we can do.  I will say that I will not except anymore of his clan applications. ;D

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Jeb on November 18, 2002, 08:37:23 am
the idle eyes thing seems interesting because rapid constanty spams a link proclaiming rabid is a noob because their names are similar. But its pretty obvious who is a AK, and who is in the clan of the week  ;).

Not that rabid isn't a nice guy, its just that the clan whoring has grown quite a bit.
One person being in more than 2 clans durring the season is enough to posibly merrit a suspension from cbs.

But it seems that the issue of how the GHR ladder will work is more important than clan whoring.

and one other thing, mattster who spent a long time proclaiming that he isn't a clan whore, and lied about how long he was in TF6, has now joined CWU in true clan whore style  ;D

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: |MP|Cringe on November 19, 2002, 04:42:41 pm
This is such bs. Already Infection has gotten so annoyed with ppl like Rabid, who join/create an unholy amount of clans in a really short time, that he will probably try to find out if theres a way to ban a specific person from the battle league. Also, he goes through the trouble of getting his latest clan registered in the bl, and then leaves and lets it die, creating more work for the mods and admins here (Now, after they just spent the time to add the dumb clan, they have to go and remove it and all the cb results related to that clan.)

(http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~damnr6/yabbse/YaBBImages/wallbash.gif) Can't you just see the smiley going "God-Damn-I-Hate-Clan-Whores" as he bangs his head against the wall? lol

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: *DAMN Snake on November 20, 2002, 02:36:40 am
lmao cringe, i think we should punish rabid... and admins agree? or disagree? post below...

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: 0 Kilz:M: on November 20, 2002, 01:13:55 pm
Finally, Matt and Rabid make their own clan....now the children can play together and I can stop the babysitting. Oh, and see rabid, this is why I never made you a new armpatch, I knew you would be gone faster than I could make one, sucka!

Adios Chumpzilla's

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: Mattster on November 21, 2002, 11:12:09 pm
I didnt "make" cwu, i was just heping them own a bit, just helping them out. And Kilzo just stop being a bitch and stop crying becaus i left TF6 - it has turned into a  GhR only clan so i left.

GhR suxxorz,

Title: Re:?c.w.u? (Clan Whores United)
Post by: BTs_Mysterio on November 28, 2002, 02:13:23 am
Ok, let's clear all this up so we can lock the topic. CWU was a joke I STARTED. It wasn't to be taken seriously. Unfortunatly, Rabid took it a bit too seriously. I didn't start CWU for him to say, "Look at me, I'm in CWU. We own you!". or for a real quote:

omg MM ?c.w.u? is not a noob clan myst is leader and I'm #2-#3 in command. I left RiP because it was dying. I think Nh left. Vapor is a jackass to me and all that there was left was DarkDestiny and Cobra so it was dying. so don't give me such a fucking hard time. Pwned


I hate seeing dead topics dragged on. I love the thought that one of my creations caused thsi much hype, but this is a bit extensive.

So please, Mr. Admin out there, lock this topic. There's another topic on clan whoring in general now.

One more tiem for those people who didnt see my bold text at the begining of this post, (listen up kilzo) Mat didn't start CWU. Rabid didn't start CWU. Mysterio started Clan Whores United. AND it was a joke. It WASN'T serious.

End of discussion