*DAMN R6 Forum

*DAMN R6 Community => General Gossip => Topic started by: tasty on November 15, 2002, 08:21:21 pm

Title: ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: tasty on November 15, 2002, 08:21:21 pm
well looks like the advent of ghost recon has pretty much killed rogue spear. i mean, its by no means dead but you can see the signs quite clearly.games have already dwindled from the numbers that were once being hosted. it seems that the battle league has lost the popularity it once had as well, with very few battles being recorded compared to previous seasons and with many of the most powerful clans hardly CBing at all. although rogue spear was lame, ghost recon looks like it is 4x as lame? oh well, ive seen raven shield on PC and it fuxxing pwns. so in other words?


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Shade on November 15, 2002, 08:42:30 pm
I miss my rs and ghost recon is nowhere near as fun. the game that I am waiting for though is doom 3, and yes I do have a pc. IT IS SO DAMN REAL, I know an official tester and have seen the  alpha.... and omg its so real its scary

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Typhy on November 15, 2002, 08:42:33 pm
 Well, I don't think that RS will die to a sucky game like Ghost Recon, I think that the reason that popularity has decreased is because Ghost Recon is the new game, after a while, it will come down to a split between the two. This won't be like RS vs R6, because RS is far better than R6, where as Ghost Recon isn't as good as RS in the minds of many people including myself.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 15, 2002, 09:05:19 pm
Well, I am hooked on the Raven Shield DEMO for PC...can't wait for the full game to come out!

Oh yeah...I predicted this would happen a while back once Ghost Recon finally came to the Mac - it is simply a superior game.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: *DAMN Mauti on November 15, 2002, 09:15:12 pm
It is very fun to see that many RS guys talk about GR the same way as we,many R6 vets, talked about RS when it was released. Typhys post makes me cry:

"This won't be like RS vs R6, because RS is far better than R6"

Oh no I have to disagree wholeheartly because RS was never the same for me as R6 was(True R6 vets will probably agree). However I must say Ghost Recon is the game for me that Rogue Spear should have been. I love Ghost Recon: the single player missions are so great and I love the realism in it(played through the single player campaign in 2 days - now I am proning around in Desert Siege) .

Of course it isn't a R6 game at all, it's more a war simulation, but the point is it is as fun as R6.

Have a nice day,

(p.s.: this post shows only my opinion)

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: kos.viper on November 15, 2002, 09:19:05 pm
Ghost Recon has a different playing style than RS, which is quite obvious if you have played Ghost Recon yet.  The only reason I'm back playing on GR is due to the fact that GhR actually works through OS X and RS doesn't....

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Ace on November 15, 2002, 10:57:12 pm
Hmm, now that I have heard Mauti thinks it is a good game, I may have to put down JK2 and play some GhR demo. As an old R6 player, I have been somewhat hesitant because I have heard a lot of people calling GhR a more advanced version of RS when as most R6 players like Mauti and myself thought RS paled in comparison to R6. I do find it funny how some people are sticking till their RS till they die like some of us clung to R6.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Bondo on November 16, 2002, 01:30:56 am
I was perhaps the most extreme example of that.  I played like 20 games of RS and then sold it.  But I too think GhR is an improvement over RS...don't know when I'll manage to pick it up...maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas or my birthday.  Maybe the whole thing skips generations...so the RS people will love RaSh and we will hate it.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 16, 2002, 03:01:09 am
Typhy... you're smoking something. RS is not CLOSE as good as R6 was. R6 fucking owned. Ahhh... I remember the days of playing with mauti and bondo... I still can't remember ace though... I remember bander... the jn's... ace..... where's ace... Ahh well...

What really sucks for me: my crappy computer can't run ghr, and i just tried with two different downloads on my moms laptop, it can't run it either (crashes whenever i try to click multiplayer... and single player is non-existant)... So I guess I won't be joining you ghr's for a while :(


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Flame on November 16, 2002, 03:07:20 am
GhR is a totally different type of game then RS, and it is an improvement over RS, esp. with the new respawn thing. Except there are a few things wrong with it, like you can't boot in a game (at least i dont think you could), can't see the pings (same again), and other stuff. Also, people get a new comp, don't complain if you can't play ghr if you're under the limit. I think that the limit was lowered a bit from the original so other comps could play, but if you have like 233Mhz, or a crappy video card don't complain. Get new stuff (comp, vid card, etc.), or dont complain!


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Typhy on November 16, 2002, 09:34:25 am
 No, no, no, and no again. RS is better than R6 by far. Another reason that I don't expect RS to die, is GhR is much different from RS, than RS is from R6. I think it will be a pretty clean split between the two. I'd expect slightly more players on the Ghost Recon side of things.  

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Bondo on November 16, 2002, 03:40:19 pm
No, no, no, and no again. RS is better than R6 by far. Another reason that I don't expect RS to die, is GhR is much different from RS, than RS is from R6. I think it will be a pretty clean split between the two. I'd expect slightly more players on the Ghost Recon side of things.  

Typhy, shush now...by official decree of Mauti in this thread, R6 is superior to RS ;).

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 16, 2002, 08:44:50 pm
Dude... R6 pwnerizes RS... Heh. No doubt. No questions asked. Period. Exclamation mark. Mauti knows all dude... R6 takes so much more skill then RS. And RS is dead dude. Slowly dying, but dying none the less. It's exactly what happenned to R6 when RS came. RS was "different" and "gay"... Yet everyone left for it.

Flame, feel free to buy me a new computer.


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 16, 2002, 10:04:51 pm
Well, Rogue Spear might be dying...but in a couple years you can have fun with it again when R63:Raven Shield finally hits the Mac. Raven Shield is the be all, end all game...and I have only played the demo! It even has a favorite map (but enhanced) CSL. Well, I shouldn't be telling you this because you guys will have to wait a couple more years  ;)

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 17, 2002, 02:57:36 am
You lucky bastard. I saw Raven Shield available for DL at fileplanet. I wanna hear all about it!


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: PsYcO aSsAsSiN on November 17, 2002, 03:23:22 am
I'll take some screenshots of the new CSL (now called "street") and the startup screen...links will be up soon.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Typhy on November 17, 2002, 06:12:56 am
 Yeah, I've been checking out some of those screen shots of the new "Street", looks great. I just had some extremely enjoyable games on my Alaskan LAN server ( Deticated ), 3v3 with my brother and some other people. My opinion of Ghost Recon goes back on forth. I think it really depends on the map. About RS vs R6... Never mind, I think Mauti and Bondo are plotting to delete a few hundred posts if I say anything more on that.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: KoS Ultimo on November 17, 2002, 06:13:43 am
How can they make an improved csl and not call is csl. I don't wanna hear about streets, I wanna hear about csl !!!!

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 17, 2002, 06:29:43 am
Ahah. No csl is better then r6 csl. RS csl sucked so bad.


Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Casper on November 17, 2002, 06:38:45 am
Bah I hate how long it takes for games to convert to mac :(...
Time to Play on my pc :)....

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: ?c.w.u? Rabid on November 17, 2002, 09:05:26 am
nah RS isn't dead I still see alot of people playing it. GhRD sucks I'm sticking with RS till I get full. I like RS better becaue I like swat team but if I wanted to play a army game I would play GhR.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Bondo on November 17, 2002, 03:50:46 pm
Well...that is certainly a relief that the clan whores aren't game whores as well.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: Mr.Mellow on November 17, 2002, 11:31:46 pm
hah! Err anyhoo..I don't see how you can compare GhR to RS and R6. GhR is not a sequel in the R6 series, while RS was. GhR is a tactical war simulation, while R6/RS is a tactical..uh..terrorist..killing game..in..close quarters(TTKGiCQ). The only thing similar between GhR and the R6 series is that they're both Tom Clancy games, and that they're tactical first-person shooters. That does make them pretty similar, except for..a lot of things. JUST TAKE MY WORD ON IT DAMMIT! Oh, and to the people who whine about the lack of CQB in GhR: Go back to RS then. GhR isn't meant to have loads of CQB, it's more..tactical. So, if you want to play a game where all you do is sidestep and shoot, play RS or R6. Yes, R6 pwns RS. No matter how good a sequel is, it's never as good as the original, even if the sequel is the most amazing thing you'll ever play..simply because the original is the..original. Not to mention R6 is more fun (3 shot burst pwns in R6) Ugh, my mind is a human wasteland today, so I'll shut up now.

Title: Re:ahaha, rogue spear is dead
Post by: (SiX)Ben on November 18, 2002, 03:51:42 am
Nice Bondo :)..

Mellow, I don't think people were comparing the two, just deciding which to play/stick with... Oh, and I do believe your right... R6 does pwn RS! Oh, and they are more similar then you think. The main difference is one is for more sniping, the other for rushing. Man, first persons hooter games are going so downhill in CQC, R6 is the best CQC, then came RS (not so good) and now ghr (basically none)... Wow!


Title: RS 0wn5 All! GhR and R6 are about the same
Post by: -Bodacious- on November 18, 2002, 04:13:52 am
Well, R6 Graphics are too ancient, which is why I don't see it even comparing to RS at all, but it does have the basic idea, which is where RS came from.  GhR is the same.  I play lots of GhRD now and find that it's 2 different tactical games.  One has more Sniping and the other has more CQB.  In the end, they both have both! lol!  So it's just what you get used to more, or how some put it, which ones you "PWN" at.  RS is still very competitive and it won't die any day soon.  Of course there is the day for RavenShield?...  Then all games are pretty much, dead.  8)